Which doctor treats the joints of the shoulder, spine, knees? Which doctor to contact if the joints hurt?

Which doctor treats the joints of the shoulder, spine, knees? Which doctor to contact if the joints hurt?

Not always people give the importance of joint pain, but when it is strong, they already have to see a doctor. But to which? Let's find out.

Joint diseases are found at different ages and young people began to undergo more and more often. Experts say that this is largely due to the wrong lifestyle, as well as poor ecology. As a rule, when the first signs appear that it would be worth paying attention to, people do not do this and ultimately such an approach can lead to disability or disability.

However, most often, the point is not even that a person is just too lazy to go to the reception, but in the absence of true information. First of all, not everyone knows about possible dangers and hopes that everything will “resolve” by itself. In addition, it is not always clear which doctor to contact. But time goes on, the disease progresses and only gets worse. In this regard, to make it easier to understand where to go, we decided to figure out which doctor you can contact to treat joint diseases.

Joints hurt - when is it worth consulting a doctor?

When to see a doctor?
When to see a doctor?

With pain in the joints, we do not always think that we should see a doctor. Despite this, some symptoms should make you think and find time to consult a specialist:

  • Joint discomfort, over time converting into aching or stitching pain
  • Sharp pain that you can’t even move the limb
  • Swelling and redness and crispy sounds in the joints
  • Joint deformation

As a rule, the cause of such symptoms can be various kinds of inflammation, infection of wounds, injuries and even poor metabolism. It is possible that nothing serious happened and the disease will be quickly cured, but it is better to make sure of this and exclude serious pathologies.

Which doctor treats the joints?

Which doctor treats the joints?
Which doctor treats the joints?

Joint diseases usually develop in two ways:

  • Degenerative-dystrophic. Fabric do not receive food and they stop performing their functions, or do it very badly
  • Inflammatory. Joints affects inflammation, capable of destroying all its components

Depending on the nature of the disease obtained, it will be determined and what specifically the doctor needs to be addressed.

Despite the symptoms, at first people always go to the therapist. He can relieve the initial symptoms of the disease, as well as cure them himself. If this is required, then you will be sent to another specialist. If suddenly the joints are very sick and quickly get tired of the load, then the rheumatologist can help you.

To determine the final diagnosis, he conducts special studies and already prescribes treatment on their basis. As a rule, a rheumatologist prescribes conservative treatment. It includes intra -articular injections, physiotherapy, massage, as well as exercise therapy. If the disease is more complex, then the patient is directed to another specialist.

Joint injections
Joint injections

If after a conservative treatment, the disease still continues to develop, then the patient is already directed to an orthoped-traumatologist. This specialist is engaged in surgical methods of restoration of joints. Typically, there are enough symptoms for circulation:

  • Destruction of joint joint regardless of completeness
  • Changing the shape of the joint of varying degrees, up to the loss of its performance
  • Constant, not stopping pain, even at night

The traumatologist in such cases determines the exact diagnosis and one of the types of treatment is prescribed:

  • Operationintended for maintaining work. With its help, you can eliminate pain, restore joint performance and protect the patient from removing his own tissues.
  • If treatment is not very effective or the form of arthrosis is more severe, and the joint is already destroyed, then it is prescribed endoprosthetics. In other words, the joint is replaced by artificial and works no worse. As statistics show, most often such operations are carried out on the knees and femoral joints. The goal is to restore the normal state and prevent disability.
  • Sometimes with articular pain a visit to a neurologist may be required. The bottom line is that the cause of the disease may be pinched or inflammation of the nerves. Just a neuropathologist is engaged in such cases.
  • Even in the treatment of arthritis, an endocrinologist may be required. This is due to the fact that the disease can manifest due to metabolic disorders. Many diseases are manifested from stress or malnutrition. This leads to the accumulation of salts in the joints. Over time, they become inelastic, and only then lose their performance. The endocrinologist not only restores metabolic processes, but also treats joint diseases at the same time.

Which doctor treats the joints of the spine?

Who treats the joints of the spine?
Who treats the joints of the spine?

Osteochondrosis can manifest itself in different ways and, depending on the nature of the disease, the desired specialist is determined:

  • Bone and cartilage in the vertebrae is subjected to changes
  • Vertebrates are inflamed and can change

In fact, these two factors are not decisive, and other symptoms always accompany them. In any case, usually the treatment of joint diseases is engaged in:

  • Orthopedist. Its treatment is aimed at restoring the elasticity of the joints and the prevention of osteoporosis is additionally carried out
  • Neurologist. Treats osteochondrosis manifested by pinches of spinal roots
  • If the situation is much more serious and surgery is required, then such a task falls on neurosurgeons.

Which doctor treats joints: other diseases

Other joint diseases
Other joint diseases

In addition to the above, other joint diseases may occur. It is very important to know which doctor to contact when they occur:

  • Bursitis. A small bag is formed on the joint where the liquid accumulates. It is manifested by severe pain, swelling, redness. It mainly manifests itself on knees and elbows. Heals a traumatologist and an orthopedist.
  • Baker's cyst of the knee joint. A watery formation appears under the knee cup. At the same time, the knee begins to hurt a lot and swells. The treatment is engaged in an orthopedist or traumatologist. Although, sometimes the diagnosis is detected by a therapist or rheumatologist.
  • Synovitis. This is an inflammatory process located in the synovial shell of the joint. Again, manifests itself on elbows and knees. Usually passes without pain, but the place of defeat is swelling. The surgeon should treat it.
  • Gonarthrosis of the knee joint. The decomposition of the cartilages occurs, but inflammation does not occur. The disease affects the knees and it hurts to walk. Traumatologists and rheumatologists are engaged in treatment.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that with the manifestation of any serious symptoms, tumors and pain, be sure to consult a doctor to exclude serious diseases.

Video: Which doctor treats sore joints?

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Comments K. article

  1. Hi all! Tell me, which doctor to contact, the joints began to hurt, the knees sometimes get out straight when I work out in the gym.

  2. Natalia, go to the orthopedist. I also had that, as soon as I started driving on a snowboard, so the problems with the joints began. It turned out that I have a novice osteoarthrosis ((of course there is little pleasant, but what is, that is, the treatment began, punctured the course of alflutop injections and it became much easier. In order not to launch the disease, we will repeat it six months later. Well, we still started to take vitamins.

  3. I’ll go to the rheumatologist with my joints after the holidays, I signed up for an appointment. In the meantime, eight -removal, an anesthetic, which was recommended a couple of months ago, was very recommended from pain. Since that time, I only accept it, if the knee begins. The result of anesthesia is pleasing, soreness in the knee, unpleasant sensations in it in just about 30 minutes subside.

  4. Joints are treated by a surgeon, a rheumatologist, an orthopedic ... And in many hospitals such narrow specialists are not

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