The legs and arms, fingers, heels, feet in men, women constantly freeze: psychosomatics, causes, treatment, reviews

The legs and arms, fingers, heels, feet in men, women constantly freeze: psychosomatics, causes, treatment, reviews

With the advent of winter, when it becomes more difficult to warm up, there is a desire not to leave the house, since the wind blows on the street, rain pours, and sometimes the first frosts appear. As a rule, limbs suffer from the cold, they most often hypothermia, but sometimes it is impossible to warm their legs or arms, getting home into heat, and many people freeze even in the summer, so they do not remove socks and when the heat is on the street.

Why do legs and arms begin to freeze? Let's try to understand the causes and methods of solving the problem. You can find out when you need to worry if the feet and palms are icy, even in a warm house.

Hands and arms, fingers, heels, feet in men, women even at home, in warmth, in socks, and in summer, in winter, are constantly freezing

When the limbs begin to freeze due to hypothermia or wet shoes, this is considered normal. You will solve the problem quickly, it also does not need to study it intently. But when the legs and palms remain ice even in a warm apartment, be sure to pay special attention to this.

Hands and legs freeze in this case for the following reasons:

  • Sedentary work, constant pose when the legs are packed. In this position, blood circulation is disturbed, due to which the legs begin to freeze.
  • Most once transferred frostbite legs or arms. Basically, after such cases, limbs begin to regularly freeze for a long period of time.
  • Regular hard diets, frequent fasting. Such nutrition is considered one of the reasons why the limbs freeze. The mockery of your own organism will never pass without a trace.
  • Loss of a large amount of blood.
  • The use of drugs. Some drugs cause the chilliness of the feet, for example, anaprilin. It can also be funds with the components of the spores that are prescribed for gynecological disease.
  • Improper nutrition, poor sleep or lack of rest.
  • Smoking.
  • Hormonal disbalance.

Psychosomatics: Foots freeze

  • Legs are the "engine" of the body. They affect many processes, body functions. Pain during walking, stretching, chills of the feet have not only mechanical nature. A person may develop different ailments that relate to knees, joints, feet. When the work of the legs is disturbed, the general condition of a person changes radically.
  • All those symptoms that occur with cold legs indicate the presence of disorders in the body. Doctors who are engaged in psychoanalysis claim that our feet can affect fears.
  • Each problem related to the legs is considered fear of progress, promotion. A person simply wants to resist the changes, he does not have a desire to move forward in the necessary direction.

Hands and legs are numb and freeze: reasons, for what diseases?

Hands and legs freeze due to the following diseases:

  • Diabetes. In this ailment, blood vessels begin to suffer. Due to the disease, they become fragile, blood clots form in them.
  • Anemia. If a person has low hemoglobin, the transportation of oxygen over the body worsens. Due to this state, metabolic processes, heat formation worsen.
  • Reino's disease. The ailment worries those who suffer from vascular neurosis. The disease often causes intense cramps of small arteries, which leads to poor tolerance of the legs, hands of low temperature.
  • Hypotension. This disease is considered one of the most serious. During very low pressure, the blood flow is disturbed, which is why the limbs suffer.
  • Exponating endarteritis. The disease occurs, as a rule, in people who smoke. A poor blood flow leads to thrombus or narrowing of the clearance of arteries. This can lead to the fact that the limbs are freezing.
  • Venous stagnation. The next reason for chilliness, numbness of the limbs. In addition to the fact that the patient constantly wants to warm the feet, his legs can also swell and hurt. Complications are still possible, for example, veins are inflamed.
  • VSD. This disease is considered one of the main reasons when the limbs often freeze. The ailment is characterized by people up to 30 years old.
Numbness due to the cold
Numbness due to the cold

There are also other reasons why the legs and arms are freezing:

  • Age -related changes. Over time, the human immune system becomes weaker. In humans, the volume of muscle tissue decreases, blood circulation, heat transfer are disturbed, metabolic processes are slowed down. The body is worse than self -regulation.
  • Hypothyroidism. The poor work of the thyroid gland. During such an ailment, all important processes in the body slow down.
  • Atopic dermatitis. A person who was ill with this disease in childhood will constantly freeze in the future, he will be allergic.
  • Heart failure. The ailment is often accompanied by such a symptom when the patient has limbs.
  • Worms, various parasites. Because of them, spasms arise in the vessels, which leads to cooling the limbs.

The knees of the right and left legs are freezing: Reasons

The knees can freeze because of:

  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Iron deficiency anemia.
  • Parasitic invasion.
  • Smoking. Due to smoking, normal blood flow in the body is disturbed. The legs begin to suffer, and especially the knees.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Incorrect choice of clothes, not for the season.
  • Frequent wetting of the legs.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Lack of useful substances. Often this happens if a person eats poorly, keeps strict diets.
  • Anemia of the fingertips. Due to this disease, subcutaneous adipose tissues are depleted during aging of the body.
  • Injuries of knees, joints.
Cold knees
Cold knees

Very often, knees freeze very much if blood circulation in the legs is disturbed due to such problems:

  • Varicose veins or vascular anomaly. During these ailments, the feet also swell.
  • Heart disease. When a person is detected in pathology, he often feels tired, he has dizziness.
  • Endocrine disorders. As a result of such a disease, failures occur in the endocrine system. As a result, nerve receptors are not so sensitive. The patient feels pain, coolness and a small tingling in the knee area.
  • Wearing shoes that squeeze the legs and feet.

The left arm and left leg are freezing: reasons, what to do?

When the legs and hands often freeze, the condition does not pass, even if a person changes his pose, rubs his hands and legs, then the reasons lies in the following diseases:

  • Osteocondritis of the spine. Often only one limb is affected. A nerve root is squeezed on the left side of the ridge, which leads to numbness of the hand and feet. The left leg is especially freezing and numb, when a person sits in one position for a long time.
  • Multiple sclerosis. This ailment most often bothers people up to 40 years old. The reasons why this pathology arises has not yet been discovered even despite the fact that the disease is considered quite common.
  • Tia (transit ischemic attacks). During the disease, limbs are numb and freeze, their sensitivity disappears.
  • Sciatica. When the sciatic nerve is inflamed, the patient is concerned about severe pain, weakness, running goosebumps on the back of the leg.
  • Peripheral polyneuropathy. As a result of such a disease, the sensitivity of the limbs is lost, peripheral nerves are affected, and conductivity is disturbed inside.
  • Chronic kidney diseases. With this ailment, the sensitivity of the legs, arms, as the peripheral nerves are affected.
  • Lyme disease. It is transmitted through a tick bite. The patient has a fever, a skin rash, chills on a leg, a hand. Symptoms do not appear immediately, but only after 1 or 2 months, when an infection enters the body.
  • Micro -worship, when partially violated the functions of the brain, or a pre -intelligent state.
  • Neoplasms in the brainwho squeeze the blood flow responsible for the left side of the body.
Cold in the legs can be associated with ailments
Cold in the legs can be associated with ailments

There is no universal method of treating the disease. In any case, the help of a doctor who will find out the main reason is required. Especially if the symptom bothers you constantly.

The right hand and leg freezes: reasons

The reasons because of which the right hand and leg freezes are similar to those when the left limbs freeze.

Why do your legs freeze when you go to bed, under a blanket, at night in a dream, your legs sweat and freeze

The reasons why the legs freeze a lot. It can be internal factors, as well as external ones.


  • Bed sheetsmade of artificial materials. It can cause when the legs begin to sweat strongly, and therefore freeze.
  • High temperature in the room. When the room in the room is too warm, the feet, palms, as well as armpits, and that means they will freeze abundantly.
  • Strong physical activity in the evening The footsteps are given in active sweating, which under the blanket can be very freezing.
  • Drinking alcohol, spicy, fried or smoked food before bedtime.
Even in a dream and under the covers
Even in a dream and under the covers


If there are no external factors, then the legs are freezing due to internal pathology in the body:

  • Infectious disease.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Fungal disease.
  • Heart disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cancer tumor.

Why do legs freeze from a hangover?

  • Alcoholic drinks negatively affect the operation of the joints and the circulatory system. This leads to the fact that the legs are freezing and hurting.
  • Any drink that contains alcohol worsens the functioning of muscles, can provoke the development of inflammation.
  • The pain is aching, persists even after the person is completely sober. This suggests that intoxication of the body occurred, due to which pathology began to develop.

It is worth highlighting the following reasons why the legs are freezing after drinking alcohol:

  • Vascular spasms. After taking alcohol, blood circulation worsens, itching occurs, capillaries can be clogged.
  • Venous deficiency. Pathology is manifested if a person often consumes alcoholic beverages. Alcohol negatively affects the health of people who are predisposed to alcoholism. As a result, they develop venous diseases, blood circulation is disturbed.
  • Swelling. They appear when a person drinks a lot of liquids, especially if it contains alcohol. Often these problems are worried about those who love beer and other low -alcohol drinks.
  • Lack of calcium. Due to alcohol from the body, calcium is removed faster, the result-the legs often freeze, seizures in the joints occur, sleep is disturbed.
  • Inhibition of central nervous systems. With this ailment, limbs are numb, discomfort, severity, as well as tingling in the feet.

Why do arms and legs freeze at temperatures?

  • Doctors call this state when hands and legs freeze at temperatures "White fever." All because the skin of a person at such moments becomes pale. This pattern can be easily explained.
  • When the patient has limbs during the temperature, then he has vascular spasms.
  • In such situations, a person experiences weakness, he freezes, he is dizzy. But the forehead and the whole head, at the same time, are quite hot.
Frequent phenomenon at temperature
Frequent phenomenon at temperature

The legs are freezing with varicose veins: what to do?

Are you touched by this problem and your legs freeze with varicose veins? The following recommendations will help you alleviate the condition:

  • Do the legs of the legs regularly. So you normalize blood circulation in the feet.
  • Change not very comfortable shoes.
  • Do not overcool your legs. Make sure that your legs do not freeze in the winter.
  • Pay special attention to physical training, avoid strong loads.
  • If varicose veins began to develop unexpectedly, review your own diet. Refuse harmful products, add more vegetables, fruits, vitamins, food in which there are many useful substances.

If these measures do not bring a positive result, and negative symptoms will continue to progress, undergo an examination in the hospital. To get started, visit the therapist. He will collect all the tests, examine your limbs.

As a result of the examinations, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis, direct you to the correspondingdoctor:

  • If the problem is with the joints, you will have to visit cardiologist or phlebologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist.
  • In the ailments of the nervous system, help will be needed neurologist or neuropathologist.

VSD, the legs are freezing: what to do?

With this ailment, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Wear thermal underwear.
  • Put special elements in the shoes that warm the feet.
  • Arrange more often feet sauna. The duration of one procedure should be 60 minutes. With such a simple method, you can warm not only your legs, but also palms.
Foot sauna
Foot sauna

Doctors also recommend doing the following if the legs freeze with VSD:

  • Reduce adrenaline in the blood or the sensitivity of the body to this substance. Drink soothing drugs. The course of treatment will be prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Refuse sedentary work, lie less on the couch. Because of such a lifestyle Spasms develop in the vessels, the body's resistance to frost, cold weather decreases.
  • Move more. Do not sit, do not regret yourself. Every day go out for a walk outside, you can slowly run. This method helps warm the limbs, as well as lose weight.

Why do elderly people freeze?

  • Cool weather. Due to the low temperature, blood flows, the walls of blood vessels are reduced, and blood circulation is disturbed. As a result of this, blood begins to quickly flow to the heart and liver, so it does not suffer enough in the limbs, which is why they freeze.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Poor -quality, not suitable shoes, clothes. Thin things that do not correspond to the weather, tights and stockings, uncomfortable shoes - all this does not warm in cool weather, but causes only increased heat transfer.
  • Strong hypothermia. Fraud at a young age has a negative impact in old age.
  • Taking medicines. Sometimes legs freeze when a person takes some drugs. This leads to the fact that the legs freeze.
  • Changes arising with age. Over time, when a person is aging, he deteriorates metabolic processes, hormonal background, and the volume of fat under the skin decreases. Blood circulation slows down, which is why heat transfer is disturbed.
Due to impaired blood circulation and heat transfer
Due to impaired blood circulation and heat transfer

Also, the reasons why the legs can freeze are various diseases:

  • Problems associated with the endocrine system.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Slow metabolism.
  • Stroke.
  • VSD.
  • Stagnation of blood in the veins.
  • Diabetes.
  • Unstable blood pressure.
  • Increased cholesterol.
  • Allergies, neurological pathologies.
  • Sepsis.
  • Heart failure.

Why do legs freeze in type 2 diabetes: reasons, what to do?

With diabetes, blood vessels are damaged, their fragility increases, thrombus, stagnation appears in the limbs, and blood circulation worsens. This is the main cause of cold legs with type 2 diabetes.

  • Many people around the world are sick with diabetes. As statistics show, every 10 years the number of patients with this ailment only increases. The most dangerous complication is diabetic foot. As a result of this disease, many patients are amputated by legs.
  • The skin on the feet during diabetes changes significantly, since the patient does not function well with sweat and sebaceous glands. The skin becomes dried, peeling off, it often develops on it bacteria or fungi.
  • Many patients can have flat feet when fingers are deformed. During walking, prolonged standing, wearing uncomfortable shoes on the feet arise cornsbecause of which they appear cracksAnd the legs are freezing.
  • With this condition, you cannot use pricking and cutting objects, metal brushes. It is also forbidden to walk barefoot so that the feet are not accidentally damaged.

Doctors advise Care with your feet daily: Remove the corns with a pumice, make regular baths against corns, treat the legs with cream, and nails with a file.

At what pressure do your legs freeze?

As a rule, legs freeze when a person has the pressure rises.

  • In this condition, the patient can complain about Strong heartbeat, feeling of heat, noise in the ears.
  • When the symptoms grow, the patient is freezing, shaking from the cold.
  • Then the patient has trembling in the muscles, arise spasms in the vessels.

Hands and legs at a low pressure of 100/65, 90/60 can also be cold. The reason is the weak blood flow, due to which hot blood does not fit the capillaries in the limb.

Hands and legs freeze during pregnancy: reasons, what to do?

  • In pregnant women there are various changes in the body. No exception when the legs are freezing at an early period of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a woman the hormonal background is changing, which leads to a violation of the thyroid gland. This is the main reason why the limbs freeze.
  • There is one hormone in the human body, which is responsible for the vessels - this estrogen. If there is a lot of it, the pregnant woman disrupts normal body temperature. As a result of this, the feet can be hypothermia and overheat.
  • If a woman has during pregnancy the feet are freezing constantly Perhaps she has blood circulation is impaired. To solve this problem, you should visit the doctor and get advice on this issue.
  • Often pregnant women have low pressure, due to which limbs freeze.
Hormonal background changes and blood circulation is disturbed
Hormonal background changes and blood circulation is disturbed

A child, a teenager's hands and legs freeze: reasons, what to do?

  • Many parents periodically notice how their children pull socks, jump barefoot. Moms and dads are trying to wrap their own child, trying to protect from diseases. And in vain. A healthy baby is warmer than an ordinary person. Since he does not have a blood flow, and the vessels are completely healthy.
  • In a newborn peanut, the legs can quickly cool and overheat. This is the norm, since the child has not yet improved heat exchange.

If a child has 5 years and older, children's legs regularly freeze - this may be a symptom:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Weakened immunity or anemia.

It is necessary in such a situation to make an accurate diagnosis, and for this you need to consult a doctor.

  • Elevated temperature (It is necessary to give an antispasmodic so that the blood circulates through the limbs, for example, No-ShPU in the dosage according to the age, which is indicated in the instructions and antipyretic).

Caps freeze - reasons

It is clear that in the calves of the legs stagnation, blood circulation, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis are disturbed. This is the cause of the cold IRC of the legs.
Recommendations for the warmth of the body are the same as in other cases, and treatment of the doctor’s detected vessels of the legs.

Foots freeze - how to improve blood circulation with drugs: a list of drugs with names, dosage

Preparations that improve blood circulation in the lower extremities should be prescribed only by a doctor. This is the only way you will achieve a positive result without harming your health.

We offer you to get acquainted with some types of drugs that should be taken if your legs are freezing:

  • Nierzitz Cecalolin. Thanks to the drug, blood circulation improves, platelets are less sticking together, blood clots are also less formed. The medicine affects the expansion of arteries, increases venous voltage.
  • Fentolamine. With the help of the product, blood vessels expand better, muscles relax, and the supply of tissue blood increases.
  • Solcoseryl. The basis of this medicine is an extract from the blood of a young calf, by freeing the substance from protein. Thanks to the drug, metabolism in tissues improves, oxygen comes faster, blood vessels expand, and blood circulation improves. It is prescribed in the form of injections.
  • Actovegin. This medicine has the same basis as the previous product. The drug contains substances that improve blood circulation, expand the vessels, quickly heal wounds and ulcers.
  • Galidor. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets or solution. The latter is introduced intramuscularly or intravenously. It is prescribed during the treatment of diseases of organs that are responsible for blood circulation. Also, thanks to the drug, you can cure chronic arterial diseases, relieve spasms in the muscles.
  • Vinpocetine. This synthetic medicine helps to restore the blood circulation in the legs. It is prescribed by a doctor if it is necessary to cure vascular diseases, ailments associated with impaired motor function.
  • Vasotta. The medicine helps with venous diseases. Thanks to the drug, the tone of the veins, the elasticity of the vessels, the foci of stagnation of blood are removed.

The treatment of the disease is based on the following - initially the doctor finds out the main reasons. The doctor selects the therapy method, given the stage of pathology.

The main treatment measures consist of the following means, methods:

  • Anticonvulsants.
  • Anti -inflammatory drugs.
  • Musorelaxants.
  • Vitaminov V.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods of therapy.
  • Painkillers.
  • Sedatives.
Folk methods
Folk methods

Feet - treatment, how to improve blood circulation with folk remedies: recipes, the best remedy for freezing legs

There are good folk remedies that help clean the vessels, make your legs not freeze:

Exclude white foods, fruits grown in warm countries from food - they are cooling. Eat warm and hot food.

The best warm -up is ginger. Eat it for food.

  • Drink tea with ginger. To do this, build a thin fresh ginger root into ordinary tea. Choose a dosage yourself, how sharply you can withstand.
  • Cranberry. Take 500 g of beets. As many cranberries and black radish. You will also need 500 ml of alcohol. Grind the components, place 3 liters of glass in glass. Pour everything with alcohol, cover with a lid, leave for about 2 weeks. Pour the composition into a jar, store at a low temperature. Drink every day in the morning 30 g 30 minutes before meals.
  • Kalanchoe leaves. Grind the leaves, place 500 ml in the jar so that the volume is exactly 1 \\ 2 containers. Pour water, leave for a week in a dark place. Shake the jar once a day. Strain the composition, rub your feet with it before bedtime (first feet, then up, reach your hips). Process your legs with this infusion for 30 days.
  • Blueberry. It is useful to eat. Zeaksantin, Luthein and beta-carotene, located in blueberries, not only positively affect the vessels of the retina, but also on the micro-capillary of the skin, leading warm blood to the limbs. You can make a compress. To do this, grind the berries. Grind the slurry that you will have to your feet. Leave the product for 60 minutes. Then rinse off the composition.
  • Lemon, garlic. Thanks to this tool, you will clean the circulatory system, reduce the amount of cholesterol, get rid of your head pain. Take 4 pieces of each component. Grind them. Mix, pour cool and boiled water (in total you need 2 liters of 500 ml). Leave for the 3rd day, closing the jar with a lid. Therapy with this product lasts quite a long time (approximately 9 months). Take 100 ml every day at lunch.
  • Alcohol -based compress. Moisten the sole of the socks in alcohol. Vodka is also suitable. Heat your feet in hot water, put on your socks. We advise you to put on socks made of natural wool on top. After 5 minutes, you will feel the feet completely warm.
  • Pepper or mustard. Grind the pepper, attach to the footsteps. Pour also pepper or mustard into socks, or grease your legs using fat before going out. You can replace this with a dry mustard.
  • Sophora tincture. Take the fruits or flowers of Sophora (enough 50 g). Pour 500 ml of vodka. Insist for 30 days. Drink infusion of 3 to 4 months.
  • Omela leaves. Completely chop the dried leaves of the mistletoe so that you get flour. Take 1 tsp. Powder, pour boiling water (1 tbsp.). Leave until morning in the thermos. Drink in small sips of 2 tbsp.

Here are the recommendations regarding hypothermia for people whose arms and legs freeze.

Foots freeze: reviews

Foots freeze - reviews:

  • Svetlana: “My legs freeze every time winter comes. A friend advised me every day in the evenings to soar my legs. After the procedure, I dress warm socks, and then go to bed. ”
  • Olga: “My legs are freezing due to neurosis. And this happens even when I go to bed. Rubbing, hot baths in the evenings help in such situations. But I still advise the one who also freeze their legs to go to the doctor. ”

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Comments K. article

  1. I hover my legs with mustard when they freeze. I take the bags of mustarduritron, there is a medical mustard in the composition, warms up well and does not puzzle the skin.

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