Seasoning for pilaf: composition, how to assemble your mixture, when to add? Pilaf with pumpkin and zira, with mushrooms and spices: delicious recipes

Seasoning for pilaf: composition, how to assemble your mixture, when to add? Pilaf with pumpkin and zira, with mushrooms and spices: delicious recipes

Despite the fact that pilaf came to us from the hot eastern countries, we love him equally both under the northern sun and in the middle and southern latitudes of our Motherland. For the founders of this dish, there is a whole ritual for the preparation of pilaf, meal and communication during it. Not all of this passed to us, but, most importantly, namely, the recipes of cooking are stored, transmitted and improved.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Seasoning hops-suunels". You will learn about the composition, benefit and harm, as well as what dishes are recommended to add.

Almost all experts in pilaf will say that the basis of this dish is rice, but the taste of the dish and its quality with purpose will also depend on what will be added to the grain during cooking. That is why the second most important ingredient can be considered spices intended for pilaf. And then there comes a moment of magic, because subject to a certain set of their set, no one can forbid you to include imagination and create. Which spices are used in preparation are described in the article below. Read further.

What seasonings are suitable for pilaf: ready -made mixtures, composition

Seasoning for pilaf
Seasoning for pilaf

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Season for pilaf: composition, recipe". You will learn what seasonings and spices are put in pilaf with chicken, pork, turkey, beef, lamb, Uzbek.

If you decide to facilitate your task and buy a finished seasoning in the store, then you should pay attention to its composition. The traditional composition will include:

  • Zira
  • Barberry
  • Turmeric or saffron (to give a beautiful golden hue)
  • Pepper
  • Dried garlic
  • Paprika

It is impossible to guess in what proportion all this is in a bag. The composition may vary depending on what kind of pilaf this seasoning is intended, and even species of pilaf is a myriad of pilaf. The conclusion suggests itself - to prepare a masterpiece, it is necessary to use not ready mixes, but to make a seasoning yourself. This is not difficult, because the components themselves can easily be found in a store or with a seller in a specialized market. What seasonings are suitable, described below. Read further.

Simplicity of cooking in traditional: what seasonings are added to pilaf?

The main component of pilaf is rice, but the calculation of the number of seasonings comes from how much meat will be put into the dish. For one kilogram of meat product it is better to use from one to three tablespoons of seasonings. The larger the number of seasonings, the more saturated the taste and aroma of the finished dish will be. It is worth noting that the simplicity of cooking in tradition. What seasonings are added to pilaf?

If we talk about the preparation of the classic pilaf version, then for him we need a mixture of seasoning consisting of:

  • Zira, or as it is also called Kumin. This main seasoning for pilaf can be used both in grains and in ground form. To prepare the average portion of the mixture, it is enough to take one teaspoon. Some cooks successfully replace Zira with caraway seeds.
  • Barberry - An ideal seasoning that gives the dish a specific sourness. It allows you to compensate for the presence of a large amount of fatty meat. These dried berries can be replaced with others - Kizil. Both types perform the same function and take them at the rate of 15-20 grams per portion of the cooked mixture.
  • Turmeric -gives the dish a beautiful yellow-orange shade, as well as a spicy-hot taste. In order for the finished dish to remain a balance of taste, it is better to add this seasoning in small portions, starting with a small pinch. Sometimes turmeric is confused with saffron, apparently from the fact that one and another type of spices stain the dish in a characteristic yellow color. But this is where their similar qualities end. Safran is also used with caution and preferably in combination with raisins and nuts.
  • Pepper or mixture of peppers. It all depends on your preferences, you can add a classic black, you can acute chili, Bulgarian. If the seasoning is taken in dry and ground form, then its amount varies from one, to one and a half teaspoons.
  • Garlic, can also be used in fresh and dry form. It is enough to take a small pinch on a portion of the mixture.

With the right balance of the components used, you can prepare the perfect traditional seasoning for pilaf. Depending on the recipe of the dish, you can add something else to give a unique taste and aroma.

Add something of your own to enhance the taste: what seasonings are put in pilaf?

Seasoning for pilaf
Seasoning for pilaf

Pilaf can be Uzbek, Iranian, Kazakh, Turkmen, etc. You can cook sweet pilaf, sharp, with chicken, with lamb or other meat. Depending on this, the ingredients of seasonings will be added to the traditional composition. Add something of your own to enhance the taste. What are the seasonings still put in pilaf?

  • Often add to spices dried or sweeped tomatoes. They bring additional tomato notes.

The unique charm gives the dish such spices:

  • Basil
  • Paprika
  • Coriander
  • Home-Sunels

Below are even more tips which seasonings can be used. You will also find original pilaf recipes. Read further.

Pilaf recipes for lovers of original dishes

No one will deny the fact that each type of meat loves its seasoning, so it is not forbidden to add some herbs that are perfectly combined with lamb or turret, pork or chicken to various types of pilaf- thyme, Mayran, bay leaf, rosemary etc.

All types of seasonings used in the art of preparing pilaf are not counted. You can add grated carrots and chopped onions. You can combine seasonings with nuts and mushrooms. For sweet pilaf, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg is ideal. Below you will find pilaf recipes for lovers of original dishes. Read further.

Pilaf with pumpkin and zira: delicious recipe

Pilaf with pumpkin and zira
Pilaf with pumpkin and zira

It turns out very tasty pilaf with pumpkin and zira. This type of such a dish can be attributed to the category of sweet, for its preparation you will not need meat. Here is a delicious recipe:

It is enough to take such ingredients:

  • Rice - 1 mug
  • Pumpkin-200-300 grams
  • Raisins are a handful
  • Onions - 1 pc
  • Carrots - 1 pc
  • Zira - 0.5 tsp.
  • Shafran - 0.5 tsp.
  • Barberry - 0.5 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • Water - 2 circles
  • Vegetable oil - a little
  • Salt - to taste

Stages of cooking.

  1. Fry the onion until golden color.
  2. Add grated carrots and fry until half -cooked under the lid.
  3. Put seasonings and raisins.
  4. Cut the pumpkin with cubes and lower it into a fried mixture.
  5. Evenly decompose the rice.
  6. Add salt and water.
  7. Leave to stew under the lid until the rice is fully cooked.

As a result, it will turn out to be filled with vitamins and invigorating aromas dessert, which can be eaten both hot and cold.

Pilaf with mushrooms and spices: delicious recipe

Pilaf with mushrooms and spices
Pilaf with mushrooms and spices

No less interesting is a delicious pilaf recipe with mushrooms and spices. Its feature can be called the fact that the main ingredients, namely rice, carrots and mushrooms are taken in the same ratio. You will also need onions and a set of spices (you can use traditional).

  • To begin with, onions are fried in the cauldron, carrots and mushrooms are added and also brought to a half -ready condition.
  • Add rice (it is best to use brown or bulgur).
  • Sprinkle the seasonings and salt on top, add the required amount of water and leave to prepare over low heat.

Such a pilaf is a great alternative to a meat dish for those who for some reason do not eat meat, but want to enjoy traditional dishes.

How to assemble your mixture of seasoning for pilaf?

If you take this issue with all seriousness, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to select spices taking into account your own tastes. The same can be said about the amount of each of the individual seasonings. How to assemble your mixture of seasoning for pilaf?

  • It will be better if selected seasonings are mixed immediately before cooking.
  • After all, over time, they can lose their individual smells and tastes.
  • As a result, you can get the wrong result that you counted on.

Mix your favorite seasonings from the above, immediately before cooking. Any proportions can be used. It all depends on your taste.

When to add seasoning to pilaf?

The number of recipes for making pilaf cannot be counted, and opinions when adding seasoning during cooking there are several. Some of the culinary masters do this after frying meat, the cooking temperature at this moment will decrease and the seasoning will not burn. Someone does this in several stages. Other cooks add spices on top of rice, it absorbs all the aromas and tastes during cooking.

So, when to add seasoning to pilaf? You can only advise as a recommendation:

  • Do not throw seasonings into hot oil, otherwise they will simply burn or change their taste.
  • Do not add spices and salt a few minutes before the end of cooking, there is a great risk of getting a fresh dish at the output. After all, it is not worth mixing pilaf during cooking, which means that only the top layer of rice is saturated with all the goodies.

In any case, the kitchen is your workshop, and you do not need to be afraid to create culinary masterpieces on it. It doesn’t matter who evaluate the dish you have prepared, guests, a narrow family circle, a loved one or you yourself, the main thing is to put a piece of soul and a good mood with a seasoning. The result will not be long in coming, and most importantly - there will be even more ideas for culinary creativity. Enjoy your meal!

Video: spices for pilaf

Video: what seasonings can be added to pilaf

Video: pilaf. How to prepare a real Uzbek pilaf correctly

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