Original oaths of newlyweds at the wedding: Examples

Original oaths of newlyweds at the wedding: Examples

We bring to your attention interesting ideas for the oath of newlyweds at the wedding.

Original oaths of newlyweds at the wedding: Examples

Original oaths of newlyweds at the wedding: Examples
Original oaths of newlyweds at the wedding: Examples

The original oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are examples:

  • Example No. 1: Today is the most important day for both of us - we begin the countdown of a new, happy life. Life that will consist of smiles, warmth, huge love, which will increase exponentially every day. My loved one, you are the most expensive to my heart, the most welcome and close. I don’t even want to remember my existence before meeting you. Your kindness, care, passion and love - helped me know simple human happiness. Now I know for sure that the main thing in life is not at all the most modern gadgets and branded things, but a faithful loving person who awaits you with a smile in a joint cozy nest. You are my sun, which warms my soul and body, you are the most faithful friend who knows how to support, understand and console, you are the best half of me, sent to me by the Almighty. I love you very much, and I swear, I will love forever.
  • Example No. 2: My delicate fluffy kitten, today we have a fabulous and joyful day - we will be a real family. This is so beautiful and exciting at the same time, because turning into the status of a husband and wife, we take responsibility for each other. But my confidence in you is at maximum indicators, because I know how strong our feelings and the desire to give each other happiness and love are. I promise to do everything so that the flame of our love always glows brightly and never fades away. After all, you are not just my second half, you are my earthly sun, which illuminates my path day and night. Fate did everything so that we met and never separated again, and it pleases me endlessly. Always remember, I love you very much, I will never offend you, and I will always be on your side, even if you make misconduct. I will surround you with care, love, attention, I will do everything so that the world around you is rainbow, warm, interesting. I want our happiness to last forever, we were an example for other couples in love.
  • Example No. 3: My joy and happiness, I can’t believe that this happy day has come. It is already beautiful only for the reason that from now on we are one, and I believe that it will be so forever. My love, in the presence of our relatives and friends, I promise you to be your inspiration, a ray of light in darkness, an outlet in difficult times, beauty for your eyes. Do you think an ordinary person will not be able to realize all this? Believe me, I can, if I love very much. And I love you endlessly, I can’t live a single day without you, there is one hour. I love to look at you, touch you, hear your nose sniffing when you sleep, your smile, gait, manner speak. In my eyes you are a perfect creation of nature, you are an invaluable gift that gave me life. I love you, and I know for sure that it will always be like that, even in those moments when you are angry with me, because I know that the best feelings that warm the human soul live in your heart.

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - text

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - Text
The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - text

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - Text:

  • Example No. 1: Today is our wedding day, and it is beautiful. We went to him for a very long time, because at the very beginning of our acquaintance we could not even believe that we would become husband and wife. But this wonderful event happened, and brought us both positive emotions. Let's take this positive in our future family life, and we will do everything so that it remains with us all the time while we live our earthly life. My love, let's promise each other to be loving, passionate, friendly and open to each other. Let's try to paint our world with exceptionally bright colors, so that our life, and the life of our children, be as happy and funny as possible. I love you, and I know that we will succeed, because you are the kindest, sweetest and responsive person on this huge planet. And I am grateful to God that I got such a person. I know that our feelings are mutual, so I believe that we will be a happy married couple, we will receive exclusively gifts from life, and avoid the omissions and SOR.
  • Example No. 2: My happiness, you are my main prize in this life. Without you, she was gray, faceless, boring. But you, like a warm sunlight, appeared in my life made it better. After our meeting, I began to joyfully wake up in the morning, because I knew that today I would see my soul mate, I could touch it, hear a voice dear to my heart. Our meetings with you gave me wings, they inspired me so much that I could redo a huge amount of things in one breath. I was very upset when you canceled our dates, and was looking forward to your call. You know, I really love to hear your voice in a telephone, especially when you are far from me. Your gentle voice always reassures me, and I know that everything is in order with you. I swear my flower, to protect you as the biggest jewel, to be your support - the most reliable and strong. I promise to love and cherish our kids, give them the warmth of their souls, care, and do everything so that their life is easy and fabulous. My most beautiful and beloved, I will do everything so that you are happy and do not regret this day.
  • Example No. 3: My beloved, I was lucky enough to meet a real man - faithful, sensitive, loving, attentive, hardworking. I thought that there are no such in modern realities, and then the Universe sent you to me. When we only met, I reacted to you with a little fear, the picture was too positive. But you managed to prove to me that the perfect man, and I calmly trusted you. And you know, I did not lose, you surrounded me with care and attention, you gave me all yourself, and gave your great love. And all this time, starting from our acquaintance, and ending this minute, I lived in a fabulous world, I hope that this will continue. Now, in the presence of all our guests, I want to confess to you in love, she filled my whole soul, warming me, inspiring me to good deeds. Thank you for the warmth that settled in my body, because now I have something to share with others. Honey, I promise you to be the best keeper of the family hearth, support you in difficult times, and always share with you not only joy, but rare problematic moments that will surely check our union for strength.

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - the words of the groom

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - the words of the groom
The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - the words of the groom

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding is the words of the groom:

  • Example No. 1: My sweet flower, you know how I adore you. You are the most delicate and beautiful creature that I met in my life. I am well aware that today I take you from my parents, and begin to bear responsibility for your well -being. I promise you a beloved, surround you with care, affection, all the benefits of modern civilization, to be faithful and respectful to you. The only thing I ask, remember that I am an ordinary earthly person who can get tired, be upset and angry. Therefore, if there is a minute when I give Slabin, try to understand me, and let me calm down. I will quickly pick up myself in my hands and again I will delight you, my sun. I know for sure that you will always be able to understand and support me, because you are a very kind and responsive person who, just as I am ready to do everything so that our union is eternal.
  • Example No. 2: Today in this beautiful white dress there is a real queen, and I still can’t believe that I got such an unearthly beauty. I guess I'm just lucky, otherwise how can you explain such a combination of circumstances. I often think that it was with me now, if on that ordinary day, I did not dare to approach you. You were so beautiful, inaccessible and inaccessible. Seeing you, I seemed to froze in place, and could not take my eyes off your beautiful eyes, and they looked at me with a challenge and mixing. I don’t know why, but at that moment I felt that I needed to talk to you, and I realized that if I did not, I would be very sorry. After a ten -minute conversation, I realized that I was in love, although before that I did not believe in love at first sight. Now I know for sure that you can fall in love instantly. And my intuition did not fail me, you turned out to be the most sweet girl in the world. Honey, I promise to always love you, to amuse you, to please, and to fulfill all your dreams and cherished desires.
  • Example No. 3: My bright star, you are always beautiful - and day, night. Your unearthly beauty always fascinates me, ... and therefore I am very often late for work. You are my little doll that you want to protect and protect from the aggressive world. I love you very much, and I promise to do everything so that you do not know grief, sadness and disappointment. And believe me, these are not empty words, I already began to take care that you and I had our own nest. I will try to do everything so that our house is cozy and filled with happiness. I want it to be heard in it as soon as possible the clatter of children's legs. In my dreams, which will soon become a reality, I see at least two children - a son and a daughter. Darling, give me a continuation of our love, and I will do everything so that a happy smile does not leave your face.

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - the words of the bride

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - the words of the bride
The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding - the words of the bride

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding is the words of the bride:

  • Example No. 1: Beloved, you are one of those men who can be proud of yourself. You have just started an independent life, but have already achieved a lot. You have a good education, your favorite work, stable income. I want to say separately about your male qualities. You are the most purposeful, courageous, strong, hardworking person. But even more I appreciate your ability to love, give positive, spiritual calm, surround you. I am very proud that I got a real man. Honey, I want to promise you to be a faithful, loving wise wife, always ready to support you in your endeavors. I also promise to cook your favorite dishes for you to ensure that you drink tasteless mixtures during the illness, and just amuse when you are sad.
  • Example No. 2: My lion, you are beautiful and strong, and all my girlfriends envy me. Not every woman gets a real man in her husband, but I was lucky. You are a real wall that fenced me from everything bad. One of my word is, and you almost instantly solve all my problems. You are like a fabulous wizard who, with a lightning speed, fulfills all my desires. I am very pleased that I got such a man. I warmly recall all those joyful moments that we survived together - our walks in the park, quiet gatherings watching the film, noisy parties with friends, and romantic evenings and nights, which we spent only together. Beloved, I promise to never disappoint you in anything, to be the most faithful and loving. Know, you always can rely on me in everything.
  • Example No. 3: My bright sun, I love you endlessly, and I want you to shine as bright as possible, and your rays warm both my soul and my body. You are so beautiful that it’s even hard to believe that such a person exists. But fortunately, you are a real man, and you are my second half, without which I can not imagine my life. I want you to always be only mine, because for me you are perfection itself. I promise you to always be on your side, protect you from evil words, give the warmth to your soul, do everything so that your life is joyful. You are most expensive for me, always remember this.

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding: Examples

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding: Examples
The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding: Examples

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding: Examples:

You are my desire
Tender love,
You are my suffering
What comes again
You are coziness on your heart
In dreams I'm with you
I beg, the door
Open me to my soul!

You are so glorious
As if a flower
Sweet, welcome,
Like spring, a sip
You are so passionate
Like a stream of river,
Bright, beautiful,
Like a nightmare!

Moonlit night,
On a bright day, any
Know, I dream very
To be with you
On every warm evening
Passionately kiss
And as strong as possible
Hugging with affection!


You, like a sorceress from a fairy tale
Bright, beautiful, like a moon
Your special affection
As life itself, I need so much!
You, as spring, are unique,
Your image is gentle, sweet, good,
I need you alone
You will not find one in the world,
Perhaps I don't know how
Words speak beautifully,
But every day even stronger
I want to love you!


You are an angel that came off heaven,
You are so beautiful and wonderful,
You are my desired, bright light,
You are amazing, sweet, lovely.
I love you with all my soul
I devote myself entirely to you
And with pride I call you "my",
And I dream about you every moment.
You are my sunset, you are stars, sun,
You are my huge, bright world
And without you now it is impossible for me
I did not like anyone so much in my life.
I know who you dream about
I know who you are sad about
I know who you remember
When you sit at work.
But you will never know
And I will never say
How my heart is discouraged
How much I love you.


I want to meet you
Want to kiss!
I want you to notice
How I love you.
You are the best in the world,
Believe my words.
You are an asterisk in the sky
You are an entire ocean!
How can you understand -
I need you alone ...
You are more expensive for me
All in the world!


You are the sun, you are lovely, you are my joy.
There is no more beautiful in the world and better than you.
You are an angel that keeps me from adversity.
Only you say a word - and grief will leave.
How wonderful it is that there is a person
Who will tell me: "Seryozha, hello."
I love you, the sun, stronger every day.
My love is burning with bright fire.
I want to tell you, dear,
What I feel, to convey all love.
But there is no word in the world - only my feeling ...
And it burns strongly and brightly.


I'm talking about you quietly
I'm afraid to scare away Zaychenka
I am lying in silence in silence
I look at you without breathing
I love you, I am stated!
I love and live for you!
Let the owl will go away
And the seas will dry,
My love will find you
When the dawn comes.


You don't be sad, love
In the country of distant dreams,
I'll be back to you, and we will again
With you among bright stars.
Do not worry! I will not leave!
I myself want to be longer with you.
I decided so, I want so
So that I have to swim with you with one river.
I thought for a long time, I finally understood
That I only need you alone!
And our common beating hearts
They say to each other so frankly: yes!
I tell you: I love you!
You take my strong hand.
Together we will certainly be forever.
How I love you, so you love me!


You understand, it's just a miracle -
Look at the world - and see only you.
I meet your eyes everywhere
And I rush to them, my head is bumping.
I found that sincerity in them, that tenderness,
That cleanliness, that reverent sadness,
That beauty, that devotion, reliability,
In which I am in a hurry to dissolve.
You are for me like a warm rain in May,
Like the first snow, crystal whiteness,
Like a miracle island, a piece of paradise
Among the deserted, dead silence.
It is as if music is playing in me
Like a fireworks of lights in my blood,
It’s a pity, only words that I know is not enough,
To add you a recognition of love.


I remember a moment when I saw you
As if he had awakened from sleep.
It happened that I could not foresee
Love came, and she became everyone
As if I did not live until our meeting,
As a nightmare, I remember those.
And if they ask, I will not even answer,
How I could breathe in this void.


I want to give you the sky
The tenderness of the morning, the flickering of the moon.
For you to become both the sun and snow,
Just to know that you are next to me.
Let me live in your feelings
And die in the arms of dreams.
In the way to warm on the lips a kiss,
In your world to fall from a height.
I ask, steal my soul
I am ready to scream very loudly,
That now you only need you
I want to run away for you.
Let there be no sunsets, dawn,
All this is your gaze will replace me.
Just get the answer to the questions
I fell in love and who is to blame?


We met with you by chance
Love pierced like an arrow.
As if suddenly discovered a secret
What rang like a string.
I'm here in the human whirlpool,
I noticed your bright look.
We took off in the same flight -
Not noticing snowfall.
We spoke and circled
Above everyday vanity.
As if they were akin to souls,
Having accepted the gift of unearthly.


This does not happen - this is a fairy tale
I thank the sky
And drown in a vast affection,
With you, whom I love!
Favorite! Happiness is expensive
So sweet, dear.
I have a holiday with you everywhere -
So cheerful, kind, different.
I'm about love with you poems
I am writing about everything between us.
Love is the designer,
And only sadness
Everything can destroy
Having stole only the detail.
Love is fertile,
Generous and rich
Like wild rosehip
Fresh mint.
Love suffers a lot,
And forgives a lot
Giving birth in a person
Ferwing forever.
Beloved, my dear,
Your mouth is sweet ...
After all, in the secret of love
Everything is a continuous mystery.


I love you dear, such a fate,
I wish to be nearby forever
I love you flawlessly
In my designs, I am weak.
For every moment I am grateful
I get cherish for each for a second
I love and tremble joyfully,
For every moment of the arms of the steam room.
Days pass, nights flicker,
You are most important to me
Love of beautiful triumph,
Someone from above is ongoing.


I am so pleased and gratifying
That a strong shoulder is nearby.
I am so calm and easy for me
When you are, my love.
And let them happen, between us,
That the flakes of snow fly
Cold rains are coming,
Rays do not warm the sun.
But still, my love,
I love you day by day.
The weather in the heart will be again -
And this will strengthen love!
How strange it is to feel different.
Everything in the world is as if differently.
I forget about everything when you
Similar with me.
And even if the rain goes
In my soul so sunny and clear
And it seems that the whole world sings to me about love,
This is probably happiness.
It overflows me to the edges,
I love so much and do not even hide
I want to be with you day and night,
Now I know that for sure.


I want you to know
How dear you are to me.
If you called
I would have passed a hundred roads.
And thousands of miles are not afraid of me
With you in a heady fog.
After all, your voice and your look
They speak with my heart.
I hope I too
For you others are more expensive
Therefore, I am in a hurry
Say three important words:
I love you.
And I will repeat them again.


My beloved man, I want to tell you -
As soon as you leave, I'm starting to wait ...
I dream about a meeting, about how you will come.
I think I am guessing - how do you live without me? ..
I am very lonely when you are not nearby,
But you will come, hug, give me flowers,
And the sun will smile, and the birds will sing,
Calm, comfort will immediately fall on the heart.
My beloved man, I will only open the door to you -
I don't need anything, I'm happy with you!

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are comic

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are comic
The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are comic
The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are comic
The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are comic

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are comic:

The oath of the newlyweds "I promise!" And "Always ready!"
(The bride replies to all the questions of the leading: “I promise!”).

1. Presenter: Promise to protect your husband,
Help wherever he needs
Understanding his thoughts and feelings
Do you promise?
Bride: I promise!

2. Presenter: Promise us to be always funny,
Affectionate and tender, in a word,
Pour not only a mug of tea in the morning
Do you promise?
Bride: I promise!

3. Presenter: Promise that in the bathhouse and with friends
You will let go with love words
And a joyful smile, meeting
Do you promise?
Bride: I promise!

4. Presenter: Promise us all during a formidable storm
Do not throw the old pots at him.
And parents will not know about the quarrel
Do you promise?
Bride: I promise!

5. Presenter: Promise us to always be beautiful,
Friendly and not at all jealous,
The world in the family is reliably guarding.
Do you promise?
Bride: I promise!

(The groom answers all the questions of the leading: “Always ready!”).

1. Presenter: So, groom, from today
Everything will be completely new to you,
Get up to get ready until the first roosters
Be ready?!
Groom: Always ready!

2. Presenter: Your wife does not have time to get up in the morning,
You have to serve her coffee (with a smile),
And don't forget about a bouquet of flowers,
So, the groom, is ready?
Groom: Always ready!

3. Presenter: If you went to the taiga for a mammoth
Il on the river go fishing in the morning,
Take a double catch to the family
Are you ready?
Groom: Always ready!

4. Presenter: Do not hide your wife from the whole world,
Dress the diamonds, diamonds and fur coats,
And buy a few more pearls
Be ready?!
Groom: Always ready!

5. Presenter: And, finally, we will give one advice:
Always meet your wife ... (name) ... dawn.
And then there will be no clouds in the family!
Be ready?!
Groom: Always ready!

The comic oath of the bride and groom "swear the arrow of the Cupid"

(To conduct an oath, print texts for newlyweds in advance)

Presenter: swear the arrow of the Cupid,
Like Shakespeare Desdemon
Be a faithful wife to her husband.
Bride: I swear I be his soul.
Presenter: You will go with him at least where.
Bride: Like a Decembrist wife.
Presenter: wash the dishes, cook food,
And the baby to give birth to him
Swear to wash the laundry.
Bride: I swear to pick up the salary.
Presenter: so that they go forever one road,
So that you be a help to him.
Bride: I can't take your husband's neck,
I swear to love him forever!

Presenter: Groom, since you called yourself a husband,
In the affairs of family do not be lazy!
Do you understand how the bride is needed?
Let's swear too!
Presenter: How Angel, you are kind and sweet,
After all, I did not like anyone like that?
Groom: And I will never fall in love,
I swear at all solemnly.
Presenter: And if anything happens,
You are a defender to her, you are a stronghold!
Groom: I swear to be always
And never argue.

Presenter: Together to be - what a blessing,
Understand everything and forgive everything.
And in the weather and in bad weather
Love equally.
Do not bend from blows,
Do not become pessimists,
To stay young,
If there is sixty.
And let the festive pattern
Your life will sparkle.
We remains a choir
Only "bitterly!" You say to you!

A comic wedding contract with promises.

(Forms of comic wedding contracts are printed in advance, in which, after making the promises of the bride and the groom, they sign, and then hand it to each other)
FULL NAME. Brides _________________________________________ ___________
- I promise in front of the storm, do not throw a pan at him.
We will not have quarrels - I know. Promise!
- I promise to feel sorry for my husband, to give in where necessary
Life to live without knowing. Promise!
- I promise to be funny, accept his friends,
Pour not only tea. Promise!
(the date). Bride painting ___________________

FULL NAME. groom __________________________________________ ___________
- undead and love his wife, do not keep her captive,
Do not hide from fellows. Always ready!
- Do not waste time, run in the bazaars,
Cook the soup and even pilaf. Always ready!
- As it gets dark, so home, to his sweet young one.
And do not take an example from cats. Always ready!
(the date). Groom's painting _________________

Before friends and relatives
I want this day and hour
Say words now,
So that they are strongly tied to us.

I was lucky - I met you!
I am sure: you are my man,
And better not you in the world
You have been with me for a long century.
My little man, dear, glorious,
I will always be close to
My choice in life is the most important!
We will make us closer years!
I will always be support for you
Worthy husband and father,
I will get the moon from heaven
And I will kill in our house to the ceiling.
I will be a faithful family man
Protect my family
You will give me a daughter and son,
And life, of course, is your own.
I will build a house for us huge,
So that she could become a mistress.
Let it become good with tradition
We have all our relatives to collect everyone,
I swear that you will not regret
What kind of husband came for me,
And you will probably be able to
So do so that I am happy!

Like all the girls, I dreamed
About a white dress and a veil,
And I walked quietly
To meet a girlish dream.
You once met me
I immediately realized - you are mine!
You quickly burst into life
My hero and my hero.
We can with you, I know for sure
Build a strong family!
And proudly promise
Bring your last name!
I will consult with you
And in the main, and by trifles,
Let the salt be eaten by pood
But everything will benefit us.
We will become closest in the world,
We can keep love
And let our children give birth,
In which there will be our blood.
I will be the best mom
And the most faithful wife,
And you will be your loved one
After all, you are only mine!

How great is that Nastya's name
Rhymes with the word happiness,
So, every day and hour
Everything will be fine with us!

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding touching

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding touching
The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding touching
The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding touching
The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding touching

The oaths of the newlyweds at the wedding are touching:

The oath of the groom

I'm sometimes afraid to open my eyes
It seems to me that everything will disappear
When you are not there, the light will fade
And as if freezing the soul from the inside,
I fell in love with all my heart and seriously
It is impossible for me to live without you now,
Beloved, please do not say “no” to me ...
You are the half that I have been looking for so many years
To become and see the light,
And if suddenly it is difficult for you to believe
I will repeat that only I love you
And that it is impossible for me to live without you.

I love you and cherish suffering
And with every hour - feelings are stronger,
I want to make a gentle recognition:
You are for me in the world of everyone!
Love, like the sky is eternal, holy,
Accept as a gift invaluable from me,
I'll open the heart of the heart of an ardent
Warm up with the heat of my fire!
In my dreams, I passionately hug you,
In the bliss of a paradise, unearthly,
I am every moment only dream of you
As a gift of the most expensive!

Darling, it’s not easy for me to understand
When my love is stronger.
When you sleep calmly and crumpled bed,
And in your hair, the ray of sun will sparkle.
Or maybe if you suddenly look by chance,
And I understand - I have not seen more beautiful eyes before.
I always hurry to help, I am ready to promise:
I will do everything so that you are happy.

My beloved, dear to my heart,
I want to say a few words
You opened the door to me in my heart,
That I do not want to close her now.
You took all the place in my head,
I filled gaps and voids in my soul,
It became more fun to live in the world,
Beauty has now opened life.
I want to be with you all the time,
And catch every second,
With you together only in life swim,
To continue to love you forever.

You are my tenderness, beauty and inspiration,
In you, I could find my harmony,
Thank you for giving strength to me,
And that you fill my days with my meaning.
That you are alone for a million,
Your support, faith is so important
You are my most dear
My bright ray, in the gloom of the former.
And I love you incredibly strong
I enjoy you and breathe
When you are not nearby, it becomes lousy,
And without you, believe me, I can’t.

I love you, my bright angel,
Madly, dear, I love
You are a blazing heart
I, my joy, will give.
I love your laughter, your smile
Bottomless whirlpool of cute eyes,
I dream about you alone
Let everything work out with us.
I always admire you
And without you, I'm not me
You are a sweet sin, my meaning and weakness,
I am only full -fledged with you.

My beloved, you are the one I need,
You are who I live and who breathe,
With you bright colors, life is full of life,
In you, I find my happiness!
I love you, my gentle angel,
You are joy, you are my bright light in life!
Beautiful, most colorful flower,
There is more beautiful in the world!


The oath of the bride

In you I see a real man
You are incomparable, and you are so alone
I will find more than one reason for this
And for your love I will give at least a whole world!
After all, I am calm and careless with you,
There is fire next to you in my soul,
So let this happiness last forever,
Hold my palm in your hand!
Captivated with brutality and courage of his
Your aroma is a dope,
To you, I am with my heart and soul,
But parting always, like arrows, hurt,

I want to always be next to you,
Feel your beloved man.
And there will be the future with a single path:
I will always find the reason for this!
There are so many people on the planet,
But only I don't need everything,
I am for my words in the answer
To the very heart,
I know that you are alone and only
I need every day and an hour
Understand, I love you so much
That there are not enough gentle phrases!


I devote your beloved to you,
I'm my gentle lines,
I miss you now
But where are you, but where are you?
My fate is your fate,
Was forever submitted
And only she is so restless
I have been taken into my heart.
Let the century pass so imperceptibly
And time will pass by!
My love with your love
Any feelings will heal!


There are considerable men in the world
Rich, smart, idle,
Funny, sensitive, kind, glorious,
Serious, a little wonderful.

But for me alone in the world,
Who are always my dreams about.
With whom do I dream of meeting old age,
And that man is you!


My beloved, my good,
You are my air and my sun
When you are next to me,
Then the heart beats more joyfully
When you are near the ground
The rainbow shines big,
And the wings wave behind their backs
Only with you am I like that!
I did not wait or wondered
When I accidentally met you.
I did not know that you would become my fate,
And I will live only by you!
Our fate weaved in one knot,
The trembling ran through the skin like a current.
I did not think that this happens
That love and hope inspires everything!


There is an expensive feeling inside me
To the best man on earth.
To love you is a great art,
But, believe me, it is for me.
And I am ready to share the sunsets,
Meet the dawn and at noon to be with you.
Sometimes people are not at all rich,
You need to feel your wealth with your soul.
And I want to admit: I am rich
Rich in the fact that I love you
Feeling every second - it is necessary
I breathe you, I live alone with you!


I want to tell you loudly
What hurts me without you, it hurts ...
And very hard!
When you are not with me,
The whole world becomes a burden to me
And there is only nonsense in my head,
And in the soul only muck!
And the white light is no longer sweet,
I always want to be with you!
Arrange a feast in this life
With my only hero!


You are an extraordinary man!
I am for you, like behind a stone wall!
Be always with me,
I pray you about this!
I love you for tenderness
For warmth and kindness!
For embodiment in reality
My cherished dream!
You are a source of my desire!
Thank you for your loyalty and understanding
For every minute of your attention!
I'm the happiest person in the world,
I love, you are unconscious!


I miss you very much!
I'm waiting for our meeting, dear!
My beloved man is the best
One is so close and native ...
I want to hug you, snuggle up to my chest,
I want to say how I love you
I'm afraid alone I'm staying without you
And in your thoughts I always keep your image!
About how I cry without you, I am sad ...
About the fact that the nights were dull without you.
And time stretches like eternity,
I pray, be you now
Always my man!


My beloved man
How sad without you!
When you are far away, I really miss me!
I have neither without you or sleep
I just suffer without you ...
I'm waiting, I'm always waiting for you
I feel very bad without you ...
My heart is torn to parts from sadness,
Return to me soon!
I miss, I really miss
I miss you now!


Once you came to me
I have been waiting for you for a century!
He came unexpectedly, as in a dream,
My most important person!
And the feeling that Shakespeare sang,
Connected us with you
I fell in love with this world
For what is in him, you, dear!
Through days and nights
Only about you all thoughts!
About how you and I will be together.
After all, you will hear my love alone,
We will leave the rest for later!


There is no rest in my soul
There is no you with me yet.
What is it?
This is love, my dear!
I'm madly in love
I am desired by you.
And my life is conquered
That passion of the long -awaited
I was waiting for you and I will wait
Forgetting about everything in the world ...
When my man comes,
One in this world!


My dear,
Thank you for everything, I say
After all, without you, I would never know happiness!
You took possession of my heart,
He wanted to make me his own ...
Oh how I love you!
Feel the heart of the rhythm,
Forget about everything in the world
Although for this moment!


I fall in love every day more and more
In your features, in your words ...
You get closer to me every day
So closer that the head is spinning!
And nothing becomes heard,
I understand that I'm in love with you.

I will give you myself forever!
I love you endlessly!
My man, you are like an angel,
Going down from heaven to me.
And live with you only in joy,
Like in a fabulous, magical dream!

In your eyes I swim like in the sea,
I don't want to be ashore for a second,
You are forever for me in the title role
I love you, I really love you
And not one man can not be compared,
Only you and no one else
You kiss again, entangled in the eyelashes,
And I don't need anything else!

The oath of newlyweds at the wedding is beautiful

The oath of newlyweds at the wedding is beautiful
The oath of newlyweds at the wedding is beautiful

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding is beautiful:

The oath of the newlyweds
Love comes to us sometimes suddenly
It is unpredictable and windy,
But this feeling is certainly so nice
And romantic, like a young spring.
I don't hide feelings from you at all,
After all, so long and passionately I love you
I always wish to be together,
To make your life bright and magical!

I love ... as a reward or in punishment
Such a gift was given to me by fate.
Sorry for the frank confession:
Life lost its colors without you.
I breathe you! It is very important to me
And the feelings of a bird from the chest are torn.
Live with you! Enter my house once
And do not go anywhere.

Love, so much in this word
Suffering, pain, joy and happiness.
And do not find me an exact answer,
What is more? Sun or bad?
I love, not a bit scary
Frankly in feelings that in my soul.
The road from love is sometimes dangerous
But I will risk walking along it.

I love you unbridled and passionately
I burn in the fire of crazy feelings.
My emotions are not subject to me,
After all, I am captured by aspirations and madness.
I love you, I are reverent and tender,
I live a dream, I am flying my soul to you,
I know - the possession is inevitable
For the meeting, this gratitude to send fate.
I love you just for no reason
I am not looking for motives for love.
There is you and me, there is a woman, a man
And the lust, seething in the blood.

The oath of the bridegroom
I swear to love you always.
You are a guiding star.
Dream! Flower of fragrant prairies!
I swear to forget the neighbor - Mary!
Without the need, do not shoot into the raven,
And Bill with John - to expel.
I swear to forget the taverns
And henceforth become loving and faithful!
The oath of the bride of the cowboy
Oh, my reckless cowboy!
Today, standing before you,
I want to give an oath at the wedding,
And promise something.
I swear - do not strain much,
And do not look for taverns,
Do not hide whiskey, do not scold,
Contain to maintain the ranch.
When Bill and Joe come to us -
They cannot be expelled from the house,
Idlebet cannot be taken out
And meet them with bread and salt.
Behave, as it should
Lead the cowboy wife.

The oath of the groom (for a stylized wedding in the sea topic)
I went to serve on the ship.
They say that I got.
They say it is difficult to serve there:
A very strict admiral.
As the Admiral saw
I immediately realized that I was gone.
Because I'm more charming
The admiral did not see.
I swear to serve properly
And do not break the charter
(Admiral is always the main one)
Fulfill all orders!
Because my beloved admiral ordered me.

The oath of the bride
At least I got used to the instructions and orders to distribute,
But, I swear to my sailors to show condescension.
I swear that on Sunday I will give them up to eight to sleep.
I will let me eat, and I will also let go of the dismissal.
On a weekday - do not wait for mercy, I must honestly plow.
I promise that the awards will not have to wait long.

Wedding oath for a stylized wedding (Russian wedding)
The oath of the bride:
My named, light (Ivanushka, Andreyushka)
God sent you - so be it!
I strict oath, I give you
I approximately be a wife.
I will be afraid and my husband,
I will not allow myself indecent.
I swear to be cooking,
Both clean and intelligent.
And the time will come - a kind mother
Our kids, lights-windows!

The oath of the groom:
Named, light - Nastasushka (Irinushka, Arinushka)
I give a vow, I swear before people.
I won’t get to the outfits, I
If the fur coat is sable.
And the boots kohl are Safyanov.
And I swear life to live with you.
In love is big, but in health.

The oath of the groom
So from today
Everything will be new to you.
Get up to the first roosters
Be ready!
(The groom answers - always ready!)
Wife does not have time to get up
You hurry to give her coffee,
Ahead of the clock.
Be ready!
(The groom answers.)
If you went to the taiga
Il on the river in the morning,
Bring a double catch.
Be ready!
(The groom answers.)
Do not hide your wife from the light,
Dress in silk and velvet,
Always get a bouquet of flowers.
Be ready!
(The groom answers.)
Kohl will fulfill these advice
You will be the best husband in the world.

The oath of the newlyweds at the wedding is funny
The oath of the groom
My voice trembles, blood boils,
But I don’t pray for mercy.
I swear to you, my love,
That I will never break out!
You are sleeping, and I will cover the table
I will bring breakfast as much as five,
I swear I will turn off football
If you want to take a walk.
Your crazy dreams
I will not drive into the shadow.
I swear to give you flowers
From a neighboring flowerbed every day.
I swear not to drink.
I swear not to beat.
Live only in the world and in Lada.
I swear not to walk to the left
Yes, and I won’t go right.
We will live for a long, long time
I'm not afraid with you barriers!
I loved, love, I want to love!
And in this, dear, I swear!

The comic oath of the bride
What would I swear, dear,
So that you can understand
That me with a magical force
Do not tear you away!
You are a collar. I am a dog.
I am machine. You are a taxi driver.
I will come up to you like a chewing gum
How, excuse me, a bath sheet.
I will be gentle. I will be true.
I will not throw my eyes on others,
Well, if I forget it -
I remember the next time.
I eat very - very little:
Oil, bread ... It is easy with me.
I will be in the family of a warehouse,
Well, you are a supplier.
I am an artist. You are a producer.
I am a model. You are couturier.
You pull out the garbage, I walk in the yard.
I do not forgive extravagance,
If you dozen - I’ll get angry.
Dear, everything that promised
I swear in that solemnly!

The wedding oath is funny

Together: entering into family life,
In the face of friends and relatives,
In the face of the whole world
We are solemnly saying this:

Bride: I am married voluntarily,
I will be happy with my husband
I will cherish him, love
I will cook cocoa to him.
I will iron, cook, wash,
I will not be grumpy, I will not scold.
I will not tie to my husband’s house,
I will prompt smart thoughts.

The groom: he chose his wife himself,
I won’t give an offense to anyone.
I will be faithful, gentle,
I will be loving, approximate.
I promise to carry it in my hands
Donuts to cook her tea.
Slam the door, beat the dishes,
I will not torment jealousy.
I will be a friend and support,
I will give in to the family dispute.
I accept dominance in the family,
I promise to be a good husband.
Together: We swear! We swear! We swear!
What would I swear, dear,
So that you can understand
That me with a magical force
Do not tear you away!
You are a collar. I am a dog.
I am machine. You are a taxi driver.
I will come up to you like a chewing gum
How, excuse me, a bath sheet.
I will be gentle. I will be true.
I will not throw my eyes on others,
Well, if I forget
I remember the next time.
I eat very - very little:
Oil, bread ... It is easy with me.
I will be in the family of a warehouse,
Well, you are a supplier.
I am an artist. You are a producer.
I am a model. You are couturier.
You pull out the garbage
I'm walking in the yard.
I do not forgive extravagance,
If you dozen - I’ll get angry.
Dear, everything that promised
I swear in that solemnly!

Yesterday I was ... (maiden surname),
Today I … .
but I will not leave
Since he is very good,
And I love him very much!
Well, and if you need to
Then I will beat him!

The joke of the groom
My voice trembles, blood boils,
But I don’t pray for mercy.
I swear to you, my love,
That I will never break out!
You are sleeping, and I will cover the table
I will bring breakfast as much as five,
I swear I will turn off football
If you want to take a walk.
Your crazy dreams
I will not drive into the shadow.
I swear to give you flowers
From a neighboring flowerbed every day.
I swear not to drink.
I swear not to beat.
Live only in the world and in Lada.
I swear not to walk to the left
Yes, and I won’t go right.
We will live for a long, long time
I'm not afraid with you barriers!
I loved, love, I want to love!
And in this, dear, I swear

The oath of her husband
From now on husband - ... (F.I. groom)
I swear by honor and soul,
What will we live with ... (the name of the bride) together.
I will give my wife.
And if suddenly it starts to swear,
Then to put out a quarrel,
I will smile silently
He will understand, of course, and forgive.

The bride should say the following:
I (name) now for you (the name of the groom) wife,
And the reason is not needed
To always love you
Live under one roof.
If a storm suddenly comes,
Will not fly to you a pan,
If trouble is with understanding
The pan will not help
The thought is my thought,
It should be taken into account.
I regret my husband,
Bow him where necessary.
I will become behind the back of the wall
I am replaced by a hurricane,
What my mother will create for us,
I will try more fun
I meet your friends
Respect your relatives
Do not call five hundred times a day.
I will prove in a word, in a word,
That my whole life is ready,
To love you alone, my husband!

The groom reads:
I promise to love my wife, not to keep her captive,
Own experiences and whims,
After all, I have to go through life with her,
Well, that means, I believe that a strong family,
It will not be built for lies.
Honesty, truth and love are important.
I promise not to cook borscht and do not make cabbage soup in a frying pan,
The cook is still, of course I, because my love,
We will go to the cafe every day.
I will always love you
I will always be with you
The most best wife.

The oath of the groom
I will love my wife
Give her a gift,
And appreciate and respect,
Never offend.
Bring money to the family
And love their children.
Respect and mother -in -law with a father
Go fishing together.
I will build a house for the family,
Yes, on their blood.
In the morning, do charging.
I swear not to run from my wife.
Watch football only after time
And the series every hour!
Manage a vacuum cleaner,
Wash your socks yourself.
Gather friends for the holiday,
They ... treat them with lemonade ...
If I can all this,
I will not run away from my wife.
We will live together with her,
I will love her!

The oath of the bride
I will be my husband faithful
But in the family I will be the main thing.
You are my husband - you are the head
But without a neck - nowhere.
The house you build,
There will be a house of my dream.
You can't argue with me here,
I am a connoisseur of beauty.
You will buy a new fur coat to me,
You will not forget the decoration.
I will be the most happy!
I love you my darling!
And you are abroad
Take me, girl.
I love Paris very much!
There is no money, you say.
Do not think - do not tran
I don't care from fat.
It was all a joke
These are the things.
I will be cool as my wife
I will build a house with you.
I give birth to your children
I love you and respect you.
I promise to be wise,
I will learn to knit and sew.
You will understand me, I know
I will learn to love football.
We will go fishing,
Rest in nature.
We will not forget about friends,
We will invite you to visit.
I’ll follow the order
And I will please you.
I will wash and cook,
I will sing a song at night.
We will live with you a century,
My loved one!

Touching wedding oaths

My husband, I devote an oath to you
And sincerely, I promise here:
to be faithful, kind, affectionate always
And help if trouble comes.
And if this path is difficult,
heavy, which cannot be rested,
I will be glad to go with you,
With my love - pure and big.
I give you care and warmth to you
And sincerely thank you for everything.
I swear that I will try this life
Worthy to live with you.

My dear, dear wife,
I found a companion and friend in you.
Thank you for becoming my happiness
And you warm into severe bad weather.
I swear to protect you from pain
with your huge sincere love,
And I promise to be a support to you:
With you together we will turn all the mountains!
I swear to be faithful, kind, patient,
Store your peace is extremely careful.
Bathing in our pure happiness the sea,
I love you both in joy and in grief.

The oath of the groom for the bride in verses

Our meeting, as a moment of revelation,
I still remember this day
How the excitement swept over me
And how thoughts are all about you.

I remember the main question of what I asked
How did you "yes" told me in response,
And I want today, on the day of the wedding,
Promise that through many years

I will also love you, you hear
Tenderness in my heart will preserve you,
Our daughter, and maybe son,
Just like you, I will love

I will share life with you without a trace
Every day, every hour, every moment,
I will stroke on the cheek.
When you sleep sweetly next to you,
I will become a true, reliable support,
And you and our whole family,
I will tame you from the bad weather
I will give all love to you!

The bride's oath to the groom in verses

My beloved, for me today
I will convert my words
I am glad that fate pleases
Connect us with you,

That you and I have found each other
Did not miss this chance
Ready to become your wife
And I want to promise now

That I will surround you with care
Love, your tenderness,
And I will support everything willingly,
And I will preserve all the joy of days

What will we build together.
I will be a good wife
And I will become mom's miraculous,
I am ready all the way earthly

Pass, holding your hand
My dear person,
I don't know boredom with you
I found an answer to everything in you.

The oath of newlyweds at the wedding text in the registry office

The oath of newlyweds at the wedding text in the registry office
The oath of newlyweds at the wedding text in the registry office

The oath of newlyweds at the wedding text at the registry office:


My hand is forever
In one boat, swim in life
Even if rivers rush back,
It can no longer be changed.
Let the cold constrain the ground,
Heat rains
I don't accept other fate
Forever what will happen ahead.
Will pass by changing the paintings
And we will change by keeping
Testament - I'm only for my beloved
Testament - I'm only for you

Option 2
Groom: I take you, name, to legal wives,
Bride: I take you, name, in legal husbands,
Groom: And I promise to love and protect you,
Bride: Understand and respect you
Groom: help and believe you
Bride: Always, no matter what the future prepares us,
Groom: I will challenge any obstacles that we will be destined
Groom: by the name of everything that we created together,
Bride: And all that will be created
Groom: I offer you my love and loyalty
Bride: I love you
Groom I love you

Option 3
He: I found you in the city of Dreams beloved
She: I understand everything for a long time without words my beloved
He: He took possession of my soul beautiful
She: You are like the air everywhere with me my desired
He: I will forever love you my soul
She: Without you, now I can’t live my fate
He: Dissolve in your love
She: My tenderness is forever sting
He: Be a wife, my friend
She: I am yours until the end of my days
He: I swear to be with you
She: We will always be happy together, my beloved

Option 4
I swear, dear, the sun and moon
To be with your heart and soul with you
Joy and grief, share everything with you
And God has happiness for you to ask.
I swear to love you I will be forever.
Storing loyalty, never betraying
And to live with you mentally and cordially,
To be together for us forever
You know that there is no in the whole world
Tender and caressed your wonderful words.
That you are the best on the big planet,
And all my love for you
And remember that we will all overcome together
Sloves will be able to get around
For you, love, I can do everything
There is no impossible on the life path
And sadness and joy will share with you,
I will smoot it out with affection.
And instantly the problems will all leave themselves,
And our feelings will become strong as ever.
I love you.

The oath of the bride:
I will remember that day, a hot look, gentle nonsense,
And a moment when a fire flared up.
I swear that sacred fire!
Do not break an understanding of a thin thread.
Divide bitterness, sweetness, dream in half.
And take off at an inconceivable height.
To fall - together, and stubbornly get up.
In the morning to kiss the baby with you.
In grief, in weakness, in fear - I will not turn away,
I won’t sell, I will not betray and not throw it, I swear!

The oath of the groom:
I promise and have gone and love you.
All the bad is to forget, understand everything, forgive everything.
I will surround with care, attention, warmth.
I swear to everyone at this table
Do not regret warm, gentle words for you.
I swear to maintain tenderness, faith, love!

The oath of the bride:
When I will be eighty -five,
When I start to lose slippers,
Soften pieces of bread in the broth,
Knit too long a long scarves,
Walk holding the walls and cabinets,
And for a long, long peeping into the sky,
When everything is feminine, which is given to me now,
Will spend, and will become anyway -
Fall asleep, wake up or not wake up,
Out of his lifetime
I will carefully remove your image
And the lips will smile a little noticeably. "
Groom: “When I will be eighty -five,
I will look for your slippers around the house,
Grind that it's hard for me to bend,
Carry some ridiculous scarves
Of those that you tied to me.
And in the morning waking up until dawn,
I listen to your breath
Suddenly I will smile and quietly hug.
When I will be eighty -five,
I will blow off the dust from you
Your gray -haired bakers to correct
And holding the hands of a skip of a walk.
And we will not be scared to die.
When we will be eighty -five ... "

The oath of the bride:
My husband, I devote an oath to you
And sincerely, I promise here:
To be faithful, kind, affectionate always
And help if trouble comes.
And if this path is difficult, heavy,
So you can't take a break,
I will be glad to go with you,
With my love - pure and big.
I give you care and warmth to you
And sincerely thank you for everything.
I swear that I will try this life
Worthy to live with you.

The oath of the groom:
My dear, dear wife,
I found a companion and friend in you.
Thank you for becoming my happiness
And you warm into severe bad weather.
I swear to protect you from pain
With your huge sincere love,
And I promise to be a support to you -
With you together we will turn all the mountains!
I swear to be faithful, kind, patient,
Store your peace is extremely careful.
Bathing in our pure happiness the sea,
I will love you both in joy and in grief.

Wedding oath in verses for two

We wish you happiness, friends and relatives,
So that you are forever, always young.
Now swear with words, deeds
For loyalty to all friends.
Whether you swear together to go through life,
Stay on each other during the path?
Young: We swear!
Do you swear to your relatives and friends
And grief and joy to share in half?
Young: We swear!
Do you swear, (the name of the groom), to be an approximate husband,
Defender, friend, assistant faithful?
Groom: - I swear!
Do you swear (the name of the bride), you love your husband,
With him kind, friendly, affectionate to be?
Bride: - I swear!

Wedding oath in verses
The oath of the groom
Today I have become your husband!
I swear by honor and soul,
That we will live with (the name of the bride) together
Until the very wedding of gold.
I swear my spouse to be excellent
The father of his children is exemplary.
I swear not to forget my friends
I will call for all births.
I will nurse the children
Any herbs I will be below.
I will sew, wash and stumble
And I will not stomp on you.
I will be an angel, not a husband,
I ask the guests - believe me.
His wife, well, means (the name of the bride),
I will not allow offending life,
And without hiding the entire salary
I will give my wife.
And if suddenly it starts to swear,
Then to put out a quarrel,
I will smile silently
He will understand, of course, and forgive.

The oath of the bride:
Yesterday I was (maiden surname),
Today I (the new surname).
What can you do, friends,
Fate is probably the same.
I take the command in my hands.
I swear, there will be no boredom in the house,
I swear, not very capricious,
So, in a day, by the way.
I promise to load my spouse daily
And every month regularly
To accept his salary.
And I promise carefully
Prepare breakfast and lunch.
So that we live peacefully in the fret of
I will take trouble from the house.
I (the name of the groom) will never leave
Since he is very good,
And I love him very much!
Well, and if you need to
Then I will hang him!

Video: Cool competition at the wedding guys

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