What symbolizes the turtle on Feng Shui: meaning, description, characteristic

What symbolizes the turtle on Feng Shui: meaning, description, characteristic

The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui ascribes to the symbolism of the turtle the unification of male and female principles, light and darkness, as well as longevity, wisdom, stability, perseverance, maintenance of health and patronage. Let's look at this symbol in more detail.

According to the theory of the universe, the culture of many nationalities consider the turtle one of the most important animals. For example, according to the peoples of the East, it was with the turtle that the origin of the whole world began. This is evidenced by the existing theory, leaving in ancient times, according to which planet Earth is located on the back of a giant turtle, whose abode is a world ocean.

Feng Shui turtle

  • The Chinese people believe that columns of the heavenly temple in Beijing, Made of wood, “rest” not on the earth's surface, but on turtle backs. That is why the material of the columns is not subject to rot and effects of insects.
  • History is known facts, based on which turtles consider almost magical creatures. Looking at the surface of their shell, one could see the future. Also on the hard coating of the back, drawings were performed and the schemes were drawn. The manufacture of therapeutic infusions from the shell of turtles helped fight various ailments.
  • There is an assumption that it was the turtle that revealed to mankind the secret of the teachings of Feng Shui presented a square of nine sectors, each of which is responsible for a certain sphere of human life. According to the teaching precisely on the shell feng Shui turtles And this number of squares is depicted.
  • Strengthening certain areas of our home, we can significantly and positively affect our finances, personal life or health. Therefore, the eastern peoples honor the turtle, considering it a sacred animal.

Turtle in the house on Feng Shui

It is extremely useful to keep in a house or apartment, as well as in the office room, a figurine or an image of a turtle. Located in a certain sector, it will provide you and your loved ones with protection and attract good luck. The main task of the Feng Shui turtle is to attract success, assistance in making important decisions, improving life, and growing financial well-being.

  • Since the shell of the turtles is very solid, a person who has an amulet in the form of this animal acquires a stable and reliable existence. His health will be strong, long life, all his efforts will be worthy of rewarding.
  • The turtles are inherently lonely, so that, having placed at home even a single image or an animal figure, any obstacles are not afraid of its owner. If there are many talismans, it does not matter. According to the Chinese, the more you arrange symbols of the turtle in the houseMoreover, this wise animal will have a positive effect on your life.
Positive influence
Positive influence
  • Moreover, the material of the manufacture of figures is absolutely not important. They can be: metal, wooden, gypsum, ceramic, all kinds of shades. The pattern of the turtle can be made on the fan, fabric, paper, etc.
  • The child can be presented as a gift to a soft toy-chraopashka. Undoubtedly, a living turtle that lives in an aquarium or an artificial pond on their own or in a company with several “goods” will be an ideal talisman. However, if you understand that you will not take care of a living creature with your hands, just get an aquarium by placing a figure of a turtle there.

Feng Shui tortoise: where to put, color

  • Black Turtle Feng Shui,placed in the northern sector of the house or office, optimizes the impact on financial well -being. To improve affairs at work, purchase a turtle from metalnot covered with paint or painted in black or gold color.
  • Feng Shui turtle figure It also promotes career growth, gives its owner of reasonableness and gives him a success in finance. The best option for a personal talisman is, of course, made with your own hands, for example, cut out of cardboard or applied to paper using paint.
  • Drawing in the picture of the turtle blue triangle (place the symbol of the water element on the back of the turtle) and placing your photo in it, place the symbol in the northern part of the working room (career sector). It is desirable that the head of the depicted symbolic turtle be raised up-then, according to Feng Shui, the owner of the talisman expects a rapid career growth. This sector will also help to strengthen the image or figure of a black turtle Or the aquarium with her.
  • To attract prosperity in the family, we advise you to place a turtle in the eastern sector. It is better if you have not one, but three turtleslocated in the form of a small pyramid.
  • In the sector of wealth (southeastern part of the house), it is recommended to "settle" a living turtle. A metal, golden shade or made of wood is also suitable.
  • To attract influential patronage to yourself or your family, place there are six turtles in the northwestern part of the house.
  • For a person striving to successfully conduct business, charm in the form of a turtle - An integral part of the working interior. By placing the animal on the office table or hanging the image on the wall behind your back (you can put the symbol on the windowsill if you have a window), you will protect your interests at work.
  • Living in a private house, you can arrange a small pond for living turtles on Feng Shui, following him not located on the right side of the home or behind it. In this case, all the efforts of the household will literally be “washed off” with water. The best option is to arrange a "water house" for a turtle north of the house, thus providing its inhabitants with protection and success.

Video: Hit Feng Shui-Turtle

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