Fitness bikini diet: rules, menu, benefits, contraindications. Rules and the drying menu with a diet of fitness bikini. Fitness bikini diet during the off-season

Fitness bikini diet: rules, menu, benefits, contraindications. Rules and the drying menu with a diet of fitness bikini. Fitness bikini diet during the off-season

To be in shape no worse than professional fitness trainer, it is important not only to engage in intensely, but also to eat right. The special diet will be discussed in the article.

Many girls are engaged in fitness bikini. They are dry, not a drop of excess fat, a round fit of the priest, a press in cubes. What do girls eat? Each woman is trying to lose a couple of kilograms by spring. How to do this so that the effect comes as soon as possible?

Today we will consider the diet of fitness bikini. Fitness bikini lies on three whales: as high-quality foods, a lot of protein, vegetables, slow carbohydrates, all sweet and alcohol are excluded.

Rules of the diet of fitness bikini

Girls who are engaged in fitness bikini differ from their rivals engaged in bodybuilding. The training in the hall is largely different, but the food also goes in a completely different way. The more glorified girls who play sports become, the more ordinary girls who seek to drop hated kilograms.

  • You need to adhere to power in parts 5-7 times a day. If the calorie content is 1800 calories, then 250-350 calories will have to be in one reception.
  • The calorie content of the dishes is regularly reduced, because the consumption of carbohydrates is reduced.
  • Only fresh foods go to food. We check the deadlines.
  • In the course fitness bikini diets There are useful fats, such as nuts, flax oil, pumpkin oil, amaranth oil, etc.
  • The protein in the diet should be one third from the entire diet.
  • Everything that contains irregular carbohydrates is fast, excluded from nutrition.
  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, and throughout the day, a lot of water with lemon juice is drunk.
  • The diet includes a large number of seasonal vegetables. The consumption of vegetables saturates the body with various useful components, they have a lot of food fiber, which helps to purify the body. It is very useful to eat vegetables when the athlete is in the drying period.

Fitness bikini diet: menu for 5 days

An approximate list of products for 1960 kcal of the first day:

  1. Oatmeal porridge with the addition of linseed oil.
  2. Boiled a piece of beef, add fresh vegetables and a bit of basmati rice.
  3. The protein of two boiled chicken eggs, add a vegetable salad. You can a little berries.

During the day, snacks are added - protein bars, apples, berries, you can a little coffee and tea. Bikini girls say that adhering to such a diet is quite easy, especially since this is a way of life.

Important: you need to consume products with a small amount of carbohydrates.

Second day:

  1. Mix 40 g of millet porridge with a sugar substitute and you can add an apple.
  2. Protein omelet with the addition of spices.
  3. Vegetable salad (seasonal) with rice.
  4. Boil the beef, add greens, spices, cabbage, carrots, beets and sour berries (cranberries) to it.
  5. Bake pike perch or nototia, add vegetables and spices.
  6. Coffee and tea are allowed, but without sugar.

On the third day fitness bikini diets We will eat 7 times. The diet in this case is quite rich.

  1. Of the 5 eggs, we take only protein, prepare an omelet with spices.
  2. Fresh vegetables, you can make a salad plus a fish baked.
  3. Boiled beef in the amount of 200 g.
  4. 5 L kefir.
  5. Cottage cheese 150 g with the addition of berries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries.
  6. Boiled chicken breast 150 g.
  7. Protein cocktail

The fourth day of the diet of fitness bikini:

  1. 6 pcs. quail eggs plus parsley, dill, cilantro, basil.
  2. One apple.
  3. Bake beef meat with herbs and spices (can be in foil), plus a salad of seasonal vegetables, add linseed oil.
  4. 10 g of almonds plus an apple.
  5. Boiled fish plus brown rice.
  6. 1 L kefir.

Try not to eat 5 hours before bedtime. If it doesn’t work, then drink a glass of kefir 1%.

Fifth day:

  1. Omlet with cheese with soy milk, add a small banana.
  2. Vegetable soup (without potatoes), you can pea.
  3. Chicks from chicken breast with the addition of greens and vegetables.
  4. Berries raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, cherries.
  5. Kefir for snack.
  6. The cocktail "pleasure".

The recipe for the "pleasure" cocktail:

  • 200 g of independent yogurt
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 red sweet pepper.
  • Parsley and dill
  • Spices to taste.
  • Fold everything in the blender bowl and grind. Drink 4 hours before bedtime.

The benefits of the diet are fitness bikini?

As you could already figure it out, adhere to fitness-bikini diets- So lead a healthy lifestyle. And this is precisely the system of life. The enormous benefit of the diet is that it helps to contain our body in the cost of spending extra calories. Also, using this diet, you saturate the body with minerals and trace elements that are contained in food.

The high fiber content helps to clean the gastrointestinal tract. And so the hated kilograms leave. Rejuvenation of the body occurs, blood pressure is stabilized, body swelling leaves, and a relief structure of the body is loomed.

  • Since during the diet fitness bikini You eat 6-7 times, then there is no burning feeling of hunger.
  • The main direction of the diet is protein, reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, even slow, you contribute to a decrease in body weight and draw muscle relief.
  • In no case do not need to starve, because The body will produce products that destroy the muscle frame.
  • With the help of physical activity, you can acquire a chisel body, and the unnecessary fat will dissolve by itself. The skin will acquire smoothness in those places where there used to be cellulite.

Contraindications to the Fitness Bikini diet

As well as before the start of a difficult period in life, before starting a diet of fitness bikini, you need to consult your doctor. This diet does not imply hungry days.

  • However, you may have problems with the cardiovascular system, then in the hall you need a special sparing load.
  • If you have a stomach ulcer, gastritis, in which case you can’t drink lemon juice.
  • Perhaps you use additives, in this case you need to be extremely careful and study compatible products, be sure to read the instructions for additives.
  • If you are allergic to any products. Your attending physician must carefully study all this before allowing you to use fitness bikini diet.

Given the fact that fitness bikini diet, quite balanced, it will not bring much harm to a healthy organism. But you must definitely understand that any change in the usual foundations of life leads to changes in our health.

There are contraindications
There are contraindications

Fitness bikini diet Often they use professional athletes. For a performance at competitions, you need to adhere to various periods. So professional athletes use the so -called drying period. This is when excess subcutaneous fat and water leaves the body in 2 or 3 months. The body becomes embossed, muscles are more visible. Drying is an important component of professional sports. It is necessary to observe the rules important for this period.

Drying rules for fitness bikini diet

During drying, athletes adhere to the rules: no more than 1200-1300 calories per day. Here you need to be very attentive and not to clean the protein, namely the carbohydrate component of the diet.

  1. It is necessary to determine what percentage of fat you need to remove. To do this, you need to measure it in your body. Usually drying takes from 2.5 to 3 months.
  2. Food in such a period should be based on a large amount of low -fat meat, nuts, fresh vegetables, but berries and fruits must be reduced.
  3. Carbohydrates that you take in one appointment should be limited until 30-40 g.
  4. During drying from dairy products, only low -fat cottage cheese and 1% kefir are allowed. Other products are prohibited.

Drying with a diet fitness bikini: menu


  • 150 g of the hollow part of the turkey, boil.
  • 120 g of low -fat cottage cheese, one chicken egg.
  • Green peas 100 g.


Green apple no more than 180 g.


  • 3 quail eggs.
  • 200 g of vegetable soup.
  • 180 g of chicken or beef, bake.
  • Boiled asparagus and peas.

Afternoon snack:

  • 10 g of almonds.
  • 100 g of low -fat cottage cheese.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • 40 g of green peas.


  • 3-4 eggs boiled, 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • 30 g of dumped asparagus
  • 200 g of kefir.

So, about 1200-1300 calories per day came out. Be sure to drink enough water - 2 liters per day, and add lemon juice.

Fitness bikini diet during the off-season

Do not relax at a time when the competitions do not pass. And certainly there is no need to depart from the rules of proper nutrition in the period between the competition. You should not eat fast food. You must eat deliciously, and in your arsenal everything is for this.

During this period, your nutrition should not really differ. The fitness bikini diet during the competition is less than carbohydrates. During the off -season, the number of slow carbohydrates can be added.

  • Products should be fresh, vegetables are raw. You can add more nuts and berries more.
  • Carefully follow how your body reacts to food, if you begin to recover, limit the amount of carbohydrates. It is better, nevertheless, to control yourself than then start all the first steps.

We wish you to achieve excellent results in competitions. Well, for those who want to lose a small amount of kilograms, we advise you to adhere fitness bikini diets.

Video: Drinking on drying with fitness bikini diet

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Comments K. article

  1. Oatmeal is very tasty to eat with protein) This is my morning ritual! I cook oatmeal, and in the cooled I add a portion of SportExpert serum - I bought it for a fitness in velnes, good, good. And in general I love porridge very much - in combination with meat or cottage cheese)

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