Wind music on Feng Shui: What does it mean how to choose and where to hang?

Wind music on Feng Shui: What does it mean how to choose and where to hang?

In this article, we will consider how to choose and where to properly hang the music of winds on Feng Shui.

The music of the wind Feng Shui leaves no one indifferent. Fascinating with her melodic sound, it seems to be fascinated by a stream of energy in a special, magical world of good and positive, where there is no place for bad thoughts and negative sensations. This is not surprising, because Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of energy management, in a literal translation, meaning “wind and water”. But to harmonize these sweat, it is worth choosing the amulet itself and a place for its placement.

Feng Shui Wind Music: what is and mean?

  • This talisman is The design of several tubes suspended and sounding in the wind.This is one of the most popular Feng Shui symbols.
  • Its energy is used for harmonization and cleansing of space,to attract good luck and prosperity.
  • This design is also called air or Chinese bells. Their main purpose - adjust the flow of qi energy,filling all living things on our planet.
  • The music of the wind Feng Shui is also capable of cleaning the space of accumulated negative energy or strengthen the necessary sector. And this symbol also acts protective amulet! It is used to protect against negative energy, to convert it into a positive, as well as to neutralize the harmful effects of the environment.
  • Bells for more overflowing, crystal crystals or metal hearts are sometimes added to the talisman. It is believed that these symbols attract luck even more.

The value of additional symbols of the music of the wind:

  • Bellsin wisdom, Feng Shui means youth, immortality and renewal of vitality
  • Butterfliesassociated with the revival and fulfillment of desires
  • Sailboat- This is a symbol of wealth
  • Three -haired toad opens the flow of cash energy
  • Dolphins or fish Suitable for neutralizing conflicts, cleansing from a difficult aura and to attract friends
  • Heartsthe same - to strengthen marriage or love sphere
  • Pagodatogether with the music of the wind, prosperity, positive energy and prosperity will attract
  • Crystals- for dispersing energy and providing a calm atmosphere
  • Coins -to solve financial problems, and in a mixture with bells - to eliminate unnecessary expenses

You will also be interested in reading an article - "What symbols and signs on Feng Shui will help to attract luck and luck?"


Feng Shui wind music: how to choose depending on the material?

  • Choose a talisman, first of all, you need to sound - It should be pleasant to your hearing and cause positive emotions.This is perhaps the main condition that must be observed.
  • The design itself - Lords, threads, suspensions, should be made of natural materials!But another important condition - their length should not hang below the height of a person. That is, you should not touch the top of the lower tier of the talisman.

But the music of the wind according to Feng Shui should be chosen taking into account the personal element for the year of birth!

Element The last figure of the year of birth A favorable combination Conflict relations
Earth 8 and 9 Metal Wood
Fire 6 and 7 Earth Water
Wood 4 and 5 Fire Metal
Water 2 and 3 Wood Earth
Metal 0 and 1 Water Fire
From bamboo
From bamboo

Music of the wind Feng Shui: Choosing color and size

Of course, the music of the wind on Feng Shui should be in harmony with the room. If you have a small area, then the overall talisman will be too strong. In a large room, a small symbol will be lost. It is believed that when buying you yourself will feel what size you will like.

It is also worthwhile to understand that each element has its own color:

  • Woodit does not have a brown color at all, but green or purple
  • Metal- This is the color of silver, gold, bronze or white
  • Fire- This is purple and all shades from orange to red
  • Earth- This is a brown color and yellow shades
  • Water- All colors in the spectrum from blue to blue, gray

Important: you can combine colors!

But you can’t combine:

  • Red/pink and blue/blue, because water extinguishes fire
  • White/metal and green because the metal cuts wood
  • Blue with yellow/brown, otherwise the earth will stop water
  • Metal with red because fire melts metal
Material and quantity
Material and quantity

Wind music on Feng Shui: how many tubes should be?

Important: the music of the wind in the feng Shui should be with empty tubes! This is in order for qi energy to move freely in them.

It should also be borne in mind that there is a wide variety of types of this talisman, and each of them has its own purpose, its own way of correcting different elements and strengthening the energy flows of different sectors.

  • 2 tubes, To strengthen the Love sector or establish relationships
  • 3 tubes - for career, promotion, creative impulses or good relations with superiors/ parents
  • 4 tubes, to solve financial difficulties in the shortest possible time
  • 5 tubes personify the energy of the Earth and symbolize all directions of light. Used to protect against negative energy
  • 6 tubes - This is the energy of the metal and the strongest hexagram to attract good luck
  • 7 tubes - to attract the help of patrons, as well as to harmonize relations with children (or to conceive them)
  • 8 tubes use to strengthen the sector of prosperity and well -being, as well as improve financial affairs
  • 9 tubes - This is a symbol of popularity, respect and glory

Wind music on Feng Shui: where to place it?

Chinese bells are placed in that part of the room where Under the influence of air flowsthey can make pleasant melodic sounds.

A good place where the music of the wind should hang on Feng Shui:

  • One of these places in the apartment - window,where the touching of curtains or a breath of breeze from the window will contribute to the movement of air and the birth of melodic and delicate sounds that cleanse the energy of the house.
  • If objects that can generate negative energy are visible to the window, Such as high -voltage power lines, ends and corners of buildings, dried trees - the music of the wind will also strengthen its influence on the neutralization of the negative energy of these objects. For this purpose, bells must be added to the design.
  • Place in the center of the room, Under the chandelier it will also be favorable for placing air bells - when they move, the energy will rise up and distribute in space evenly.
  • In the hall There is a great probability of losing qi energy. Therefore, it will also not be superfluous to hang Chinese bells that can make sounds from the air flow when opening and closing the front door, from the movement of people.
  • At the front door You can hang the music of the wind, decorated with dragons and weapons - such a talisman will reliably protect from thieves and robbers.
  • You can place the music of the wind In the doorways,where even a slight fluctuation in the air will give rise to its melody.
  • Chinese bells will be useful not only in a living room, but And in the office,in an institution where people spend a sufficient amount of time.

Unfavorable places:

  • You can not suspend the talisman in the place where it will be for a long time Above the head of a person:at the head of the bed, above the desktop, above the sofa, chair. In general, in those places where a person spends a lot of time. The movement and transformation of energy over a person’s head can harm his health.
  • You can’t hang it in the corner of the room,so the energy will stagnate. After all, a person will rarely pass there. If this is an ideal place, then choose the music of winds from bamboo or ceramics in brown or gray gamut.
  • In long corridors, where there are a lot of windows and doors - Energy will simply pass by. In this case, it is worth hanging golden or silver bells so that they can attract more energy.
  • You can’t hang it at the door like thisSo that when opening the door leaf, the talisman touches!

Important: take into account the compatibility of the materials of the music of the wind and the object to which you will attach it. For example, you can’t hang metal bells on a wooden door leaf!

It is not necessary for the music of the wind to sound in your house from the blow of the breeze, use any opportunity to hear these miraculous sounds. Just passing by, touch the bells, Row them with curtains, turn on the fan for a short while - the more the wind music will sound in your house, the more effective the work of this talisman will be, the cleaner the energy space will be and the more good luck it will attract.


Feng Shui wind music: where to hang depending on the number of tubes and material?

The music of the wind according to Feng Shui takes into account each detail, including the compatibility of the number of cylinders and material.

  • For example, 6-7 metal tubes - This is the element of metal, a design that makes a metal sound. The most favorable place for the placement of such a design is In the northern, western and northwestern part of the room.
    • Moreover, in the northwest, the required amount is 6 to Get support for patrons
    • BUT for conception of a child or coordinated relations with children - 7 in the West
    • And in the north any of these numbers - For professional growth
  • 3-4 bamboo tubes - This is the element of a tree, the design makes a wooden, tapping sound. It is better to place it In the southern, eastern and southeastern part of the premises.
    • Moreover, 3 in the east is Family sector, For the coherence between households
    • And 4 in the southeast-this is the area For financial growth
  • 5-8 ceramic tubes - The element of the earth, the structure makes a glass sound. The most favorable place for her - Southwest, northeast and center of the premises.
    • 8 in the northeast for self-improvement and implementation of creative plans
    • 5 - well hang in any area with sharp corners in the doorways for guard And smoothing negativity
  • 9 crystal tubes - such a design is suspended In the southwestern sector premises to attract glory and recognition to the owner.
  • And 2 crystal cylinders in the southwest - harmonizes relationships and love sphere.

Feng Shui Wind Music: Is it possible and how to do it yourself?

Of course, you can buy a ready -made talisman, but it is known that Made by your own hands works much more efficiently. There is nothing complicated in its manufacture, you just have to turn on your imagination and attach a little creative skill.

  • In this case, the effectiveness of a home -made talisman will be higher even if it does not correspond to the purpose of this or that material. That is, you can use absolutely Any items Instead of tubes and Any materials Instead of metal, ceramics or crystal.
    • For example - shells, wooden sticks painted in different colors, old keys, metal lids from bottles, multi -colored clay figures, small flower pots and even old kitchen utensils.
With your own hands
With your own hands
  • Between themselves, these objects are fastened with a rope or a lace of natural fabric, which can be decorated with various small objects strung beads or metal rings. The main thing is that in contact when the air moves, They made a pleasant, melodic sound.
Interesting sound from keys and bells
Interesting sound from keys and bells
  • The music of the wind Feng Shui can be placed not only in the house. If it turned out to be a bulky enough, a great place of her purpose will be a veranda, gazebo or garden. Here, with greater air fluctuations, you will hear its sound even more often, which means that peace, peace, well -being and harmony of relationships will reliably settle in your house.

Video: Wind Music on Feng Shui

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