Practical advice, how to become a witty, funny person, with a good sense of humor: how to learn to joke?

Practical advice, how to become a witty, funny person, with a good sense of humor: how to learn to joke?

Do not know how to become witty and funny? Read the article, we will teach you to joke.

A good, successful joke is always able to defuse the situation, as well as leave a pleasant impression of a person. No wonder more than 90% of girls and women implies the presence of their chosen one in a sense of humor.

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Not every person is born witty: some simply do not know how to joke, others lack positive, and the third is better not to try to be witty at all. But this necessary quality can be developed. From this article you will learn how to do it. Read further.

How to develop wit: Tips

A witty joke
A witty joke

Wit is a very important quality in life. Therefore, it is worth stocking up and develop in yourself the ability to be ironic, funny and self -iconic. Otherwise, difficulties in communicating with people are possible. How to do this? How to develop wit? Here are the tips:

  • Read more

Learn from famous satirists - try not only to “master” the creations of Zoshchenko, Ilf and Petrov, Bernard Show and other authors. Also, learn to extract from the works of "grain of wit." Use everything that comes to hand: books, a worldwide network, television programs. The main thing is to learn to understand when the joke is appropriate, and when - no. Moreover, different jokes are possible in different circles of communication.

  • Do not be afraid to hone skills

Many people are not trying to become witty. Once in the past, they told one unsuccessful joke or joked at the same time. And others inspired them with the realization that "they did not know how to joke." But you should not focus on this moment. To become an interesting and witty person, it is not enough to know the theory - you need to be able to apply it. Joking where you can joke. Assess the human reaction. Thus, you will understand that it is better to say and how to behave at the same time.

  • Learn to laugh at yourself

This is an important quality. All the great comedians knew how to make fun of their shortcomings or the ridiculous situations in which they fall. Self -irony will help not only become interesting for others, but also gain self -confidence.

  • Learn to react faster

A joke, like a pie, is good "with the heat, with the heat." Even a very strong acuteness may already be “out of them” if it is said 2 minutes later than it should. A witty person should be able to instantly adapt to the situation. Moreover, you should improvise on the go, and not just memorize well -known, banal jokes. You must also learn to ironically respond to jokes and knuckles addressed to you - of course, also witty and quickly.

  • Live positively

A person loaded with problems can hardly be considered a witty person. When you learn to see funny in every aspect of life, you will become much more pleasant for people. After all, no one loves whiners.

  • Add something of your own

Many people think that they are already witty if they learned to remember bearded jokes. No! In fact, you should come up with jokes yourself. At first, you can rely on the sources, but then you yourself will feel that this is not enough and that the public likes the author’s content more, and not the repetition of the phrases Zadornov or Galkin, which everyone already remembers by heart.

  • Develop artistry

A joke is not a joke if it is given dull and uncertainly. You must have at least the basic skills of acting (not to be confused) in order to present your unique sharpness advantageous and interesting.

  • Do not try to copy someone

Nikulin, Vitsin and Morgunov in this world have already been. Find your zest. And even if you quote someone's monologue, bring your unique notes to it. In other words, you should have your own charisma.

  • Do not encourage yourself

Many people think that after one successful joke the world will turn over: they will become the soul of the company and favorites of the fair sex. No! To be known as a witty person, you must always be “in shape”. The jokers have no weekends and holidays. On the contrary, the holiday for them is a working day. Since demand for jokes and severity is much higher. The people just demand them!

Have a few jokes in your head
Have a few jokes in your head
  • Have a few jokes in stock

Imagine the situation. You joked. It was your best sharpness that you thought over all night before. But for some reason she "did not go." An awkward pause arose. You must have several more additional jokes to “plug” this silence. Who knows? Suddenly, they will be successful?

  • Learn to "fight off"

If you have already climbed into the field of irony and run the risk of making humorous sharp comments to others, be prepared that people will answer you the same. Consider the options for ridiculous answers in advance if someone begins to mention your shortcomings in a comic form. Otherwise, you will lose in this satirical battle.

  • Stop being touchy

It is stupid enough to joke about someone, and take offense at jurors. You must learn to perceive humor normally. Of course, there are things that are simply unethical to joke. But even if the sharpness of the opponent is unpleasant for you, do not show it. Wrap everything jokingly.

  • Be in the know of trends and famous personalities

In other words, you must be “on the wave”, in the foot with the times. For example, now everyone is joking about Morgenstern. Therefore, jokes about Brezhnev in the company of young people 18-25 years, You will not be useful at all. But Morgenstern you must listen to: in order to understand what everyone laughs there. This applies to everything else. Jokes should not only be oriented towards a certain audience - they should be topical.

  • Most more often to concerts of famous comedians

This will give you the opportunity to understand how to behave at the moment when you are joking. Gestures, facial expressions, intonation - all this matters.

  • Ridicuble those who make fun of others

By this you show that you are even more witty than the person who imagines himself a "joker of the year."

  • Do not be afraid to joke

It is also very important. Even the humor guru is not every sharpness is successful. You should just get used to it and not make a tragedy from the fact that your joke has “passed” the audience.

Of course, not everyone succeeds the first time. You should reinstall your skills for years. It is also required to get rid of complexes, self -doubt. A witty person is not afraid to pour sharpnesses that feels comfortably and relaxed in society.

Beginners are recommended:

  • Remember as many funny phrases and jokes as possible.
  • Learn associations - Not all expressions of this kind are equally funny. But, for example, if you can immediately come up with something like: "I swim like an ax, and dance like a pig under an energy drink.", this means that not everything is lost and you can try to work on these abilities.
  • Do not allow negative emotions to own you - In order to be witty and exude positive, you should unlearn, worry, worry, be upset in public.
  • Always laugh the first - It is believed that this effect is contagious. Even if the joke did not set, sincere fun can smooth out the situation.

An important point: It is necessary to learn how to joke, but you should not pour jokes through each word. Firstly, a measure is important in everything. Secondly, not every life situation requires sharpness.

You must learn to independently determine when you need to joke, and when you should remain serious.

How to become more witty and learn to joke: practical advice

A witty joke
A witty joke

The formation of a witty person always begins with a change of worldview. Get rid of everything that burns and fetters. Learn to see funny in the disadvantages - then they will become pluses. Get rid of any constraint regarding yourself and society. Learn to quickly select relevant words. This applies not only to jokes. Learn to generate ideas and turn unpleasant situations as a joke. How to become more witty and learn to joke?

There are many tricks necessary to become the god of humor. Here are just some of them - practical advice:

Proverbs and sayings:

  • Any of them can be repaired and made funny.
  • For instance, "Both the wolves are full and the sheep are intact" You can transform before "Both the sheep are intact, and the wolf was not injured". Of course, not the funniest joke. But a kind of hint of wit is already traced.
  • Or: “Repetition is the mother of teaching” - “repetition is the mother of teaching, but Botox is a perversion”.
  • We just change the ending of the saying, and something interesting and more funny is already obtained.

Direct meaning:

  • In Russian, there are many quotes with a figurative meaning.
  • For example, a phrase "Support me"can meet the answer "What are you falling?" That is, one person interprets the figurative meaning, and the other responds straight. This is quite funny.
  • For instance: "Look at me! Today I am like a cucumber - yes, I see. Green and in the pimples. "


  • This applies to words and letters in sentences.
  • Suppose to call it Snow Maiden - fire -flair or Firewater (Fiery bitch), or name coffee with milk - mofe with a stake.

Learn some words before an unfamiliar, funny language:

  • Then you can insert incomprehensible and funny words when it is appropriate.
  • For example, ordinary Russian word "ball" In Armenian there will be գնդ (gndak). Read how "Gandac".
  • Agree, playing football is not a ball, but a gandacian much more fun.
  • Also, Japanese and Chinese languages \u200b\u200bare perfect for this - languages \u200b\u200bof any peoples whose words in the Russian version may seem funny.

Modernize old expressions in modern way:

  • For example, if earlier there was an expression "Stay Bobyl", then it can be transformed before “Stay without a selfie on Instagram”, “To be without tick-current”, “Win \u200b\u200blikes, but have no subscribers” etc.

Strong exaggeration:

  • Can be used in many life situations.
  • Example: “You sing so terribly that even my deaf grandmother noticed that you are fake,” “It was so strong smell that even at the north pole of the Chukchi, their noses stuck.”

Finding analogies and prerequisites:

  • "This woman is so complete that her husband was specially sought to carry her in her arms."
  • “Yeah, Tanya, your salary is really small - yes, more than the dignity of your ex.”

Accepting their shortcomings and jokes about them:

  • “You are so small that you breathe in the navel - small and remotely, but all went into the root”
  • “You are so full. How are you going through the door? “And you are so skinny that you use a cover from a fishing rod instead of an evening dress.”
  • One way or another, a witty person should not be shy of his external shortcomings, he simply must treat them with humor.

Below even more interesting tips. Read further.

Funny person in communication - how to become: advice

A witty joke
A witty joke

Here are a few more tips from humor specialists, which will definitely be useful to those who want to become an ironic and funny person in communication:

  • Follow self -censorship

You must give out only high -quality humor. After all, there is nothing worse than hackneyed, bearded jokes. If you have a choice, say some heresy or shine with an acuity of 70 years ago, then it is sometimes better to refrain from this. Also think about whether this joke will be funny and appropriate.

  • Learn to let go of the situation and control the public

You need to joke freely, having complete control over the audience. Confidence and artistry should be developed. After all, unconvincing sharpness can play against you.

  • Joking sincerely, you should not allow playfulness

Indeed, in this case, the severity will not only be not funny. She will become disgusting.

  • Land with a surprise

The most successful people seem to be those jokes, the outcome of which they cannot predict.

  • Do not allow self -regenerators

Otherwise, you risk becoming a person who jokes only about dogs or only about politicians. Sooner or later, such a joker will get tired of everyone. Moreover, people will avoid it.

  • Do not forget about absurdity

In some cases, it is appropriate to play the "crazy" of severity. That is, the more illogical the statement will be, the more success it will be. However, it is important to know the measure between the witty person and the clown.

  • Arrange "Vygov" to yourself

Imagine that you are on the stand-up show, where the task of one opponent is to make fun of the other. In this case, there are only you and the mirror. In an ironic form, tell him everything you think about him. It is important to get rid of the state of resentment that pursues the ridiculous person. What is it for? Quite often, people respond to a joke with a joke. And it will be stupid if you smell someone successfully, and you yourself are upset and be offended by what you were joking in response.

  • Learn to rhyme

This is very saving in those cases when all jokes and jokes from the Internet are forgotten, but you need to somehow defuse the situation. Almost any word can come up with a funny rhyme. How funny will it be? It all depends on your experience and talent. As they say: "Refrigerator - in the night a alarm clock, products Eater, smile your smile."

  • Serve your jokes correctly

Imagine that you started wonderful. The people have fun and interesting. The audience is looking forward to the climax and interchange. But closer to the middle, your fuse passes. You courageously “reach” to the end and end completely not funny. Even boring. It turns out that “you must also be able to end” (and this is another attempt to joke). That is, the action should last so that the person is intrigued and waited for the denouement, and not get bored in the middle and lost the thread of the conversation. Your joke should come as a fleeting insight - and not as an uninvited guest.

  • Ask someone to train you

Let this person say those words that come to his mind. And you try to immediately try to joke on these topics. For example: the interlocutor says "Oleg Gazmanov". You: "Mal Soldier, but dear", "adult boy" etc. You can try to joke about his jumps and Yesaul. In fact, these are the same associations. Only not your personal, but spontaneous. The second example: "Olga Buzova" - "past the notes, but a big mouth". In this case, even 2 doses: associations and rhyme. Also an exaggeration - at least Olga, of course, not an academic singer, but she’s not as much by her as a joke claims.

  • Live surrounded by jokes

Draw inspiration from your life. You probably noticed that many famous comedians begin monologues in the form of a story to themselves: “I once went to the store”, “Before, when I was still studying at school”, “During my stormy youth”, “I somehow married a school friend”. This is not without reason. Firstly, it is easier for people to perceive jokes in the form of a story. Secondly, they feel that real life will be described. Therefore, they can find analogies with their own past.

They do not become witty in 1 day. This is a long and hard work. That is why you should not set yourself the goal of becoming the "best joker in the world." It is better to slowly but surely improve your sense of humor and observe progress. Joking more, do not be afraid, train with your family and friends, then then with confidence to shine with humor “on the big stage” and with strangers. Good luck!

Video: How to learn to joke? Master class from Pavel Will

Video: How to be Quick?

Video: Conan O’Brian - how to be witty?

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