Signs about the wedding by month, days of the week: how to choose a date, time, tips

Signs about the wedding by month, days of the week: how to choose a date, time, tips

When it is time to submit an application to the registry office, the groom and the bride offer to choose the date and time of registration from the free in the schedule. Some couples need to legalize relationships as quickly as possible, others carefully select certain numbers. It is important for someone to see a beautiful date in the marriage certificate, and someone checks with signs and good days for the wedding.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Original oaths of newlyweds at the wedding". You will find many beautiful examples.

This article will tell you how to choose a date and time for a happy marriage registration. Read further.

Winter marriage - wedding in December, January, February: signs

According to signs, the wedding in winter carries frequent waste of the family budget. But there is one month that will give the newlyweds financial stability. Winter marriage can be good according to the signs. In addition, if snow has begun on the day of registration, then the family will always wage money. Read more:

Wedding in December:

  • The newlyweds who legitimized relations this month will live in friendship and harmony.
  • Every year, mutual feelings of the couple will only grow stronger and grow.
  • In such a family, many children often appear who will love and respect their parents all their lives.

Wedding in January:

  • The second month of winter is not the best time for painting.
  • According to signs, marriage will not be happy, especially for the female half of humanity.
  • The girls who decided to the January wedding, belief, promises an imminent rupture of relations.

Wedding in February:

  • The best winter month for marriage.
  • A pair that signed in February is waiting for a long and happy family life.

As you can see, the best month for marriage is February. But, if your circumstances are formed so that it does not suit you, then consider spring. Read further.

Spring marriage - Wedding in March, April, May: Signs for months spring

Folk signs say that getting married in the spring means to get a house full of fun and love. As in any period, there are not suitable months and days for painting. To marry the Day of Red Hill - the first Sunday after Easter is considered a good start for a happy, prosperous life. This will give a couple a strong and long marriage.

Here are signs about marriage for months in spring:

Wedding in March:

  • According to belief, March marriage is a journey.
  • It is believed that the spouse will leave far from their home.
  • The union itself will be a long and exciting journey.

Wedding in April:

  • The second spring month is not the most successful for painting.
  • Family life will turn out to be unstable.
  • Happy days will constantly be replaced by conflict.

Wedding in May:

  • In the popular belief, marry in May - to wave all life together.
  • Since ancient times, the dates of painting have not been set for this month.
  • Signs say that May marriage is doomed to distrust and betrayal.

In the spring, all months are considered difficult for weddings. A completely different thing is summer. Read further.

Summer marriage - wedding in June, July, August: signs by month

The whole summer period, according to popular beliefs, is the most suitable time for an important celebration. Spouses will live a long and happy life together. Summer families will spend time in joy and happiness. Below you will find a description for months. Pay attention to the summer marriage in June and August. Read more:

Wedding in June:

  • June marriage promises newlyweds a sweet life, a lifelong honeymoon.
  • In the pair, mutual understanding, love, peace and consent will reign.
  • Even in case of conflict situations, the spouses will quickly find a joint solution.

Wedding in July:

  • Family couples, legalized their feelings in the second summer month, themselves build relationships, all depends only on themselves.
  • And sorrows and joys, as often spelled out in the marriage speech of the registrar, will be divided in half.

Wedding in August:

  • Friendly family and complete understanding are waiting for couples in August.
  • This union is based on great love.
  • According to the signs, the family will be surrounded by tenderness and romance.

In the fall, there are also good months for weddings. Read further.

Autumn marriage - Wedding in September, October, November: Signs by month

The union registered during the golden autumn period will be strong and long. The couple will carry mutual warm feelings throughout life. There was a tradition among the people to celebrate weddings after collecting an autumn crop. Here the description will accept for months:

Wedding in September:

  • The scheduled in the first month of autumn, beliefs promise a harmonious and calm life together.
  • The marriage of the September newlyweds will be strong, reliable and measured.

Wedding in October:

  • The people often played weddings October 14 for Pokrov.
  • Marriage in the second autumn month carry frequent conflicts and quarrels to a couple.
  • But, if the spouses are ready to make concessions to each other, the family may be happy.

Wedding in November:

  • November unions often hold on the financial sector.
  • There are also positive points. This is abundance and wealth, peace and happiness.
  • Men who married in November, beliefs promise a caring and faithful wife.

There are many more different signs. Read further.

Wedding date on the recommendations of astrologers

In addition to folk signs, you can pay attention to the numbers, according to the lunar calendar.

  • The astrological forecast for successful days for marriage includes 10, 11, 17, 18, 21, 26, 27 lunar day.
  • Marry is not worth 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19 lunar days.

See the lunar day by this link.

Astrological forecast for different types of relationships

If the newlyweds want passionate and funny relationships, you need to pay attention to such periods:

  • From March 21 to April 20
  • From 24 July to 23 August
  • From November 23 to December 21

Dates are suitable for trusting and harmonious ties:

  • From January 21 to February 19
  • From May 22 to 21 June
  • From September 24 to 23 October

Those who want to get a calm and measured relationship should consider the numbers:

  • From December 22 to January 20
  • From April 21 to May 21
  • From 24 August to 23 September

Fans of sharp, but at the same time of good relationship, you need to plan a wedding day for the period:

  • From February 20 to March 21
  • June 22 to 23 July
  • From October 24 to November 22

Based on the lunar calendar, the bride and groom will be able to choose the date suitable for their relationship.

Church calendar wedding: inappropriate days

Believers of the newlyweds should turn to the dates that are especially indicated by the church. In addition to permitted days, there are holidays that do not need to plan a wedding.

The church does not approve of the alliances concluded on these wrong days according to the church calendar:

The dates of church holidays can view after this link.

  • Parental Saturday - in every year their dates depend on Easter
  • Radonitsa - in every year its own date depends on Easter
  • Dimitrievskaya Saturday - every year the date is changing
  • Memory of Warrior Memory - May 9
  • Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary - September 21
  • Saturday 2 and 3 Week
  • Easter and 39-40 days after it
  • Period from 1 to 19 January
  • Trinity and Trinity Saturday - every year the date changes, depends on Easter
  • Annunciation of the Virgin - April 7
  • Settlement of the Lord - February 15
  • Petrov post is a summer multi -day post established in honor of the memory of the two most revered apostles - Peter and Paul. Its duration is different every year. It depends on the date of Easter celebration and can be from 8 to 42 days.
  • Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary - December 4

Also, the Church does not recommend being combined with marriage:

  • In March during Great Lent
  • From 1 to 11 July
  • From 14 to 30 August
  • November 1 and 2
  • November 28 to January 19

Also, many signs indicate that you should not make a wedding in Great postwhose ending falls on Easter. Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Wedding signs by day of the week

If we approach the choice of a wedding day according to signs with all seriousness, then you need to pay attention not only for a month and number. The day of the week plays an unimportant role.

What do the days of the week mean by folk beliefs? There are such wedding signs:

  • Monday - The day is hard, not only in work. The creation of a family at this date promises spouses a complex and tense relationship.
  • Tuesday It is also considered an unfavorable day. The family will have many conflicts and quarrels. Spouses will fight for the right to be the head of the family. In relations throughout the joint life, aggression and temper will be present. But if a couple wants passionate and not boring relations, you can try to sign on Tuesday.
  • On Wednesday Marriages are created where partners are ready for free relations, for which fun and entertainment are more important than family values. The family will constantly have tension, coolness and alienation. At the same time, the newlyweds will support and understand each other if their frivolous attitude to marriage is mutually. It is difficult to educate children in such a family. If fidelity is important to a couple, it is better to consider other dates.
  • Thursday Not suitable for painting in love. Frequent betrayals and quarrels expect a couple. Even an insignificant mistake of one of the partners will cause a serious blow to the relationship. In Orthodox churches, they do not crown on this day of the week. The marriage will not last long due to family squabbles and misunderstandings between spouses. Only couples who are confident in the seriousness of their relationships and are ready to make concessions can try to create family happiness.
  • On Friday Happy families are being created. Even the planet is the patron saint of this day - Venus, symbolizes love and passion in a harmonious union. Many couples try to get married on Friday. Do not be afraid if the 13th day fell on this day of the week, statistics say that this is one of the most successful coincidences. Friday is great for romantic couples.
  • Saturday It is suitable for lovers who are not inclined to demonstrate emotions, serious and aimed at personal benefits. Such marriages are stable and long.
  • On Sunday harmonious unions are concluded. Relations in the family will be happy and surrounded by love and understanding. Signs also promise the rapid appearance of heirs.

Most often, the newlyweds choose Friday and Saturday. This is justified not only by the fact that guests are convenient these days, but also by the fact that this is the most favorable time for painting.

How to choose a time for a wedding and marriage registration?

Most often, the groom and the bride prefer hours after dinner. Both the lovers themselves and the guests have enough time to prepare. But in the registry office you can sign early in the morning and in the late afternoon. It is worth considering all the options proposed by the registrar. How to choose a time for a wedding and marriage registration?

  • Painting from 10 to 12 hours It takes place in a calm atmosphere, which can be suitable for small ceremonies with the closest people. Then there will be enough time to visit the sights of the city.

First of all, the newlyweds select the time of registration so that it is not too late to come to the wedding banquet. It is necessary to plan almost every minute of the celebration: registration in the registry office, wedding, wedding photo shoot, a trip to memorable places and attractions. It is important to come to the unofficial part in time, where the parents of a newly made family and some guests will already wait.

Noting a modest painting alone, you can choose the evening time, which will give romance and mystery to one of the main events in life.

Important tips for newlyweds for a wedding

In order for the wedding day to leave only positive emotions, the couple must not only plan this day. First of all, the young people need to discuss in advance what they will be based on when choosing the time and date of registration, without quarrels and conflicts. Here are important tips for the newlyweds:

  • When you need to choose a month, in addition to the signs, you need to consider at what time of the year the ceremony is held. This will help in choosing an outfit and a banquet venue. At a visiting wedding in nature, you need to find out weather conditions for this day.
  • At work, it is necessary to agree on vacation dates in advance so that there are no difficulties with planning a romantic trip to the honeymoon of young people.
  • You can choose the perfect day for painting, given the folk signs, astrological forecasts for the lunar calendar, using the tips of Feng Shui.
  • Religious couples are primarily to pay attention to the church calendar of holidays and great posts that was relevant this year. You can consult with the priest who will hold the wedding ceremony.
  • If the bride and groom want to choose a beautiful date, then it is necessary to submit an application a few months before the painting. There are always a lot of people for such numbers.

Each pair decides what to pay attention to when planning one of the most important events in life, but tips always help reduce time to search for a competent solution. Regardless of religious preferences, faith in signs, advice of astrologers and numerologists, you need to choose the time and date together with the future spouse, without quarrels and disagreements. You need to start family life with an understanding of each other's feelings and respect the opinion of the partner.

Video: how to understand the month of the wedding what marriage will be. Folk signs

Video: The worst month for marriage in 2022

Video: Wedding calendar: folk, lunar, astrological, church. When you can not play a wedding

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