Vaccination of ADSM children, adults, pregnant women: decryption, calendar, where do they do, what to do before vaccination?

Vaccination of ADSM children, adults, pregnant women: decryption, calendar, where do they do, what to do before vaccination?

Vaccination of ADSM is required for both adults and children. But there are certain nuances that are very important to know.

During the registration of a child in a kindergarten, a camp, doctors check the presence of each obligatory vaccination. Even in an adult, vaccinations are checked during employment for any catering company, clinic, and so on. Hell vaccination is considered very important. It is done to a person both in childhood and throughout life.

Hell's vaccination: Deciphering

Among the combined vaccines and Monovaccine, new ones are constantly arising, which are more effective. This number includes the vaccination of ADSM. It is deciphered as follows:

  • "A" - adsorbed.
  • "D" - diphtheria.
  • “C” is tetanus.
  • “M” is a small dose.

The vaccination is complemented by the DTP, which was used earlier. There is simply no component in combination that helps to overcome whooping cough.

The medicine was developed for revaccination - this is a repeated administration of the vaccine so that the body can resist dangerous diseases, the exposure of the ADDs and childhood will last.

For vaccination
For vaccination

The main goal of vaccination is to protect the body from pathogens of dangerous diseases. The drug contains 2 toxins that are neutralized by formalin:

  1. Tetanus toxin.
  2. Diphtheria toxin.

After inactivation, these substances become safe (weak). But they tend to leave their own immunogenic qualities. That is why they are called "anxins." The abbreviation of the drug for each age is identical.

As mentioned above, “m” is a small amount of main substances in the drug. This is confirmed by the composition of the primary dosage (the number is indicated by 1 ml of one vaccine).

  • Diphtheria - 5 units.
  • Tetanus - 5 units.
  • Excipients.

The vaccination of ADSM works as follows:

  • The medicine penetrates the body.
  • The main components force immunity to these substances to respond, to produce new antibodies.
  • The forming protein compounds record the features of microbes. In the future, they will find them more actively to destroy.
In ampoule or syringe
In ampoule or syringe

ADSM produces the medicine in 2 types:

  • In disposable syringes. They contain one dosage of the medicine.
  • In ampoules. They contain several dosages.

Hell's vaccination to children: decryption, calendar

  • As a rule, children who have not yet been 6 years old are being done vaccination of the DTP. But sometimes the child's body does not want to transfer this vaccination, after which some side effects occur. In this case, if the child’s development takes place without any deviations, he is vaccinated with ADSM.
  • After that, when the baby turns 1 year 6 months, he is introduced by repeated additional vaccination - a booster dose. It is able to consolidate the effect, after which the immune system becomes not susceptible to infections.
  • The following vaccinations have their own name - "Revaccination". After all, the immune system against dangerous diseases has already been formed after the first 4 vaccines in infants. In the future, in order to maintain the effect of vaccinations and activate them, it is necessary to administer one dose of the medicine.
  • The need to make ADSM children, whose age is more than 6 years, can be easily explained - with the subsequent dosage of the vaccine, the reaction of the young organism increases. Therefore, after several vaccinations, the DTP is necessarily introduced by the ADMS, but with a lower dosage.
About the time
About the time

Vaccination of ADSM for children up to 7 years old

  • Vaccination can be carried out by children from 6 to 7 years old, since during this period it is necessary to launch the immune system, thereby strengthening the protective functions of the body.
  • This is because many children gather in schools, and therefore the risk of infection increases significantly.
  • In such cases, doctors use the tactics of additional vaccination of ads of primary school students.

Vaccination of ADSM teenagers 14 years old

  • This vaccine is coming 3rd on the list. But the age of its implementation is not considered so strict. Vaccination can be done at the age, starting from 14 years and ending with 16 years. Vaccination is planned, thanks to it, immunity starts, begins to fight dangerous diseases (tetanus, diphtheria). But over time, the immune system decreases, and after 10 years it comes to naught.
  • The ADSM vaccine is very important in adolescence, since in children the reproductive system begins to actively develop in this period, after which the protective functions of the body are reduced.
  • In addition, if the vaccine was introduced at 16, then at this age teenagers often graduate from school. They go to other educational institutions, go to the army, get to work. And as we know, after the change of the collective, human immunity may decrease, which leads to the risk of tetanus or diphtheria. This can happen until the body adapts.
Vaccination/revaccination Age
1st vaccination At 3 months
2nd vaccination At 4.5 months
3rd vaccination At 6 months
1st revaccination (R1) At 1 year 6 months
2nd revaccination (R2) 6 to 7 years old
3rd revaccination (R3) From 14 to 16 years old

Further, the next vaccine is carried out every 10 years.

Hell's vaccination: The difference between R2 and R3

Vaccine R2 - This is a revaccination that goes at number 2. It means that the vaccine is introduced a second time. In this case, R2 means repeated planned revaccination.

  • Revaccinations are needed so that the previously obtained immunity works more actively, extend the body's protective functions for some time. Vaccination, as indicated in the table, is introduced to the child when he is 6 years old.
  • There is no cough substance in the vaccine, since for children 4 years old and older this infection is committed.
  • Graft R2 ADSM - An ordinary vaccine that allows the body to develop immunity against tetanus, diphtheria.
Age difference
Age difference
  • The R3 vaccine is deciphered almost like R2 is revaccination, but only it goes at number 3.
  • R3 -This is the next revaccination against dangerous infections, 3rd planned vaccination. It is made by adolescents whose age is from 14 years to 16 years.

R2 ADSM and R3 ADSM differ only in the age of the child in which vaccinations are made.

Vaccination of ADSM adults

Vaccination for the child is done for the last time that his age is 14 years. The effectiveness of the injection lasts for 10 years. When this period passes, a person is obliged to re -pass revaccination of ADSMso that his immune system is able to overcome tetanus, diphtheria at the right level.

As indicated in the rules of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, subsequent vaccination adults should do at this age:

  • Starting from 24 years and ending for 26 years.
  • Starting from 34 years and ending with 36 years.
  • Starting from 44 years and ending with 46 years.
  • Starting from 54 years and ending with 56 years and so on.

The final boundary of human age, when vaccination is not required, no. Since any person can get sick with diphtheria and tetanus, and age does not matter - it can be a small child, schoolboy, student and even an elderly man or woman.

  • Adults must be vaccinated with ADSM, since diphtheria, as well as tetanus - These are dangerous diseases, sometimes leading to death.
  • Thanks to vaccination, the immune system that produces antibodies that can overcome infectious diseases begins to work actively. Antibodies within the body are stored, as a rule, for about 10 years. But over time, they begin to collapse.
  • If a person does not have time to vaccinate at this time, the amount of antibodies will decrease, as a result of which he will decrease protection against diseases.
  • If a person did before aDSM vaccination, But he did not make it again in the right period, he can get sick, but to transfer the disease is easier than a patient who has never been vaccinated with ADSM at all.

Some people never get ADSM vaccinations. If necessary, they undergo a vaccination course, which includes 3 mandatory vaccinations.


The scheme of the conduct is this:

  • First, the first dosage of the vaccine is introduced.
  • After 1 month, he is administered another dose of medicine.
  • After 6 months, another vaccine is introduced.

After the last vaccination of ADSM The immune system begins to form, and therefore the subsequent vaccination can already be done in 10 years. The following vaccines are administered in the form of one dosage of the medicine, the amount of which is 1 \\ 2 ml.

  • If a person did not take a vaccine on time, after the last entry of the vaccine, 10 to 20 years have passed, then he needs one dosage of ADSM. It is enough to activate the immune system.
  • In the event that more than 20 years passed after the vaccine, 2 doses of the vaccine are administered to the patient. They are not introduced immediately, with a break of 30 days. After a double dosage, immunity begins to actively work against diseases.

ADSM - vaccination to pregnant women: can you do it?

  • On the territory of the Russian Federation pregnant women are contraindicated to do ADSM vaccination. If the girl wants to get pregnant, she came up the time when it is necessary to enter the vaccine again, she needs to be done.
  • But at the same time, the girl should try to protect against premature pregnancy for 30 days. When this period passes, a woman can plan the conception of the baby. She will no longer be terrible by possible side effects that can cause vaccination.
  • Many women have a situation where the time of the next vaccination coincided with pregnancy. In this case, you need to wait when the baby is born, look at his own well -being, consult with the doctor, and only after that make the vaccination of ADSM. Subsequent vaccination should be carried out after 10 years.
  • It also happens that the time of the next vaccination of ADSM fell at a time when a woman is already in a position. In this situation, you should not worry. It is imperative to say about the fact of his gynecologist.

Heldsm vaccination - where do adults and children make?

During the conduct vaccinations of ADSM The adsorbed drug is used. This means that the medicine enters the bloodstream little by little. It slowly provokes the reaction of immunity, due to which the body becomes immune to diseases. That is why the vaccine is administered only intramuscularly.

In order for the ADSM vaccine to be introduced correctly, you need to choose the following body zones:

  • Shoulder. This should be the outer part of this part of the body.
  • Hip. If the vaccination is done to the child, this is a prerequisite. This is because the child’s muscles are not yet highly developed, and in this part of the body the muscles develop faster, muscle tissue is close to the upper layer of the epidermis.

Many people often ask - you can get a place where the vaccine was made? Of course. The water and procedures that are associated with it do not have a negative impact on human well -being and local reactions. But it is important to wait a few days and use only water at home, without bathing in reservoirs.

ADSM: What to do before vaccination?

  • Before vaccination of ADSM It is advisable to donate blood for general analysis, urine. An examination is also prescribed by a doctor during which body temperature is measured, the patient's condition is assessed, you can vaccinate him or not.
Visit a doctor
Visit a doctor
  • A couple of days before the vaccination of ADSM No need to visit places where many people gather. It is also advisable to refuse to visit. So you can avoid the risk of causing the pathogen entering the body.
  • Do not use unfamiliar foods so that an additional load is not entitled to the body and immunity. Many doctors advise on the eve of vaccination (1-2 days) to start taking an antihistamine. This will significantly reduce the risk of allergies and side effects.
  • After vaccination, do not leave the clinic immediately. It is better to linger for another half an hour so that the doctor will watch the general condition of the human body, how he will react to the medicine, is there any allergic manifestations.

Helds vaccination: side effects, complications

Complications and side effects after vaccination of ADSM in humans can occur for the following reasons:

  • The vaccine was introduced to a patient who did not undergo a medical examination in advance.
  • Due to identified contraindications.
  • Due to the fact that the patient violated the instructions of the doctor.

After the vaccination made, such complications and side effects may occur:

  • The body temperature rises to 39 ° C. If it is quite high, you can drink an antipyretic medicine (a tool based on paracetamol, ibuprofen).
  • A headache appears. This symptom can be eliminated by drinking an analgesic medicine.
  • If the vaccination is made to the child, he can be capricious, becomes lethargic and sleepy.
  • Is happening digestive disorder. If a person has a liquid stool, which is very frequent, it must be normalized with smecta.
  • The injection zone blushes, hurts, swells. Such symptoms can be eliminated using painkillers, antihistamines.
Side phenomena
Side phenomena

We note that these features are only a reaction to the administration of the medicine. They are light, medium or severe. Signs disappear several days later.

When the symptoms do not pass after 5 days or appeared 3 days after vaccination, you need to consult a doctor.

Such complications in the form of: very rarely appear:

  • Strong allergies, for example, angioedema.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Nettlers.
Allergies may occur
Allergies may occur

Also, a person can get sick:

  • Meningitis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Various neuralgic diseases.

Complications occur immediately when the medicine is administered. They immediately stop by a doctor. Many reactions develop rapidly, therefore, it is better immediately after the administration of the drug to remain under the supervision of a doctor.

Hell's vaccination: contraindications for introduction

Vaccination of ADSM is contraindicated to people in such cases:

  • During an infectious disease, when it has complications.
  • If a person has weak immunity after illness.
  • Earlier, adverse reactions were found to certain substances of the drug.
  • After the operation, which was carried out 1 month before vaccination.
  • Due to insufficient body weight after birth and the consequences of this state.
  • If the patient is worried about heart disease, blood vessels, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys.
  • During neurological disease.

It is forbidden to make vaccination on your own at home, even having studied carefully the instructions for the drug.

Video: Rules for Vaccination ADSM

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