The correct location of bells and gongs in the apartment: Feng Shuya Music

The correct location of bells and gongs in the apartment: Feng Shuya Music

If you do not know that by the Fengage you can clean the bells and gongs in the apartment, then read the article. It describes how to attract the element of metal for well -being.

Power elements of metal Increase bells and gongs. It is necessary to place them in the house in such a way that the easy, unexpected touch or breath of the breeze forces them to ring. Otherwise, bells can turn into an unnecessary trash that exudes Yin energy.

After all, any thing, even very small, needs the attention of the owner, it should feel necessary and very important for you. And first of all, it concerns bells and gongs - servants of the spirit of the wind. How to properly have bells and gongs in the apartment so that the music of Feng Shuya sounds for your good? Look for the answer to this question in the article.

Bells in the apartment: where to hang them?

Bells in the apartment
Bells in the apartment

The bells that are in the apartment must be made of metal, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable in the zone of domination elements of metal.

Bells can be hung on the path of movement of Shaw energy. It usually accumulates near the doors - input or interior. Voiced bells will force her to “bend” and, thereby, will turn it into a living qi energy.

Gongs in the apartment-where to place: Feng Shuya music

Gongs in the apartment
Gongs in the apartment

The gongs in the apartment are more effectively enhanced metal zone. First of all, this is due to the fact that they are made in the form of a round plate, which is a symbol of the element. Gong energy is very powerful. It spreads throughout the house, cleansing it and filling it with the energy of joy and light. Therefore, the direction of its movement should be traced in order to eliminate the occurrence of Shact energy.

There is another type of gongs - in the form of a bowl. Such gongs will be best transmitted to the music of Feng Shuya:

  • It is not recommended to place them in the same room with bells.
  • Both “instruments” are a kind of mirror reflection of each other, and the energies they emit the energies are mutually worshiped.
  • In this case, it is better to choose one thing: either bells or a gong.

If a long corridor consisting of many doors leads from the room in which the gong is located, then circle their openings with red paint or transfer the gong to another place. It is also forbidden to place a gong in front of the doorway.

Cleaning the apartment on Feng Shui bells and gongs: Yantra

Cleaning the apartment on Feng Shui bells and gongs: Yantra
Cleaning the apartment on Feng Shui bells and gongs: Yantra

It is necessary to take into account the special nature elements of metal. It is light as air. Therefore, the location of the stairs or even several steps directly behind the door of the room in which dominates the element of metal, will lead to loss of energy. In addition, the result will be the location of the bathroom under or above the metal area. If this is really impossible to fix it, then the image of inscriptions and images - Yantr will serve as a way out of this situation.

Remember: Yantra They require a careful and attentive attitude towards themselves. Only a professional Feng Shui can choose the right and place Yantra in your home.

You can also place small mirrors on the floor in a room, but so that the reflecting surface is directed down. Adviсe:

  • If the mirror create discomfort and cause inconvenience, put a carpet on the floor with an abstract pattern.
  • The dominant should be white and pale blue, symbolizing the sky.
  • In the zone of dominance of metal, the sky also symbolizes the ceiling. Heavy chandeliers and modeling are unacceptable here.
  • He does not tolerate the sky and wallpaper.
  • Try to cut small stars from phosphorescent paper and make your personal stellar sky map on the ceiling.
  • In the afternoon, the “sky” will look clean and cloudless, but small stars will shine on the ceiling with a sunset on the ceiling.

Energy cleaning in the apartment by Feng Shui can be carried out using bells and gongs, hanging them in the right places, as described above. But you can just walk around the room, for example with one or more bells, starting from the front door.

Important: Bells designed for cleaning should be good. If the ringing is deaf or with rattling, then you did not have a connection with this tool. You need to take another or give it to another person to whom you trust this ritual.

Cleaning can be done with a gong. According to the same principle, starting from the front door, in a circle and ending also with the same doorway. Try to ring the whole apartment so sound so that poor energy leaves and never return again. As you can see, everything is simple, it remains only to buy bells and a gong in a specialized store according to Feng Shuh, and you can start the rite. Good luck!

Video: The most tender ringing of bells to cleanse the biofield and space

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