HPV vaccination - is it effective and is it worth it to put it? When can you undergo vaccination from HPV and why is it necessary?

HPV vaccination - is it effective and is it worth it to put it? When can you undergo vaccination from HPV and why is it necessary?

The human papilloma virus is considered one of the most dangerous, as it is able to cause cancer, and the highest mortality is observed from it. However, today there is a vaccine from it, which we will talk about in our article.

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is one of the most dangerous. It can provoke different types of cancer and the most dangerous of them is the cervical cancer. To date, a lot of women die from him. The danger of the virus also lies in the fact that it cannot be cured. So it remains in the body forever. However, you can prevent infection or development of cancer due to vaccination. We will talk about her further.

Human papilloma virus is the cause of cancer

Human papilloma virus
Human papilloma virus

If we turn to statistics, we will see that in Russia alone, every year, 250 thousand women find out formations of various nature on the cervix. In developed countries, statistics are far from comforting. By the way, among women it is the cervical cancer that is one of the frequent causes of death.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of cancer we have already called the papilloma virus. This infection is the most common among women. The highest risk of infection applies to women who smoke, have chronic inflammation, as well as weak immunity. Even the immunity of a healthy person is not able to cope with the virus. So exclusively with timely vaccination, you can provide yourself reliable protection.

What are papillomaviruses?

Papillomaviruses are a separate group in which there are 150 species. They are found all over the world and can seriously harm health. In 99% of infected women, as a rule, cervical cancer develops.

The papilloma virus is not harmless for men. Regardless of the floor, the following types of cancer can form:

  • Anus cancer
  • Cancer of the mouth and pharynx
  • Vaginal cancer and vulva
  • Cancer of the penis

Depending on the strain that has entered the body, other diseases may develop and not necessarily cancer. For example, the virus can prove itself with genital and skin warts. In rare cases, warts appear on mucous membranes.

How is HPV transmitted - human papillomavirus?

How is HPV transmitted?
How is HPV transmitted?

Despite the fact that HPV is very common, it has only one way to transfer through sexual contact. As a rule, immediately after infection and for some time a person does not feel any changes in the body, since everything happens without symptoms. But you should not quickly run with showdowns to the partner, because he himself may not know that he has infected you.

By the way, high infection is precisely associated with the lack of symptoms. For example, you had one partner who infected you and then appeared another, and you yourself do not know what you are infected. It turns out that the second partner is also infected. And in this way transmission is carried out from one to another. A similar situation occurs with HIV or even herpes. Therefore, if you are not too confident in your partner, then you should protect yourself, at least a condom.

Is it possible to protect yourself from HPV condom?

Yes, undoubtedly, the condom is able to protect against infection with the virus, but it is also not an indisputable guarantee. The fact is that he is not able to close absolutely all points of contact and therefore do not hope for absolute protection. Despite this, the condom is still recommended to use to prevent such diseases.

What are the vaccines against HPV - the human papilloma virus?

There are two types of vaccine from this virus and both of them consist of its empty shell. The vaccine does not contain a virus DNA, and therefore it is impossible to become infected through vaccination. Thanks to vaccination, the future infection is prevented.

The most dangerous today are HPV strains 16 and 18. They provoke the occurrence of uterine and anus cancer. In addition, in rare cases, they can cause cancer of other organs.

Vaccine from HPV
Vaccine from HPV
  • HPV vaccines are designed to protect against infection and preventing cervical cancer
  • The reliability of both vaccines has been proven
  • Each of the vaccines contains the outer shell of the virus and they cannot cause infection
  • Vaccination is carried out using intramuscular injections. Three doses are administered within 6 months

However, there are differences in vaccines:

  • Gardasil serum helps to protect against strains 6 and 11 HPV, which lead to the formation of genital warts. It can be used for both men and women, but in Russia it is registered only for male.
  • This serum was checked and approved as a vaccine. It protects from vaginal cancer, vulva and anus.
  • But the second vaccine - Cervarix is \u200b\u200bintended for women without age restrictions.

Who is the VPV vaccine intended for?

For whom is the vaccine?
For whom is the vaccine?

The best time for vaccination is 9-16 years. Ideally, the vaccine should be set before the start of sexual activity. This is due to the method of transferring the virus, and already at the first sexual contact you can become infected. So do not joke with this and get all the vaccinations in time.

If the vaccination is put at a later age after 25 years, then its effectiveness will not be so high. Although, she is still available.

What does the vaccine protect against HPV?

The use of the vaccine is carried out to protect against infection, as well as to relieve symptoms of existing ones. Modern vaccination allows you to protect against the appearance of pointed warts, cancer changes in the cervix or vulva.

Another vaccine protects against colon cancer or other localization.

Vaccation from HPV (human papilloma virus) is a danger: common myths

Adverse reactions

Side effects
Side effects

All opponents of vaccination believe that there is a great risk of adverse reactions. Supporters argue that there is no virus DNA in the vaccine, which means that there is no large load on immunity. In addition, safety is also indicated by the possibility of use during pregnancy and feeding. It is also important that vaccination is also acceptable when taking other drugs, the main thing is that the scheme and dose does not change.

Lack of effect

This is another argument against. In many countries, this vaccine is included in the list of mandatory and numerous studies have proved that the risk of infection is reduced. Thanks to the use of the vaccine, infection has decreased to a minimum.

In the past few decades, large studies have been constantly conducted, where the actions of the vaccine have been evaluated. She almost 100% proved her effectiveness after a full course of treatment.

This suggests that the effectiveness is confirmed. In addition, it was proved that cross -immunity is formed from the vaccine, which allows the body to resist other types of HPV, which are not included in the vaccines considered.


It is believed that vaccines against viruses cause infertility in women and other complications. Here are just those who claim this do not take into account the fact that they have been successfully used for more than 10 years and does not become barren from this anymore. And before starting mass vaccination, research was conducted for another 5 years.

You can become infected with a virus

Is it possible to get infected from vaccination?
Is it possible to get infected from vaccination?

Once again, we repeat that contrary to all statements, through the vaccine the virus cannot get into the body. Vaccines used in Russia do not have a virus in Russia, but only fragments of the capsule. At the same time, they are grown in laboratories. It is against them that the body learns to develop protection.

You can get infected with a frequent change in partners

Undoubtedly, the infection is transmitted sexually. As we have already noted above, 80% of the population are infected with this infection. But only those who often change partners can receive an active virus.

English scientists watched girls 15-19 years old. The experiment lasted three years and after its end it turned out that 43% of girls with one partner had an infection. So it is not necessary to have many partners to become infected, and one is enough. Although, random connections are also bad, because it significantly increases the risk of infection.

The presence of warts or papillomas on the genitals increases the risk of cervical cancer

To date, there are 150 types of HPV. To the joy of many, they are not all oncogenic. For example, the growth of warts on the hands, pointed warts and others. This is not so dangerous. St strains of 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 and 39 can lead to the cervix cancer. As a rule, when the dangerous strain penetrates the body, no symptoms appear, and therefore you can not even understand what happened.

HPV - a cured disease

HPV is incurable
HPV is incurable

Today there is not a single means that could cope with HPV. Despite this in many clinics, it is proposed. But in this way, doctors simply earn money and nothing more. Unlike herpes, which remains forever, the papilloma virus may be abyss and not show itself. In any case, this happens in 75% of situations. Often this happens with young girls who have only lost virginity. Because of this, the study is not conducted up to 25 or even 30 years. It is worth considering that if a dangerous strain penetrated the body, then the risk of cancer increases significantly.

The vaccine can only be set by girls at 11-13 years old, and boys are not required for boys

From HPV, it is allowed to vaccinate at any age. More precisely, there is a lower border, but it is better if the vaccine is introduced until the virus penetrates the body. In other words, before the first sexual contact. Another argument in favor of vaccination in adolescence is that the young cervical cancer develops rapidly. By the way, it is precisely why girls under 25 are most often found in the last stages. As you know, the treatment can already be able to correct little.

In Western countries, each teenager is vaccinated and not easy to prevent infection, but also possible diseases. Vaccination is allowed up to 45 years, and if necessary later. This increases the chances of preventing a terrible disease.

In adolescents, two vaccination is carried out, and in adults there are three. Even if the defense is vaccinated once, the defense will already begin to act. Preliminary tests for determining HPV are not required, because most likely the virus is already in the body.

The vaccine protects against all dangerous strains

To date, the vaccines used in Russia allow you to protect yourself from 4 most dangerous strains, which allows you to prevent cancer in 70% of cases. In the West, a 9-band vaccine is used and it is more effective-by 90%. Perhaps such a vaccine will reach Russia, but for now it is better to use at least what is.

You must understand that despite all the contradictions, you will not find information in any source that papillomavirus is treated. The only way to protect your family is exclusively vaccination.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bthe teenage girl from the human papilloma virus (HPV) need vaccination? - Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. I have a very useful treatment with immunomax. I took tests in the framework of the medical examination, gave me high titers for HPV. Although before there was nothing of the kind. The doctor said that it was not worth taking risks with this and wrote out an immunomax injection course. No sooner said than done. There was a 10-day course of injections and there is no HPV when re-surrender, the virus has not become active. So you can sleep calmly.

  2. I plan to make such a vaccine to my daughter, she takes the banned fire, as they say.

  3. I consulted with my gynecologist on this issue. She said that the vaccination does not protect against all types of HPV capable of causing cancer, it does not give 100% guarantee and it has not yet been enough to study the consequences from the moment they began to put them. So I did not risk it.

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