Wedding script for the toastmaster - beautiful, original, unusual, cool, funny: Best selection

Wedding script for the toastmaster - beautiful, original, unusual, cool, funny: Best selection

A collection of wedding scenarios is ideas for the toastmaster.

Original script for the wedding for the toastmaster

Original script for the wedding for the toastmaster
Original script for the wedding for the toastmaster

Original script for the wedding for the toastmaster:

Good evening, guests called, guests welcome
We are mercy at the wedding table,
Good for bread and salt,
For the word red, greeted,
On the feast is funny, ringing!
Today joy in this house
For relatives, friends, acquaintances.
Today the holiday is big here,
Because two happy
Two lovers and beautiful
Became husband and wife.

And now I propose to open the wines of the overseas and pour them into the glasses of Russians.


I ask everyone to get up, raise the glasses,
Congratulate the young people
To announce the start of the wedding,
The beginning of a new life!

Wait until everyone gets up.

Let this day
Like a bright holiday
It will be joyful to your house,
And your life
Hope, happiness and love will be decorated forever

And let the love of spring dawn
Does not go out for many years
Let only at the wedding
Will be "bitter",
And in your life - never.
I propose to raise glasses and drink for our dear ... (names)!

For a long time there is rumor around
That there is a wonderful country.
At least go around the whole white light
And the best (the name of the city, village) is not.
There is a girl in that city (village),
You can’t take away your eyes, and take your eyes off.
For happiness, she was born, (name) is called.

Yes, not for the blue seas
Not in the thirtieth kingdom,
And here and the Russian state,
The boy lives with his head;
He is glorious, kind, drenad.
He in (name of the city, village) of all
It is more beautiful and bears a name - ...

But, as usual, everyone
I saw once a girl-tribute
The arrow of love pierced him,
And Virgo - Diva to everything
Suddenly he fell in love with him.
The girl quickly conquered
And he captivated his soul.
And in the end to the palace
On the autumn day he introduced down the aisle.
There they were quickly surrounded,
The marriage union was consecrated,
They wished great happiness
They ringed gold.

According to the tradition of ancient
You need a young order
Let it not seem long for you
This wedding decree.

So that in harmony you live
And they cherished each other.
You love your wife, love
Do not look at others
Because - let's say boldly -
This is a bad thing.
To protect his wife,
You must lie down later,
You have to get up early
I have to remove in the room
I have to go to the store,
Shuffle all the dishes,
Sometimes cook lunch
And the wife cannot be rejoiced.
You will settled it all -
And then wake your wife.
Gather yourself quickly,
Go to work.

Congratulations to the newlyweds
And we give advice to his wife:
So that your husband is not frail,
You feed him doubly.
Well, if it becomes thicker
And the pants will be small
Make it more often
Wash dishes and floors.

Dear guests! To create a warm friendly atmosphere of a wedding evening, you need a charter for guests. We offer! The text of the charter for approval.

If you came to the wedding,
Dressed up, pouted
You are no one else now
As this wedding is an ordinary.
The wedding charter you know
And, of course, do it!

If the wedding "Bitter!"
You scream how much urine is
Related- take a nap quietly,
I drank a glass - you can eat.

If the wedding breaks down,
You don't know the words - not Robe,
Sing without words - the neighbor will pull up
Sell, pull my friendly!

If they say a table toast,
Raise the glass immediately.
Support the initiative
You can’t drink - rest.

If the dance begins suddenly -
Feel free to enter the circle soon!
Know that everyone is useful to everyone,
Do not know how - squat!

Let this luck will always be with you, and you will find happiness in your children and grandchildren. For you, for your prosperity! Bitterly!
Happiness to you, friends, young,
Joy and the brightest days.
You are now a family, and by law
Both of you belong to her!

You will have joy and troubles
Everything will have to be tested in life ...
But keep the course only to win!
"Bitterly!" You, but sorrows - do not know.

And now the first dance of young

Young dance.

Minute of attention!
Please fill the glasses!
We continue our wedding meeting!

For the parental love, for the maternal affection, for the father’s care!

The groom's parents have a word for congratulations!

Groom's parents get up and say.

The bride’s parents have a word for congratulations!
The bride’s parents get up and say.

And now we are starting the main performance -
Wedding gifts.
According to Russian custom, you need to give young people
But before that, listen to the instructions what can be given.

You can cover the bedspread so that it covers from troubles
You can log from the furnace so that the hearts are hot.
But the main thing: what they brought is to give, do not leave in your pockets.
Do not put your gifts together!
You can give flowers to the bride!
Give concerts to the groom!
And everything is different-a miracle bust!

Witnesses bypass guests with a tray and a bottle.

Dear guests, fill your glasses.


And we devote this toast to you, guests:
Thank you very much to all of you
May your life be the same
Full by joy, like this glass.
So let's drink it to the bottom ...

Poems are good, but music is better.
Do you have to dance and sing to us?
Show yourself and see others?

Wedding scenario for the toastmaster is full for a small company

Wedding scenario for the toastmaster is full, ready
Wedding scenario for the toastmaster is full for a small company

Wedding scenario for the toastmaster full, ready for a small company:


Our first toast we declare-
Pour the glasses of a hurry
We congratulate young people in it
All together and with all my heart!
Let happiness pour in the river,
Let the grief enter their house,
Let it pass their bad weather
For this we will drink at the table!
We just do not have to hesitate-
The bride is waiting and waiting for the groom,
We will raise the glasses sooner
Friends! We drink for the young!

(Drank-wiped ...)

And now, dear guests, listen to the "Rules of conduct at the table":
1. All guests be funny and resourceful, that is, find a drink when everything is already drunk.
2. It is forbidden to pronounce the words: “Where does it climb into you?”, “Do not drink!”, “Do not yell!”, “Let's go home.”
3. It is allowed to say: “Bitter!”, “I love you!”, “I respect you!”, “Pour you!”.
4. Under the table more than three do not get together and follow the rules of movement.
5. After the wedding, it is allowed to leave the room only through the doors.

Now that everyone has learned what is possible and what is impossible, we will continue our wedding evening ...

Glory, glory to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Light and successful life
We sincerely wish them!
Let them not know the dreams of barriers,
Happiness will be endlessly
Let love inspire them
Friendship pleases the heart!
We wish you happiness
Not nothing!
Live together and in harmony
And everything will be nothing to you!
Live cheerfully and amicably,
Argue a little, if necessary,
But know your business tight
That you can’t live without each other!

That you cannot be sad at all
Friends, let's shout: "Bitter!"

(Drank-wiped ...)

Now for parents we offer toast,
Although there are few of them personally, we know them,
But children, as often happens,
Parents are repeated to many in themselves.
Honest and kind, their children are fair -
So - the merit of parents in this.
After all, an apple from the apple tree falls nearby
And people say thanks to them.

For you and for your beautiful children
Thanks from everyone and from us, from the guests!
We wish you happiness, health, of course,
And helping grandchildren to educate,
We wish you joy to all endless
And drink a glass of wine to the bottom!

Dear parents of the bride and groom:
__________ and _____________,
_________ and ____________
Thanks for the sleepless nights and quiet parental tears, for your love and tenderness, for your exactingness and severity, for the fact that your eyes shine with deep happiness when you see your children!

Fill all the glasses
And get up more fun
Standing, we will drink for the main ones,
For fathers and mothers!

(Drank-wiped ...)

Let it be fun today
At our wedding table!
One family - big and friendly -
We will spend this evening!
Let no one be sad -
Neither her husband nor his wife,
Well, and the one who is here without a husband,
Let it be doubly fun!

Our dear ______ and ______!
You sincerely wish you happiness!
Under the ringing of a crystal glass,
To the noise of champagne wine
We congratulate the newlyweds
We wish you happiness in full!

(Drank-wiped ...)

For a wedding to you, the spouses are dear,
All friends came, relatives,
Congratulate you, hand over your gifts
For you and the future family!

Do not put your gifts together:
You can give flowers to the bride,
You can hand the envelopes to the groom,
Well, gifts are a miracle bust!

(Presenting gifts ...)

For the groom and for the bride,
For everyone who became our guests,
For this holiday, our wonderful
Please raise the wine glass!

(Drank-wiped ...)

Two narrow paths came together with a wide path,
Two hearts of the loving came together alone!

Young wife and useful, and slender,
And the owner of the young is an equal to his wife!
We admire them - the first dance of the young!

(Everybody is dancing!)

In paradise from Yablonev’s tree
Having tasted once a paradise,
Eva became the wife of Adam,
Since then, the people will marry!

And today the celebration
Similar value.
Where are the young? Well, get up-
We read the instructions to you!

We read the young people now
Small order-order.
We will instruct you -
You please answer.

Live in harmony, live in friendship,
Yes, cherish each other,
Do not offend even with a word - be prepared!

_______! To cherish my husband,
Faith, the truth serve,
So that he is always clean,
And satisfied and speech,
At least anyone’s gaze - be ready!

________! Love the wife,
To carry it in your hands,
And to the adoption of married shackles - be ready!

May your life be happy your life
And if the shadow suddenly hangs,
Here you are, friends, our support -
Iron ruble for a rainy day.

The world yes love, dear spouses,
The last instruction to you, friends,
Walking with children more fun through life,
So give us one more word -
Give a child to give a child to the mother -
Be ready!

May your life be happy your life
Love and joy is full
How I am a poured bowl
Full of champagne wine!

Detailed beautiful wedding script for toastmaster

Detailed Wedding Scenario for Tamada
Detailed beautiful wedding script for toastmaster

A detailed beautiful script for a wedding for the toastmaster:

The groom's parents say parting words to the newlyweds.

And now the road is a couple -
Let only happiness in life await.
Come in, hurry
A wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast
To the wedding bakery.

The newlyweds pass along the corridor formed by guests, take a place at the wedding table.

Dear newlyweds!
Today you have married.
For you a happy day in the world.
Once you lit a love of a lighthouse,
Then let him shine for you all his life.
Everything turned out as you wanted
And then the desired hour came -
You put on rings of fidelity,
Flowers and music - for you!
You have wonderful outfits on you
We begin this feast.
The articles, rites, are observed,
Love, advice to you, the eternal world.
On the eve of family ties,
When hearts and souls are wide
We bless your union
For constancy and happiness!
Well, guests, stood together,
The glasses cheerfully raised.
Let's wish them big happiness,
And three times together, let's say:

The guests are chanting.

It’s time to drink everyone for a long time -
The newlyweds are friendly:

(Guests pick it up) - Hurray!

So that happiness is in full for them,
The glasses must be drained to the bottom!

After the first wedding toast, you can introduce guests to the rules of conduct at the wedding.

Now I will introduce all of you to the rules of conduct at the wedding:
Opening the celebration,
And welcoming all of you
We would like at the same time
Bring a decree to you.
He touches the guests -
How to behave, keep.
And, of course, this decree
Everyone must observe.
Well, first of all, to the wedding
I was amused
It is necessary that the whole estate
I ate a lot and drank.
To steal the bride is a custom,
But we immediately say -
Draise not with a fight, but decent,
As for the fifth, we will sip it.
You can remove the shoes from the bride
Only cunning, wisely,
And again carefully
And not at the table.
If stolen, your price
It is necessary to immediately be announced
And our bride can not
Hold half an hour to keep.
And the bride, shoes too.
It is not good to steal twice,
So that you are not more expensive,
Do not take the groom at all!
Well, if you are not timid,
The shoes were stolen, moreover,
Drink not from shoes, from a pile,
Post -down over the heel.
And, of course, this stack,
I am pleasing to the guests of the dashing
According to the People’s Testament
Drinks a witness, not a groom!
For the newlyweds a place
Do not occupy anyone.
Well, for the groom with the bride,
For a decree! Please raise!

The second toast at the wedding is traditionally proclaimed for parents. They tell the newlyweds the words of congratulations, wishes, parting words.

Dear newlyweds!
Bow to your parents at the feet
For your wide roads,
To the paths that opened before you,
And for the fact that they did not stray from the road.
Bow to your parents at the feet
For birth and anxiety,
What they have forgiven you for a long time.
Bow to your parents at your feet
Let sometimes have been strict,
They wanted your happiness so much
So I wanted to save from misfortunes.
Let's raise a bastard char
For those who raised this glorious pair.
Who in life did not know either sleep or peace.
For those who are the shore for them, happiness is great!

The guests standing for a toast for their parents.

Dear witnesses, attention! We offer you the game "Crosses-Nolics." Answering my questions, the witness puts a cross, the witness is Nolik. Tamada shows witnesses a playing field of nine cells, gives witnesses markers and begins the game.

On the life of a carefree, put a cross.

The witness, starting the game, puts a cross in one of the cells.

From the days of the careless remains zero.

Now the witness puts Nolik where she wants.

Now everyone has become aware of the neighborhood,
That you have taken the wheel with the young.
Therefore, everywhere, in everything, always
They must help the newlyweds.
Calling you for an oath, toamada
He will ask here to draw an answer.
You need to keep peace in the family,
They from betrayal, separate them.
So that the groom does not know other brides,
In the life of a bachelor, we put a cross.
And kohl wife on a business trip,
The witness can be deftly
Pick up, cook, wash,
And here is the bed. Do not occupy!

Continuing the game, the witness in response to the question puts a Noler in the cage.

Kohl will be busy husband until night
Witness, as if by the way,
The wife will show many places
Funny noisy. What is here? - Cross!
Witnesses swear again
If there will be children, then ready
For dad with mom to play a role.
Do not start your own yet. Here - zero!
Kohl will not go uphill.
Then help them just right.
Create your "Hoper-Invest",
Put on the poor life - a cross!
And if everyone is heading
Suddenly they get sick, lose weight,
And go to bread, to salt.
In support of them in the stomachs? - Zero!
The last cell is filled under the words:
Presenter: So let the groom live with the bride,
They always come in first place!
Let them live without knowing losses
And every year more fun,
Let the family experience calculate
With dozens and zero.

Tamada sums up the game between witnesses, determines the winner, gives him a bottle of champagne, where instead of a label is a photograph of newlyweds with their autographs.

For those who take honorary care,
From now on, it owes for many years in a row
Monitor with desire, with joy, with hunting,
So that there is a sponsored world in the family and way,
So that the wards are walking together
Dear bright, joyful, big
Before the wedding of their silver at the beginning,
Well, then - before the wedding of gold!
Our guests, as you noticed, are for young witnesses!

Tamada announces an hour of presenting gifts, takes together with witnesses a large, beautifully designed jar with a wide neck.

The Swiss bank opened its branch.
He is in my hands - reliable and beautiful.
The Swiss bank sent us a safe,
So that the young would live happily.
We take stones and furs
Buildings of any color.
We will open the bank with you,
And we’ll drink the bar.
We are happy for all guests at the wedding,
The newlyweds open the score.
Add your contributions soon -
Paints - honor!

Tamada and witnesses bypass guests who congratulate the young, drink a charm of wine for their health and add cards and envelopes to the Bank.

At a noisy wedding table
Like a light of friendship, kindness
You will light it together
Star of hope and dreams.

The newlyweds to the music approach a special place where a beautiful large candle is strengthened, they hold candles in their hands.

So let this bright light
It shines in life to the end,
To endlessly, for many years
Two rings intertwined.

At the height of the wedding fun, Tamada offers guests the game “In a bottle”.

To whom the bottle will indicate, he takes a card with a word, and I explain the meaning of this word in our kiss. A bottle is spinning, cards are disassembled during the game.

Here are the words and their meanings:
Fur - a kiss of the neighbors of everyone.
Pipes - a neighbor's kiss on the lips.
Point - whom you want, kiss on the cheek.
Arrows - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Verse - the groom will send an air kiss.
The bride - kiss the one whose place is near.

Seeing the newlyweds, you can arrange a "farewell rite with a veil." Guests stand in a circle, music.

Now you are together, you are one
And therefore it is necessary
The veil from the bride is quietly removed,
"Goodbye" to say girlishness.

The bride removes the veil, gives her mother.

Presenter: Take off the veil, beauty-bride,
And here the applause will be in place.
Kiss: husband, my wife is young
In a minute of unity holy!

The newlyweds leave the circle, leaving the guests.

Everyone gathered, please note
And you do not mind asking a question.
We ask you to answer now -
What did this night change?
The bride took off her veil
And therefore our question is to the place -
Well, who is she now -
Answer, (the name of the groom), to us.

And you, (the name of the bride), answer already -
Who has become now (the name of the groom)?

Now you are together, you are one
Weaved forever half.
And therefore the turn has come
You are the first to dry the glass.

The newlyweds drink champagne without untying the glasses.

So let not to lose weight,
Now you will take your throne again.
Let your life be beautiful,
As a path that you will go here.

The newlyweds pass along the "corridor" of the guests, they throw grain, coins, rose petals under their feet.

We throw grain under the feet,
Let it germinate with happiness.
We throw copper under the feet,
So that never get sick.
We throw copper coins under the feet,
So as not to be poor for you.
We throw the rose petals,
In order not to know you either grief or tears.

(first toast):
Lights, golden holy
Bright light lit up today.
To the young on the walk relatives
And friends all gathered again.
I see here funny faces
And all the gaze turned to the young.
And I want, friends, to turn
At this hour is solemn to them.
You walk hand in hand together,
There is only one road for you now.
You were only the bride and groom,
And now the husband and wife have become.
And we raise a glass for that,
So that you do not touch the trouble
And we wish you from a pure heart
You love love to the end!
Happiness, joy to you, young,
And to forget the sadness forever,
Like bouquets of flowers golden
Life for you to live just as beautifully!

Tamada offers guests, conveying a bouquet of flowers to each other, to tell the newlyweds only one word - a wish.

Quiet, sit down, sit in place,
I will ask a question to the bride.
Our wedding is walking off,
Your family will heal,
How will you call the mother -in -law?

The bride replies: Mother!

How will you dignify the father -in -law?

The bride answers: Dad!

And now our verse,
Our young husband is the groom.
Who is to you to the right
Who is your family now
With whom you are friends, together,
How will you call your father-in-law?

The groom answers: Dad!

Well, and mother -in -law, tell me directly,
How will you call, well?

The groom replies: Mother!

Next, the feast continues, toasts are pronounced, guests dance, etc.

An unusual wedding script for toastmaster

An unusual wedding script for toastmaster
An unusual wedding script for toastmaster

An unusual wedding script for the toastmaster:

The first day of the wedding.

Oh you, guests of the Minor!
We called you here,
So that you do not get bored,
Let us start.
I hope from the bottom of my heart
We will have fun!
We will start our feast of honest
We ask everyone to sit down!

Our lovely newlyweds (the name of the bride and groom)! From this day, a new page begins in their life, and what it will be - depends only on them.

The wedding is a beautiful Russian word!
The whole bride is in white, and next to her - he,
Who is she with tender love
So far, he calls his fiancé.
Parents look at them in anticipation.
How do they want them that their children are always
Kept in their souls gratitude
And they never forgot about them.
Today is fun, and toasts and jokes,
And tomorrow ordinary days will come
When you have one fate
Through the heat and blizzard, go through life.
But whatever happened, let peace and consent
Forever will enter your small house.
Let the children grow and call you
Happy mother, best father.
And let your love be joyfully shining,
Like a rainbow in the sky, washed rain.
Let every dew and in every tear
You will see yourself only together!
Take a solemn verse as a gift.
We raise a toast for you, for two.
Now you have to, as you are,
And grief and joy to divide in half.
And now, dear guests, we want to read:

Rules of conduct at our wedding:
1. You can’t get bored, you can joke.

2. You can not be sad, you can sing and dance.

3. To look at strangers and husbands, but do not forget about their own.

4. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you have drunk a little, -
It is better to sleep silently.

5. All without unnecessary explanations
Place your place,
Pour in a neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.

6. Do not grumble or swear,
Do not climb with everyone,
In no case do not get angry
From the bottom of my heart to have fun.

7. If someone is mistaken
I took a longing with me
Urgently hand over to the refrigerator,
For cutlets to the cook.

Walking hand in hand in life,
Must forget, friends, you are boredom
Know how to give in to each other
And do not dare to offend yourself.
We wish you happiness - and only
Let it be heard again and again
Cheerful rampant: "Bitter!",
And so that there was non -wounded love.

The Constitution of the Young Family:

Toast for parents

Let's raise a bastard char
For those who raised this glorious pair.
Who in life did not know either sleep or peace
Forces for them so much happiness.

Parents are sad, sad.
For this, we will not judge them strictly.
After all, it has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.

We know children from the end to the beginning
For many years, love has been affected.
And you, without hiding your worries,
They must take them on a marital path.

For labor and concerns, for everything they could.
Let the children worship you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests
For your parental work, let's just say to you:
Let the time fly, but you don't get old
Let the grandchildren grow up - you are youthful,
Good for you, health huge growth,
We raise a festive toast for you.

Witness: Now listen to our orders:

The order is my mother -in -law
The mother -in -law's son -in -law got it.
Do not sit idle now
Turn on one leg,
Smell in front of the son -in -law.
Only your son -in -law on the threshold -
On the table to have a pie,
And half a liter and a snack,
And so that it was delicious.
If the son -in -law you will meet poorly,
You will answer before us.
After all, it will go to that -
He will find another mother -in -law.

Mother -in -law
Now the words, mother -in -law,
You blessed love.
His family is your family
And do not grumble now in vain.
The daughter of her son fell in love.
So love her like a daughter.
And to please the mother -in -law,
She will give birth to you.
And what is wrong, then you goodbye
Not all misses notice
And you will have such a way
That anyone will envy.

School of father -in -law
Father -in -law, you are Father, hero!
You are for your son -in -law, be a mountain!
Invite more often to visit
Well better treat it!
Maybe it will decide
You still have something to take
You promise to give
And thanks.

The order is the beetroot
What can I tell you, father?
You, of course, are well done!
He raised his son, married
Himself in the prime of strength.
Look - the bride is young,
Beautiful and removed,
Take it into your family
Love like his daughter.
And you'll have to, father -in -law, you
Expelled doubly!
And the daughter -in -law and wife -
All gifts on a par!

We offer to wash new titles. Toast for grandparents.

Difficult, hard to part
With matured children.
We wish them all happiness,
Wisdom and kindness.
So we pour everything in full,
Let's move the cups of girlfriends,
We will drink for the most important -
For grandparents,
For fathers and mothers!

Gifts to the newlyweds

Well, now with your permission
We are starting a giving ceremony!
We will hold a toost competition along the way.
All sit comfortably, comfortable.
Prepare the toast for the healthy, kind,
Substantial and main.
And prepare gifts, give them to the young

From the heart, for happiness, to them.

The witness and witness help the young people to surround the guests with a grill and accept gifts.

Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Ah, how excited the proud groom.
The first waltz for you, young,
The first dance for you is two.

Young people go into a circle and dance.

Unwilling to sit to the sounds of a waltz in place,
Boldly join the bride and groom.


The second day of the wedding. Scenario

So, relatives and friends,
The family is born.
Let's leave dancing everything
And again the young is congratulated.

How good the bride is now,
The groom glows with happiness.
For their love, for tenderness, sensitivity,
Let's raise the toast for the young.

Toast for the bride

Today you are a bouquet of camellia
In your eyes love and affection.
All the guys were numb at once -
Today you are just a fairy tale.
Today you are the charm and a miracle
Compare you is only with a rose.
They stand, the guys are silent - it's hard
Bachelors, their life is like prose.
You are just a glorious creature
You are just very, very sweet
And be one with one task:
So that life does not change you.
So be always happy
Let there be a paradise in your apartment
Love for many years,
Which is not stronger than in the world.
And so that everything is clear around,
And life would be so beautiful,
And so that your world is beautiful,
So be you always happy!
Let's drink for our beauty-bride!
Dear guests, friends, relatives!

We thank you all for the fact that you came today to share the joy of the bride and groom and their relatives.

Dear friends!
Let our fun last
All day until the morning.
For the happiness of the newlyweds
Let's drink together - all "cheers"!
We drank for the bride,
And now for the groom.
Today (the name of the groom) - husband,
(name of the bride), therefore, wife.
Do not be embarrassed, young
Once upon a time, all of them
And all went through it,
Now you get the only one.
Now imagine you:
Many years have passed,
We remember everything was
And this wedding lunch.
You already have big children:
Who is an engineer, who is an astronaut.
Who lives on another planet -
The alien suddenly became an alien.
We raise the sacred toast:
Let everything happen for sure,
For the happiness of the created family,
For you, the romance of the Earth!

Comic gifts

Presenter: And now, so that the life of the young begins with a state, we give them gifts:
- Here is a mug to love each other.
“Here you have a nail so that you are not apart.”
- Here you have soap so that you live cute.
- Here is a sheet for you to live gently and simple.
- Here are the booties for you, so that the kids do not go barefoot.
- Here you have a swing for the daughter of Alenka.
- We give you cucumbers to be born to you twins.
- Here you have cabbage so that the house is not empty.
- Here is a brick for you to buy a Moskvich.
- Here you have a radish, so that the wife does not look at Petka and Fedka.
- Here is the beets for you so that the husband does not look at Fekla.

Wedding scenario for the Modern Tamad

Wedding scenario for the Modern Tamad
Wedding scenario for the Modern Tamad

Wedding scenario for the modern:

Salute of holiday lights,
Enchanting of smiles and gifts
We open this evening for friends.
In honor of our couple is young and bright!
Dreaming a wonderful and hissing drink,
The newlyweds helmet hello ringing!
And let our holidays dance all night,
Honor and praise of a wonderful couple to sing!

Everyone sits at the tables, the feast begins.

Young and happy,
So good today!
And the eyes glisten shiny,
We wish you to live in luxury!
Newlyweds, all attention!
Although you have already grown up
Their gifts, their confessions
Parents want to express!
Beautiful bride and golden bride,
Read the words of your manifesto!

The bride and groom leave the table to the center of the hall.

I give a promise I
That I will not hide my mother -in -law!
And I will go to pancakes diligently,
For days of birth, give her flowers!
And I will count the father -in -law for dad
I will try to absorb all his wisdom!
How to fix the house correctly, how to plant a worm,
How to replace the part of the car!

The host invites the father -in -law and mother -in -law to the dance floor. Parents make congratulations and give gifts.

And I promise so I will swear
I will come to beets the best daughter -in -law!
I will prepare the pie, I will connect socks,
When meeting a good word, I will say!
And I will call my mother -in -law my mother -in -law
I’ll call her a little right away!
I will respect and honor
Help her and love!

The presenter invites the mother -in -law and mother -in -law for the parting words of the young.

You will bow low to your parents,
Their favorite dreams have come true today.
And they were worried about you, they loved warmly,
They forgave all the worries and resentment to you.
Dear mothers, dads, you will enjoy the moment.
A new path, a bright road before children opened!

We wish good and health
With a triumph, we declare a toast!
Let's raise full cups, friends!
In honor of the glorious parents of the couple!
After all, this is how the family has grown today,
Fanfares solemnly sound!

Young bow to parents, and guests stand up by glasses. Parents are returning, and the couple remains and accepts gifts from the guests.

Giving gifts

And we remember about grandparents!
We invite, dear, and you say a word!

The older generation on both sides goes to the parquet and congratulates the young.

Now I invite all relatives present today to the center of the hall. I give you a microphone, let the parting words and warm wishes sound! Let the gifts cover the young from head to toe!

A minute of presenting gifts.

Good friends nearby,
We can’t go forward without them!
Congratulations, tips,
And love sonnets!

I invite all guests at the midst of a table for friends to the middle of the hall!

Gifts and wishes from friends. Everyone is returning to places.

Game "Two Hearts"

I give two hearts to each table,
They will get acquainted better.
While the music plays,
There is a movement in a circle,
Take your time, calmly
Give the heart to a friend.

You get to the beat with music,
Yes, follow the simple rule,
Kohl got out - kiss a neighbor,
And the blue in your hands - then hug!

The host approaches the tables and gives the heart cut out of paper for every half of the table. An energetic melody is turned on, guests convey the hearts. The music breaks off, you need to fulfill the conditions of the game.

For the health of friends and relatives
Fill the bowls to the edges!
Let it be chic and with stake
Their life is happy!

Guests support a toast for friends and relatives. Table break.

Toast for young people: Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds, if I talk about love - we draw a big heart in the air!
(Names of the newlyweds)
Let love will cover you with waves, (heart)
The boat of happiness will take you into the distance (kisses)
On the shores that shine like that with beauty,
And where sadness does not live for a long time.
We wish you health, undoubtedly (biceps)
Good luck sea and prosperity to the edges! (thumb)
And let in our big universe
Nobody has seen such love yet! (heart)
Happy time let it last endlessly (kisses)
We are not miscalculated with marital fire!
Your successful union, blessing heartily (thumb)
We proclaim a healthy toast! (biceps)
So much will come to you! (kisses)
May only today will be bitter! (Guests shout "Bitter!")

Gratitude to parents

We admire the beautiful couple
But, no doubt, among us
There are those who are most worried about
Sighing quietly more than once.
Honor to parents and respect,
Parents - the beginning of all the principles.
And let the appreciation of the expression
Decorate our evening ball!

Newlyweds, you have a word! Congratulate and express gratitude to your beloved parents!

The answer of the newlyweds to congratulations and words of gratitude to parents and family.

A dance change, during which there is an invisible theft of the shoe.

Theft of shoes, toamada:
Evil news was given to me!
U (the name of the bride) stolen a shoe!
We ask the robbers to come here,
In your misconduct to explain!
Dyshacks come out and hold a bride’s shoe in their hands.

Witnesses, witnesses,
They did not notice the loss!
Since the heel was missed,
Then you and to puff!

Merry music sounds, all the time, while the witness kisses men, the witness makes push -ups in the end of lying down.

To pick up the shoe,
We invite you to dance!
So the props to help you.
Hands do not dissolve the chur,
And to get a beat with a motive!

A pair of witnesses is given flippers. Next, the cutting of recognizable dances sounds-rock and roll, belly dance, tango, lezginka, Kalinka-Malinka, etc.

The devils give the shoe and leave. The witness puts it on the leg of the bride.

We invite friendly and dashing witnesses to keep the word!
And they have something to please the young!

Witnesses say their congratulations or show the prepared performance.

Table and dance break.
Wedding competition

I represent a hat of miracles to you
Whatever you ask, everything is in it!
She knows her desires and she knows thoughts
And he will read the guests of the Duma!

The host bypasses the tables in random orderly lowers the hat on the head of the seated head, at this moment some kind of musical fragment is turned on.

The most beautiful pairs of our evening are invited to the dance floor!

When the guests come out, Tamada explains the rules of the competition.

Each pair is given a straw spaghetti. Halfs take her in the teeth on each side and begin to dance. And follow the rhythm! Go! In the process, the music now accelerates, then is replaced by a slow waltz. Those who have kept a straw intact.

Table and dance break.

Theft of the bride

Attention attention!
An accident at the meeting!
While the groom drank from the glass,
The princess of the evening is gone!

Damnes appear on the dance floor. They take out the bride in the sleeping bag with them.

You look like you are like a clever guy,
We will check your dexterity!
If you throw five rings,
You will take the bride then, brave!

The groom is served 7 small rings that need to be thrown into the bottles standing in front of him. The devils give a sleeping bag to the groom, and a man comes out of him. Then the “thieves” say the following test.

Forget about your bride, well done!
Or choose a new one at last!
Look at what good
And eyes and legs, simple soul!

A girl in a cowboy suit comes out and dances under a fragment of Lady Gaga –Americano.

The groom refuses.

What have you lost the courage?!
I completely melted from love!
Furn you the East!
Take India Flower!

The next girl of the Indian appears, a musical fragment of Disco-Jimmy dancer.

Well, we offer for the last time
Strongly giving you a mandate!
Do not blink this girl,
Here with her your wedding and play!

A girl comes out in a Russian folk costume under the "Dubinushka".

Already tired of this devilry,
Take a reliable saber in the hand,
Let's drive them away, squad!

The groom, witness, friends of the groom take toy swords and sabers and drive devils from the hall. The groom returns back and leads the bride by the arm. Guests are met by applause.

Playing at the table

A lot of surprises are hidden in the hat.
Our turn has come to help the young!
Let their first year be time!
Both on weekdays and on weekends!

There are 12 notes in this hat,
In every assignment for you.
We will legally play the list,
Between you, relatives and friends!

The tasks are comic, but if one of the guests takes up the matter seriously, the young couple will not against it. Notes need to be played between the guests.

January is quite short
Bring a pair on a rink;

We will make up warmth in winter
And in February we go to the bathhouse;

If we want to depress,
March –– We invite the windows to wash;

In April you add love with love
And dinner a pair of romantic put;

Please please the couple,
Then there will be a May gift;

A towel, but a cream from a tan,
In June, the main goods.

In July, to expand life prospects,
Take them home, rolling on a damn wheel!

And in August the darker at night, they come
In honor of the young, you have a salute!

And in September, let it be for you,
A trip to hunt for mushrooms;

October. You can safely manage alone!
Board family limousine!

Come to the November morning early,
We do the general cleaning;

In December, you emphasize the notebook.
They invite to dress a Christmas tree of the forest!

How refined the bride! How high and a good bridegroom is!
Do not let each other out of their arms for a moment!
Beauty, the new family overshadowed the white light!
We will say with all my heart: love to you and advice!

The host declares a toast, guests raise glasses.
Table pause.

Tug of rope - determining the sex of the future baby.

Girls - to the right, boys - to the left,
Feel off for a strong rope boldly!
That side wins
That the gender of the baby guesses!

They pull for a while, but so far no one has time to pull to his side, the presenter announces:

They pull the rope pulled, they cannot pull it out!
I announce you fate - wait for twins!

Throwing the bride's bouquet
If desired, you can conduct a classic version with throwing a bouquet to unmarried friends. AT

Rather, rather! All on the dance floor!
We will arrange a check for dexterity!
Bride, take care of the hem!
Let's check who the prize is worthy!

A rope or someone's tie is pulled as an obstacle. It is necessary to go under the rope without hitting it.

A short break for dancing and food.

The wedding cake

The honey-derivative of our evening comes! I ask a wonderful couple to justly share the entire cake between the guests!

The end of the wedding celebration.

Scenario of a small wedding for toastmaster

Scenario of a small wedding for toastmaster
Scenario of a small wedding for toastmaster

Scenario of a small wedding for the toastmaster:

Fanfares sound loudly,
In honor of the best couple on earth,
Smiles of a round dance,
We are not scared to get rid of love!
Gentlemen are good, guests are useful,
Drink from cup to the bottom,
So that our young, but good
Were next and always!

Guests raise glasses with champagne. The newlyweds are drunk from glasses tied with a white ribbon. The feast begins.

Praise and admire you
We would like to endlessly!
We wish you life full of miracles!
In the pockets of a ringing chervonets!
The solemn moment has come!
For our entire modest and cozy hall
The words that fasten the announcement

Convince the guests of the intentions of solid!

The oath of the bride and groom
The oath of the groom for the bride

Entering a family life,
In the face of parents, friends
In the presence of the family and all
With seriously, we declare:

I chose my wife myself
I will protect like a zenitsa in the eye.
Fidelity, tenderness and attention,
All whims of understanding,
I wish to promise
And I swear allegiance.
Accepting the post of head of the family,
I will take care of feeding.
I will become a support and friend,
Worthy of your spouse!

I'm going to marry eagerly and with joy
And I will turn to my husband with softness.
I will care and delight
And the dinner is delicious to cover.
I will prompt smart thoughts
I will not express my offenses
I promise to praise him
I accept the hostess!

Together:We swear! We swear! We swear!

To be inseparable,
They are not full without each other.
So that the family lives in tune,
To be born the huts.
Beat a packed wallet
Everyone will decorate your day!
About anxiety and worries
Let it be unknown to you!
Do not embarrass at all
Get our pair "Bitter!"

Table pause


Let everyone be surprising
Your love will be durable!
Parental blessing
The alliance will fasten for times!
From all guests we give a wish simple
And at the same time affectionate and living:
Let the time run, and you are youth
And warm your young family with warmth,
We send you all the best and health,
We raise a festive toast for you!

Congratulations from parents

Dear newlyweds, probably, you want to congratulate your parents!

The return word of the groom with the bride.

Field lighting

Mother -in -law: by the source of years, the custom is leading its history,
The newlyweds are a gift to be a gift.
To light immortal, symbolic
Feast of the family - open the heart of love!

Mother -in -law:
From our hands, take a hot light,
And carefully hide him in your heart.
Let the fire of love burn tirelessly,
Like light in the eyes, let it warmly unugish.
Now forever and from now on you
On a small light to light the fire of the family.

Both are suitable and pass the light from their candle to small candles in the hands of the newlyweds.

TAMADA:Our ancestors of wisdom were simple:
Protect the families of the holy focus,
Do not meet with trouble.

The bride with the groom connect the flame of her candles over the wick of a single candle.

Table pause. A wedding dance.

Delicate sounds are heard in the distance
The rustle of dresses, joyful laughter.
I predict, the moment is coming
Charming dance of love!
I invite a wonderful couple to the center of the hall!

Young people come to the music, the first wedding dance begins.

As the wise people say: "He does not know troubles who have a grandmother and grandfather!" I give the floor to dear grandfathers and grandmothers!

Congratulations from the older generation.

TAMADA:I proclaim a toast for wisdom!
After all, for the grandson, the grandmother is a soul, and grandfather is reason!
Another 100 years and vitality to hearts
We sincerely wish you!
What is happening, look!
Silently everyone is sitting in a row
And they drink bitter wine!
You just need to shout loudly
What is actually "bitter!"

Guests raise glasses.

Table and dance pause

A round dance around the young

U (surname of the newlyweds) at the gate
Curls, curls
Curls, curls
The people are gathering.
Spring - red with flowers,
And young golden crowns!
Drings and make a round dance,
Fortunately, it carries the young!
The sun rises in the sky,
Happiness comes to you as a gift!
Drings and make a round dance,
Fortunately, it carries the young!
Love transformed you
Do not rejoice your wife!
Drings and make a round dance,
Fortunately, it carries the young!
Dance, songs, wishes
Let there be no ending!
Drings and make a round dance,
Fortunately, it carries the young!

Issuance of comic documents to the newlyweds

All the highest benefits of the Earth are worthy
Union fastened by the sun and moon,
And they testified that
One hundred thousand good angels,
Friends, girlfriends confirmed
Parents installed the seal.
I invite the newlyweds to accept a commendable, honorary letter!

The host turns the scroll tied with a tape.

This birch bark letter is awarded to young people,
A good fellow, and a girl-beautiful.
For love, heart
What will happen to you for eternity
Yes for the wisdom mutual and personal,
The choice of you is made flawlessly!
Live for you to live, but do not get old
And let the work-laddings argue smoothly,
Let the kids bloom and grow
To the dozen joy of grandfathers and grandmothers,
Let your heart shine with good,
The bird of happiness on the way will meet!
And every year life will certainly be more beautiful,
And let your union call a complete bowl!

Table and musical pause. Those who want to go to the dance floor.

Dance game "Dancing Hearts"

The Order "Dancing Hearts" is solemnly awarded to a couple (names).
Thanksgiving parents

Newlyweds, I invite you to say gratitude to the most important, worthy people in your fate - parents!

The groom is served by the ritual plant “Cash tree”, the branches of which are decorated with small colored ribbons, and notes with predictions are tied to the ribbons.

Groom: who dare, come to us
I will give you a sign for the future!
For seven guests only
News are in stored here!

Seven volunteers come out.

Such fate awaits you - you will read a ditty in honor of the young now!
For you, the answer is this - you will compose a couple of poems!
You are interpreted by a joke not in vain. Everyone knows, you are wonderful the actor!
The answer goes to you from the branches, you will sing like a nightingale!
Such a prediction, listen. You have to eat three slums of lemon!
Providence will send advice - today this guest will say to us!
You will recognize your fate now - you will make us a riddle!

During the draw, the bride’s theft occurs: she is imperceptibly led to another room.

The bride’s abduction, trading for the prize
Give the bride!

For the remote groom,
Yes, for friends are not a mistake
Throecratic "Hurray!",
Yes, a dashing man!

Guests raise glasses.

Guests, guests of the Minor!
Well, it’s time to stretch the sides!
Go to the dance floor,
Dance rock and roll!

Dance break
Throwing a bouquet
Cutting a wedding cake
A fun sale of a cake begins.
The end of the festival

Dear (names of the newlyweds)!
We call you husband and wife!
So the time has come for the last tradition!
We will quietly remove the veil from the bride,
And despite the silent protests
We’ll cover your head with a handkerchief.
We give the veil for the safety of the veil.

The bride’s mother accepts the veil, and the mother -in -law tits a scarf on her head.

Candles go out quietly on the table,
The evening completes its run.
You will freely step on your path.
To step on it is laid in the leg.

And we are support for you and the subsub.
We wish you never to lose heart!
So that you go down from heaven
Shining grace!

Witness: Be always close to each other
And in joy, and in happiness, and in trouble.

And to fasten the union
Easy to blow out candles on the table!

Wedding scenario for the Molotny Tamad

Wedding scenario for the Molotny Tamad
Wedding scenario for the Molotny Tamad

Wedding scenario for the Molotny Tamada:

The presenters together with guests and parents meet young people at the house.

Our prince arrived with the princess,
We were waiting for you friends,
The evening should be magical
The fairy tale has come to life today!

In the meantime, blessing
Expects from your parents,
Kings and queens,
I ask you, step forward!

(Parents come out with a traditional loaf for young people. And they offer them, having bitten off a piece, to determine who will be the head of the family)

Parents of the groom:
Our dear children,
Here you have salt, and here's the bread,
So that they live in abundance,
So that they do not know grief, troubles.

Parents of the bride:
So that they always share everything,
Together for two always,
So that you live in harmony,
And the idyll was!

And now I suggest you
I break the plates
How sorrows would break
To live life in happiness!

Before visiting our ball,
You must go through a little trials
To marry, to fix your own,
An important part, it seemed!

(Moms of young people appear with small bags)

Bride's mom:
Our dear children! It is known that in any family any responsibilities are divided equally.

Groom's mom:
So we decided to take care of this in advance, and made small family responsibilities for each of you.

The responsibilities of the bride:

The responsibilities of the groom:

The duties were decided
Now, I invite you to the ball,
Everything is ready for us
There are full dishes.
The glasses have been poured for a long time!

(Everyone is seated in places)

They say the custom exists
What should I start with the late,
Kings and queens,
I want to give you a word!

(Parents of the young pronounce congratulatory toasts)

The wine is bitter, already uncomfortable
I ask me to support me
I scream very loudly "bitterly"!
Very "bitter", "bitterly" so!

(Young people kiss. A few minutes pause)

They say that the symbol of all families,
Has always been and is the hearth,
Light light gives warmth, comfort,
And since ancient times, everything was so.

I'm asking my mothers now
You can convey this symbol,
Which will be your union
From evil and troubles to protect!

(Moms of young people light two candles and pass them to the young, as a symbol of well -being and comfort. They will need: 2 candles)


Groom's mom:
Take care of him, follow his spark, protect him from the wind.

Bride's mom:
Support the light so that it does not go out and not out to the fire.

I offer our bride,
We show our culinary gift,
So that we are calm with you,
What to feed, he will be able to the groom!

The competition "Whatever, but I will cook."

I ask and the groom
Approach the test,
They must know for sure with you
Can he make a house?

Competition "Nail".
The task is to score a nail with the help of improvised objects.
You will need: a toy hammer, a small clove, slippers, a spoon, a plank.

(At the end of the competitions, to the young to hand symbolic awards in the form of letters or small paper medals)

Guests on the right, we will stand together,
And we will raise the glasses
For beautiful young
So that they do not know troubles!
So that they live happily,
So that dreams always come true,
So that everything is good
So that they smile with happiness!

Guests on the left, we drink for
So that love does not fade away
To a friendly family,
To respect each other!

(Pause for several minutes)

Now, the sacrament of the soul is happening,
The newlyweds will take the exchange with vows,
I ask you to come to me,
The rite is beautiful, I ask you to start!

(Young pronounce wedding oaths, but for a start, the leaflets are prepared pre -prepared.

The oath of the bride:
I swear, I will be faithful to my wife,
I swear that I will wash the dishes,
I won't saw you
Divide all sorrows with you!
I swear that I will always
Prepare breakfast for you
I swear to fulfill the desire to fulfill
And be beer often!
I swear, I will not scream
And scold you for friends,
I swear, I will not prohibit it,
You play on the computer!
I swear to protect you
And do not take with you to the store,
And buy everything without you,
Packages sometimes carry!
I swear that I will be for you
I am like a bright star
Give you your warmth,
I won't even beat you!

The oath of the groom:
I swear that I will be faithful as a husband,
That I will take out the garbage,
That I will watch with love
How will you wash the dishes!
I swear that the names of your girlfriends,
I'll take it, as a keepsake,
That I will clean the circles,
From which I usually drink tea!
I swear to you that every month
I will give you
Rubles so much, and maybe two hundred,
To buy clothes!
I swear that I will be exemplary
When guests come to our house,
I swear to you, my manners,
I'll show you later!
I swear I will listen to you
With you gossip with you,
I swear to you that I will be the best
I swear, I have to sleep for a long time in the morning!

(After, the newlyweds exchange real vows, if such are cooked)

(Young pronounce toast for parents)

That's interesting, but do mothers remember the first drawings of their children?

The competition "Whose child was drawn."
The bride and groom draw the same drawings in advance. The task of mothers is to guess where, whose drawing. s.


Grandpa and grandmothers are needed,
Grandpa and grandmothers are important
The wisdom of generations, years,
Important can give advice!

(Young ones congratulate grandparents and grandmothers)

I will give you sweets,
I'll give you tasks
You disassemble the sweets,
And get a task!

(The presenter gives guests sweets. Someone, someone, someone, someone, someone, those who got sweets should name interesting facts about the young.)

I tried candy, and you know "bitterly"!

(Guests pick it up. Young people kiss)

Conveys the word to the brothers and sisters of the young, if any.

I give the young word
Gratitude to say
Everyone present here,
Respect the tribute to pay!

(This toast is pronounced by the groom)

You are closed by your friends
It's time for you to move
You dance a little
Mash your legs!
But at first on the dance floor,
I invite young people
To be spinning in the dance,
In the rhythm so that they intertwine!

(The first dance of young and 20 minute dance pause is announced)

I suggest playing
And show your talent,
You will need now
Dance on a newspaper!

Competition "Newspaper Dance".
Something is bitter today, everything
Pepper roofing felts were poured into dishes,
"Bitterly"! I will scream!
“Bitterly”, scream and people!

(Newlyweds kiss)

It is known that the family begins with children! I wonder who is to be born to our young?

(The bride’s girlfriend and friend of the groom, chests are awarded, in which, according to the custom, the guests put money.)

The host, counting the money, announces the result.

Dad led his daughter by the handle,
I bought her dolls and toys,
He defended from nightmares,
He knew about all her girlfriends.
Dad played with a daughter,
On the shoulders rolled, swings,
I read fairy tales for the night,
And he always believed in everything.
There were years, my daughter grew,
Dad just watched
As one day, it just happened
The guy married and called.
And now she is a bride
In a white dress and a veil,
Dance with a dad needs a dance,
Let everyone applaud!

(The bride’s dance is announced with her father.)

I offer you friends
Play the game with me,
We will sing songs with you,
I will give the winnings later!

Offers to make a toast for the young. The author of the most creative toast will receive a prize.

The cradle shook mom,
She led you to the garden,
And she taught you
Your first words.
Was always her desire
I really waited for my son
And now you have grown quickly
The wedding is now with you.
On this day, I ask soon
Mom in the dance dancing,
Tell me how much you love
And thank everything!

(Mom's dance with her son is announced)

Competition "Packaging".

(The presenter announces a musical pause)

He drank juice, and he is bitter,
What is it, I don't know
Where it should be sweet,
“Bitter”, “bitter”, “bitter”!

(Young people kiss the applause of guests)

The competition is new, interesting,
I am announcing for friends
For friends, the best
With whom then to baptize children!

The bride’s girlfriend and friend of the groom are called. The presenter represents the situation: let's say, your friends, asked you to sit with your five -year -old child, and you, of course, agreed. And suddenly the following situations happened, your actions:

List of situations:
1. The child spilled the green on the floor;
2. The child painted the wall with his mother’s lipstick;
3. While you were led to the toilet, the cat shaved;
4. drowned the remote control from the TV;
5. I ate a spoonful of mustard;
6. I drew a mustache with a permanent marker, while you accidentally dozed off;
7. cut my mother’s new curtains;
8. Poured the indoor flower with daddy cognac.

The author of the most creative answers will receive a prize.


The contest "Way me."

And now I ask you to stand in a circle,
We will play with you,
We will be with you now
To play the musicians!

Competition "Musical Instruments".
Each couple gets its musical instrument. When the music will play, the couple, whose instrument will play, should portray the game. Tools: guitar, button accordion, piano, violin, drum.

The guests are dear, here's the trouble
While we played with you,
After all, the theft happened to us,
And the bride was stolen!

(Everyone is looking at the bride together, then the groom redeems her from his friends)

Girls, I ask you, stand up,
The bride says goodbye to her bouquet,
Lucky one of you
To visit her place!

(The bride throws a bouquet)

Now I ask the guys
Together everyone get together,
And catch the garter,
Enjoy happiness!

(The groom removes the garter with his teeth and throws the guys)

(The presenter announces the next musical pause for 10-15 minutes)

The day rushed unnoticed,
Dark evening in the yard
There were songs, dances, toasts,
In reality, not in a dream!

AT riding:
It’s time to take off the veil of the bride,
Cover her head with a scarf
We will light up the candles together,
All conversations for later!

(Near each guest you need to put candles and matches in advance. The bride is planted on a chair and mothers take off her veil, and the mother -in -law tits a scarf.)

(The host declares a five -minute musical pause)

Ah, this wedding, the wedding sang and danced,
The wine was poured, the fun was here,
We were able to visit today
Great holiday, a ball of miracles!
And I congratulate you again,
With the birth of your family,
And I wish you only happiness
More prosperity and love!
I offer young
Guests you have a cake to treat,
Night lights shine,
It's time to serve!

(Take out a wedding cake)

Wedding - a script for a cool

Wedding - a script for the cooling room
Wedding - a script for a cool

Wedding - a script for the tamada cool:

"We will tell you all according to the stars, fortune telling!"

Today the stars told me
That the wedding will celebrate
What is in this bright star hall
We will congratulate the young people!

And fate whispered to me yesterday,
That we will celebrate all day
I did not fall asleep this night
I wrote words - I'm not lazy!

BUT strict:
We congratulate our pair,
We only wish you love - only
We shout with a gypsy for a couple:
"Our dear, bitter!"

(Young people kiss, guests drink for their happiness!)

I can tell you frankly
That you will be warm together,
What will help you no doubt
Parents to rebuild the house!

But you promise to love them,
Here you have the order from bright stars,
Read it now
And your path will be easy - simple!

The promise of the groom:
I will read the mother -in -law -
She will help us!
I will run to her pancakes -
She will give us bent then!
I will be easier to treat her -
While mom will be mother -in -law!

And if there is a mother -in -law in the house,
Then the father -in -law must be!
I will speak with a father -in -law -
Then I can drink beer with him!
I will watch football with him -
And it will be a friend of the best father -in -law!

(The father -in -law and mother -in -law are invited to the center of the hall and give a word to congratulate the young!)

The promise of the bride:
I will give my mother -in -law love -
Whereas mom will be my mother -in -law!
I will call her often -
The mother -in -law will also love me!
I will invite her to visit -
Then she will not offend me!

I will bake a pie to the father -in -law -
Then it will not be strict to me!
I will knit a sweater for him -
Then he will not scold me!
I will sincerely love my father -in -law -
Then we will live in peace with my husband!

(The mother -in -law and mother -in -law are invited to the center of the hall and give them a word to congratulate the young!)

And now our respects to our guests -
Let them tell you congratulations!

(Everyone who wants to congratulate the young people go out in turn to their table and pronounce toasts, present gifts!)

Your union will be strong,
If the little one will be born!
I'll guess you now -
Who will be born, I will find out.

(The gypsy puts three identical boxes in front of the young. In one of them lies a navel with a blue ribbon, in the other with a pink, and in the third - two identical nipples. Young choose a box, the gypsy informs who will be born first.)

There will be a glorious peanut,
If it grows in wealth,
Sent to guests
I am a box for happiness!
Throw away the ladies, gentlemen
To the health of the child,
Young you then
They will call to wash the diapers!

(The gypsy starts a box in the tables, the guests drop off on the first diapers for the future baby!)

There will be many children - a lot,
The stars say it!
There will be someone to nurse strictly
These little guys?
Who will pamper them,
Who will sing songs,
Who will be the most
We will find out now!

(We announce the competition for the best lullaby!)

They will love grandmothers
They will wear their grandchildren in their hands,
They will only pamper them
In the meantime, we shout: "Bitter!"

(Young people kiss, guests drink for their happiness!)

Well, today you are connected,
They became one whole - got married,
As if you purchased a purchase,
We will read your passports!

The passport of the groom

Bride passport

Young exchange passports, kiss, the evening continues with a stormy feast, dancing, mobile contests.

Video: Little Wedding. Hipples. How to organize a cozy family celebration?

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