Wedding and funeral in one day: signs, nuances

Wedding and funeral in one day: signs, nuances

There will be a lot of signs about the wedding and funeral in one day. Read more in the article.

Wedding and funeral are two opposite emotionally ceremonies. But both the first and second events, since ancient times, is surrounded by a huge number of superstitions, signs, customs. Despite the fact that the world has changed, some signs are still believed.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Signs to thin and good". You will find almost all the signs with the interpretation.

In this article, we will consider the most common superstitions and signs of such mysterious ceremonies as a wedding and funeral. Can these two ceremonies go on one day or not? Read further.

On what day is the Orthodox buried?

Orthodox are buried on the third day
Orthodox are buried on the third day

With the loss of loved ones, Orthodox people clearly follow church canons. For Christians, death is not the end, but the relocation of the soul into another world. On what day is the Orthodox buried?

  • Believers believe that after death, all three days before the funeral, the soul of the deceased remains among people, visits the places that were dear to her during her life and only after that leaves the earthly world and goes into the afterlife.
  • Therefore, most funerals in our country are taking place on the third day After death. Moreover, the first day is the day of death.

It is worth knowing: To make the soul more easily survived the separation from the body, the corresponding rites are carried out: funeral, burial, commemoration.

Signs at the funeral

The funeral is a sad but necessary part of the culture. A lot of superstitions, prejudices and signs arose around it. To believe or not, everyone decides for himself. It is still unknown whether there is actually a soul, whether the afterlife exists is something mysterious, causing anxiety. Therefore, even skeptical people are still trying to observe signs and traditions. The most common and reached modern time signs:

  • You can’t close the front door, it is believed that the soul cannot fly out.
  • It is forbidden to wash and remove while the body is in the house.
  • They do not advise a lot and cry for a long time - tears prevent the soul from leaving.
  • No need to put strangers, extraneous things in the coffin.
  • Departing from the coffin with the deceased, after farewell - you should not look back.
  • You can’t go in front of the coffin.
  • In the cemetery, nothing can be lifted from the ground.

After the funeral, everyone who was in a mourning ceremony is important to gather for prayer and a memorial meal. In order to last the last time with the soul of the deceased, which was believed to be present at the wake and also wanted to drink and eat. Therefore, they do not clink at the commemoration (the dead cannot drink from the same bowl with the living) and do not use knives and forks (so as not to accidentally injure the soul).

Wedding signs and superstitions

Wedding signs
Wedding signs

On the day of the wedding, each second bride slips interest for, for example. This is due to excitement before an important day and desire, so that he will pass, like his whole life with the chosen one, perfectly. We learn about the happy signs of fate related to the wedding, which predict exclusively happiness and joy to the young family. Here are wedding signs and superstitions:

  • The groom cannot look at the wedding outfit of his chosen one before the celebration.
  • According to superstitions, water is the personification of all living things. Therefore, in order for the young husband and wife to be happy, it is believed that on the day of the celebration you need to go through seven bridges and bridges, the bride, as a sign of future happiness in his personal life, should throw small coins, bakery products and a simple ring in the water.
  • If you drizzle on the day of the wedding - the wealth and happiness of the married couple.
  • After registering the marriage, young people are sprinkled, millet, rice and coins of small dignity, so that they are rich and happy.
  • According to traditions, the 1st glass with champagne groom and the bride are defeated on the floor. This is fortunately. If the fragments are small, the girl will be born, and if large or glass remains whole, a boy.
  • The one who bites a larger piece of karavay will rule in the family.
  • The wedding cake should cut the bride, and her young husband supports the knife. The bride takes the first piece for himself, and the second gives the groom, and only then all the other guests eat the cake. It is believed that this is how the couple will live in peace and understanding.
  • After the wedding triumph, to cross the threshold of the future house, the newlyweds should like this: the groom holds the bride in his arms and brings his back, and not his feet. It is believed that in this way the husband will always respect and love his wife.

To believe these signs or not is your choice. It is important to remember that the guarantee of any strong and happy marriage is mutual love and respect, and certainly not popular beliefs.

Wedding and funeral in one day: signs

What could be worse than when a happy day, grief happens. However, this happens, this is life, unfortunately, sad events happen in it, the date of which is not set. This is a combination of circumstances. Here are signs about the wedding and funeral in one day:

  • It is better not to make a wedding.
  • According to superstitions, it is believed that if the relatives of the deceased 1 or 2 degrees of kinship They want to get married/get married, it is necessary to transfer this event for the next year.
  • In order for the soul of the deceased to gain peace and leave the world, it is impossible not only to celebrate the wedding, but also to go to birthdays, celebrations, discos, concerts - this is considered disrespect for the deceased.
  • According to one version of the interpretation of signs, if on the wedding day, a relative died, means that in heaven against this marriage.

There is also a belief that a person died, and somewhere at that moment a man was born. Someone leaves the earthly world, and someone comes to it-these are the inevitable events of our life. What interpretation to believe, everyone decides.

Do I need to cancel the wedding: nuances

The wedding was canceled
The wedding was canceled

Or not to cancel the wedding or not, relatives decide individually in each case. There is no single ban on holding an event.

Practice shows that people who turned to the Church for advice, how to do it and can be done - the priests answered that they did not prohibit celebrating the wedding, and then engage in the preparation of the funeral. That is, from the point of view of logic, common sense - there is no need to cancel the celebration, but there are nuances associated with the emotional state after the sad news. Here's another description of the nuances:

  • To refrain or conduct a wedding celebration depends on the degree of kinship.
  • If a distant relative has died, whom the last 50 years No one saw his departure, did not cause shock, a stressful, unstable mental state - everyone took the news adequately, with a cold head, an understanding that it happens - there is no reason to cancel the wedding.
  • In a situation, if grief happened with a close relative, then neither young nor guests, most likely, will not be up to fun.

But it happens that the celebration is already celebrated, and one of the relatives receives sad news. AT 80% Cases, relatives prefer not to report this to the newlyweds, give them the opportunity to complete this day joyfully and happily. Later, the bride and groom report what happened.

How to postpone a wedding date?

To transfer the date of the wedding will not be difficult. You need to write an application for postponing the registration date in the registry office, where documents were submitted for marriage. The application must indicate the reason for the transfer, present documents that will confirm the good reason. If there is a good reason, the head of the registry office will postpone the wedding date for the required period.

In addition, you need to warn all guests about the cancellation of the celebration, renegotiate the contract with the restaurant where the event was planned. Notify the photographer, host, DJ and other people who were supposed to be involved on the wedding day. Most likely, having learned about what happened, they will fit you to the meeting, and they will transfer the rental of the hall, the services of the photographer, etc. - Without financial losses for cancellation.

Customs, signs and traditions must be observed. In the case of a funeral, they give a feeling of a duty, help to cope with grief and return to the usual rhythm of life. As for the wedding signs, they are not a horoscope and do not necessarily come true. The main thing to follow the customs is deliberately, without losing common sense.

Video: Cemetery and wedding! Why all this?


Video: What wedding signs and superstitions come true, but which ones are not?


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