How to properly equip the Feng Shui desktop: the right arrangement of things to attract wealth, good luck, love, health

How to properly equip the Feng Shui desktop: the right arrangement of things to attract wealth, good luck, love, health

Feng Shui penetrated in all spheres of our lives that the fact of using this practice for building houses, arranging jobs and rooms is completely not surprising. This will be discussed in the article.

Today we will teach you how to properly equip the feng shui desktop in order to attract money, health and love.

How to put a feng shui desktop?

It is no secret that with the help of this practice you can correctly and “profitably” to equip your housing, workplace, etc. The desktop set in the right place will accumulate the correct energy, which in turn will contribute to the increase in profit, success.

So, how to put the table on Feng Shui correctly? To do this, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Wherever you arrange your feng Shui workplace - In the office in the office or in the room at home, the rules will be the same.
  • It is very important that the desktop stands as far as possible from the front door. It is believed that with this location of the desktop you will always have a lot of time to solve important problems, there will be no need to rush, and there will always be time to react to incoming people.
  • It is advisable to set the table in such a way that, working, you have the opportunity to see the whole room. Why do you need it? According to Feng Shui, this location of the table gives the person who works for him, the opportunity keep all your affairs under control, the ability to quickly respond even in difficult situations.
The ideal location of the table
The ideal location of the table
  • Another position of you at the table on Feng Shui is considered as the situation of the victim And a person who constantly happens “behind him”. If you can’t put the table correctly in any way, then place a small mirror on the table, looking into which you can see what is happening behind you.
  • Put the table in such a way that you can freely approach it. Do not force him with other objects. This will expand your capabilities, open before you new doors and prospects. If the table will stand back to the wall and you, working for it, will “rest” against the wall, you may have deadly, hopeless situations, unsolvable difficulties. Especially bad when your table has Mr. And stands in the corner of the room “trimmed” with walls on both sides.
  • No need to put the table so that your back is literally I rested against the wall. This can lead to the fact that the terms of work will constantly be “squeezed”. And if your chair rests on the wall all the time, it will affect your emotional state and lead to stress.
  • If you sit at the table with your back, you will “look” at the open door or window, you are facing vulnerability, leakage of information, prospects and opportunities. It is best to put the table so that there are no doors, windows and walls, that is, so that there is simply free space.
  • The most important recommendation is the table should stand diagonally from the entrance. It is desirable that the window is in front of you. This will always see you profitable Proposals, prospects.
  • All cords, wires should not lie on the table. It is better to tie them and let them in or under the table so that the workflow proceeds smoothly, without obstacles and difficulties.

Feng Shui desktop: Zoning

Conventionally, any desktop can be divided into 8 parts. Each part is a zone responsible for a particular sphere of life. Accordingly, by properly arranging this zone according to Feng Shui, we will be able to get certain opportunities and benefits.

So, such the main zones for the desktop on Feng Shui are distinguished:

  1. Family zone. This zone is responsible not only for the well -being of the family, as you might think. She also acts as a motivating factor, because, as you know, many people strive improve, develop and grow In a career in order for their family to live in abundance and comfort.
  2. Zone of creativity. She is an inspiration zone. If such a zone is correctly equipped in the practice of Feng Shui, you will never be a lack of ideas.
  3. The area of \u200b\u200bassistants. In this zone, it is worth placing phones, diaries, calendars and all that one or another simplifies your work.
  4. The zone of wealth. This sector is responsible for making profit, bonuses, bonuses.
  5. Zone of health. The zone is responsible not so much for the health of the employee as for vitality and energy that are so necessary for a normal work process.
  6. The zone of knowledge. Without constant development, improvement of skills, it is impossible to occupy a leadership position, achieve heights and build a business. In order for you to always open up new opportunities and prospects, it is necessary to equip this table area.
  7. Zone of Glory. The action of this zone is similar with the action of the zone of knowledge.
  8. Career zone. Perhaps the most important zone on the desktop. That is why we will talk about her, as well as about other, most important zones.
  9. The zone of love.In order for the feelings in the pair to be stable, and love was strong, it is important to correctly equip this zone.

Feng Shui desktop for a career         

  • Feng Shui career zone is located directly In the center of the table. That is, before a person sitting at the table.
  • For the career to be successful, it should always reign in this zone Ideal cleanliness and order. No pieces of paper scattered pens, fallen from a dry flower of leaves, etc. And no dust and dirt.
  • In this place you need to put those devices and objects that “take” direct part in your work. You accountant or writer - Put there computer, lawyer or lawyer - Add the most important books to the computer - codes, etc.
  • Remember, there should be nothing superfluous in this zone, otherwise career growth will happen extremely slowly, and things at work will not go along.
  • You can hang a picture with the image of water. It is best that it is something “peaceful”, without a storm, raging water. The picture with the image of a calm is perfect ocean, beautiful waterfall. You can replace such a picture on the desktop.
  • No matter how strange it sounds, but the screensaver on the desktop can also and should be chosen by feng shui. And in this case speech with the sea, ocean It will be an ideal option.
Separation into zones
Separation into zones

Feng Shui desktop for money, wealth

  • To the left of the center of the table, or rather, on the left from the top, will be located the zone of money and prosperity. Therefore, in order to get good profit and always have money in the wallet, you need to pay attention to this particular part of the desktop.
  • If the opportunity allows you (you work at home, you yourself are the boss or your boss does not against the arrangement of the workplace on Feng Shui to attract money), put the so-called place in this place money Tree. You can replace it three -haired with a toad, which, as you know, also brings wealth.
A symbol of wealth
A symbol of wealth
  • If you do not have the possibility of such magnets for money, put beautiful desktop in this place clock and lamp. It turns out that these items can also attract money into our wallets.
  • And to improve the financial situation to occur as soon as possible, give preference purple and lilac color. They say that these colors are responsible for prosperity.

Feng Shui desktop for love

  • It would seem, what does love have to do with a career? But in accordance with the practice of Feng Shui on the desktop there is the zone of love And it is no less important than zone of knowledge or assistants.
  • This zone is located In the right corner of the desktop. Only at this place should only lie pair things, with the exception of scissors.
  • The order in this zone will contribute to the fact that any of your work will bring you pleasure and will not be a burden for you.
  • Also in this way you will always feel the support of your beloved people, and this in turn will be give you strength and inspiration to work.
  • In this zone, it is appropriate to put figurines that symbolize this bright feeling, for example, figures of hearts, swans.
For love
For love

Feng Shui desktop

Specialists also do not advise neglecting the health zone. After all, it is good health that is the key to fruitful and productive work. It is not for nothing that they say that when there is no health, then I don’t want anything else.

  • By feng Shui Zone of Health It is located on the left in the middle. The mess in this sector can lead to serious diseases, as well as apathy, unwillingness to do anything, work, develop, etc.
  • In this zone, it is worth putting what you plan to work on in the near future. So you will have energy and strength to realize everything conceived.
  • For example, you have some kind of project, put the documents that relate to its implementation, precisely in this zone.
  • It is also permissible in this sector to put various health symbols according to Feng Shui. For example, bamboo tree, a small peach tree, and also a pumpkin-hoglyanka and cranes.

How to activate the family, creativity, assistants, knowledge, glory?

  • In the zone of knowledge Place Books, folders, globe.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bcreativity Place metal things, pendulums, figurine to Ebis.
  • In the zone of glory You can place a frame with a letter, medals, cups.
  • In the family zoneput photos of family, loved ones.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bassistants - phone fax.

Flower on the desktop on Feng Shui

There are many plants that, according to the practice of Feng Shui, are able to improve human performance, bring him good luck and profit.

Here are what flowers you can put on the desktop on Feng Shui:

  • Dracaena. It is believed that this tree brings good luck to a person, so it will not be superfluous on the desktop. Moreover, the dracaena improves the relationship between employees and relieves stress.
  • Ficus. Ficus is a symbol of prosperity and money, therefore it is not surprising that it is very often used to improve offices, working rooms, etc. You can put such a flower in the wealth zone or on the floor from this zone.
  • Violet. Such a flower is better to put in the zone health. Violet Improves health, gives strength, energy, improves performance.
  • Cyclamen. This colorful and bright flower will fit perfectly into the interior of the office office. You can put it next to career zone. Cyclamen perfectly tunes employees in the working mood and discharges the situation.
  • Hibiscus. This flower should be put in the creativity sector, Since he develops organizational abilities in employees, improves activity.

Feng Shui desktop: what size should there be?

It may seem strange to many that the dimensions of the desktop on Feng Shui are quite important. And, despite this, this fact has a place to be:

  • It is desirable that the table is large and high quality. The more expensive the material from which the table is made, the better. It is believed that your prospects at work directly depend on the size of the table and its qualities.
  • A small table can close prospects and opportunities for you, as well as “stop” your career growth.
  • Also take care about the stability of your desktop. A shaky, destroying table will contribute to the fact that your position at work will be exactly the same. At the first opportunity, the authorities will fire you, will not pay the prize.
  • When choosing a table, give preference to one that you are in size. Otherwise, the tasks set for you will be unbearable for you.
The table should be big and stable
The table should be big and stable

Feng Shui desktop: how to place things in the table, under the table, above the table?

In order to improve their financial situation, performance and attract luck with the help of Feng Shui, it is necessary to properly use the space not only on the desktop, but also under it, as well as in it.

  • So, above the desktop on Feng Shui It is best to hang a small one, but enough Bright lamp. Large lamps and lamps that will literally “hang” over you will provoke the appearance of problems in your life, which will “hang” over you in the same way.
  • There should be a minimum of things under the table: no boxes, interchangeable shoes, etc. Only those things and objects that there are no way to put in another place. For example, a system unit from a computer. In this case, place items to your left. And do not forget regularly clean the dust and web under the table so that your working affairs do not accumulate, but solve as quickly and easily as possible.
  • There should always be in the table perfect order. If you slam the boxes with unnecessary papers, old documents, incomplete projects, you can’t see career growth. You will constantly have problems with the previously done work, new edits will be sent, etc.
There must be order
There must be order

Feng Shui desktop table manager

If the leader wants his team to work for the result, to fulfill the tasks and at the same time so that there is a good relationship between the employees, he should seriously think about the arrangement of the desktop on Feng Shui:

  • The head of the leader should be big and beautiful.
  • He should always be cleanwithout a pile of papers used by pieces of paper, etc. Excessive things on the table will prevent the circulation of qi energy, and this in turn will affect the quality of work and the speed of its implementation
  • On the table of the leader, only important and necessary objects should lie.
  • If in the future there is new project, Put on the table a plan for its implementation, if there is a purchase of new equipment, equipment - a procurement plan, calculations, etc.
  • It is desirable that the leader sit at the table in a way that would allow him well see the front door. This will contribute to the fact that a person holding a leading position will be aware of all events, will be able to easily control the work of his team.
  • The manager should always stand on the table beautiful watch, practical organizer and living flower. These items will allow him to do business more successfully.
Stylish desktop design
Stylish desktop design

You will not surprise anyone that Feng Shui really helps to establish our life and improve its conditions. Therefore, if you still have not tried to help yourself and your career in this way, take note of our recommendations and rather bring them to life.

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Video: Feng Shui desktop

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