Feng Shui rules for the toilet, bathroom and toilet: location, color, decor. What to do if your toilet is in front of the front door: how to block poor energy and poverty?

Feng Shui rules for the toilet, bathroom and toilet: location, color, decor. What to do if your toilet is in front of the front door: how to block poor energy and poverty?

Among us there are many people who are adherents of the Taoist practice of symbolic development of space, in simple words-Feng Shui practice. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people, equipping their housing, are trying to do this according to the rules of Feng Shui.

Today we suggest you deal with the rules of Feng Shui for the toilet, bathroom and toilet. The correct location of the bathroom and toilet in the house is very important, since both rooms have a huge energy that can have both negative and positive effects on residents.

Feng Shui Rules for the toilet, bathroom and toilet: location

  • Thinking about the bathroom, that the first comes to your mind? Most likely, this is cleanliness, a state of relief and update. True, this room symbolizes cleanliness and order.
  • The toilet also symbolizes cleansing, updating, getting rid of the old. However, if this room is incorrectly arranged, it will be not old and unnecessary, but, for example, money, health, etc.
  • If possible, the toilet and the bathroom need to be separated so that the energy of these premises do not intersect.

First, let's look at the question of the location in the house of the bathroom:

  • In no case do not have a bathroom in the center of your house/apartment. Such its location will be violated by the correct flow of energy throughout the house.
Cannot be placed in the center
Cannot be placed in the center
  • Also, if possible, give up the undertaking build a bathroom over your bedroom and workplace (applies to private two -story houses). If this room is located in this way, you will risk your success, health and luck.
  • Not the best option for planning at home - bathroom opposite the front door. This is fraught with the fact that you will lose financial success.
  • If you have the opportunity to choose yourself not a rectangular bath Be sure to use it. The semicircular, round and oval shape of the bath will help you improve your financial situation.
  • Another point that you need to take into account when the bathroom is located and its improvement is that you do not do in the bathroom, you must always be able to see someone who can come to you.

Now let's see, the rules of Feng Shui for the toilet and toilet:

  • In no case should the dressing room be opposite the front door, This will bring you troubles and failures. It is believed that in this case a person entering the toilet immediately enters the garbage pit and is filled with its energy.
  • It is also impossible for the toilet to be opposite the living room and dining room, Since this location will adversely affect the general situation in the house, and also on the digestive system of households.
  • Opposite the bed, the toilet is also not a place. This location is dangerous to health.
  • And never put next to the toilet room aquarium, especially if it is big. In general, the aquarium symbolizes wealth, brings money to the house and luck, but when it is located next to the toilet, everything can go differently. All money and luck will be washed off in the sewer.
  • As mentioned earlier, it is best if your the bathroom is delimited from the toilet, However, if the bathroom is joint, then you need to do the following. Separate the toilet from the bathroom at least with a screen, and preferably some kind of counter.
  • Do not allow sewer pipes in the toilet and the bathroom. If there is no way to completely remove them from visibility, we recommend at least decorating them with anything.
It is desirable that the bath is separate from the toilet
It is desirable that the bath is separate from the toilet

Here are the main rules for the location and arrangement of the toilet room and toilet in the house on Feng Shui:

  • The toilet should not be highlighted against the background of other rooms.
  • The room itself and the toilet should always be clean and neat.
  • The toilet is best kept closed, that is, the lid when leaving the room must be lowered. This will help not to miss positive energy, luck and money in the sewer.
  • This room should always be well ventilated, this will help that it does not have stagnant energy.
  • In the toilet, as in the bathroom, it is impossible to have a faulty equipment. It is very important that the taps, the drain bar are not flowing, because your capabilities and money will flow along with this water.
  • Remember, yours toothbrushes, combs should not be next to the toilet. It is best if there are several meters between them, but if this is not possible, then store the brushes in cases.
  • The garbage bucket, scoop and broom also have no place in the toilet. Pay special attention to the bucket, it symbolizes the abyss, a black hole into which your money, good luck, and health will go.
  • The toilet room and the bathroom should be as simple, comfortable and practical as possible. Do not make many shelves, clutter them up by a bunch of jars, etc.
  • Try to have always to be in these rooms good lighting, Otherwise, there will be more negative energy than positive.
  • It is best to have a bathroom and a toilet in the northern zone.
The toilet should be well lit
The toilet should be well lit

Feng Shui Rules for the toilet, bathroom and toilet: decor elements

The most important thing you need to remember, decorating the bathroom and toilet - the element of water rule in these rooms. And this means that decor elements should not cause the conflict of elements.

  • According to the rules of Feng Shui to arrange these rooms in any case do not choose yellow, orange, red color, because these are the colors of the elements of fire.
  • Better give preference white, blue, blue And all its shades, with the exception of strongly dark, green, etc.. Also, the color of the toilet can be delicate, pastel.
Give preference to white and pastel
Give preference to white and pastel
  • You can use various figurines and decor elements that symbolize the cold.
  • It is important not to overdo it with the decoration of the rooms, since we had previously talked about what is most important for such rooms - simplicity, purity and practicality.
Simplicity and purity are important
Simplicity and purity are important
  • It is definitely not necessary to force all the shelves with figurines of ships, to hang out all the walls with paintings with the image of water.
  • The most important - balance. If you want to emphasize that the element of water is dominated in this room - select several decor elements and limit yourself to them.

Feng Shui Rules for the toilet, bathroom: paintings and flowers

It is unambiguous to be the colors and paintings in the bathroom and the toilet room, but there are certain nuances that are important to know about and which are important to consider.

  • The bathroom microclimate, high humidity - all this is ideal for some plantsTherefore, it is possible and necessary to arrange them in such rooms.
  • In this case, the plants will clean the air, improve the energy in the room.
  • If you want to please yourself fresh flowers in the bathroom, Give preference to those that love a lot of moisture and do not need sunlight, since it is most often in such a room or not at all or very little.
Plants in the bathroom
Plants in the bathroom
  • Flowers in the toilet, according to feng shui - perfectly fit into the bathroom and toilet monsters, drags, various exotic and tropical plants, which will be ideal for the microclimate that is created in such rooms.
  • As for the paintings, they are not only possible, but even you need to hang in the bathroom and toilet room. However, it is important to understand that for a small room one picture will be enough, for a large one - two.
  • Great for pictures in the toilet on Feng Shui with a sea theme, with the image of ships, seas, oceans, glaciers, marine animals, etc., as well as all the paintings in blue, green, blue, gray gamut.
Sea style in the bathroom
Sea style in the bathroom

But pictures with the image of the sun, deserts, beaches (very sunny paintings), fire, etc. For these premises, they are not just not suitable, but prohibited, since they will cause the conflict of two elements.

  • Also limit yourself to the use of red, yellow, orange, sand, burgundy shades for the design of the bathroom and toilet.

Feng Shui Rules for the toilet, bathroom: Mirror

There are always mirrors in the bathroom, since it is in this room that we put ourselves in order. However, mirrors carry huge energy and you need to have them in the room correctly, otherwise you can harm yourself.

  • Feng Shui recommends treating mirrors with caution, as they are literally portals in other worlds.
  • You should not hang a lot of mirrors in such rooms, one will be enough.

In no case do not draw up these rooms with mirror tiles. Each of its pieces negatively affects your nervous system, consciousness and subconscious.

  • It is also impossible to place mirrors opposite each other, as this will lead to useless circulation of energy in a circle.
  • When choosing a mirror, give preference to one that in no way distorts the image.
  • When attaching a mirror, do it as tightly to the wall.
  • In the bathroom, the mirror is best to place above the washbasin, opposite the front door. In this case, all the negative, evil, etc. will not fall into the room, which is intended for cleansing and updating.
Hang the mirror over the washbasin
Hang the mirror over the washbasin

There is also an opinion that this particular item has a connection with our second “I”, so choose a mirror for the toilet on Feng Shui also taking into account our zodiac sign and its elements:

  • For Aries, Lviv and Sagittarius The best choice will be a round mirror.
  • Ovalny is perfect Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Gemini, Libra and Aquarius They must prefer rectangular mirrors.
  • Well, the squares are best suited Scorpions, fish and cancer.

Feng Shui Rules for the toilet, bathroom and toilet: sector

It also makes sense to talk about sectors, because they are of great importance when designing a bathroom and a feng shui toilet:

  • Feng Shui toilet in the south. In this sector reigns The element of fire. There is completely logical place for the bathroom and toilet room, since the conflict of the two elements will immediately arise.
  • The toilet in the southwest on Feng Shui, the central sector, the toilet in the northeast on Feng Shui. In this case, the elements of water and earth interact. In principle, water complements the earth, makes it fertile, but only if there are not many. Therefore, experts are recommended to be designed in this sector of the bathroom taking into account these features. The elements of the elements of the Earth and Fire will not be superfluous in the decor, but also in moderation.
  • Toilet in the east along Feng Shui and a toilet in the southeast along Feng Shui. In this case, other elements will already interact - Water and wood. They can also complement each other, and can destroy. To balance the energies of the elements, use decor elements that belong to the elements of wood, fire and earth to decorate the bathroom and toilet. But with the elements of fire, be extremely careful.
In the southeast
In the southeast
  • Feng Shui toilet in the west, toilet in the northwest on Feng Shui. Native element of these sectors metal. In combination with water, destructive energy can be obtained, which will not allow households to live in harmony and health. Therefore, add decor elements to the room, which will enhance the effect of the elements of metal, earth and wood. Pay the most attention to the first element.
  • Feng Shui toilet in the north. Water dominates this sector. But if there is a lot of it, stagnant energy is formed so that this does not happen, decorate the room with elements that belong to the elements of metal, fire, earth and wood. But remember, there should be few such decor elements so that their energy does not overlap the energy of the elements of water.

Feng Shui Rules: The toilet is in front of the front door-how to block bad energy and poverty?

As mentioned earlier, the toilet should in no case be opposite the front door, since in this case it acts as a person’s conductor into the sewer world.

However, sometimes it is simply impossible to avoid this location technically. What to do in this case? They will help us with this feng Shui rules.

  • With this arrangement of the toilet and toilet, all life energy, money and health will constantly be washed off However, there is a way out in the sewer.
  • You can block bad energy and poverty by unfolding the toilet in the other direction.
  • It is also possible to reduce the destructive effect of the toilet Constantly closing its lid and protecting the world of sewage from the real world.
  • In this case, it is equally important to close the door to the toilet room so that its energy does not spread around the house.
  • Still blocking poor energy and poverty will help simple mirrorbut hanged in the right place. This place is the toilet door (on the contrary to the toilet) from the inside. What will happen? All bad and black energy from the toilet will be displayed in the mirror, and return to the toilet again. However, in this case, always close the door to the bathroom.
Install the toilet correctly
Install the toilet correctly

As you can see, locate and arrange a bathroom and a toilet room according to the rules of Feng Shui Not so difficult. Perhaps this is the design of your home will help you live in harmony, peace and consent with yourself and households.

If you are interested in Feng Shui, you can read the data of the article:

Video: Feng Shui bathroom and toilet

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Comments K. article

  1. Feng Shui toilet in the south-and what to do? What a bad answer you have: Feng Shui toilet in the south. In this sector, the element of fire reigns. There is completely logical place for the bathroom and toilet room, since the conflict of the two elements will immediately arise. What, there is no other answer except the statement of the fact? What the …….?

  2. I also searched for an answer to the question of the location of the bathroom in the south. You need not so much a statement of fact as ways to eliminate negativity

  3. Thank you, of course, for a reminder of the rules of Feng Shui, but I did not find an answer to my question. I myself know that the south and water are incompatible. To do what? It is impossible to transfer the bathroom in the apartment.

  4. this question is also interested. We are waiting

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