How to get out of a newborn kitten without a cat? How to feed, how to care for a newborn kitten?

How to get out of a newborn kitten without a cat? How to feed, how to care for a newborn kitten?

Instructions for nursing newborn kittens.

Cats are animals with a pronounced maternal instinct that easily feed 8 cubs. Feeding lasts up to 4 months, along with the parallel use of ordinary products. In this article we will tell you how to go out a newborn kitten without a cat. 

How to nurse newborn kittens without a cat: microclimate features

There is no possibility of natural feeding kittens, because the cat can die, get under the car or seriously get sick after the birth of the kids. Some animals need the treatment of inflammation of the walls of the uterus and even surgery, which ends with the prescription of antibiotics. The weakness of the cat, the use of antibiotics do not allow it to feed the kids. Some animals refuse to feed the cubs, showing aggression, try to bite them. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the kids, find a nurse cat. If this is impossible, you will have to take care of the kittens. It must be understood that this is a very difficult task, it is necessary that someone be in the house for the first month. The most important- this is Temperature regime.

How to nurse newborn kittens without a cat, microclimate features:

  • Newborn animals spend most of the time near the mother, and the minimum ambient temperature should be at least 20 degrees. Therefore, you need to take care of the heater, a heating pad. You can purchase a rubber heating pad, dial water in plastic bottles.
  • It is necessary to wrap the bottles with boiling water in dense towels, lay near the cubs. Water will cool down more slowly, the pet will not burn. The colder in the room, the more often you will have to change a heating pad or a bottle of water. If the pets begin to worry, shake, you need to change the heating pad. 
  • During the first week, hot water should be available to kids even at night. It is allowed to save the heating pad until the pets are reached a month. In order for the animals to warm up well, a warm litter is needed in the box in which they will be contained. It is best if the plastic bottle is near each wall so that any cub can press to a warm place.

How to go out a newborn kitten, can you feed it with milk?

It is recommended to keep the cubs of everyone together. This is necessary so that the kids warm up faster, do not freeze after cooling the heating pad. Animals feel safe, feeling breathing nearby. However, in the first week you need to look closely at the behavior of animals. Do not leave them unattended until the umbilical cord is healed. It is necessary to observe the kids until they reach one month. You need to see how they interact with each other. Hungry cubs can suck on each other, hematomas are observed in the genital organs, abdomen. They can suck each other ears and tails. In weak cubs, hematomas and places to which brothers were sucked.  

How to go out a newborn kitten, you can feed it with milk:

  • So that the animals do not suck each other, they need to be fed more often, pick up, ironed and warm. The sucking reflex remains for several months, but without a mother, cats can suck the owners with fingers, earlobes, chew hair.
  • This is quite normal, the main task during this period to keep the kids warmly, to provide a sufficient supply of carbohydrates and proteins, to feed correctly. Kids eat very often due to the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is produced only in 3 weeks. Therefore, it is permissible to introduce complementary foods no earlier than three weeks of age. 
  • Kittens feed on milk. Cow milk is not suitable for these purposes, since it has a low fat content. The cat’s milk contains 11% fat and protein, and in the cow's concentration of fat only 3.5%. The concentration of dairy sugar is distinguished, in the milk of predators it is much smaller. But in addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the pet needs special minerals, which are not in the cow or goat milk. 

A mixture for feeding newborn kittens

Some veterinarians recommend purchasing a regular milk mixture for newborn children. However, most of the owners of the kids notes that after such feeding in animals, diarrhea, diarrhea, watery stools with a lot of mucus. This indicates improper feeding, the mixture does not cover all the needs of the animals. Therefore, it is best to purchase a special mixture for predators. 

A mixture for feeding newborn kittens:

  • Royal Canin 
  • Beaphar Kitty Milk 
  • Beaphar Lactol 
  • Gosbi 
  • Gimpet Cat-Milk 
  • Hartz Milk for Kittens 

Feeding newborn kittens

What to do if the kittens are suddenly without a mother, they need to feed them with something? In this case, the first thing you might think about is milk. It is not suitable for cats due to low fat content, so the best option is 10% cream. For many people, they may seem fatty enough, but the fat content of cat milk is 10%, the same as low -fat cream. However, unlike cream, a mixture for feeding pets contains more protein. Therefore, you can cook food yourself.

Feeding newborn kittens:

  • To do this, it is necessary to mix 400 ml of cow's milk with one raw egg yolk, 15 g of vegetable oil, 150 g of low -fat cottage cheese without lactose, enter 2 capsules of vitamin E, 200 mg taurine and 5 g 20% \u200b\u200bof calcium additive.
  • All this mixture is beaten with a blender and is heated to a temperature of 35 degrees. This mixture has enough protein, mineral components, as well as fat to cover the need for pets. 

How often to feed newborn kittens?

Immediately after birth, feeding is necessary every 2 hours, including at night. In the second week, it is necessary to wake up every 3 hours, and in the third week feeding is carried out every 5 hours.

How often to feed newborn kittens:

  • At night, you can extend the interval up to 6 hours if the pets do not wake up and do not squeak. At 4 weeks, it is necessary to feed animals 4-6 times a day. By the end of this week, meat feeding is introduced. If pets are worried, squeak, constantly hungry, they need to feed them more often, every hour.
  • It is best, for the period of feeding babies, take a vacation to provide them with constant care. You can not store the finished mixture at room temperature. During the day, it is suitable for use in chilled form.
  • Before each feeding, it is necessary to heat the mixture to a temperature of 35 degrees. This can be done in a microwave or in a water bath. Before giving food to the kids, it is necessary to drip food on the wrist to control the temperature. 
Day sleep
Day sleep

What to feed animals from: bottles for newborn kittens

For feeding newborns, use bottles specially designed for kittens. But if they are not, then a syringe will do. 

What to feed animals, bottles for newborn kittens:

  • The main advantage of the bottle is that you can replace the pacifier, depending on the age of the pet. It is problematic to purchase a special bottle for feeding pets, you may have to order via the Internet.
  • There are not always such products in a veterinary store. To feed the animal, it is necessary to hold it under the mice vertically. If it is very small, the position of lying on the stomach is allowed. You can not lay the pet on his back so that he does not choke. The cubs should suck a bottle on their own, you can’t fill the mixture, because it can cause strangulation or the milk mixture in the lungs. 
  • It is necessary to hold the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees, and the animal muzzle should be raised up. Many owners are interested in how much the pet is the pet at a time. During the first week, up to 5 ml for one feeding. In the second week, the amount may increase to 10 ml, and in the third to 15 ml.
  • It should be borne in mind that the children's mixture purchased in a store for ordinary children is too watery, the pet can drink much more than indicated above. This increases the volume of the stomach, often contributes to the occurrence of bloating. The animal can often go to the toilet "in the way " diarrhea. The milk of predators contains a lot of protein and fat, so 10-15 ml of a cat mixture for one feeding is quite enough. They give pets food from the bottle until they can independently lash it from the bowl. 

Constipation in a newborn kitten during artificial feeding, what to do?

It must be understood that newborn kittens from the first days of life cannot independently empty. The cat helps them in the act of defecation, massaging the stomach, as well as the anus with the tongue. Therefore, immediately after feeding, it is necessary to massage the tummy clockwise. If the animal is picked up from the street, or it is born by a street cat, it is necessary to carefully control its chair. If diarrhea alternates with constipation, the stomach is bloated like a dense bag, worms are in the intestines in the intestines. Therefore, all the cubs born of stray cats, in the first week of life, give a special suspension from worms. Anthelmary drugs are strong poisons, can kill kittens. Strictly adhere to the dosage and mix the suspension with the mixture or inject a syringe without a needle in the mouth.  

Constipation of a newborn kitten during artificial feeding, what to do:

  • It is best to do massage with a cotton pad moistened in warm water. After massage of the abdomen, it is necessary to move upward movements, wipe the anal hole of the pet. Massage helps them empty, since they cannot do this on their own.
  • The pet should walk in a lovely after each feeding, and by and large-4 times a day. At first, the chair in newborns can be soft, light brown in color. Standard hard stool is formed only with the introduction of complementary foods. In order for the animals to grow well, they must be constantly weighed, controlling the mass. It is best to weigh animals every day in the first week. Weight increase every day should be more than 15 g. 
  • What to do if the pets do not go to the toilet, they are tormented by constipation? This is quite possible when feeding an artificial mixture, because the qualitative and quantitative composition of milk depends on the needs of the babies, constantly changes with their age.
  • Unfortunately, the composition of the mixture is constantly the same, cannot cover the needs of absolutely all kittens, regardless of their age and health status. Therefore, if the kitten goes to the toilet less than once a day, the feces are very hard, dense, the animal torments pain, it is necessary to perform the abdomen massage. To reduce the number of massaging movements, you can give kittens a soft laxative - lactusan. It is worth asking the veterinarian, how laxative he recommends a specific breed of kittens. 
A bottle for kittens
A bottle for kittens

Read many interesting articles about cats on our website:

Newborn kittens in search of a mother can wander, get out of their den, so it is necessary that the new home has high walls. An ordinary cardboard box is suitable. It is desirable that this is not a shoe box, but with high walls. Cardboard holds heat well. If the box becomes worthless, it can be easily thrown away. Disposable, absorbent diapers are laid on the bottom. Flice is suitable, but it should be washed periodically, because the kids will go to the toilet in their own den at the first time. You can not use wool products, as pets can get confused in villi. 

Video: How to get out of newborn kittens?

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