Is it necessary to buy the same engagement rings for bride and groom for a wedding? Can I buy engagement rings of different colors?

Is it necessary to buy the same engagement rings for bride and groom for a wedding? Can I buy engagement rings of different colors?

Working rings: how to choose whether paired or can I buy various rings?

Wedding rings are a symbol of eternal love in a couple. In this article, we will tell you whether it is necessary to buy the same wedding rings, or are they allowed different? Should I dwell on the classics, or give free rein? Do you need gold rings, or maybe any metal?

Is it necessary to buy the same engagement rings for bride and groom for a wedding?

  • In order to consider the question of whether it is necessary to buy the same engagement rings to the newlywed for a wedding, let's look at the history and symbolism of these jewelry.
  • The first rings were weaved made of wood and leather, decorated with feathers of birds, well, they rushed accordingly. In the Middle Ages, in part of the countries, only the nobility had wedding rings. But in part of the countries, during the wedding on the pillow, there was only one wedding ring - a ring for the bride, which became a wife. She renounced her kind and passed into the generic nest of her husband. And the ring emphasized her husband.
  • Men are orthodox Jews, and today they do not wear engagement rings, but put on during the wedding only on their spouse. This is due to the Torah, according to her teaching, a real believing man does not wear jewelry.
Wedding rings
Wedding rings
  • Wedding rings did not immediately appear with the institution of marriage, but gradually, with the popularization of jewelry. At the same time, some peoples believed that the best engagement ring from gold, others from silver. At the same time, in Russia it was considered the norm when the husband wore a golden engagement ring as a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and his wife is silver as a symbol of protection from negativity, evil spirits and negative energy.
  • The poor layers of the population wore rings made of wood and metal, tin rings, and if they were very lucky - silver.
  • At that distant time, silver and gold were inherited from generation to generation not only among the imminent living, but also among royal persons, and most often no one thought about any pair jewelry.
  • By the middle of the 19th century, at the peak of romanticism and the cult of love, a new trend appeared - paired engagement rings. They symbolized the unity, integrity of the couple, endless love and mutual understanding in a couple. But is it? Or did one of the spouses just agree with the other “pushing” his desires away?

8 reasons to buy paired engagement rings

Before deciding whether to buy the same engagement rings - let's look at the advantages of paired jewelry for the wedding:

  • When choosing the same rings, each pair can once again look closely at his partner and decide whether he is ready to compromise himself, and whether he is ready to give in to the partner. Do quarrels and loud disputes arise, or is it solved peacefully?
  • The paired engagement rings is a symbol of unity, “I” ends on them and “we” begins, if the couple is not ready for unity in the rings, whether they are ready to go through unity in the house, life, difficulties, etc. After all, marriage is a very long event, ideally once and for all;
  • A couple with paired engagement rings in society looks more closely, at first glance showing that they belong to each other;
Paired engagement rings
Paired engagement rings
  • Often, paired engagement rings are provided with a discount in a jewelry store, which can save the budget of young;
  • The general decor on engagement rings is a symbolism that emphasizes the individuality of the couple. Flower ornament - a symbol of fertility and peace, inscription or abbreviation - is completely unique for the couple;
  • It is worth noting that smooth, without patterns, the classic rings do not go out of fashion, and are also ideal in sock, because you will wear a wedding ring every day until the end of your days;
  • If the newlyweds are suspicious - they may not withstand the influx of questions and the negative “signs” relatively not paired rings;
  • For many people (both girls and guys), various engagement rings are associated with a simple decoration, and not a symbol of love and unity.

5 reasons to buy unpaired engagement rings

Now on the question of whether to buy the same wedding rings, consider arguments for unpaired rings:

  • If two mature personalities who have their own beliefs about their lives come into marriage, and know how to negotiate with a partner and respect his boundaries - they can afford unspat rings. The jewelry that will express their personality, but at the same time make a small element that will emphasize their joint marriage. For example, an eccentric wife can get a luxurious engagement massive ring, and her ascetic-muzh-laconic with an element echoing with her ring;
Original unpaired rings with adjacent design
Original unpaired rings with adjacent design
  • A married couple who does not pay attention to archaic prejudices that know the story well and understands that all “signs” are not centuries -old, but for a period of not more than 100 years - can easily choose unpaired rings and “introduce a new tradition for the next 100+ years”;
  • When one is madly loved by snow -white gold, and the second red. In this case, there is no problem to choose rings from different types of gold with the same design;
Unusual engagement rings
Unusual engagement rings
  • Fashion revolutionaries can abandon classic pair rings in favor of titanium, tin, etc. At the same time, the model of female and male rings will vary significantly;
  • A different shape of the hands is a common problem of young. After all, a model that suits one may not fit another. If one shape of the rings is not suitable for a future married couple, do not suffer, choose various rings with echoing nuances.

How to choose unpaired engagement rings to emphasize the unity of the family?

So, there are no good reason to buy paired or unpaired engagement rings, but still there is a certain recommendation that even if the rings are unpaired, they must have something in common:

  • One color of gold, but various designs of rings;
  • One partner has a monophonic gold ring, the second with combined gold, in the same design;
  • The same design is a different color of gold;
  • The bride has a big diamond, the groom has a small, but in the same style;
Non -banal engagement rings
Non -banal engagement rings
  • The bride has a path of diamonds, the groom has one diamond of the same size in the same cut;
  • One spouse has a matte ring, the second is glossy;
  • Maturity or serpentine is applied in the same style on rings of different colors of gold;
  • Various styles of rings, while the same engraving;
  • The beginning of the engraving on the spouse’s ring, the end is on the ring of the spouse;
Unpaired engagement rings
Unpaired engagement rings
  • If the bride likes non -standard solutions with sapphire, ruby \u200b\u200bor emerald, then the man has a small stone on the ring in the style of the spouse's ring;
  • The husband has a glossy ring, and the wife has the same metal, but with a matte coating or a serpentine;
  • The same model, for example, is an American, but of various thicknesses;
  • The same model, but the wife has engraved, or a path of precious stones.

Can I buy engagement rings of different colors?

Preparing for the wedding and deciding whether to buy the same engagement rings, the question most often arises - is it possible to buy wedding rings of different colors? Yes, you can purchase a wedding cups of different colors, if they have echoing nuances (design, shape, stones, engraving, etc.)

Working rings of different colors
Working rings of different colors

What to look for when choosing engagement rings?

Disassembleing the topic-whether it is necessary to buy the same engagement rings, we made a short checklist, how to quickly choose engagement rings. To do this, the groom and the bride need to answer a few questions, and starting from them you can easily choose the best engagement rings:

  • From which metal there will be rings (gold, silver, titanium, etc.);
  • The preferred color of gold or metal;
  • The presence of stones, what stones, how many pieces, what a fix, the color of the stones;
  • The size of the rings;
  • The shape of the fingers, and which rings are suitable for them;
  • Classic or trend?
  • Like gloss, dullness, serpentine?
  • Will there be external or internal engraving?
  • What symbolism do you invest in your rings?
  • And the most important point - is there a scandal, quarrels and a squabble when choosing rings? Are you ready to listen to each other? What is more important to prove your own or be in harmony with a partner?
Unpaired engagement rings
Unpaired engagement rings

What to do if one of the spouses has lost its engagement ring?

Is it necessary to buy the same engagement rings, applies not only to the newlyweds, but also to those who have long been married. Every day wearable decoration can be lost, mutate or deteriorate in contact with acids, etc.

Immediately assemble, no, the loss of the ring is not a guarantee of a divorce or death of the spouse! These are stupid prejudices of the "scarecrow" for an amateur. The situations are different, and if you are left without a wedding ring, you just need to buy a new couple!

  • The lost ring, replace it with identical, and before putting it on a finger - re -pronounce your wedding oaths (or voice new ones);
  • Renew the rings of the spouse and spouse, repeating the oaths of love;
  • If the couple is not married, think about the wedding and update a couple of rings, and in the future to wear not engagement rings, but wedding rings.
Wedding rings - a symbol of love and unity of souls
Wedding rings - a symbol of love and unity of souls

Is it necessary to buy the same engagement rings: tips and reviews

Maksim: they wanted to choose paired engagement rings, but my chubby fingers, and the “American” looks perfect, and the bride has chiseled, and the classic “Europeans” with a single -car stone look perfect on her hand. We decided to stop on one metal plus satin notch. It looks very beautiful and aesthetic.

Lyudmila: The choice of rings for our pair was a real test, because I can’t make a choice either I, but an assortment, fashion, trends and everything else - just an emergency. Six months to choose from, but we could not come to the decision, I liked everything and a lot, at least five rings instead of one. And then walking on the weekend, we went to the store and saw delightful Titan rings with runes. The decision was made unanimously and in a second! Remember - each family is individual, the decision is only yours! The same or similar rings are solved only to you.

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