Core vaccination: Rules for conducting, when and how many times in life do adults make?

Core vaccination: Rules for conducting, when and how many times in life do adults make?

The schedule of vaccination, indications, contraindications, side effects after measles vaccine.

Core vaccination is currently the most popular and sensational. The fact is that in 2016, for the current period, outbreaks of this ailment are observed around the world. In the article we will tell you when and with what frequency it is necessary to make measles vaccine.

Core vaccination to adults, when to do it?

Adults usually do not make measles from measles. Vaccination is carried out twice in life in one year, and at 6 years. It is believed that two vaccines are enough to develop immunity.

Core vaccination to adults:

  • However, there are times when adults are very worried or in contact with the patient. If the child is ill, while you are worried that you can pick up a similar virus, you can come to the clinic and get used to it. Now, vaccinations for adults are made in all clinics absolutely free.
  • How to check if there is an immunity to measles? You can do an analysis for immunoglobulin, with the designationLG. This will tell about whether some antibodies have been preserved in the body with respect to measles. 
  • Often, people who travel for a long time outside the country oblige these vaccinations. On the website of each country you can find a list of vaccinations that are mandatory.
  • There are such states to which at the entrance it is necessary to provide a document that you have made measles vaccine. An adult is usually made two injections. Immediately the first, and the second after 28 days. It is believed that after receiving the second injection, a person produces one hundred percent immunity.

Caria vaccination is useless?

Until 2000 and in the USSR, a vaccine was carried out, which contained weakened Corey virus cells. In 2000, they made an improved vaccine, uniting several. Now this is a vaccine from measles, rubella and mumps. Accordingly, no one does a separate vaccine from measles.

Core vaccination is useless or not:

  • The weakened virus is introduced along with the cells of rubella and mumps. In 2018, the number of sick people increased significantly. This is due to active propaganda against vaccination and due to the release of the 1998 publication article. One of the doctors has published an article that 12 children fell ill with autism due to measles vaccinations.
  • Later they refuted the article, and the doctor was deprived of the license. Many believe that this is a worldwide conspiracy, and vaccinations intended to kill people, and not help them. However, if you carefully evaluate the people who are sick with measles in some countries, the result becomes obvious.
  • In the United States, these are immigrants from Sweden, in Italy it is gypsies, and in other European countries these are people who have a low social status of an educational level. Usually these are citizens who are not able to vaccinate, or are not registered at all in the clinic.
  • Most often, these categories of the population become carriers of the disease. Many will say that among the sick measles there are many vaccinated people. Yes, this is true, because the vaccination only by 85-95% protects against the disease. No one will ever give a 100 % guarantee that you will not get a disease. 
  • In 2016, only 46% of the measles from the measles were vaccinated in Ukraine, while the necessary level of vaccination for protection should be 95%. The more people avoid vaccination, the higher the probability of flashes. As experience shows, 85% of people who are sick with measles are not vaccinated and do not have immunity to the disease.
Baby and doctor
Baby and doctor

Core vaccination schedule during life: Table

The vaccination itself contains a weakened measles virus, or rather, its protein. When entering the body, antibodies are produced in it. In the future, a person will not get measles at all, and if he gets sick, he will transfer it much easier and faster than a patient who avoided vaccination.

Curial vaccination schedule during life:

  • Vaccination is carried out in two stages. Basically, the child is vaccinated per year, and at 6 years old. It is believed that two vaccines are quite enough in order to get immunity, and not get sick.
  • It is worth noting that the vaccine begins to operate 2 weeks after its implementation. That is, it is necessary exactly 14 days in order for the body to develop antibodies to the disease. Therefore, if the invasion occurs earlier, a person will not be able to adequately withstand the disease.
  • What is the danger of measles? This is one of the dangerous ailments, is a virus. When it enters the body, it hinders the reaction of the immune system, it becomes as if paralyzed. After that, the temperature rises in a person, redness appears in the throat, the rash spreads over the body.
  • The fact is that the virus has a large number of complications. These are mainly problems from the cardiovascular system. In some cases, hearing loss was noted, and problems with the musculoskeletal system. Often there is encephalitis and leukemia.
  • But most often the main danger is that the immune system refuses to work normally. A few years after the transfer of the disease, a person cannot even get sick of a cold, because he can die from her. This is due to that immunity is not able to fight even the simplest and most harmless diseases. 
Vaccination table
Vaccination table

Why does not core vaccination provide immunity?

The fact is that until 1980 the storage of vaccinations was in question. Not all of them were held correctly in the necessary conditions. To vaccinate measles, storage temperature indicators are very important. Indeed, at temperatures above + 8, the vaccine spoils. That is, it must usually be stored and transported at a temperature of +2 +8. In Soviet times, this was difficult to achieve, so some vaccines became virtually non -working, since the virus died before it enters the human body. 

Why does the measles vaccine does not provide immunity:

  • Are there any people whose body is not produced by antibodies? Yes, there is such a category of the population, but their percentage is very small, and is less than 5%.
  • Typically, the vaccine does not work due to improper storage and non-compliance with the temperature regime, which now happens extremely rare, due to the presence of special bags of refrigerators, and storage of vaccines in chambers with a low temperature in the clinic.
  • There are indicators on the vaccination bottles that indicate a suitable vaccine or not. If the indicator changes from one color to another, the nurse knows that such a vaccine must be disposed of, due to the fact that it is inactive and will be absolutely useless. 

Core vaccination: Contraindications

Core vaccination has a number of contraindications, among which you can distinguish the following: 

  • Diseases in the acute stage. That is, it is some kind of viral or bacterial ailment accompanied by high temperature. However, it is worth remembering that the red throat and runny nose are not contraindications to the procedure. 
  • Intolerance to some antibiotics. 
  • An allergic reaction to chicken protein. Scientists have proven that the substances that make up the vaccine are very similar to chicken protein in their composition. Therefore, an allergic reaction can occur to measles vaccine. 
  • Serious kidney and liver diseases.  
  • Immunodeficiency and reduction of immunity. People with HIV diseases, as well as AIDS, do not make measles from measles, because even such a weak intervention can cause death. 
Living vaccine
Living vaccine

Side effects from measles vaccine

After the procedure, side effects may occur. Most often, they are expressed in redness of the skin, the appearance of some insignificant rash. Usually it appears 3-7 days after the injection.

Side effects from measles vaccine:

  • In addition, minor sore throat or runny nose are observed. Usually they appear in a week or two, after vaccination. This indicates the development of immunity for the introduction of the Corey virus. 
  • Typically, vaccination is made in the left shoulder for adults. This is due to the fact that after the introduction of the vaccine, pain in the injection area may be observed for several days. Also, redness spreads in this zone, there may be slight edema or even a tumor.
  • The area around is becoming red and hot. This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. After the introduction of this vaccine, immunity is produced on average after 2-4 weeks. Accordingly, if contact with the infected happened earlier, perhaps the disease will show itself, but will be less active, and will cause a minimum of complications.
Preparation of the vaccine
Preparation of the vaccine

Types of measles vaccines

Very often they make vaccination to people who are in contact with patients. This makes sense only if a person was in direct contact with the patient, but no later than 3 days ago. In this case, it is necessary to come to the clinic and make emergency vaccination. This will help to avoid infection with a disease. However, there is no need to do this if in childhood you received 2 doses of the vaccine. If you still doubt the presence of antibodies on the core cage, you can get merged. 

Types of measles vaccines:

  • The clinics have several options for the vaccine, which depends on the regional location. Most often they purchase to Russia vaccine Prioriks, as well as living antigenwhich of the weakened Corey virus cells. Typically, the vaccination is tolerated quite well and causes a minimum of complications.
  • However, if the vaccination is done for the first time, then the child or adult is left for 1 hour in the clinic to observe the condition. This is necessary in the event of a possible development of anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. 
  • If this happened, then in the hospital they will be able to provide first aid. It is also worth considering that the vaccine is not re -done if, after the first injection, serious deviations were observed, allergic reactions.

Do I need to vaccinate from measles if you are ill?

Now there is a lot of information regarding the fact that measles vaccine is ineffective, and does not provide immunity. In fact, this is not so, but there is a category of population for which the vaccine is almost useless. The percentage of such people is very low. Basically, difficulties arise with people who were vaccinated during the Soviet Union.

Vaccination to adults
Vaccination to adults

Whether it is necessary to vaccinate from measles if you get sick:

  • No, it is absolutely useless to carry out vaccination to people who have suffered a disease. The fact is that the essence of the introduction of the vaccine- this is The production of antibodies to the virus. Those who have become sick of measles already have antibodies to this ailment.
  • Therefore, if the question is about mandatory vaccination, it is necessary to bring a certificate from the clinic, which is taken from an outpatient card that you have grown measles. If there is no such record, it is enough to do an analysis for the presence of antibodies. 
  • As indicated above, the inefficiency of vaccination is due to improper storage of the vaccine. With an increase in air temperature, the vaccine becomes inactive, and does not bring any results. That is, after introducing antibodies into the body, they are not produced. Now there is a lot of attention, both suppliers and pharmacists, employees of the clinic, devote the conditions for storing the vaccine. Now there is a special indicator that speaks of suitability or that the medicine cannot be used. 

Judging objectively, the measles vaccine is much more easily tolerated than the vaccination of DTP. Indeed, the PDA causes a minimum of side effects that quickly pass. The pain in the place prickly disappears in a couple of days. It is worth noting that, unlike adults, children under 1 year old are not entered into the shoulder, but into the thigh. This is due to the small size of the child's hands. All subsequent vaccination is carried out in the shoulder.

Adult vaccination
Adult vaccination

The vaccine is absolutely painless and well tolerated. Usually doctors, after they vaccinated, do not recommend the use of antihistamines and antipyretic. Since this vaccine usually does not cause an increase in temperature. In general, a person feels good. Unpleasant sensations in the puncture area are possible. 

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