Rules for the conduct of hostages, schoolchildren, students, teachers working when capturing terrorists during the assault

Rules for the conduct of hostages, schoolchildren, students, teachers working when capturing terrorists during the assault

This instruction describes the general provisions and procedure for the actions necessary for execution for people hostage when capturing terrorists.

The provisions are based on the recommendations of the Ministry of the Interior.

A terrorist act is a set of unlawful actions carried out by attackers in order to influence the state, to obtain certain benefits of a material nature, the manifestation of fanatical religious conviction or manifestation of revenge. These include explosions, arson, mass and individual murders, vandalism and damage to property. The hostage (I) is a person or group of persons who are held against their will to guarantee the fulfillment of the requirements. No one is safe from such an action, so the basic rules of conduct when capturing terrorists should definitely know everyone!

Rules of conduct of the head when capturing terrorists: Memo of officials

The main provisions
The main provisions

The heads of the organization, teachers in schools or higher institutions, and just any adults when capturing terrorists should know the basic rules of conduct in such conditions. But it is the mentor that performs a number of the following actions:

  • Reports to the territorial divisions of the police, the FSB, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Ministry of Emergencies;
  • Takes measures to eliminate probable panic. If possible, prepares emergency evacuation of students, staff, etc.;
  • It is obliged to prevent situations that may entail negative reactions of criminals and lead to victims among hostages;
  • To provide reasonable assistance by criminals purely in order to observe the world. Fulfill their requirements and wishes, if any does not contradict common sense, the life of hostages and yours, and will also help protect from the alleged victims;
  • In no case do not contradict the attackers! This will reduce the risk of a terrorist attack and threats, as well as protect the life and health of detained people;
  • It is forbidden to engage in negotiations with attackers independently!
  • The mentor must ensure the implementation and adoption of all possible measures aimed at preserving the lives of the largest number of people. If possible to organize evacuation first of students, then personnel and visitors;
  • Give an order, organize training and in every possible way promote the operational headquarters on the conduct of counter -terrorism actions. He is also obliged to notify and collect specialists who are able to advise and help the arriving forces of law enforcement agencies. In addition, it is necessary to collect all the documentation prescribed to have when capture by terrorists (passports of security, security, etc.);
  • Ensure a free and maximum way of arrival (approach, travel) of police officers and other law enforcement agencies, the placement of vehicles and ambulances;
  • During the arrival of the operational group, to transfer all possible information to them regarding the number of hostages, terrorists, their weapons, etc. Act exclusively on the instructions of the head of the anti -terrorist response group, in every way to cooperate;
  • Immediately report to the incident and adopted events to the district administration.
For officials
For officials

Rules of conduct for schoolchildren and students when capturing terrorists: basic positions for hostages

The main and only goal when capturing terrorists is to save life.

In this regard, students and students, as well as any hostages are required:

  • Pull yourself together, avoid panic in every possible way;
  • If you have adults and teachers with you, try to stay near them and follow their recommendations. It is recommended to hold on to the group;
  • Speak in a calm voice, do not show fear, avoid your eyes!
  • Physically and morally, be prepared for the worst - this is a difficult test;
  • Do not express hatred of terrorists. Calmly and without emotions, fulfill the requirements of the invaders, do not start conversations, do not compromise criminals;
  • Do not stand out - Heroism and courage should be left for security forces! Do not show excessive activity and emotionality, do not show resistance. Try to exclude any actions that can aggravate your position;
  • If you are not absolutely sure that you can run away, do not plan an escape!
  • Try to remember the maximum useful information when capturing terrorists (gender, approximate age, complexion, number of people, speaking or emphasis, names, weapons, behavior, conversation items, etc.);
  • If you do not orient yourself, try to determine the location (stay);
  • Keep the sobriety of reason, do not refuse food and water;
  • Remember, the main goal of the operation is the release of hostages. Law enforcement agencies do everything possible;
  • Take a place as far as possible from terrorists, window and doorways;
  • If you have been injured, go to bed and do not move, bandage the wound if possible;
  • During the assault, immediately go to the floor and cover your head with your hands. Do not get up until law enforcement officers tell you about this.
The main provisions
The main provisions

Rules for the conduct of the dispatcher on duty when capturing terrorists: First aid in emergency

The dispatcher on duty at the time of receiving information about the capture of hostages is obliged to perform the following actions:

  • Immediately report the incident to the head or his deputy, during working or not working time by the corresponding phone numbers;
  • At the direction of the authorities, inform the on -duty territorial divisions of the police, the Ministry of Emergencies, the FSB, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, to call rescuers or the emergency service by phone 01 or 112 by mobile number;
  • Prevent actions that can provoke terrorists to use violence and human victims;
  • If necessary, follow the requirements of the invaders, if this does not harm your health or cause to the damage to the life and health of people;
  • When capturing terrorists It is strictly forbidden to contradict criminals and expose the risk of the life of others and their own;
  • Personally initiate negotiations with terrorists;
  • If possible, to provide law enforcement officers with free access to the facility, to free up space for vehicles.
The dispatcher is obliged to inform
The dispatcher is obliged to inform
Memo that can save life!
Memo that can save life!

Rules of conduct for employees, teachers, teachers when capturing terrorists, detecting a suspicious subject

When taking hostage by terrorists, employees are required:

  • If you become hostages with students, try to be near the children, calm them down and support them;
  • Analyze the room in which you are. Think about a possible way of departure, shelter options;
  • Prevent actions that will probably provoke attackers to use weapons and can lead to victims;
  • Exclude the initiative of children in negotiations with attackers;
  • Try to remember all the important information regarding the criminals themselves, those of their conversations, weapons, transport, details, special signs, names or nicknames, etc.
  • Do not succumb to provocations, do not pay attention to insults, humiliation, try not to express any emotions. Avoid talking and visual contacts, behave calmly and naturally, do not provoke terrorists;
  • If necessary, to preserve life, fulfill the requirements of criminals, act as neatly and slowly, without risk to life and safety;
  • Do not heroize, obey the terrorists and ask them permission before doing anything;
  • If you have not been able to run from the very beginning or you are not sure for sure in the successful escape, stay in place. But try to find the safest place;
  • At the first opportunity, if there is no threat to be noticed, report on the situation of things to law enforcement;
  • If the shooting begins, make sure that the children lay on the floor and cover their heads with their hands, then lie down yourself. If there is a shelter, hide there with the children;
  • Time when capturing terrorists can vary from several hours to several days, during this period criminals can significantly soften the attitude to hostages;
  • During negotiations, the probability of the release of children, women, wounded and sick is great. The released hostages will greatly help the remaining, telling the security forces the maximum amount of information about terrorists.
Into service!
Into service!

The rules of conduct of schoolchildren, students and employees during the assault when capturing terrorists

The process of releasing hostages quite often involves the assault. During the period of assault measures, all hostages must impeccably perform the following actions:

  • Before starting the assault, it is necessary to determine for yourself the place of shelter as far as possible from the windows, doorways, the alleged trajectories of the terrorist movement;
  • If you do not have a gas mask or gauze bandage, build From improvised means an impromptu dressing, Pre -moistening it with liquid. Help do the same for the wounded or children;
  • If you could not find shelters, just lie on the floor and cover your head with your hands, do not move;
  • Get up, move, talk only with the permission of the special services employee;
  • During the operation, when capturing terrorists, special services employees have the right to temporarily detain not only terrorists, but also hostages. Since there are frequent cases when criminals at the last moment take a place in the ranks of hostages;
  • Do not be indignant and do not rude to employees! As soon as your personality is confirmed and the situation is clarified, you will be released.
  • If you have a wound, try not to move - this will reduce blood loss!

The time spent in hostages is very dangerous and unpleasant, however, compliance with the above instructions will help you reduce the risk of injuries and mortality when capturing terrorists to a minimum. And remember the main goal is to preserve life!

Video: How to behave when capturing terrorists - if you are a hostage?

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