How to choose a bedding on flan shui: 12 prohibitions, choice of choice

How to choose a bedding on flan shui: 12 prohibitions, choice of choice

Feng Shui will help to choose the right bedding-the ancient Chinese science of the energy development of space and the influence of energy on human life. According to this Taoist practice, there are several main prohibitions regarding bedding.

Everyone knows that a person spends about a third of his life on sleep. It is in our bed that we relax and rest. During sleep in our body, the processes of self -renewal are launched, and forces are restored. Our well -being, the intimate sphere of life and the general psycho -emotional state largely depends on the quality of sleep.

How to choose bedding according to Feng Shui: 12 prohibitions

In order for our dream to be full -fledged, and we gain strength during a night's rest, it is important to carefully treat the bedding, which our bed is covered. Many people do not pay attention to what they sleep on. But pillowcases and sheets are able not only to influence our dream, but also to attract certain events into our lives.

Bed linen on the flane-shui:

  1. Squid linen
  • Bedding fabric should not be damaged or have any puffers. If a sheet or pillowcase is torn, you do not need to sew them, stroke or apply decorative patches. Such linen needs to be thrown away, no matter how sorry you are.
  • It is believed that the thing that has broken accepted the negative that was intended for you. Even small damage The fabric has a negative effect on the household, dividing them.
  • If you use damaged bedding, then the relationship between you and the partner will become more and more intense, and over time they can break completely.
  1. Very old underwear
  • Over time, all things accumulate negative energy. The bed is no exception. Too old, washed laundry on the flane shui not only interferes with a full rest, but also prevents the attraction of new impressions and emotions.
  • If you want changes in your life or attract a new relationship in it, buy new beautiful linen and throw off the old.
  1. Unnatural fabrics
  • Artificial materials can turn into “artificial” and your relationship. No matter how luxurious synthetic bedding looks like, it should be refused to buy it.
  • Only natural, “living” materials should be present in the bedroom. It is not necessary to buy expensive natural silk.

You can choose more democratic fabrics:

  • Cotton
  • Satin
  • Coarse
  • Linen

Feng Shui also strongly recommends to refrain from combinations from natural and synthetic fabrics. Such linen can also adversely affect the energy of your bedroom.

According to Feng Shui
  1. Images of animals and birds
  • All animals and birds, even depicted in a calm state, that is, without movement, are a symbol of the active energy of qi. And in a place allotted for relaxation should only be present calm energy. She is designed to pacify and bring harmony into space.
  • Therefore, when active energy enters the kingdom of sleep, this can create dangerous situations in the life of the master of the bedroom and lead to an internal conflict.

Easy falling asleep surrounded by animals provokes in humans:

  • Disorder of the nervous system.
  • Aggressive behavior against loved ones.
  • An obsessive sense of danger.

In the practice of Feng Shui, even harmless living creatures, such as dolphins, pandas, kittens or swans, fall under the ban. What can we say about animals that are preparing for a jump or grinning teeth.

Children and adolescents are especially strongly affected. No matter how attractive the animal muzzles on bed underwear look, lay out bed linen on flanchi It is not recommended in the children's bed.

  1. Drawings with water motifs
  • Feng Shui categorically prohibits any images of water on bedding. This applies to waterfalls, sea waves or lakes. No matter how beautiful the water landscape, depicted on the duvetings and sheets, the elements of water is not a place in the bedroom.

Presenting on bedding, water can provoke in a person:

  • Alcoholism.
  • Various kinds of psychological dependencies.
  • Drug addiction.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Financial losses.
  1. Blue and black
  • Dark blue and black feng Shui, are the most unfavorable for the bedroom. This color scheme represents the element of water.
  • As mentioned earlier, its symbols cannot be present in bed.

Therefore, blue and black tones fall under the ban, as they can cause:

  • Heavy dreams.
  • Longing and despondency.
  • Suppression of the psyche.
  • Prolonged depression.

These colors, as well as their shades, are allowed in the bed of bedding, but in no case should prevail in the figure.

  1. Vertical stripes
  • It is believed that vertical stripes located on bedding can provoke the separation of spouses or make contentions and conflicts into their relationship.
  1. Figures with sharp corners
  • Triangles, rhombuses and other “sharp” figures with their “arrows” can bring misunderstanding and disagreement into the relations of loved ones.
  1. Vehicles

Just like animals, vehicles symbolize active energies in the bedroom. Therefore, Feng Shui prohibits the image of any means with wheels on bedding:

  • Cars.
  • Trains.
  • Aircraft.
  • Bicycles.
  • Rollers.
  • Samokatov.

In addition, you cannot place in the place where you sleep, drawings of missiles, balloons, airships. Drawings of all these vehicles can cause anxiety and anxiety in humans.

  1. Plants
  • Of course, the most common coloring of bedding is the image of colors. It always looks elegant. However, Feng Shui specialists warn that the abundance of plants on linen can cause growth in one of the spouses of excessive sexual activity.
  • This circumstance will surely provoke treason or outbreaks of unreasonable jealousy.
  1. People
  • The sheets and pillowcases, which depict strangers, can provoke the appearance of third -party, random personalities in your bed.
  • Thus, the relationship of the married couple will be at risk. Therefore, such topics in the bedroom need to beware.
  1. Building
  • Any building implies the presence of many people who conduct violent activity there. They do something, make plans, quarrel, put up, etc. Such there is no active energy In the recreation area and relaxation. A dream in bed, on which various buildings are drawn, will be short and restless.
  • Therefore, in the mornings, a person will wake up with a sluggish, with a heavy head. Naturally, throughout the day he will not be able to get rid of the feeling of depression and fatigue.

Often one set of linen includes several prohibitions at the same time. Here are several such examples:

  • Buildings that are reflected in water, on a black or dark blue background.
  • Animals depicted in the jungle surrounded by many plants.
  • Vehicles drawn near the houses under a bright blue sky.

In such cases, the negative impact of undesirable symbols is increasing many times. In such a bed, it is hardly possible to wake up a rested and vigorous. So refrain from buying linen with similar prints.

Of course, the listed prohibitions are not absolute. If you really like some unwanted coloring of bedding, then you can certainly lay it, just not very often.

What bedding on the flane-shui is to choose?

  • As already mentioned, properly selected bedding affects not only the quality of our sleep, but also helps to strengthen health. It contributes to a full rest and recharging our body.
  • However, having learned how many prohibitions there are in the choice of bedding, it is easy to get confused. What colors to choose for bed?

The recommendations of the selection of bedding in Feng Shui will help to understand this issue. They advise you to purchase this type of bedding:

  • With rich ornament.
  • Framed by lace or with embossed patterns on the surface.
  • With neutral smooth patterns and circles.
  • With the image of hieroglyphs (it is very important to first find out their meaning).
  • With drawings of clouds and grass.
  • Plain, preferably pastel colors.
  • When buying plain bedding, take into account that colors can cause emotions both positive and negative.

When choosing a color scheme for your bed, take into account the influence of shades on a person:

  • White color - It is the color of peace, bodily and spiritual purity. It helps to strengthen the energy, which, in turn, calms and strengthens the dream, makes the head clear. Such a bed helps to gain mental harmony.
  • Blue color of bedding on Feng Shui - Calms the mind after intense mental stress, and also relieves nervous stress.
  • Green bedding on the flane-shui - Promotes relaxation and relaxation. Such linen gives lightness and rest, relieves stress and helps to achieve emotional balance. And green is considered a symbol of health. In addition, shades of this color contribute to the development of enterprise and career growth.
  • Beige and brown - Give comfort and comfort, fill the sleeping vital energy and warmth.
  • Yellow - Promotes positive thinking and strengthening of the nervous system. And the color of the sun symbolizes wisdom and kindness. In addition, it enhances performance and gives the family peace.
Yellow bed
Yellow bed
  • Golden and silver - Strengthen the physical and psychological forces of the sleeping. They also contribute to financial well -being, as they are symbols of luxury and wealth.
  • Orange - Raises the mood, fights with dullness, fears and a depressive state. In addition, it enhances sexual energy.
  • Pink bedding on flan-shui - The color of romance and tenderness. He gives a sense of security and security, reduces irritability and aggressiveness.
  • Red - The active color that enhances erotic energy and incites passion. In addition, red linen helps to push the oscillating persons to decisive action.
  • Violet - The color of creativity and mysticism. Promotes self -knowledge and flight of imagination. It is also believed that prophetic dreams may dream of a purple bed.

According to the laws of Feng Shui, it is allowed to combine different color shades. However, try to have no more than two colors in one set of bedding.

  • Ancient Chinese practice recommends observing the state of its body. Pay attention to how this or that bedding affects your well -being and draw your own conclusions.
  • It is best to change linen in bed depending on the situation: for relaxation you can choose calm colors, and for passionate nights - give preference to images with active energy.

Selected in accordance with the rules Feng Shui bedding It will help you accumulate life energy and make relations with your partner more harmonious.

Video: Bed linen on flane shui

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