The benefits and harm of spices and spices for the health of our body: what are the types of seasonings?

The benefits and harm of spices and spices for the health of our body: what are the types of seasonings?

If you like spices and seasonings, you need to know about their benefit and harm. Spices are prohibited for use by children and with caution - pregnant women.

Spices and spices do what we cook, tastier and more refined, help in the fight against extra pounds, reduce cholesterol, are used in cosmetology. In the kitchen of every housewife you can find a large number of bags and jars with aromatic spices.

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Are all spices and spices equally good? We offer to talk about the benefits and dangers of spices for the body. This article describes what kind of spices exist and how they affect our body. Read further.

What are the types of spices and spices?

Spices and spices
Spices and spices

A few centuries ago, spices and spices were extremely valuable goods. On ships, they were delivered from India and other countries of Asia to a variety of states. People were ready to go for spices to the ends of the world - and thanks to this, new lands were opened, new trade routes were laid. Centuries have passed, and today seasonings are made not only in India, but almost throughout the world. For example, from Russia, dill and garlic supply in other countries, capers are taken from Italy, and in South America all those spices that have previously been grown in India are growing in South.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be brought from India as a gift?". You will learn what tourists buy in India.

Before we start talking about the benefits and dangers of spices, we suggest considering the varieties of spices. All spices can be divided into three categories:

  • Natural
  • Synthetic
  • Mixed

As you can guess from the name, natural spices are herbs and spices. Among them, for example, turmeric, caraway seeds, oregano, ginger, cinnamon, etc. Synthetic spices contain emulsifiers, dyes and flavors, and mixed are a mixture of synthetic and natural. Moreover, all of them - in moderation - can be used when choosing an intuitive power system.

The benefits of spicy seasonings and spices for the body: effect on health

Nutritionists say: various spices and spicy seasonings have a beneficial effect on the human health and body.

  • They are able to increase immunity, normalize metabolism.
  • Spices also help in the fight against a number of diseases, for example, with colds and other diseases of the respiratory system, depression, and skin diseases.
  • The seasonings give the body strength to fight cellulite, relieve inflammation on the skin, and put pressure to normal.
  • Some spices, according to experts, are an excellent prevention of cancer.

We bring to your attention a description of specific spices, their benefits and harm to the body. Read further.

The benefits of the spice "Vanil" for the health of the body

Spice vanilla
Spice vanilla

Fragrant spice "Vanilla" is unique. It is able to slow down the aging of the body, to prevent the appearance of diseases such as Parkinson and Alzheimer. What is the health benefits of the body?

  • It's all about polyphenels that make up vanilla.
  • They have antioxidant properties, due to which this spice is an excellent preventive tool for cancer.

And vanilla is simply indispensable when it comes to depression - an incredible sweet aroma stimulates the active production of a hormone of joy in the body.

Seasoning "Anis" and "Badyan": benefits for the body

The benefits for the body are the seasonings of the Badiyans and the anise in the fact that they help perfectly from tonsillitis, cough, sore throat. In addition, the essential oils contained in them make these spices an excellent tool to eliminate problems with the intestines. Badyan and anise are the best prevention of constipation.

Spicy seasoning - bay leaf: benefit

This spicy seasoning is simply indispensable when it comes to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The secret of the benefits of bay leaf lies in the essential oils that are contained in this spice. They are able to facilitate breathing, warm the human body, bring blood circulation to normal, cleanse the mucous membranes and eliminate the cough. The bay leaf also has an excellent ability to lower blood sugar and eliminate allergens.

The benefits of the spice "garlic" for the body

Every adult and child know how useful the garlic for the health and body of a person as a whole is. Even doctors recommend it as a means that increases the immunity that can enhance the body's resistance to colds. We must not forget that garlic has a positive effect on blood sugar and reduces its coagulation.

Carrying line seasoning: health benefits

Probably, in each kitchen you can find a jar or bag in which seasoning is stored in the form of a clove tree. But not every housewife knows about the benefits of spice for health.

  • Cloves are part of antiparasitic agents, used to treat various diseases.
  • It has bactericidal and antifungal actions, is an excellent antispasmodic and analgesic.
  • When eating in the body, digestive juices are better produced, which is very useful for problems such as low acidity or reduced appetite.

Carnation relieves toothache, positively affects the condition of the gums, and also, scientists say, this spice can fight the growth of cancer cells.

Useful properties of the “turmeric” spices for the body

Kurkum's spices
Kurkum's spices

The beneficial properties of the Kurkum spices for the body include:

  • Antiseptic
  • Bactericidal
  • Choleretic
  • Antiseptic
  • Diuretic

This spice in such conditions is especially useful:

  • Frequent cough
  • Stomach disorders
  • Skin diseases
  • Anemia
  • Pharyngitis
  • Diabetes

By the way, the researchers found that the inhabitants of India do not suffer from cholecystitis - and all thanks to turmeric. Kurkumin, to which this yellow root owes its color, is able to fight cancer cells, while it does not have a negative effect on healthy tissues and organs. Moreover, turmeric normalizes the work of the bile ducts and stops the development of cirrhosis.

Sesame seasoning: benefits for the body

Sesame seeds with a pleasant taste contain a lot of beneficial substances, which makes it a pleasant addition in the diet. Here is a description of the benefits of this seasoning for the body:

  • Cezamin - a powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce cholesterol, which improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair, as well as the prevention of oncology.
  • Thanks to amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals, sesamens normalize metabolism, positively affects the functioning of the nervous system.

It should be noted that the composition of sesame seeds includes calcium, simply indispensable for the bones and joints of a person, and therefore aromatic sesame cookies are the best tool in the fight against osteoporosis.

Zira seasoning: what is it, the benefit for the body

Spices of Zira
Spices of Zira

Zira is a plant that grows in the form of grass. Refers to the family of Kmin, umbrella family. It grows in Iran, but the seeds of this plant are used around the world.

For many centuries, people have known the benefits of zero seasoning for the human body. So, it has long been used in order to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and the entire digestive system as a whole.

  • Zira is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins accumulated in it.
  • This spice is indispensable for people suffering from anemia, because it positively affects the state of blood.
  • Zira is one of the best preventive natural preventive means for heart and blood disease, it does not allow blood clots, and reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • This spice is indispensable for problems with respiratory tract, nervous system.

It improves human brain activity, helps get rid of problems with eyes, and is also an excellent aphrodisiac.

Spice "Curry": benefits for the body

It is scientifically confirmed that Curry is an incredibly useful spice. The thing is that the components of this mixture are able to save a person from senile dementia, strengthen immunity, improve digestion, normalize the work of the nervous system and protect against oncology.

  • The benefits of this spice for the body are that Curry is just a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and acids.
  • It has anti -inflammatory, bactericidal and diuretic properties.
  • Spice allows you to fight sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease.

According to experts, the benefits of the spice of Curry are that it can be an excellent alternative to salt, burn fat deposits - even those that are more than one year.

The benefits of the spice of "paprika" for the body

This spice is part of various mixtures for the preparation of dishes of Mediterranean, European and Asian cuisine. It is very useful for the body. With regular use of paprika in food, the activity of the circulatory system improves in a person, blood clots cease to form. Why is paprika simply indispensable for adherents of intuitive nutrition who want to lose weight?

  • The thing is that dried sweet pepper accelerates digestive processes, in contrast to acute pepper that causes inflammation of the mucous membranes, you can use paprika in large quantities.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of spices for the health of men - paprika enhances potency.

By the way, the spices include a huge amount of vitamin C, here it is even more than in lemons, and therefore this is an excellent assistant in the fight against colds.

Seasoning "Safran": benefit, application

Speak of saffron
Speak of saffron

The benefits of seasoning saffron are difficult to overestimate. Firstly, it is useful for hypertension, because it is able to reduce pressure. Safran is also indispensable for athletes, as it strengthens the muscles, relieves pain in the body tissues.
Separately, it should be said that Safran is capable of:

  • Remove anxiety
  • Relieve insomnia
  • Positively influence the state of human memory
  • Strengthen visual acuity
  • Prevent cataracts

The use of this seasoning of saturated red color is popular in the preparation of transparent vegetable soups, as well as racket broths, veal and fish. Often add saffron in the first dishes with cauliflower. It is worth noting that this spice is used as a preservative. Cooked dishes with saffron do not deteriorate for several days.

Harm harm to health: Can seasonings be dangerous?

Despite all the positive characteristics, the benefits of spices and spices for health, some seasonings can have a negative effect on the human body and even be dangerous. This is the harm:

  • So, acute salty spices are contraindicated to people with hypertension and hypotension.
  • Coriander should not be consumed by people suffering from heart disease who has undergone a stroke or heart attack.
  • If you have gastritis or ulcers, from the menu - even on intuitive nutrition, it is worth excluding ginger, mustard or red pepper.
  • During pregnancy, you should abandon cinnamon, anise, oregano and bay leaf.
  • To small children, when preparing dishes, it is generally better to refuse seasoning. Many doctors advise not even to use salt.

Thanks to seasonings and spices, you can even cook an excellent dish with an exquisite taste without the help of a cook. Most of the spices of plant origin, so they are healthy. Only some categories of citizens need to be used with caution - pregnant women, sick people, and they are generally contraindicated for children. The rest of the people just need to use spices, as they help to kill pathogenic bacteria, relieve inflammation, add vitality and even lose weight.

Video: Why do we need spices? The benefits and harm of seasonings and spices.

Video: TOP-7 simple spices that work miracles with the body (add them to the diet)

Video: How many spices does a person need? Spices - benefits and harm, commentary of nutritionist Ionova

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