Signs for marriage, groom: how to find out soon the wedding, what does the groom look like, does the chosen one loves, and will there be happiness in marriage?

Signs for marriage, groom: how to find out soon the wedding, what does the groom look like, does the chosen one loves, and will there be happiness in marriage?

Signs about the groom, an ambulance and a happy marriage.

As stated in the most popular saying for girls - to get married not to attack, if only it is not married. No matter how independent we are, with a feminist rod, it is extremely important for girls to choose a good husband, because this is a person who will become the father of children and a satellite for life. In this article we will talk about signs for marriage, the groom, to make it easier to decide on the choice.

Signs for marriage: how to find out the groom and about the groom?

In this section, we collected signs for marriage, namely how to find out, details about the groom:

  • Inject, cut, or in another way to injure a finger on New Year's Eve - soon get married. If a drop of blood falls on the clothes of a single man - this is your future husband;
  • Lick the raw dough - to the bald husband;
  • Began to burn food - the bridegroom is in a hurry to get married;
  • The guy met on his own initiative with a girl on Thursday - she will soon get married. But if a man pulls, someone else will make an offer;
  • On Sunday, you need to go for a walk - but choose a groom. You need to smile at idle men so many times as the date today is a calendar. And the one who will conclude this date (for example, the 30th, the 30th man smiled)-your future narrowed;
  • Remaining to sleep in a new place, I must say “I sleep in a new place, dream of the bride’s bride” and the image of your fiancé will come at night;
  • The dead were dreamed of and talk about marriage, about family, about men - listen, this promises the groom. And if you dream of relatives and an unfamiliar man, this is your narrowed;
  • We met a guy, and a strip of failure went - the heel broke, mascara swam, the hairdresser unsuccessfully tonsured. These are all the precursors that you started relations with your future husband;
  • A strong desire to change appearance? Change the next man who will meet you himself - your chosen one;
  • Did the stranger give turquoise? If not married, he will be your husband. If married, ask the name, they will call your husband. If a woman, ask her father’s name - this is the name of the future husband;
  • Pigeons cooled in a dream - to a quick marriage. If a man holds a dove, this is your narrowed.
Signs about the wedding will help accelerate marriage
Signs about the wedding will help accelerate marriage

Signs for marriage: how will the wedding be soon?

In this section, we collected signs for marriage, namely how to find out that the girl will marry in the near future:

  • The bride’s bouquet abandoned to unmarried guests is the most popular sign, according to which the next marriage will be the one that will catch a bouquet. But there is logic. At weddings, idle men and their parents most often looked after brides. To catch a bouquet, you need to be strong, agent, active, etc. Naturally, these are the qualities that attracted potential grooms. And if immediately after the wedding, the matchmakers did not come to the house even with whom there was an agreement, other grooms and their parents used the opportunity to get a bright, fun and active bride;
  • Another sign at the wedding. Men guests catch the garter. Who caught it - that turn. If there is a beloved at the wedding, she is given right away. No - the trophy is left to itself;
  • To pick up the hem of the bride’s dress is to bring your wedding closer. In this case, the needle is recommended to be stored;
  • Found the decoration during cleaning? To a quick marriage;
  • Once they called the witness - soon the wedding. I went the second time a witness - postponed her marriage for an indefinite time;
  • If at the wedding to sit between two brothers - an ambulance is guaranteed to you;
  • At the wedding, agree to dance, especially with those who sit far. Will be lucky to dance with the groom - the wedding will be even faster;
  • Saw a bouquet of flowers in the most unexpected place? For example, in the middle of the road or a fresh bouquet in a garbage tank, and not in a vase - soon there will be a wedding;
  • Enjoy yourself to put your shoes exactly, socks in one direction. This will help to bring a happy marriage closer;
  • We found money on the street “in a pair” (two coins or bills are the same in the face value) - store like a talisman, and soon you will get married;
  • They found a wedding ring - to an imminent wedding. But you cannot wear it. Rent or sell. You can’t give it to charity - give up the wedding;
  • They invited the godfather an unmarried girl - she will soon get married as soon as the godson takes the first step;
  • Work on Sundays - agree to the fate of the old Virgin;
  • They spilled wine at the wedding - to a quick marriage. White - to a bright life, red - for great love;
  • Pick up a pin from the bride’s dress - to their ambulance;
  • If before going to bed, it seems that someone is standing near the bed-it costs the brownie “saying goodbye and exposing” the bride to the new house. This promises a quick marriage;
  • Near the bed, put a figurine of paired animals - this will attract your husband to your house;
  • Sparrows under the windows of the nest was rushing - soon the family will be young in this house;
  • Cat on Christmas ran out in the cold? Matchmakers will come soon, and the groom will come to the house;
  • The first guest is a man on Christmas? So, the girl is destined to get married this year. Woman - this year there will be no wedding.
The more often you attend weddings, the more often you find yourself on your
The more often you attend weddings, the more often you find yourself on your

Signs for marriage: will there be happiness in marriage?

In this section, we collected signs for marriage, namely how to find out if happiness will be in marriage:

  • A long thread in the needle - to a lazy wife who will not build a happy marriage. The short thread remained in the needle after sewing - a hardworking, economical girl, and a happy life promises her;
  • To get married soon, you need to lead from the door to the window. Then the marriage will be happy and rich;
  • The house began to rattle in the house, the doors and windows creak, and objects fall? Matchmakers will come to the house, and they should be consented. The brownie suggests that the girl will be happy in marriage and “survives” her from home, to the house to the groom;
  • The bear catches up with a bear in a dream - agree to a proposal in life, you will become happy in marriage;
  • In a dream, they tried on a veil - you will marry a beloved man;
  • Dolphins and storks dream of a quick successful marriage;
  • The bride cannot be transferred and taken over the threshold - a wedding will be upset, or will be unhappy in marriage. For an unmarried girl, this is the same - to remain forever alone;
  • At the wedding, they caught a bouquet, but another girl also picked it up? Disassemble the bouquet and divide in half - then both quickly and happily get married. Divide a bouquet or refuse - remain old virgins;
  • Want a fast happy marriage? Start embroidering or grow peonies. As soon as you get the result, there will be a marriage proposal;
  • Bright birds dream of a wedding, black kites before the wedding - to an unlucky marriage;
  • Raise ficus near the bed and family happiness, and fast children are guaranteed to you;
  • On Christmas, the shoes are given to the unmarried, in which the money is put (so that the husband is rich) and seeds (so that life is happy);
  • If a wedding train (a car with a groom and a bride) will run around a black cat - the marriage will not be happy;
  • If a wedding train is an angry former or former before the wedding train, you should not go around. You need to go out and say “I wish you the same happiness in life as ours” and even if a person does not forgive you, his negative messages will break about your positive energy;
  • If the wedding train is a pillar of dust and a whirlwind - to problems and misfortunes in marriage;
  • Would you like to marry happiness in marriage? Give her a cactus. They attract that very necessary energy to themselves.
Happiness is not to get married, but to be happy
Happiness is not to get married, but to be happy

Signs for marriage: how not to be left alone?

In this section, we collected signs for marriage, namely how to find out what to do or not to do, so as not to be left alone forever:

  • You can’t say that you don’t want to marry - you bring loneliness;
  • You can’t say that you want to marry, at all costs - show that for you a ring is more important than a man. We need to say - I am ready to wait as much as necessary, but the one with whom we will become happy;
  • You can’t remove garbage from the table with your hand - you will not be married;
  • You can not comb and straighten your hair with outsiders - there will be a graying unmarried head;
  • In the Annunciation, one cannot weave braids - to the long expectation of matchmakers;
  • On the ring finger you can wear only a engagement and engagement ring - or remain lonely (the sign applies even to married ones);
  • You can’t try on someone else's veil - and destroy the marriage there, and do not create your own;
  • You can’t sit on the windowsills and in the corners unmarried - they will remain yourself;
  • We came to a wedding without a couple - do not take part in competitions in which you need to work in a couple, a bad sign. But contests for idle are yours;
  • Spathiphyllum is a flower of promising happiness. If you are cheating and disappears - not to see marriage. And the better it grows, the sooner the marriage. If spathiphyllum is gone - start a new one, and the Universe will see how you try with a flower and send you a good husband;
  • On Christmas, unmarried girls do not take out garbage. Will scare the groom for the rest of the years;
  • Oleander promises loneliness. If you can’t raise in a house where there are unmarried any ages. That is, even if you are married, but you had a daughter - take this flower away from home;
  • You can not sweep a person, especially the girl - to loneliness;
  • If a woman is married in a dress, it can be stored or burned. Put on another - and her own life will not work out, and the mistress of the dress will be left alone;
  • If the younger sister came out earlier than the eldest - the eldest, most likely, will remain an old maid;
  • Before the engagement, you cannot take common photos - unfortunately and parting.
Confidence in her husband is the key to a happy marriage
Confidence in her husband is the key to a happy marriage

Signs for marriage, groom: tips and reviews

Lyudmila: After a divorce with her husband, she was completely disappointed in men and did not want to let anyone in. The eldest sister arrived and asked to embroider her peonies. When the picture was finished, I decided to spend the weekend at the camp site, where I met the most delightful man in my life. And when the wedding passed, the sister told how she and her mother decided to switch my attention to the picture and attract a standing man to my life.

Galina: All girlfriends have long been married, but I have nothing. And she went to the date, but the men stubbornly did not perceive me as a bride, only as entertainment. I decided to accelerate the issue, and started the first flower in my house - spathiphyllum. And you won’t believe it, not even six months have passed, and the groom and I are preparing! Girls signs work - believe and everything will work out.

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Video: Signs for unmarried girls

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