Modern adult fables - cool, funny, converted, short

Modern adult fables - cool, funny, converted, short

The fables can be safely called "special" literary works. It is such funny poems that are forced to think about our actions, actions. In our article you will find many modern fables for adults, having read which you can understand how badly a person does not do rightly, harming the people around him.

Modern fables - the best selection

Modern fables - the best selection
Modern fables - the best selection

Modern fables are the best selection:

Singing fee
Everyone sleeps sweetly at dawn -
Beast and people, fish, birds.
So the raven in the morning was dozing on the bitch.
And suddenly the rooster shouting: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" -
Raven already flew off the bitch
And she crooked him, understanding what was the matter:
- You, my friend, for the morning singing,
Probably give reward?
The rooster said: “Yes, I shout to the owners:“
- I'm hungry! Get up! I am hungry!
And people think with a stump
I sign up with them: "With a wake!"
And before people on business will go,
They will give cattle to all and chickens.
Therefore, with dawn on the first ray
I shout: “Get up, people! I am hungry!"


Fatal passion
The fox of the hare really liked:
- What ears, skin, tail of the hare!
So the fox got into the hare,
That he began to dream of her at night.
The fox decided to explain with the hare.
And once in the forest of a scythe
My nose to the nose met with a fox,
But then he gave with fear of Deru,
Looped, laid down the forest forest.
After all, he did not think that the fox
In love wanted to explain herself.
The chase lasted two hours
As a result, the hare caught up with the fox.
But before that, he was more precise at the hare,
What I ate! And did not choke on the tail!
And having eaten, I thought: something passion
I settled down my heart too quickly.
But a little later I realized what was the matter:
She just wanted to eat!
And somewhere poor hare
I sobbed quietly in the hole:
Waiting for a spouse for lunch,
Already evening, but he is still not ...


Nightingale in a cage
To a cheerful vocal canary
The hostess hooked the nightingale
Hoping that in her spacious cage
They are stored, they will be like friends:
How to yearn the Solovushka will bore,
He will teach a canary to sing Trley.
But the cell of the nightingale is almost a dungeon,
The bird is not used to captivity:
Day by day, the singer weakened and sluggish,
But he never began to sing,
Lies in the corner, does not eat, does not drink,
And with him he does not sing a canary.
The owners decided that
With longing and hunger, Solovushka will die,
And threw the bird out of the window:
Let them go to the cat.
Sensing the will, the nightingale was amused
He flew to the branch and sang for joy:
It is more pleasant for him to sing in the wild, albeit on a branch,
Than in a gilded and fasting cage.
Take morality, reader, note:
Do not hide the talents either in yourself or in the cage ...


Mitty and wolf
Having impressed the goat,
That once there are teeth, tail and legs,
And even very sharp horns,
Then he, a kid, is also a predator,
His wolf cubs were lured in a wolf flock.
I think everyone guesses the finale?
Moral: all those who are so attracted by NATO,
The fate of stupid kids is waiting for ...


Canary and cat
The hostess once brought a cage
And settled in a cage canary.
In it, the bird eats plenty and drinks,
And the whole day sings, we will ...
But near the cage, the cat began to be on duty:
He looks at the bird and does not look at at all
As if with songs to enjoy -
The singer, apparently, fell on his heart.
Once, after all, he opened the door into the cage!
And where the songs sounded before,
Only feathers flew through the air ...
The moral of the fable is simple:
Once a bird was started,
Keep further from her a cat ...


On a narrow bridge through a moat
The owner taught his donkeys
Go to the workpiece of firewood:
While one carries firewood home,
He walked towards him empty.
But once the donkeys on the bridge came together,
They rested their foreheads.
One roars: step back, because I'm going with firewood!
Another yells: I will not give in to life!
And both collapsed with a bridge together.
Crashed to death
Remember now the name.
Crows feasted in the abyss for a week.
The owner of the losses is not one, not two:
Donkeys, bridges and firewood.
Moral: I must admit, I always, by golly,
I give any donkey road:
After all, if they do not give them ways -
The innocent can suffer ...

Modern fables of modern authors

Modern fables of modern authors
Modern fables of modern authors

Modern fables of modern authors:

As soon as I lit up the lace fields,
So immediately the nightingale whistled over the world
And he delighted the districts of the district.
And for these songs-trees
We wanted to praise him:
- Praise your rollers, tricks, whistles,
They are matching artists.
You bring them out so cool,
That you are sometimes crazy for everyone.
How great your merits are!
And the nightingale in response:
- I'm not singing for you, but for a friend,
Hoping to earn at least a song
My favorite look is lovely ...


One spider covered large networks
And they spread them in the most brisk place,
But no matter how much he lurked and waited,
And the flies are large - I have never caught:
“As soon as my network is spread,
Only a trifle climbs into a web.
And how a big fly will fly away
So the mass tears the entire network and then rushes. "
So with people: the higher the rank,
The more he has weight:
Will always find thousands of reasons,
To avoid "such distant places."
But the small rank will never escape the court:
And he will receive the term for all the coils,
And heeks, as in the spider web ...


Language and teeth
The tongue began to boast, braided into Hops:
“I love obedience
And everything here will be the way I drive!
I will not suffer disobedience! "
The words of the hops overshadowed the mind:
After all, that language is any phrase
He was not at all by his orders.
And to stop verbal infection,
The mind quietly turned to the teeth,
To bit the tongue slightly.
The language, meanwhile, fell into a cry
And on someone else's hoppy fist
He shouted: “Tikhona! Coward! Simple! Fool!"
But this cry stopped a fist:
Well, since you are so, then I - like that!
The result of the disassembly of that is not new:
In the mouth, where there were many teeth,
There are no more teeth!
But the whole language is the culprit of all kinds of troubles ...


Fashion trend
Among the fashionable monkeys the trend crawled:
If the lips are thin and the chest is small - unfortunately.
Barely keeping the pressure, mirror through the forest -
The surface of the water stream and the puddle - boiled with passion.
“My God, what a scandal,” a cry flew more often, “
The mouth is very small and the shift of the bust of the main mother! ”
“To hear is not suitable in an indecent among a person,” -
Immediately a flaw decided to fix her.
Finding an aspen nest with difficulty in the branches,
Maman with zeal climbed into him with a paw!
Aspen Roy howled ... and in Samkino Manto
There are a sorry for the hundreds instantly ... It's time to drop it!
Superpoxed wasps wrapped his mouth and nose,
Eyes and ears, chest, not letting the heels.
Diving into a stream, looking for salvation from the OS,
Madame managed to avoid reckoning.

In a second, the nose is swollen, giving the volume to the lips,
The bust has increased to the fifth size.
Satisfied with himself, for the envy of these ladies
The mistress of the pack will continue to be an example.

The war of big worlds subsided at the stream,
A solid is a very bust, the lips have a camel look.
But he hears from the bushes: "Ugody, whose?"
The authority of Maman is diluted with this beauty.

And no matter how hard it is, that fashion is a whim to the mind,
Those fashionistas do not want to know in any way:
Natural beauty is ashamed of nothing.
An artificial volume is a plot for a comedian.

Everyone knows for certain, not like
Appreciate more that yours is by nature,
And do not destroy beauty for the sake of fashion.


Fable about the rules of the hostel
The apartment building is not people -
The bunny lived, and on top - a hippo,
And below the roosters that they sang day and night,
And from the side, the woodpecker beat, and there is no one to help.
Bunnies long -legged, and the stomp from the ceiling,
Cooking around and the sounds of a hammer ...
And everyone does not spare, because day and night,
A neighbor pierces the house, fooling around in full.
He called dogs, cut it
The hare began to lose his health,
And to keep the rest of the coming days,
The bunny of ears decided to get rid of ...
Now he himself fools and jumps, and yells,
And if anyone is noisy and does not lead ...
The whole world, like this house - psychosis rule in it,
How to live normal in it? There is a big question everywhere.


Basnya about the dangers of comfort
One home cat, living among comfort,
He defended his rights noticeably firmly:
He will want to eat a little, but at least - have a bite,
How he started with the mistress, he fools:
Then it will be disgusted, then it bite,
Then it scratches, jumps under the knife ...,
But if I saw that I have not been needed yet,
That could even do a puddle!
But somehow the cat went through in a protest
And changed the apartment to the basement.
Now he does not yell, anyone he suffers hunger,
And dampness, and dogs, and even a winter cold.
So the person, the better he lives:
So it suffers less, more - brown rushes,
But when it loses all the best -
He suffers like that cat that was a fool in the past.
Although a fool is offensive words
After all, the cat fought for the rights.

Fable for a modern plot - Text

Fable for a modern plot - Text
Fable for a modern plot - Text

The fable to the modern plot - Text:

The bear woke up today early.
He lay in a nap for an hour.
Who knows, maybe for deception
He wrote such a decree:
“I twisted the steering wheel to the right, right,
I'm tired of managing you.
I give you this right
Let's re -choose me. ”
The animals froze, as if in hibernation:
The bear said that he was nobody!
"It will not do here without a fight",
-Someone in the crowd noticed.
The bear, collecting the rest of the will,
He said a confused crowd:
“I will fire all the dissatisfied,
Patiently lift up on the pillar.
I also want to say two words
I'm not an executioner, but a democrat,
But to choose the king of another,
You need to think a hundred times.
Why do we need throat?
Magpies, say, il rooks.
Why nudists are monkeys,
Jackals arrogant rods?
Of course, you can choose a fox,
But I must tell you directly
- The fox is smart and careful
And it will steal a lot.
There is a gray wolf in mind,
Will there be any sense from the wolf?
Yesterday in a stable lifted the sheep,
In the blood it is stained with a bitch.
Here the hedgehog has dismissed the needle
And he asked the word to say.
“Let's choose the oblique
At least cowardly, but holds the word "
There was a cry in the crowd:
"He thieves, cabbage cut"
"Why not choose a bird?"
"Oh no! Swings abroad. "
"Why the donkey is not good for you?"
"I did not go out to a penny with the mind."
"Bobert could." The bear hesitated:
"He was served in advertising."
"Then let us rules the moose"
“And why did we give up?
So that the chickens are lifted to us?
There they were chosen by the cuckold ":
The camel climbed onto the rostrum
Suddenly he tired and spat:
“Why, such a mother,
I would not choose a king?!
The bear is barked: “Shame and shame!
I will stay the king again myself! "


Hare blogger

Centuries are changing, but morals
The same, God sees.
Bunny, dutting the glory,
I started a video blog.
Tryndel in him about the love of carrots,
About eternal sadness,
About ears in a sweatshirt
Yes, drummed on the hemp.
His blog was terribly boring -
He is about anything.
Nobody in the whole forest dense
He did not subscribe to him.
The scythe was upset immensely
And on the Internet threw a cry,
That for subscribers a hundred faithful
Swallow the whole brick,
All the dishes will beg everything on the forehead
And he will drink vinegar.
And on the same day a miracle happened,
He became super popular.
To look at the idiot,
A crowd poured into the blog of a hare.
I am pleasing to her, he is hunting
Smelly licked a bug
The back lubricated with honey and condensed milk
And put it in the hive, and then
Shin of wool, tinted with green,
I ate a cactus and arson of his house.
Bunny Passion was proud of himself.
And so that the pig does not surpass,
On the live air shot down
He is for likes from a gun.
All viewers were delighted.
They always swore to love him
But after an hour they forgot about him,
Without remembering never again.

Alas, people often too
By stupidity, they are ready to become
Jacks of worse thick -skinned ones,
Who just do not give a damn ...


Fable about the Internet
Vaiber, contact and Watsap, bunch of gadget
Internet, Internet ceased to communicate
Smiley will send, well, write hello
Well, I feel sorry, it won't lose us from us
Classmate, Facebook, Instagram
Here I came a gift like
Podded a bunch in the album
But I will not listen
A bunch of people, a crowd of people
Someone with the intent, some with good motivation
I went to visit and to her
To a stranger from a uren
The class put, then reputed
And sent a blacklist
What do you think the next day
My rating is five points higher ...

I will drink here with tea
And I am funny to send a picture
Comments a bunch of everyone
About damn it, met a friend Ninka.

Here I boast of my friends
Barbecue and barbecue in the country
Dissatisfied like Omar Hayam
I wish them all good luck.

I'll tell you a joke with a beard
About Russian off -road
My school friend does not pick up the pipe
I will write a message too.

Here is a colleague celebrates the day
Not a simple anniversary probably
Only now it is not indicated at all
In what place, in which tavern.

Life hack learned from Tik-Tok
Of course, shared with a friend
Now I am probably the first enemy
He does not answer, for a very long time.

I am a two hundred group subscriber
And I don't even remember them naming
Here again I have a new friend
He writes an urgent repost.

Put the holy image on the page
And for tomorrow will be used to good luck
This rare spam went to everyone
Everything will be OK, so, not otherwise.

We buy, cook, sing
We make different certificates
We have been living online for a long time
There are cultural, rude and shavings ...

Anonymously write posts
Complaints of the type of bear service
The question is who is the author, who are you
You are probably proud of merit.

We love a selfie, shoot flowers
How people get into trouble
In a day another you can
Million to dial on YouTube.

Wait, on Skype call
Opanka letter in Yandex-Coste
I have no God, how could he
He drew from friends on purpose.

All day, all day long
Then squeaks and screeches the infection
Our nofelet does not stop
Here is such leprosy now.

You can continue this list
All the harbor Internet prick
Perhaps we must tie
And put a bold point.

Modern fables with morality for adults

Modern fables with morality for adults
Modern fables with morality for adults

Modern fables with morality for adults:

"Frog Tsar"

In the swamp small frogs lived.
They lived well, did not push
From morning to night, the songs sang,
They did not know enemies and did not know troubles.
A dispute broke out from a hearty and calm life:
Who will lead their loud choir?
But the dispute between themselves did not solve
And heaven, the king was given to them all together.
In heaven they did not puzzle for a long time,
And it was decided to send them to the swamp.
As soon as the heron flew to the swamp,
So then I ate a dozen frogs.
And every day the heron ate frogs
And she was not going to leave the swamp at all ...
Morality: If you do not live together and calmly, -
The villain call to manage - will reward you on business!



In the deaf forest, where the mighty bear reigned,
There was an instant case once.
The bear is hungry, the deer quickly decided to catch
He decided to invite him to the assistants of the beaters.
Dog, red fox and boar called
And about the conditions of hunting said to them:
“Fuck a deer to the den, where I will,
Then we will prey and divide. Well, forward friends! "
The hunters of the deer of the fast half - they drove
They were already exhausted and so tired,
What barely dragged his legs
And finally, the deer was kicked out to the den.
He killed the bear of the deer and said to the "friends":
“Well, who of you have dreamed of a deer with me?
Well, who wants to join the dead deer?
Nobody? I see. I knew, friends.
Now, go away! I will have lunch ...
Morality: The bear is the master of the forest, the king of animals.
He does not seek friends in the forest.
And I will give advice to the beasts: you can't be friends with the king, -
The king and a “friend of a loved one” are capable of killing ...


Board -Elekar
Bad shoemaker, that the boots could not drag
I decided to look for good luck in other parts.
I got to another state without boots
And he began to treat everyone who is “a head of a pier”.
He called himself the most skillful
And all the advice, how to be treated, distributed.
I sold everyone a "wonderful elixir" from all diseases
(What, if not a cat's urine, can be more useful!)
Health Minister of this Big State
Promised the shoemaker as a reward as much as half a dancer,
Reasonably reasoning, “why spend your budget on medicines,
If you can spend money wisely ...
So the shoemaker without a boot suddenly became a “known doctor” - - -
He did not even dream of such a glory ....
Morality: Shamelessness is always stupid people feeds,
And power is always ready to make friends with shamelessness.


Tsar and fox thief
The fox thief in the tsar’s chicken coop climbed.
Where did only the rogue of courage have gathered like that?
Grabbed the chicken and run with her, but did not run away,
They caught and decided to tear the tail so that he would not steal.
But then the king intervened. “Set aside the punishment! Give a fox reward!
Half a dozen chickens! The fox will be glad
And he will stop stealing. After all, what was pushed for theft?
She was always hungry, she did not know a good “table”.
Now, with a half -dozen chickens, what reason to steal for her?
Here is my lesson to everyone - you need to study psychology! "
And the animals are predatory, having heard how the thief was “punished”,
More and more often, more, frankly stolen,
As a reward of fresh chickens, working properly ...
That's how the thieves lived in this kingdom, not knowing the fuel.
Morality: If the king is only welcoming thieves,
And the poor, wretched and does not notice,
Then you need to collect all the poor
And the tail of the king of thieves in public tore it!


Owl and grasshopper
The owl hunted all night without rest, tired,
And in the afternoon she sat down in the hollow and dreamed of sleeping.
On the branch, next door, the grasshopper was sitting
And loudly, loudly shook off.
Owl to the grasshopper: “Listen, my dear friend,
Could you shut up, at least for an hour?
I flew all the night all of and forth,
I want to sleep, although I would have an hour. I'm so tired!"
The grasshopper, on the other hand, snapped even more strongly,
He slept firmly all night and was not tired at all.
Then the owl decided to resort to cunning,
To overthrow the throat "singer" from the branch.
“Ah, my dear friend, you sing so wonderful!
It is a pity that the producer is cool is unknown!
But I have the number of the producer of a cool phone.
I could just call him from home right now. ”
“Yes, call soon! Do a favor!
I feel such inspiration in myself! " -
The grasshopper flashed, to advise jumping into the house ...
Want to know, what happened then?
I ate the grasshopper owl
Now she could sleep calmly ...
Morality: It happens that noisy neighbors are constantly bothering everyone.
Probably, they do not respect other people at all.
Such neighbors need to read this fable,
To learn to respect their neighbors ....

Funny modern fables - words

Funny modern fables - words
Funny modern fables - words

Funny modern fables - words:

Pig and Goose
The pig and goose decided to be friends.
They purchased a bottle of vodka,
They went to the Berezhok to the bushes
They switched there to "you."
Havronya from the very beginning
The galance of the goose noted.
The goose said so beautifully
The pig gave a flower.
And it would be beautiful in the evening
But suddenly the question arose unclear:
And for whom we will continue to drink,
Who should be the main thing in friendship?
A drunken pig hiccuped:
“What is the question?! Of course it's me!"
“I did not understand,” the goose gangled
And he sent far a pig.
But she didn't immediately realize
And she asked to repeat it.
When the route became clear to her,
All interest in Gusu disappeared.
Having your opinion,
Goose pecked her ass.
The pig screeches in pain
And a trot on the goose attacked.
Bones were crunched, fluff flew,
From the lacerated wounds, the goose outraged.
Then I suddenly remembered:
- No, not comrade goose pig!


Jealous goat
The goat considered his wife stubborn
A talkative and prodigal lady.
And that trouble - they thought so
Everything from the goat to the goat.
The abundance swept the goat,
So that the shame was not in vain
Once a goat dared
And she went out into the yard.
She, as in her youth, jumped,
Captivating with its beauty,
And I did not notice anyone
Who was old here, who is young.
But the goats, which is younger,
The goat was immediately carried away:
“Oh, how she looks like a doe!”
- And shaken with a small tremor.
And nearby old goats
Sitting are satisfied and not angry
Only their heads shake everything,
Yes, drooling into the beards are allowed.
The goat is not a horde,
The goat gives him a lesson.
He was stupid, at least young
And he pulled his head nervously,
Shouted: “I will not allow debauchery
And I will avenge my shame! "
Among the audience rode
And he was looking for all the opponent,
To give it to it,
As they say, "take off seven skins."
But suddenly the Lord came off heaven:
“Well, that the villain did not find? I
I put a seal on him,
So that everyone can easily find out
That sworn enemy "
And he stuck the horn goat.
“For what?” The goat asked him.
"Why did I get it?"
And the wise god told him:
"So that he does not humiliate his wife in the future."
But moral.
There are few words in it:
Where there is love, there are no horns!


I don't know how it happened
But the rumor passed that the mouse fell in love.
Well, just got a friend
In the cat Vasku- Durgub.
In his dreams caressing him
And in a passionate bliss, being,
She inspired herself for hours: “He will understand.
Will understand that he was rude with mice,
Though the mice themselves are to blame,
Why get out of the minks?
To tease Vasya.
His cruelty is explained
The soul is so vulnerable.
Perhaps he was cruel,
Only because lonely.
Now I am my meekness
I will make him to be kind.
And he will understand that he was wrong,
I will curb his temper. "
Enjoying delight and joy,
She insisted that another
He will not be able to manage them like that.
To change habits.
The mouse with this thought was so akin to
As if she was born with her.
In the outfit, my best was rolled up
From the mink to Vasenka set off.
The cat was resting somewhere nearby
And the Myshkin did not know:
What's next? You know yourself -
He gobbled up a mouse with giblets.
The rumor went among the mice,
That the mouse was a fool.
Modern Russian fable


Mighty police people
I have always been strong and cool to a bribe.
And the little sergeant worse than the fever.
One travel camel
With a check of some kind of capital
I arrived at the regional center.
And the matter was early in the spring.
And managed to get drunk,
To fall into a roadside ditch.
There is no more unpleasant moment
When the cop is looking at you
But no pocket is in any pocket
Well, no document!
- Who are you? Where is the passport?
- I'm a camel
My passport was apparently stolen.
- And how did you find yourself here?
- Yes, my friends and I drank.
I came to you to check in the city ...
- Do not hang me noodles on my ears!
I need to present documents.
- Sergeant, please listen:
They stole them, how much to repeat!
I don't really look like a camel?
And then from the two humps where?
- I don't give a damn where you made the humps,
I am standing at the post, protect the order.
- Yes, I honestly deserve them ...
- Where are the documents?
- I dont know!
“Then let's go, citizen.”
And here, for happiness, from the leg
The camel took out his stash - money.
At the moment, an incorruptible cop multed:
- Well, there was a document!
You did not have to solve the problem,
How much will they take you?
While there is a bribe -maker, you will have to decide.
And if there is no money,
Prove him that not a camel.


Monkey with image
When an excess in the head is mind,
For some reason, she leaves her hair.
Is it because we sometimes cry in the voice?
Sat on the grass
And in the paws the mirror spoke thoughtfully,
In which Lysin saw a big one.
- Whose baldness is it? My?
Blimey! -
The monkey instantly jumped on her feet. -
Where did the trouble come to me?
Probably in the Duma I got her.
Of course! We met for a long time
Therefore, the hair disappeared.
And I thought that I had torn my throat,
But, it turned out, I suffered a bald head!
And monkey, all in tears,
In the lower ward, the speaker comes up,
And we are talking about production injury.
- Yes, is happiness in the hair! -
The hippo replies to her. -
Sitting to the place of deputy
And baldness, shining proud -
She distinguishes us great from stupid.
And from now on, remember - this is your image!
It is known how other deputies
The mandates were able to get:
Rather, it is your image than your head.


The hare is a conscript
Do not talk with the slanting about Krivoy -
One will cover you with a cool obscenity
Another fits from the machine,
And do not solve the problem, at least die!
- With me, you, hare, do not fool! -
Shouted a jackal, Major of the military enlistment office. -
Look how the wolf cubs go to the army,
And you, a scoundrel, dream of saying.
- Yes, my strength is not enough,
And I neither drink nor snack
I have not yet learned ...
In short, the incident with the hare turned out.
The major gives a delay for three days.
Here is the deadline passes through,
A scythe is tapping another speech.
- I cannot serve - I have a family.
Already married for three days
And six children, I have a wife.
I will go to serve, what will happen to her?
In response to the conscript, a selected mat.
And what does the major have to do?
The delay is new, weekly, given.
This period has passed at one moment.
At the military registration and enlistment office, the hare proudly declares:
- Congratulations, I'm already a student,
And my dean wishes you health!
Jackal is furious, he creaks with his teeth,
Restrained miraculously, barely,
Gives another delay - two weeks.
They passed. They report to the military registration and enlistment office:
Spear has crossed the law -
He climbed to where they did not ask.
The jackal is delighted: well, a hare and strong!
Now for the service he is quite suitable
And the day in the draftees will not stay!
Is this an army to be proud of us,
Where they teach and kill the innocent,
And drink and swear?
From this they will mow everything.
And to whom to serve, let me ask you:
Politics sitting in a restaurant?
They will send dirt with boots to knead,
And wash in the Indian Ocean.
Serving the king?
Then I will repeat this fable again.

Modern fables are short for adults

Modern fables are short for adults
Modern fables are short for adults

Modern fables are short for adults:

Cat and giant
The cat shouted to the giant, they say, I do not believe
What will you take the appearance of any beast!
I’ll convince me only -
You will turn immediately if in the mouse!
Disperse to the cat's doubt,
He became a giant mouse in an instant.
But the cat to catch her, alas, could not,
Since she, taking off under the ceiling,
The cat was bent some kind of bunch ...
As it turned out, the mouse was flying!
Morality: As they say, in edification -
Correctly formulate the task!


Almost on Krylov
A donkey, a goat, a prankster monkey,
Fox, eagle and a clubfoot bear ...
Badger and beetle, tigerok and she -wolf,
Hamster, spider, kitten and tigress,
Fox, Goat, yes 33 cows
Started playing the orchestra ...
And then everything was like that of Krylov,
But more unstable and bad ...


A camel is a laureate
One camel, although it was a humpbacked
Once he became a laureate
And the role of a handsome man is a trotter
He received, but high
There was a landing on a camel
And was not found in the district of Luda
To jump on a camel
And again the camel began to spit ...
Spit so delicious ... so rich ...
On all the saliva laureate!


The wolf of the hare once called to the "carpet".
He shouted that that loafer, rogue and thief.
And received a heart attack. There is no sense from a scream.
Please, friends, do not forget about the wolf.


Already in the days of Krylov
The injustice of the world is visible:
To gain freedom of speech -
You need to lose a piece of cheese!

The mouse of the baby looked around,
How a bat flies.
- I want it too too. Mom, will I fly?
I have a little a little to grow up.
Eh, a dream would come true
That would be beauty!
Then a neighbor's cat ran ...
She, too, imagine, dreamed:
- I would not bother me at all!
Suddenly I saw a mouse nearby.
Jump - and soon the race ended ...
Darking around, look around
Does anyone dream nearby!


Raccoon - strip
I decided to declare a raccoon to declare a boycott,
Like, I do not delve into his problems,
And indeed I don’t notice point blank.
And since then let him live for himself,
I can’t hear my instructions, a discharge.

In general, everything is a drum.
When they do not touch him and the “mother”.
He did not know about the boycott announced
He walked through the forest and walked.
His leg suddenly hurt someone,
The soul of the raccoon almost “flew off”.
Morality: When the boycott announced to someone
Look so that he suddenly does not step on you.

Modern fables are funny

Modern fables are funny
Modern fables are funny

Modern fables are funny:

Two loaves of sausage
Once two batons of sausage
Before how to sink to the scales,
We talked quite frankly.
Russian Baton behaved arrogantly!
"You know? - He said: after all, my parent-
Our Russian native manufacturer,
Not that you are born abroad,
Shining and smelling diode! ”
“Perhaps I'm a dude- answered in tone
Beautiful imported loaf
But now you look at yourself.
There is nothing inside you Russian:
A bacon from Germany was brought down,
And the plant bought the meat in Italy!
And so that the weight would be felt in weight,
The Spanish supplement was covered in you.
Only a shell, like from Russia,
Everything is doing better, more beautiful.
But the shell is like a condom,
Which will hide every negative.
And here I am an imported loaf.
Abroad was produced.
But according to that recipe
Where there are no traces of Russian dope:
Without soybeans, substitutes for raw materials.
Therefore, I look at the fucker. ”
It doesn't matter where the loaf was born.
It should be useful and delicious!
No need to use a condom
The child should be healthy and beautiful!


There is a fist, the brains do not need
At the river, where is the old oak,
For animals, the club opened:
Tennis, chess and checkers, ...
A waltz from copper pipes is pouring.
Look at the new thing
The bear came in the evening.
The club has dancing and fun,
And the orchestra rattles copper.
Drunk forest people,
And dancing, and sings!
And the bear presses the bear, ...
No, not a toad ... a hippo!
And the bear decided to get it,
To buy too.
But the front door is closed,
He could not open it.
The bear pushed her,
And he kicked with his feet ...
But built in conscience,
Bear did not get inside.
All with anger is already trembling,
At the door, the bear lies.
Suddenly, he sees, past a hedgehog
The sophisticated runs.
The bear jumped out
He pulled the door to himself
The door opened calmly
The hedgehog swayed inside.
Bear fought like a fool,
I almost broke the jamb.
The casket just opened
Not a problem, but a trifle.
Who is in a hurry, hurry
That problem will not solve
He will create only a lot of noise
And it laughs around everyone.
Here is moral:
From a haste harm!
Help! You will find the answer!
The head is given to think
And not to wear it!


Losikha in the girls sat down -
Nobody wants to take at all.
And so she wanted to marry
What at the time to lie down and die.
I went to the psychologist foil
And she is glad to serve:
“All men are dumbass!
They just turn their heads:
Dress the prey, meet you,
Yes, smile, yes, joke,
"By chance" touch a couple of times,
Ask to bring to the house,
Then call on a cup of tea,
Make stay until the morning.
And there, you look, and on the wedding
It's time to scatter guests! "
Armed by the Council,
Losikha went through the forest.
But there are no decent grooms,
Only found a hare in the spruce.
Everything turned out, as the fox said,
But even though the night was hot,
It ended in failure -
Gave a hare in the morning of Strekach.
The fox cries into the vest,
Wrap -up pills bummer,
Losikha again went into reconnaissance
And I met a goat.
He also went with him first according to the plan -
I spent it to the house, went
And tightly grown to the sofa,
Seeing football in Telik.
Drank beer, burst sandwiches,
Not noticing anything.
Losikha, having waited six months,
The force kicked him out.
And then everything is again new -
Either run away, then sit
But on a moose is stupid
They don’t want to marry.

Beware of such fate!
Stupid girls for a trick
"Ah, spend - go - stay!"
A beautiful prince is not caught.

Funny fables in verses modern

Funny fables in verses modern
Funny fables in verses modern

Funny fables in verses modern:

For miracles without chasing at all,
But just because it was lucky
Once upon a day, one day a hedgehog and a hare
And in the sky they saw a UFO,
What hung over the wheat field
In all alien beauty.
Hedgehog with a hare rammed,
It did not hide in star darkness.
Then they, overtaking each other,
Screaming, rushed right into the sleeping forest,
Animals and birds watching dreams, frightening,
And soon they woke everyone in the neighborhood.
The angry crowds fled to them.
“What are you yelling? - roared the bear, -
Now I will give both paw on the forehead,
Learn how to make noise! \u200b\u200b"
“But there ... but there - the hare chattered, -
There are a UFO over the field! " “What kind of nonsense! -
The wolf growled. - You are a bastard eared!
I was yesterday, and there is nothing there! "
The deer said: "They are not at all in nature!"
“Eared, uncouth Churban!
You sniffed the Dust in the garden! " -
The angry boar summed up.
The hare exclaimed: “Yes, there was a hedgehog with me!
He also saw this UFO! " But hedgehog said
Which cannot confirm,
The hare of Braga must have crossed.
The crowd then made up even stronger,
Scolded the hare all who is not lazy,
They almost beat, but they threatened,
And the hedgehog stepped quietly into the shadow.
He knew that a bunny was right, without doubt,
But everything is against the truth and the bear itself.
The pressure of public muni
It is not able to overcome anyone.


Beauty contest
In the forest, a rumor spread to the New Year:
The beauty contest is announced among the Christmas trees!
They immediately shook off the snow from the needles
And they fluffed them like a tail of a rooster.
Their flexible harmony cute
Little trees stood up on the string,
And even three hundred -year -old old women
The trunks were bored with a creak.
I wanted to win every Christmas tree
To flaunt a star on the top of the head,
Try gilded toys
And bring yourself tiny.
There were, of course, without intrigues -
They broke the branches, threw cones,
They cursed, called up and pushed.
And finally, the final of the moment came -
The victory was awarded to the Christmas tree
That everyone in the forest was magnificent and more beautiful.
The lucky one was congratulated, and then
Pierced the barrel with a screeching saw
And the city was taken to the city
There, where are stars, tinsel, toys ...
But she does not need it at all,
After all, death is already not far away.
Thinking is worth it before any battle:
Whether the victory will be amazing.

Modern fables converted instructive

Modern fables converted instructive
Modern fables converted instructive

Modern fables redone instructive:

Happiness where there is love!
Three girls in the evening
Gathered to a friend in the house:
Licked through the catalog,
They drank to the stake, cognac.
Unsheated, dreamed,
Slowly got sick ...
One girl says:
- “If I met the prince,
I would be for him for everything -
The kid gave birth!
But first - a fur coat, a wheelbarrow,
Well, and on Rublevka a summer house! "
A friend answered her:
- “Exactly from an oak you fell!
Today the princes are not in honor,
We need a "papa" to the mouth!
So that the "beaver" be with gray hair,
Idle so that or the widow,
To keep the bank solid,
To enter the club elite!
If I got this
He rolled a feast with a mountain!
To in the evening a wife,
And in the morning the widow! "
The third girl got up:
- “So girls, not suitable!
And there will be no use in life
Without love, but by calculation!
Let not the prince of elite blood,
And not a solid beaver!
If only he believed and love
And the family cherished! "
Two friends laughed
The third fool was called.
We sat, laughed ...
Well, and for the time being broke up.
Five years have passed since then
How that conversation went.
And by pike
Ile of fate by vile
Again friends met,
Well, they remained to chat.
He says the first girl:
- “I wanted, fool, prince!
There is a fur coat, there is a wheelbarrow,
There is a summer house on Rublevka.
Only I'm on the summer house
Like a golden cage!
No friends and friends,
A crowd of guards around!
I was ill with boredom Day-Day
In this cage golden! "
-“Yes,” the second answered,
-If I once knew
What is worse than everything in the world
To be for the life of the "beaver" in the answer!
Mountains of Zlata promised me
And he slipped two contracts,
By which do not believe
I will cure the door naked!
And now at least a wolf howl
God forbid me to become a widow! "
The third said the girl:
- “Yes, it’s not sweet to you, sisters!
My Vanyusha is not like that -
Hard and simple.
People are in a bit of held held in high esteem
Our son is growing and a daughter.
In the house we live our own
And we are doing things together!
Here it is, easy
Together with a daughter with his son.
Well, girlfriends, I have to go!
You, no fluff, no pen! "
She gave her hand to her husband
I hugged my son and daughter,
Sat in white "Mercedes",
Here and the fairy tale is the end!
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Young offspring a lesson!
Let us remind you again and again:
Happiness where there is love!


Voronya Revenge
How many times have they repeated to the world,
That revenge is vile is harmful. But only there is no use.
Here's an example for you, how they take revenge in two hundred years.
Crow, having bought a piece of cheese somewhere,
Again, pouring on the spruce,
I was going to deal with the fox.
And she kept cheese in claws.
To that misfortune, the fox came running.
The raven tells her, throwing the product to the ground:
- I do not accept the flattery and harmful.
Therefore, as a sign of sincere admiration
Your brilliant mind
And a wonderful tail
Accept, girlfriend, treat.
Lysycin turned his head,
Although the cheese did not have the cheese of the spirit.
But what are the mouth -watering words
For the ear and gift, food, moreover.
In short, the fox was at once ate cheese.
The crow flew right away,
Having fulfilled his plan in full
An insidious way, known to the whole world.
The fox was bewildered at night.
How could she know how
That there has been no cheese in Russia for a long time ...

Modern fable about love

Modern fable about love
Modern fable about love

Modern fable about love:

Fable about love
Once in the spring a miracle happened:
The goat fell in love with unconsciousness in a camel.
And bulging his slanting eyes,
A goat ran in front of a camel.
She showed him horns
The embarrassed walked along the path
And he hung in all the ways,
And brought a camel to trouble -
He married, succumbing to the nonsense of goat,
Not knowing that his problems are waiting and intrigues.
In the morning, the goat crunched with a stump,
The camel read a table book.
He said: I am called a husband,
So prepare, please, at least dinner!
- I have no time, beloved, busy
Today at the 10th wedding at the cat.
At 12 to my tailor, three to the she -wolf,
She is in the affairs of the trading craftswoman.
You yourself go to your yourself.
And by the way, when do you have a pay?
There are a bins at the fox.
And what will not say, then in everything is right.
The husband is even a blind, but fabulously rich,
And you are a camel, and also humpbacked.
The days were replaced. The camel walked hungry
And his house was also cold.
And so as not to overturn the legs from hunger
The camel went to look for food in alarm.
I scooped the spines of fresh and odorous.
The goat around him walked a cloud:
- Why did you get this muck!
I ate, I completely forgot about me.
You are silent. You chew. You can’t say a word either.
Camel in response: Food for everything is the basis,
And don't scream, I like the thorn!
-Well, you dried!
-And you are a zlyuchka!
- Am I a zlyuchka? It's just a chaos!
Yes, you probably, dear, were stunned
Do you still consider me guilty?
Ah, scoundrel! Ah, you are a damned camel!
“Let me be a camel, but what's the point of you?”
Only the wool of the clock, and the entertainment of the wolf.
- Oh, hear, neighbors, my husband,
He takes me, apparently, for fright.
Recently extolled to heaven
And he drove me everywhere on the humps.
And now? He calls me a zlyuchka.
All the fault is a lousy thorn!
Said the camel: how to survive the shame,
Yes, listen to your reproaches,
I terminate the marriage contract,
And I do not want to go into squabbles.
Not washed the floor, it costs an empty trough,
Anyway, the farm has been forgotten.
Well, you just need a goat
My salary to change outfits.
And I do not believe in promising anymore.
He said a camel and spat goodbye.

You will not immediately break out in nature
Where is joy and where the trouble is
Love comes and leaves,
And I always want to eat!

Modern adult fables about the Internet

Modern adult fables about the Internet
Modern adult fables about the Internet

Modern adult fables about the Internet:

In the Internet
Donkey to his girlfriend wrote poetry here
About how he suffers at night.
Repenting, he recognized sins
He asked him to believe his words.

And the parrot repeated everything: yes, in vain!
She does not hear. You see, not ready!
All your friends told you
And you write the same thing again.

The next morning the elephant came here to take a look,
What the chicken wrote the other day.
I saw a lot, but this is not the point:
Empty conversations, gossip, nonsense ...

Python taught everyone: take up the mind!
He swore a civil position.
He was noisy and under this tedious noise
He grabbed his poems

A monkey came in. A couple of lines drooping
She plunged into a love pool,
Sometimes and at night, without falling asleep,
She dreamed and closed in herself.

The pig shit! Just read it!
You will not see this in a dream!
And the conscience? Well, don't dream about it,
And then again you will hate the whole world ...

Yesterday giraffe, it came to him,
He wrote his answer to criticism.
Let it do not matter, anyway,
He wrote, wrote, wrote, wrote ....

Well, friends, I will tell you without melting:
Our animals have not played played up in childhood
All the side: both children and family
They live among dreams and hobbies.


Grandma and the Internet
Baba, Baba, Give Pie -
The granddaughter asks her grandmother.
Wait - in the response of the grandmother,
I'll figure it out with the Internet!

Baba, woman, where is the pie?
The granddaughter continues to whine.
Take gingerbread in the buffet-
You see a baba on the Internet

Baba, woman, like a pie?
Again to the grandmother, granddaughter.
Granddaughter, eat a marshmallow in a vase,
I will break the question on the database!

Ba, hear, ba, you sing a pie-
A granddaughter buzzed in the doorway.
Granny raised her eyes:
I don’t get something:

Who is this? And whose pie?
Baba, it's me, granddaughter,
And the pie was fixed by himself,
That I am a little kid.

Yes, a grandmother hit the network,
Lossing on the Internet.
The grandson has long grown up,
The grandmother brought his pie.


Do not go, children, walk on the Internet!
Caution, children!
No way
Do not go to wild Internet yourself,
“Phil” hide there -
Evil crocodiles,
These are not genes! Grab, - "Am!" - And no!

It looks not dangerous
But it is not at all clear
How far, close, small or great,
Through networks
Goes to visit, children -
Maybe a terrible fairy -tale old man!

Maybe there, for the photo,
Very scary someone
Only in appearance good, and inside - a villain,
Having learned everything, he will deceive
Will lure-will,
No one will save you from his claws!

Meet the house near the house
He can, children,
Promise toys, fairy tales and sweets ...
But do not believe, children,
No way
Those with whom you are familiar through the Internet!

Immediately dad-mother
Tell us yourself
About the one who will lead a secret with you,
And keep in secret
No way
You do not promise this friendship! Not!
Stubborn kids,
Throwing books under the table,
Didn't listen to the advice!
Ranehonko, a little light
The guys went
(As in Africa once
Their grandparents!
On an endless Internet.

And there the game rumbles
He wants to be friends with everyone
You press and roll with a cursor: "Hurray !!!"
Brother wanted to stay -
So lost her brother
Already at the very entrance to the large network sister.

I raced to the battle in the tank,
And the battle did not end
And all the worst monsters stood in front of him.
From the tank dad with mom
Pulled, but stubborn,
Shouted: "Leave me alone!" Boy to his parents ...

Shouted, resisted
And, like a tank, clung
He is for the keyboard, forgetting about everything and everyone,
I didn't notice that I was eating
I didn't listen to my relatives at all -
I wanted to stay on the Internet without interference.

She whispered in the headphones
Game: “There is little left,
Come on, you will come out with a victory, a hero! ”
And he did not hear others,
Their voice was quieter
And there were only monsters, everyone was walking behind the system ...

And they sat in the room
They looked from all the corners
And with them the cat is reddened, just like a wild beast,
Prepared an attack -
For this behavior
It’s time to shoot him from the tank now!

But then mom intervened -
On the most important right
I took and turned off the computer from the network!
Pounding his feet, fighting,
He threatened to escape to escape,
As soon as they managed to catch halfway!

Where is the sister? Maybe,
In the game some too?
Here is an open laptop and correspondence in it:
“We are waiting for you at the fairy tale
Come, tie eyes
And we will spend the most important fairy through the mountains! ”

Believed by the uncle,
You will not enter the fairy tale!
Everyone around you have been told about it many times!
Girls and boys
They will open a fairy tale in the book -
She is both safe and interesting friend!
They caught our baby
Not at all a Ponaroshka
The villains are worse than terrible evil wolves ...
Do not go to visit them -
They have tooths - nails,
Swallow, they will not leave any hats or shoes!
Ah, you children children!
How could you in these
Internet collapses just to get?
What have you done?
They told you,
On the Internet is simply easily abyss!

Modern fable of Krylova in a new way

Modern fable of Krylova in a new way
Modern fable of Krylova in a new way

The modern fable of Krylova in a new way:

Elephant and Moska
In Odessa, the girl walked along the street
As you can see, for show.
It is known that the girls are not a curiosity with us,
So behind her crowds went to onlookers.
Take it off, after it is different
Seeing her, well, to rush to the arrival,
Hooting, and squeal, and undress;
Well, it climbs into a fight with her.
“Colleague, stop shaving,”
The other says - whether you compare with her?
You're naga, she goes ahead
Everyone looks at her, but the nudity does not notice yours,
“Eeeh! - Nagaya answers, -
That's just that gives me the spirit,
That I am, without a fight,
I can get into big scraps.
Let them say dogs:
They don't know that she,
This is only fit for this,
After all, as I am for 20 euros
She will do nothing ..


Baba with a cart - the wallet is easier
Do not swear to another hole - you yourself will get on the money
He was richer than her - she was good
Love Evil - You will love and goats for lava
Do not drink money from the face
If you want to fall in love, do not limit yourself to his finances!


“A friend is dear, great! Where have you been?
“On Deribasovskaya, my friend! I walked there for three hours;
I saw everything, looked out; From surprise,
Do you believe it, I will not be reduction
Retell to you, no strength
It is truly that the girls are there!
Where on inventions nature is thunder!
What blondes and brunettes did not see!
What neckline and mini,
I have not seen this at all,
Some are like an emerald, others like a coral!
Did I see the Irish pub?
I heard there are many women? "
I was tea, thought you met her there? "
"Is she there?" Yes, there".
“Well, brother is to blame:
I did not notice the "Bridge Lady" ... ...


The okange sky
When there is no agreement in politics,
Their business will not go in the way
And it will not work out of it, only flour.
Once the 1st, yes 2nd, yes bitch
They took to bring from the poles of the WHO
And together the three everyone was harnessed to him;
They climb out of the skin, but the cart is not on the way!
Pokla would seem easy for them:
Yes, the 1st with the euro pulls into the clouds,
The 2nd de to the dollar is back, and the bitch pulls into the hryvnia.
Who is to blame for them, who is right - not to judge us;
Yes, only WHO and now there.


Frog and ox
Frog, seeing the ox in the meadow,
She started to equal in his argument;
She was envious.
Well, sinter, Parfet and you to be faded.
"Look Natasha, will I be from him?"
He says to a girlfriend.
"No, Kumushka, far!"
“Look, I’ll get out wide.
Well, what?
Did I rise in price? " "Almost nothing."
"Well, how now?" "Well then." Puffed and puffed
And my intake finished on
That, not equal to the will,
In the clothes of the expensive - she froze.


Wolf and lamb
The strong is always powerless to blame:
In history, we hear the darkness of examples,
But we do not write stories;
But about how in fables they talk.

A hard worker entered the Oshchad Bank, which would vouch for interest;
And it is necessary to happen.
That near those places always hungry scoured the oligarch.
He sees the hard worker, strives for prey;
But, to give the case although a legal appearance and a lot,
Shouts: “How dare you, serf, with this shallow hryvnia
Is there a pure to stir up my euro, a naive outcast?
For the audacity of such interest, I will tear you off you!
- When the brightest oligarch will allow
I dare to tell you that below the stream
From the lordship of his steps, I drink at a hundred;
And he will be angry in vain:
I can’t stir up the euro. ”
So I'm lying?
Waste! It is heard that such audacity in the light!
In the seventeenth, at the beginning of the century
I somehow rude to me here:
I haven't forgotten that friend! "
"Have mercy, Lord",
The hard worker says: "Or was that your brother?"
"I have brothers, I have two children, kum and matchmaker,"
And, in a word, someone from your own family.
You yourself, your dogs and your shepherds,
You all want to be evil
And, if you can, then always harm me,
But I will reconnolate sins with you. ”
"Ah, what am I to blame?" “Be quiet! I'm tired of listening
I leisure to disassemble your guilt, puppy!
You are to blame for the fact that I want to eat. ”
He said, in a private bank, the hard worker was dragging.

Modern fables Mikhalkov in a new way

Modern fables Mikhalkov in a new way
Modern fables Mikhalkov in a new way

Modern fables Mikhalkov in a new way:

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do ...
Who was sitting at the desk,
Someone looked from the window.
Rita sang, Pashka slept,
Dima downloaded music.
Zina SMS slaughtered
Selfie and Vika did fame.
The fifth "B" was sitting, missing ...
And then Boris said.
- And today we have pilaf.
And you?
- And we have a big catch:
The older brother brought yesterday
We are half a bucket from fishing
And bream and crucian carp!
- Hey, listen soon:
In the evening we have a show
New clips. This is once! -
Ira picked up the topic
And again she spoke:
- Uncle comes to visit
And as a gift from a parrot
Bring. And these are two.
And for the day of birth
The scooter will be bought on Sunday.
These are three. And on the ticket
We go to the emirates with Vovka ...
Chorus together instead of Ira
Cried the whole class: "Four!"
The dozing Pashka jumped up
And he said: everything is yesterday!
I have my own pilot
And in the hangar - a plane.
If only I want
I’ll fly to the pole ...
The silence around has come.
Angelica suddenly said:
- Dad is your millionaire?
From Bahrain, for example?
On vacation in Egypt
Are you resting or in Cyprus?
- I was in Cyprus and in Egypt,
On Canaries and Haiti ...
Only better at home:
Everything is native, everything is familiar
And friends are full.
I offer everyone in the cinema
Go to 3d now!
Fifth grade broke from the places!
Looked, scolded
And they flew into the "Film".
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do ...


Dragonfly and ant in a new way
Dragonfly jump
The whole movie watched the evening
I did not have time to look back-
Eyes are closed.
On a comfortable on the crib
Dog Dream Dreaming Sweet,
As if all her notebooks
In the perfect order.
You have to wake up in the morning,
Go to school again.
Evil longing is dejected,
She crawls to the ant.
Do not leave me, cute kum,
I have no strength to study.
In general, I want to say:
Let me write off your home.
Kumushka, this is strange for me.
Well, tell me a secret
What were you doing yesterday?
Rested until the morning!
I walked on the street
She sang at home and danced,
I managed to play again
Lieuted and ate,
I looked at the "Yeralash" ...
Do you write off when will I give me?
Or do you feel sorry for your notebooks?
Well, you, Dragonfly, impudent!
I know, grandfather Krylov
He loves ants.
We, poor dragonzees,
He does not count for people.
Dragonies Ile Dragon-Wr.
How rightly they say?
Yes, I was big lucky
That I did not become a dragonfly.
Get an education
It is impossible without starting.
The moral of this fable you are a mustache:
Learn, if you were not a dragonfly!

Video: Fable about the wolf. Funny and instructive story

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