Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis to adults and children: vaccination scheme, how it is tolerated, which vaccine is better, contraindications, side effects, complications, reviews. Is it necessary to vaccinate from tick -borne encephalitis?

Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis to adults and children: vaccination scheme, how it is tolerated, which vaccine is better, contraindications, side effects, complications, reviews. Is it necessary to vaccinate from tick -borne encephalitis?

The purpose and schemes of the introduction of vaccinations from tick -borne encephalitis.


Encephalitis is a dangerous viral disease that occurs after bite of ticks that are carriers of dangerous infections. Ticks are common in the summer. There are also periods of their activity. Often instructed against tick -borne encephalitis in the event that a person goes to epidemiologically dangerous areas. In this article, we will talk about how encephalitis is transmitted, and how to protect against it.

What is the vaccine from tick -borne viral encephalitis?

Now there are several vaccines on the market that protect against encephalitis. The encephalitis vaccine contains a virus dried and killed by formalin. Accordingly, with the introduction, ready -made antibodies appear in the body. The body does not suffer from any virus of encephalitis. Directly ready -made antibodies are introduced into the blood with a vaccine. Now a large number of varieties of vaccines are presented on the market, but almost all of them have the same composition.

After about 2 introductions with a certain frequency, almost 90% of patients have immunity to viral encephalitis.

The composition of the vaccine from encephalitis:

  • Antigen
  • Protein
  • Albumen
  • Kanamycin
Introduction of vaccination
Introduction of vaccination

What gives a vaccine from tick -borne viral encephalitis and where is it put?

Vacation from viral encephalitis stimulates the production of immunity. Accordingly, in 90% of cases, even after a tick bite, you will not get sick. At the moment, vaccination is made in the deltoid muscle, that is, in the shoulder area. It is not practiced in the gluteal muscle, as well as the introduction intravenously. You can enter subcutaneously.

Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis to adults: is it obligatory or not?

This kind of vaccination is optional and not introduced into the planned calendar of vaccinations. Accordingly, it is done only if a person comes to the medical institution, and his work is connected with work on the field or in the forest. Also, this kind of vaccination is shown to those who work abroad in epidemiologically dangerous areas.

You can also vaccinate in paid centers. But this is only at your discretion. You can instill a child, but again, free vaccinations in ordinary clinics are not provided. All of them will not be enough, they are not done in a planned manner.

Introduction of vaccination
Introduction of vaccination

Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis and alcohol: consequences

Alcohol intake after an encephalitis vaccination is strictly contraindicated. This is due to the fact that taking strong drinks reduces the functions of immunity, weakens the liver. Accordingly, the body relaxes. After the introduction of the vaccine, the immune system begins to produce its own antibodies on the pathogen of viral encephalitis. If at the same time a sick liver or stomach, due to alcohol, then the patient's condition may worsen.

Also more often local allergic reactions, aches in the body, temperature will be observed. Therefore, we do not recommend taking alcohol after the introduction of the vaccine. Of course, since the vaccine is done more than once, but with a certain frequency, all this period, several months, is prohibited from drinking alcohol. Therefore, we advise you to minimize the use of strong drinks, so as not to injure the body and not expose it to risk.

Introduction of vaccination
Introduction of vaccination

From what age is it possible and is it necessary to give a vaccine from tick -borne encephalitis to children?

Vaccination from encephalitis is not included in the list of compulsory vaccines, but can be made in areas of epidemiologically dangerous. Therefore, children are allowed to do some vaccines from 3 years old, and some from 1 year. It all depends on the manufacturer of the vaccine and their presence in clinics, as well as the pharmacies of the city. Because now there are four options for vaccinations in Russia, but in some regions there are not a single one of all these species.

Accordingly, the minimum age must be viewed in the instructions for the drug and a specific medication of a certain manufacturer.

Introduction of vaccination
Introduction of vaccination

How many times and when is an vaccine against tick -borne encephalitis to adults and children: a vaccination scheme

Vaccination is done three times. The first time, and after 3 months the second time, and after another 3 months the third time. Thus, it is believed that a person by 95% is protected from a viral disease after a tick bite that tolerates this ailment.


  • Messenger encephalitis vaccine dry. Basically, vaccination is carried out in spring-summer. At the same time, the procedure for introducing vaccines differs from the name. If it is dry, cleaned, then the first vaccination is carried out and the second after 5-7 months.
  •   Entsevir. In the same way, persons over 18 are allowed. The first vaccine is done, and after it, after 5 months, the second vaccine is made.
  • FSMEM-Immun INCECT. The first vaccine is done, and after it, the second after 1-3 months. In all other cases, after the administration of these two vaccines, a third revaccination is carried out. It is carried out exactly 1 year after the introduction of the latter. Further, revaccination is carried out every 3 years.

There are also accelerated schemes for the introduction of a vaccine. But these options can only be considered a doctor, and if such an introduction is advisable and necessary to preserve human life and health.

Vaccinations are made to children from 3 years old. There is a vaccine that is done from 1 year, and is entered only if you live in a dangerous area or are going to rest in some unfavorable region.


When does a tick -borne encephalitis vaccine begin to operate?

It is believed that complete protection appears after the administration of two vaccines. In this case, immunity is produced in 90% of people. After the introduction of the third vaccine, that is, revaccination, in approximately 95-97% of cases, immunity for viral encephalitis is produced. Accordingly, the vaccination is completely sure that you can only be after the third vaccination.

Tick-borne Encephalitis
Tick-borne Encephalitis

Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis: side effects and contraindications

There are several contraindications to the introduction of the vaccine:

  • Allergic reaction to one or all components of the vaccine
  • Strong allergy to chicken eggs and chicken meat
  • Allergy to formaldehyde, as well as gentamicin
  • Children, up to 1 year old

After the introduction of vaccines, adverse reactions are possible:

  • Most often they occur in people with mild allergies to chicken yolk
  • After the introduction of vaccines, muscle pain, redness, as well as compaction at the place of introduction of vaccination are possible
  • Neurological disorders are noted in patients who had previously had serious diseases
  • Nausea, vomiting, as well as some allergic reactions

It is worth noting that pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications to the introduction of the vaccine

Ticks for analysis
Ticks for analysis

Where can you give a vaccine from tick -borne encephalitis?

You can enter the vaccine in the local clinic, provided that it is there. You can also contact a paid hospital.

Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis: Which vaccine is better?

Both domestic and foreign vaccines from encephalitis work the same way. The principle of manufacture is also similar. Initially, the encephalitis virus is introduced into the chicken embryo (yolk), and after that it is treated with formaldehyde and dried. Thus, only protein shells remain, which are further processed after that. It is worth noting that foreign vaccines are much more easily and with a minimum number of complications. But their composition, as well as the principle of production, is almost the same as domestic.

In clinics in which free vaccination is made, there is only a domestic vaccine. That is, they do not make foreign vaccinations in our clinics for free. Therefore, if you want to make it, you will have to purchase it yourself. It is worth noting that domestic and foreign vaccines have a wide list of contraindications, as well as side effects. Practical in 40% of cases after the introduction of the vaccine, redness was observed at the place of administration, itching, and in 6% there was an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees.

Introduction of vaccination
Introduction of vaccination

How is the vaccination tolerate, what can be the reaction of the body to the vaccine?

Domestic vaccinations are much worse than imported ones, because production technology is somewhat different. Therefore, the number of side effects, as well as contraindications, is much larger than that of a foreign vaccine. It is worth noting that normal side effects are:

  • Pain at the injection site
  • Temperature rise
  • Possible muscle pain

What can be the consequences and complications from tick -borne encephalitis?

The above reactions are quite normal and arise in more than 50% of cases. A more significant increase in temperature, convulsions, as well as dizziness may occur. In such cases, it is better to consult a doctor for advice. The consequences of vaccinations that threaten life are quite rare. They arise only if before that the patient had neurological disorders and some diseases that the patient did not say anything to the doctor.

Possible consequences and complications:

  • Heart problems
  • Pathology of blood vessels
  • Pathology of bone tissue
  • Quincke's edema
Removing the tick
Removing the tick

What to do if the temperature is 39 after vaccination against tick -borne encephalitis?

If you have a temperature to 38-39 degrees, you should not worry. Directly in the clinic, in the process of introducing the vaccine, the nurse warns that an increase in body temperature is possible. In this case, such a drug as Nurofen is prescribed, as well as anti -allergic drugs, such as diazolin, clarin or Eden. They prevent the occurrence of edema, as well as reddening at the place of introduction of the vaccine. If your temperature has risen, take Nurofen or other antipyretic.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after vaccination against tick -borne encephalitis?

Drinking alcohol after the introduction of the vaccine is not worth it. As described above, alcohol weakens the immune system, so the body remains unprotected. We recommend refraining from taking strong drinks during vaccination, as well as the production of antibodies to the encephalitis virus.

Encephalitis vaccination
Encephalitis vaccination

Is it possible to wet a vaccine and when can I go to the pool after vaccination?

There are no direct contraindications for washing, so you can wash. But it is worth noting that at the injection site there is mechanical damage to the skin. Accordingly, it cannot be additionally damaged. Therefore, in the first 3 days after the introduction of the vaccine, refrain from going to the pool or bathhouse. Because in these places an increased content of bacteria and various pathogens of diseases can be observed.

Is it possible to vaccinate from tick -borne encephalitis, with a cold, before pregnancy, asthmatics?

There are no contraindications to the introduction of vaccination during pregnancy or in the process of its planning. There is also no information about whether the components of vaccination are transmitted to breast milk during lactation. Accordingly, before making a vaccine, you must consult your doctor.

As for the cold, the vaccination is done only after a complete recovery. Astmatics are allowed to vaccinate, but only after consulting a doctor. Because very often complications arise due to allergic reactions. Accordingly, if at the same time there is an allergy to chicken yolk or cow's milk, vaccination is not done.

Introduction of vaccination
Introduction of vaccination

Is it possible to get into encephalitis if a vaccine from tick -borne encephalitis is made?

There are no cases after which a person fell ill with an encephalitis as a result of the introduction of vaccination. Accordingly, the concentration of virus proteins is minimal. Such a number of pathogens of diseases cannot cause the development of a full -fledged disease of encephalitis. In addition, an inferior virus is introduced, but only dried shells.

That is, the protein shell. Therefore, you will not get sick. Everything regarding temperature, dizziness and muscle pain is associated with allergic reactions of the body to the introduction of the vaccine. In no way connected with the fact that you are sick with encephalitis.


What is forbidden to do after vaccination against tick -borne encephalitis?

Immediately after vaccination, you must behave not as usual. If the child is vaccinated, do not lead him to kindergarten, even if the child does not have temperature. If there is an increase in temperature to 37.5, the baby can be taken for a walk in the green area. Do not go to playgrounds, it is better to walk with him in the park or in the forest. Try to avoid places where there is a lot of dust. In addition, it is not recommended to give children Vitamin D.

This is due to the fact that it increases the concentration of calcium, which will adversely affect the absorption of vaccination. It is not allowed to give children such anti -allergic drugs as Actovegil and Suprastin. Because they reduce the amount of mucus and can provoke drying out the mucous membranes. It is better to give phoenistil or zyrtek. Also, as an antipyretic one, aspirin cannot be given, because it irritates the gastrointestinal tract and can cause vomiting or abdominal pain.

Walking in the forest
Walking in the forest

How to abandon the vaccination of tick-borne encephalitis-a statement-a statement of an employee from a vaccination: form, example

Vaccinations are mandatory, but if desired, in any case, you can refuse, and no one can force you. In order to avoid vaccination, it is necessary to write an appropriate statement with a refusal. Below is a form with a statement.

Refusal of vaccination
Refusal of vaccination

How to protect yourself from ticks without vaccinating: tips

The main way not to get encephalitis during walking through the forest are prevention measures.

Rules of conduct in the forest:

  • Put on light clothes because it is clearly visible ticks
  • The legs should be completely closed, that is, there should be trousers, socks and sneakers on the legs
  • From above a thin blouse with a long sleeve
  • The headdress is mandatory
  • After you have come home, you need to examine yourself for the presence of extraneous objects, as well as insects
  • In addition, it is advisable to put on tall, rubber boots
  • The use of repellents, then special sprays and substances that repel ticks and other insects with their smell is mandatory

If you found a tick on your body after a walk, you must immediately go to the hospital in order to make an injection of immunoglobulin. This is especially true for people who are in an epidemically dangerous area in which a fairly large number of encephalitis ticks. Most of them were found in the Altai Territory, Karelia. Therefore, if you and the children gathered to rest in these areas, be sure to do preventive vaccinations. This will significantly increase your chances not to get a dangerous disease.


Vaccination from tick -borne encephalitis: reviews

Reviews about encephalitis vaccination:

Olga, Moscow. Not so long ago, we acquired a cottage outside the city, and unfortunately ended up in an epidemically dangerous area. Since we have children, they decided in the winter to carry out vaccination so that our children could safely walk in the country and not become infected in the spring-summer. Accordingly, they vaccinated the policy. It was an ordinary domestic vaccination, made it absolutely free. We were made one injection, and a month later we were repeated. I did not notice any side effects in the child. Despite the fact that my baby is 4 years old, he had neither pain in his hand, nor temperature, nor any serious violations. We suffered a second vaccination. Therefore, I advise everyone to make an encephalitis vaccinations.

Oksana, Omsk. Our area belongs to dangerous. We can say that in the summer and spring time there is an invasion of ticks. Since last year my dog \u200b\u200bdied of encephalitis, I decided this year to instill my children. The vaccination was made not free, but paid, foreign. They purchased a pharmacy on the network and made in a private clinic. I did not notice side effects, with the exception of pain in the shoulder area. But after a day and after revaccination, my child did not notice any unpleasant sensations at the place of introduction of the vaccine. After that, ticks did not bite us, I can’t say anything about the effectiveness of vaccination.

Veronica, Kazan. Last year she also vaccinated because she was going to go to rest in Karelia. I would like to note that the vaccination was transferred very well, without side effects, itching, as well as edema. But at the end of the summer I was bitten by the tick and I went to the emergency room. At the same time, even having learned that I have a vaccine, the doctors introduced the dose of immunoglobulin. Therefore, I believe that I did the vaccine in vain, because still after the bite they put an injection of immunoglobulin, which blocks the development of the disease.

Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis vaccine
Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis vaccine

Encephalitis is a very dangerous disease that can lead to death or disability. If you plan to live happily ever after, you like to relax in epidemically dangerous areas, we advise you to get an encephalitis vaccine. Remember that this vaccine does not protect from other ailments that carry ticks. Therefore, if you were bitten by the insect, after removing it from the body, it is necessary to take the analysis to clarify whether the tick is sick or not.

Video: encephalitis vaccination

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