What vaccinations make a person during life: a schedule, a table, recommendations

What vaccinations make a person during life: a schedule, a table, recommendations

In this article we will consider what vaccinations can and should be done throughout life.

The best way to reduce the number of diseases warned with vaccines is to have a high immune population. Universal vaccination is an important part of quality medical care. It should be carried out through routine and intensive vaccination programs implemented in doctors and public health clinics. Programs should be created and maintained to ensure vaccination of all children at the recommended age. In addition, appropriate vaccinations during life should be available to all adolescents and adults.

Important and basic vaccinations for 1 year of life and schoolchildren: Table

Vaccinations are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases. Therefore, they are made precisely to the children, and to ensure that they are easier to transfer - at the age of age. To make the amount of injections as low as possible, combined vaccines are usually offered. The terms of recommended vaccinations are given in the form of months of life and years. Vaccinations during life should be made as soon as possible!

Here A review of the vaccination calendar for babies, kids and schoolchildren as part of a free children's vaccination program. The purpose of this program is to provide all children with access to vaccines that are important for public health under the age of 18, without any costs for their parents or legal guardians. Adult revaccination is carried out much less often and not in such a forced form. This already lies on the shoulders of the awareness of an adult!

Vaccine 1 day 3 days 2 months 4 months 6 months 12 months 18 months 6 years 14 years 16 years
Hepatitis B 1 dose 2 dose (in 1 month) 3 dose
Tuberculosis 1 dose 2 dose in 7
PDA 1 dose 2 dose
Diphtheria, tetanus 1 dose 2 dose 3 dose 4 dose 5 dose 6 dose
Whooping cough 1 dose 2 dose 3 dose 4 dose
Polio 1 dose (at 3 months) 2 dose 3 dose 4 dose 5 dose 6 dose
HIB infection 1 dose (at 3 months) 2 dose (at 4.5) 3 dose 4 dose

Important: adults are performed from hepatitis B every 10 years, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus and PDA!


Vaccinations during life: What are the intervals between vaccinations and can I do 2.3 vaccinations at once?

Various Living vaccines Usually you can introduce at the same time, but in different places of injection. If they are not given at the same time, a minimum interval of four weeks is recommended. Dead vaccines You can also introduce at the same time. In most cases, there is no need to observe a temporary interval between various dead vaccines, as well as between dead and living vaccines.

Of course, vaccinations during life are made to form/maintain immunity. Therefore, they should combine and not cause complications. Otherwise, a phenomenon is possible antigenic competition, What can bring with distorted immunity. That is, strong antibodies can muffle the weak. Therefore, at the same time, 2 or several vaccinations can be done - this will not cause a double surge in a negative reaction, but they need to be selected according to the type of compatibility.

Here are the vaccines that are combined among themselves in groups:

Living vaccines:

  • PDA (measles-red-knuckle)
  • OPV (polyovaccine in drops)
  • against rotavirus infection
  • from chickenpox
  • antifungal (in drops)

Inactivated (killed) vaccines:

  • ADD (c--diferiy-chiro)
  • IPV (polyovaccine in injections)
  • against pneumococcal infection
  • from hepatitis (A and B)
  • antifungal (in injections)
  • from meningococcal infection
  • against hemophilic infection

Vaccinations during life and a lost vaccination schedule - is it so scary?

  • Children are recommended to introduce vaccines as close to the recommended intervals as possible. In principle, vaccinations during life You can make the graphics later. However, your child remains longer in the zone of the danger of infection and, as a rule, at the age of age, to make the same vaccination and easier and easier to transfer it.
  • If you missed the stage of 4 weeks between doses, then this does not reduce the final concentrations of antibodies. Just protection will not be achieved until the recommended number of doses is introduced. A break in the vaccination graph does not require restarting the entire vaccine, anxin or adding additional doses.
  • Even if the recommended age vaccination time is missed, then each vaccination should be done according to the schedule. After the basic immunization, a small pass is allowed (for example, the child is sick). But this should not be large intervals at 7 years (at least with two vaccinations with the right interval) for vaccines with additives (adjuvants).

Vaccinations during life: clinical recommendations

For consideration, we offer basic and important vaccinations during life with recommendations after vaccination in the form of possible complications or adverse reactions.

  • Hepatitis B vaccination. This vaccine is included in the free vaccination program. On the first day of life, the newborn is introduced for the first time, and subsequent revaccinations - upon reaching two and six months. Side effects are not observed.
  • Vaccination from tuberculosis. Vaccination of the newborn on the third day of life is carried out.
    • Baby reaction:Most often, this vaccine is very well tolerated. A red spot appears. Sometimes a slight swelling, purulent papule may appear and the temperature can increase, which is rare. After healing, a scar is formed.
  • Vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (PDA). This is a very important vaccine in clinical graphics, and in our country it is made free. All three vaccines are combined into one complex, which is much good for the baby. Vaccination is carried out a year and at six years old.
    • Side effects after PDA: After live vaccination 1-3 weeks after vaccination, signs may appear, as with a mild course of the disease. They talk about the symptoms of “vaccine disease”, which include: measles, small pulmonary edema (parotid edema), joint pain (arthralgia). But they are not always and not all are observed! And they should be considered as a normal reaction to the vaccine. As a rule, these symptoms are temporary and go quickly and without consequences.

The transfer of measles vaccine viruses, epidemic mumps and rubella unprotected people in principle is possible, but isolated cases have been observed in the world.

  • Vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria (she is also DTP) it is included in the free vaccination program. It is carried out on the 2nd, 4th 6th months of life, and at one and a half years, revaccination is carried out-this is basic immunization. At school age, combined vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus of 6 and 16 years. It should be noted that this vaccine is complex, so often Includes whooping cough (they don’t make it to adults)!
    • Side effects: Redness and pain in the injection site may occur. If the child is done at an older age, then the leg can hurt a lot, he may be afraid to become on it. Sometimes even a small fever, fatigue, tearfulness, irritation, body pain and gastrointestinal discomfort, and a decrease in appetite can occur. The temperature rises! But after 39 ° C, if it does not get down, it is worth consulting a doctor - this is already a complicated form. These reactions often last only a few days (from 1 to 3) and are an expression of the normal struggle of the body with the vaccine!

All of the above vaccines are carried out every 10 years of the life of an adult.

  • Cough vaccine it is carried out in 2, 4 and 6 months. Thanks to this vaccination, the possibility of infection, which occurs by a drip infection, is reduced. This is a very serious disease that takes place in three stages, and coughing bouts can last months. It should be noted that this is a complex vaccine with DTP!
    • Reaction: After vaccination, there may be bouts of cough, which in a couple of days should completely disappear. Due to the fact that the vaccine is made in the complex, clinical reactions are observed from DTP vaccination.
  • Poliomyelitis vaccine. Inactivated polyovaccine (IPV) is introduced six times. For the first time at 3, 4, 5 months of life, the child has combined vaccination, which includes polio. Then, at 6 months (OPV) after birth and at 18, 20 months, poliomyelitis is introduced along with other vaccines according to the schedule. At school age, combined vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and polio at 6 years. At the age of 14 - the last vaccine is made. A certain reduction in the schedule is allowed. Adults are not vaccinated if this does not require a trip abroad with a high degree of infection or working conditions, an outbreak of epidemic.
    • Side effects:After vaccination in a vaccinated person, redness or mild pain at the injection (local reactions) may occur. Sometimes even (small) fever, fatigue, body pain and gastrointestinal discomfort can occur, for example, loss of appetite, diarrhea. These reactions often last only a few days and are an expression of the normal struggle of the body with the vaccine.
Protect yourself and your children!
Protect yourself and your children!
  • Vaccination against hemophilic flu type B (HIB).  Bacterium HIB was previously the most common pathogen of purulent meningitis (meningitis) in children under five years old. Thanks to HIB vaccination, this disease almost disappeared. Bacteria are transmitted through a cough, sneezing or wet air for breathing (drip infection). Vaccination is carried out three times - in 3, 4.5 and 6 months. In 12 months, revaccination is needed.
    • Reaction: As a rule, the vaccine takes place without a symptom. In 10%, there may be redness or a little hurting place, in isolated cases, a temperature jump was recorded.

In 2–5% of the population, bacteria colonizes the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose or pharynx without the appearance of symptoms of the disease. These healthy carriers of bacteria can be contagious, so vaccination against HIB is very important. The risk of HIB disease is the highest in the first year of life, so the HIB vaccine should be carried out as soon as possible.


Vaccinations during life: When is it better to temporarily refuse vaccination?

It is important to know about situations and the so -called contraindications in which vaccination should not be vaccinated during life in the near future:

  • the patient has a strong cold or a clear infection
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency. You need to learn about the possibility of vaccination from an immunologist. Living vaccinations are usually excluded in such cases!
  • pregnancy - vaccinations with live vaccines are impossible
  • the operation is planned. Dead vaccines should be administered at least 2 days, live vaccines-at least 2-3 weeks before the planned operation. An exception is an extreme need for surgery.

Vaccinations during life: possible side effects of vaccination

Most side effects of the vaccine injection are insignificant. Some people will not experience any side effects at all. Each vaccine has its own clinical manifestations, but all vaccinations during life have general side expressions:

  • pain, redness or swelling at the injection site
  • joint pain near the injection site
  • muscle weakness
  • heat
  • sleep disturbances
  • fatigue
  • memory loss
  • full muscle paralysis in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body
  • hearing loss or vision
  • seizures

Some factors increase the risk of side effects of vaccination:

  • weak or depressed immune system
  • disease while receiving a vaccine
  • family or personal history of reactions to vaccines

Serious or life -threatening side effects or reactions to vaccines are rare. Nevertheless, most people are at a higher risk of getting sick from diseases if they are not vaccinated!

We distinguish
We distinguish

Vaccinations during life for adults: recommendations and possible reactions

With age, the ability of the immune system to protect itself from infection is reduced again. The risk of some diseases increases. Therefore, some vaccinations during life should be regularly carried out by adults!

It is very important to follow the vaccination schedule not only in childhood or adolescence, but throughout life.

Vaccines that are introduced by adults once in a life

  • Vaccination from chickenpox.If in childhood a person was not sick with chickenpox and was not vaccinated from it, then it is necessary to make vaccination from this disease. For this vaccine, there is no restriction of age and it can be done at any time. There is no need to do it several times, so once enough. If someone is sick in the family, then it is immediately necessary to vaccinate a healthy person. But no later than for three days, after the first contact with the patient.
  • Papillomavirus vaccine It is carried out for girls and women from 14 to 26 - before the start of sexual activity. Experts claim that it is able to prevent uterine cancer. Men are also recommended for vaccination for prevention.
  • One -time vaccination from pneumococcus it is carried out after 65 years. Particularly necessary for smokers and people who work in large groups with an increased risk of the disease have chronic diseases of the liver, respiratory tract or diabetes.
  • Vaccination from meningococcus It is shown to those who are going to go to Asia and Africa. Enough one -time vaccination.
  • There is even a vaccine From encircling lichen. But its peculiarity is that it is carried out only by people after 60 years.
  • Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitisit is carried out in the fall, then after 1, 3 months and revaccination after 9, 12 months. It needs to be carried out once every few years, but only those people who often visit forests and live/work in the zone of danger of infection, as well as tourists, get into the risk group.

Be sure to go through the inspection of the therapist and neuropathologist before the vaccination.

General scheme
General scheme

Vaccines that need to be introduced regularly

We should not forget about regular vaccinations that   they have been made throughout life every 10 years - from diphtheria, tetanus, and necessarily a CPC.

  • If in childhood did the schedule Hepatitis B, then revaccination must be done at the age of 25 to 52 years. But those who come in at risk (doctors, donors), It is carried out regularly - every 7 years.
  • Hepatitis A - Not everyone and everyone is recommended. But only to those who have liver diseases Or drinks drugs and alcohol. This vaccine is also necessary medical workers.
  • From tuberculosisthrough adulthood, few should be done. The risk group includes employees of medical institutions and employees of places of imprisonment.
  • But Vaccination from influenza should be carried out Every year. Especially if you constantly encounter the carriers of the disease. There are even types of profession whose employees should regularly introduce a vaccine - this Doctors, public transport drivers, educators and teachers.

Reaction to a vaccine in an adult

It is worth remembering that adults often tolerate vaccination without complications. But the general condition may worsen when the introduction of any of the listed vaccines. There may be a slight redness and the vaccination site may itch. Very rarely there is an increase in temperature and other complications.

Important: anyone who, when checking their vaccination record, discovers that there is no vaccinations, must consult with their doctor! And, if necessary, supplement your protection with a vaccine! It is important to understand that no vaccine is 100%completely safe or effective.

The advantages of vaccination include partial or complete protection against the consequences of infection for a vaccinated person, as well as the general benefit for society as a whole. Advantages include protection against symptomatic disease, improving the quality of life and productivity, as well as preventing death.

Social benefits include the creation and maintenance of herd immunity against infectious diseases, preventing their outbreaks and reducing expenses associated with healthcare. The risk of vaccination varies from general, insignificant and local side effects to rare, serious and life -threatening conditions. Vaccinations during life are primarily protecting your life and the life of their children!

Video: vaccinations during life - information for doubters!

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Comments K. article

  1. Vaccinations must be done, especially calendar. Now they are doing seasonal, but we somehow refuse. I try to strengthen children's immunity with walks, physical exercises, food. In the autumn period, I always give vitamins of immunum+, a good vitamin complex, we really like it in composition and taste.

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