Home cat behavior: how to understand what the cat wants to tell you?

Home cat behavior: how to understand what the cat wants to tell you?

Cat behavior sometimes seems strange, but this is not so. Each movement speaks of something.

The modest observations of people after the representatives of the fauna gave a person a clear idea that each animal has an individual character in the process of growing up, needs and desires arise. The same applies to cats - in places we clearly understand when the cat wants to eat or sleep. At times, a pet can demand attention to himself, and sometimes they want to retire. But still, the language of cats is quite specific, so an unprepared person may not understand what the cat wants in a particular situation.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The cat is sluggish, sleeps a lot: norm or pathology?". You will find out what to do if the cat eats little and sleeps a lot.

From this article you will learn what the cat wants to say when it lifts the tail or does not ask for food when it plays with his favorite toy, but does not leave without attention and a person. Observe your pet and decipher what he wants to say is interesting. Read further.

Home cat - behavior: if it is hungry

Home cat
Home cat

A homemade cat does not hide a feeling of hunger, he will definitely inform his master about it. Behavior if it is hungry:

  • The cat will walk around you, not giving the aisle until he gets the desired.
  • He does not take his eyes, lifts his face and tail high, and will be rubbed with his whole body on your legs.
  • Depending on the character, the pet will also recall that he needs to be fed.

There are other situations - for example, you started watching TV, simultaneously taking with you goodies. Such food can be completely inedible for cats, but they may not understand this. Regardless of food consumed by a person, cats will begged for exactly what his owner eats.

To show a person about his feeling of hunger or to beg a yummy, the cat will use different tricks and tricks:

  • He will fall his forehead
  • Will purr, singing sweet songs
  • Will make round eyes
  • All kind to blackmail and beg your master

If a person continues to ignore the desires of the cat, he does not hesitate and can pull off the coveted piece, and it does not matter where - from a plate or from hands.

The cat family, regardless of size, refers to night animals. During the day or evening, the cat can sleep well, and wakefully at night. They will demand breakfast early, barely waking up at four in the morning, inform the owner of hunger. If the bedroom is closed with a high degree of probability, they will try to call the owner through the door, and if it is open, they will look for you through the blanket, methodically groaning you with their paws.

To fix this situation, it is recommended to leave some of the food before bedtime so that the cat can eat during the night. If you do not do this, you have to listen to imploring requests during the night. Many people can’t stand it, and rise early in the morning to feed their pet.

The cat experiences malaise: Features of behavior

The cat experiences malaise
The cat experiences malaise

If your cat looks gloomy in the morning, does not ask for food, and does not even react to the cherished whores of the bags, then the cat experiences malaise. Features of behavior at such moments:

  • The cat will not respond to food, no matter how delicious it is.
  • It will lie on her stomach, the wool will cease to be smooth, and the pupils will be greatly expanded.

It is not necessary to think that in such a situation the cat has a stomach hurt. There can be a lot of reasons for malaise. In some cases, this behavior may be the result of pain in case of unsuccessful jump or fall. In addition, you do not need to be angry with cats if at this moment they show aggression and bite. Most likely, this is due to pain.

Important: Do not delay the examination, you do not need to hope that everything will cost by itself. It is recommended to visit a veterinarian, pass full -fledged tests and cure a cat with a disease or injury.

Consider a number of signs that show that the cat is experiencing ailments:

The cat stuck out the tongue excessively and does not remove it for a long time:

  • This feature clearly demonstrates that the cat has seriously ill.
  • Moreover, the reasons for this behavior can be different, for example, kidney stones.
  • Ignoring symptoms can lead to serious consequences, in some cases the animal may fall into a coma.

Regular cough or similar sound:

  • Symptom of the presence of worms at an early age.
  • A cough in a cat at an advanced age may indicate the signs of an impending heart attack.
  • But sometimes, this reason can be less serious, for example, in the process of playing a cat choked with a thread.

The vomiting of a cat can be a natural reaction, even if she did it twice in a short time:

  • In the process of licking, animals can swallow their own wool and artificially cause vomiting.
  • Juicy grass in the country also affects such ailment.
  • Vomiting with white foam is due to a feeling of hunger in a pet.
  • If the cat is very often tearing, blood or vomiting is bright yellow, you need to begin to act immediately.
  • Such symptoms show the presence of a serious infection or disease in the body in a pet.

Important: In the presence of one of the signs in the animal, urgently visit the veterinarian to establish a diagnosis.

If the cat is constantly shaking her head, maybe she got her ear. And if the paw tweaks with some frequency, it got hurt, and the wound has not yet healed. If the cat stopped licking, and previously carefully looked after the appearance - this is a clear sign of the fall in immunity and malaise.

Behavior - the cat is boring: how to understand this?

The cat is boring
The cat is boring

The cat is often in a playful mood. How to understand this:

  • She will surely demonstrate this condition - she will bring her favorite toy, or maybe she herself will arrange attacks on slippers and hands.
  • Sometimes pets climb their hands or knees and do not allow you to work at a computer or view the content on the phone.
  • This is normal behavior when a pet is boring.

The cat must be playful. These animals are predators and hunters, so games and hunting for them is an important component for health. Regular games for them are equivalent to proper and regular nutrition. An advanced age will not serve as an obstacle to games. Of course, due to age, they will become less mobile, but do not exclude games from their routine. Thanks to the games, kittens grow and develop faster - the process of forming muscles, bones and joints occurs.

Sometimes it may seem that cats are closed animals, but this is not so. They are very dependent on the social environment, therefore, for normal psychological development, it is recommended to play regularly with them. Such a lesson will not only brighten leisure, but also make you closer to each other. In appendage to everything, a person will receive a charge of vigor.

It is worth understanding: Cats are not selective in the choice of toys. If there are no special similar objects for animals in the house, it is enough to make a bow and tie it on a rope.

A cat requires cleanliness in the house: strange behavior

Cats are very squeamish and clean animals. They will not go to a dirty tray. This is unacceptable for them. In addition, the cat will not go to the pot if chaos reigns in it or around it. Such a negative atmosphere will lead to the fact that the cat will do the right thing where it will be more pleased. Alas, they will not warn you about it. This behavior of a pet may seem strange. Therefore, you should know that there are such reasons - the cat requires cleanliness.

It is worth noting that discontent to the environment, cats are expressed by a negative attitude. For example, the animal defiantly begins to bury something in a pot, and quite loudly. In some situations, cats will fidget the edge of the lance with their paw, periodically meowed. If you do not want to find traces of the life of a pet somewhere in slippers, it is recommended to start hearing and understanding his hints.

The cat or cat is going to arrange an attack: how to smooth out the aggressive, poor behavior of a pet?

Cat or cat is going to arrange an attack
Cat or cat is going to arrange an attack

The cat expresses its insidious intentions about the attack brightly and aggressively. At this moment, she turns her ears back, turns them with a small envelope, and the pupils are greatly increased. At the same time, she will look at you without looking up, but in some cases make terrible sounds. So, the cat is going to arrange an attack on how to smooth out the aggressive, poor behavior of a pet?

  • It should be understood that cats are primarily predators, only then soft and fluffy creatures. They will not endure manifestations of disrespectful attitude towards themselves.
  • But, nevertheless, cats rarely show aggression in relation to their owners. If this happens, most likely, there was a good reason, and the cat is defended from attacks.
  • Sometimes aggressive animals are found. This behavior is characterized by non -arranged cats. They are instinctively forced to protect their own territory and show aggression in relation to strangers. This behavior may change, but this will take a lot of time. Therefore, the owner just needs to be patient.

Female individuals of such animals in rare cases are aggressive. For the most part, this happens during the birth of kittens. Very rarely cats or cats can show aggression in relation to the offenders of the owners. Such behavior of an animal can be expressed if someone dares to raise a voice or harm a loved one in any other way.

To exclude the manifestation of aggression in relation to oneself, it is recommended to very protect, to show love and care in relation to the animal. The proverb is appropriate here - "What you sow, then you will reap."

Recognition of love: behavior characteristic of a cat

If a close connection is established between humans and animals from early childhood, the cat does not hesitate to admit love to its owners at the first opportunity. She will gently butt her head, and purr in your arms. At this moment they do not need anything, just a response caress on your part. At some point, the cat can begin to lick you. Such behavior is especially characteristic of a cat-girl. Perhaps she subconsciously considers you her kitten and will carefully wash your skin.

At some point, the cat can carefully massage the soft place (stomach, the upper part of the hand, etc.) of a person, alternately fingering with paws. This behavior is especially characteristic of small kittens in relation to the mother. Most likely she considers you her parent. But with age, this habit does not pass, and the so -called "milk walking" can manifest itself in relation to a loved one.

Light and awkward bite of human skin can also be a manifestation of love from the pet. Such a cat loving kiss is accompanied by a gentle purr in the process.

Personal personal space - a cat's behavior has changed: what to do?

Personal personal space of a cat
Personal personal space of a cat

Immediately after the cat settled in your house, the owner’s private real estate goes under the control of fluffy. This is her personal personal space. And in order to designate their territory, they will be rubbed against every free corner with their muzzle. It will seem to the person that the behavior of a cat has changed, but this is not so. This is her usual state. What to do?

  • The fact is that behind the ears of cats there are special glands, which give the animal their individual and unique smell.
  • Hormones are released from them.
  • This is a physiological process and it is impossible to influence it. You do not need to do anything.

On the paws, as well as on the muzzle of animals, there are also substances with which they mark their territory. And sometimes a cat can specially touch you. Thus, she makes it clear that a person has become her property.

What the tail signals: unusual cat behavior

Oddly enough, the tail of your fluffy can also signal about its spiritual mood. A clear sign of positive mood and unusual behavior of a cat is a vertically raised tail. At this moment, the cat completely and completely trusts its master, and in response awaits the manifestation of affection and communication. Most likely, it was from here that the expression "hold the tail with a gun." Only confident in himself, in his master and its territory, will proudly step with a raised tail.

Some activity of this part of the animal’s body occurs during the period of communication between other animals or in contact with a person. And here you need to be able to distinguish what exactly the cat wants to say at a particular moment:

  1. Raised tail with a small institution He will show that the cat is experiencing comfort and happiness at the moment.
  2. If this part of the body of the pet often twitches - He is stressed. It is better to show the cat to the veterinarian.
  3. Roused wool on the tail will be a sign of tension. A fanned tail serves as a frightening effect for the enemy.
  4. If the cat has a lot of adhesivePerhaps she experiences excitement and fear.
  5. Small vibrations during the period of communication with a person, They will mean a manifestation of joy in relation to the owner.
  6. If a cat's tail sticks out a pipe, and she herself fell on her front paws - most likely the pet intends to attack the offender. At this moment, you need to either stop playing with the animal, or take the handles and try to caress.

You need to especially carefully approach the time when the cat’s tail is lowered or clamped between the hind legs. This behavior is characteristic of the first acquaintance or in unexplored area. In addition, a cat may experience guilt. One way or another, a lowered or clamped tail demonstrates tension and discomfort.

If the cat waves its tail from side to side, then most likely, it is aggressive to someone or something. In some cases, this behavior will serve as a vivid sign for readiness for the game. But each cat has individual character, therefore, pets can react differently to the same situations.

We study the cat's gaze: how to understand what the cat wants to tell you?

We study the cat's gaze
We study the cat's gaze

The favorite of the favorite is also a good indicator of the mood and communication of a cat. For example, she will definitely squint at pleasure. The cat's eyes almost never let you lie that she has on her mind. So, we study the cat's gaze. How to understand what the cat wants to tell you?

  • Extended pupils appear at the time of testing strong feelings. The cat can worry about something, feel joy or be aggressive at the time of the game.
  • In an unfamiliar environment, the pet feels discomfort and should not be surprised when, at the first examination of new possessions, the cat walks and explores the area with advanced pupils.
  • A direct look will indicate a comfort received next to a person. Appreciate such moments.
  • The same thing, if the cat squints and blinks slowly - she feels well and controls the situation.

Eyes are a powerful tool for communicating your fluffy. But it is worth remembering that the eyes are far from the last way to communicate a cat and man. The pet has a whole arsenal of communicative skills for communication in the environment. Read further.

What are the movements of cat paws about: the strange behavior of a cat

The cat involves its paws to communicate with a person. What are the movements of cat paws about? At first glance, it may seem that this is the strange behavior of a cat, but this is not so. Here's what you should know:

  • If she gently touched the person with his paw, then the cat is trying to attract your attention. Often such touches are accompanied by rumbling, which once again shows the level of trust in relation to the owner.
  • Having managed to attract attention, the cat will try to show what she wants.
  • If, in the process of communication, the cat touches the person’s face with his paw, she seems to ask for affection in relation to herself.
  • If the pet lies on your chest, and tramples with paws, then most likely he marks his territory and expresses confidence.
  • A hug with one paw shows a playful mood. In this case, it is recommended to leave their affairs as far as possible and pay attention to the pet.

Cats are amazing animals. Many of us do not represent life without them. Study the behavior of your pet to know what he wants. So you will make his life easier, and the cat, in turn, will reward with his affectionate attitude. Good luck!

Video: How to find a common language with your cat?

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