What can be brought from India as a gift: tea, fabrics, furniture, carpets, jewelry, musical instruments, incense, cosmetics, medicines, spices, gadgets. What do tourists buy in India?

What can be brought from India as a gift: tea, fabrics, furniture, carpets, jewelry, musical instruments, incense, cosmetics, medicines, spices, gadgets. What do tourists buy in India?

If you went to a tour of India, you will definitely want to bring gifts. And what they will - find out by reading the article.

India is a country of cinema and magnificent tea. There you will meet elephants walking on the street and even tigers. A world in which there are many magnificent temple complexes and bright resorts. The history of India takes the origins from ancient states. In India, 2 civilizations are well combined - leisurely monks and the seething energy of business and skyscrapers.

Ancient culture is simply unique, you will find it even when buying goods and gifts. So that you do not acquire, you will recall the aroma and atmosphere of retail premises for quite some time. A purchase made in India is a special ritual that cannot be found anywhere.

What can be brought from India as a gift?

  • Tea. Growing tea is a tradition that has appeared in ancient civilizations. It is grown high in the mountains. There are special shops where you can buy tea of \u200b\u200bvarious varieties. Black tea is inferior to green price several times. After all, it is considered all over the world that it is more useful. The Indian people in the process of tea drinking bite the liquid with honey. In tea shops, you can also buy it. Honey is assembled in the Cherrapongzhi Valley and has an orange taste.

This country is not only possible, but you also need to agree on the purchase price. After all, Indians can be offended. As in Istanbul in the markets, the price will be reduced several times for you, but in large trading houses the price is fixed. There are not so many shopping centers here, mainly markets or trading shops. There can be no question of any sales in this country. Indeed, every day, regardless of the season, you yourself can choose the price of the product by practicing the ability to bargain.

There is a belief that in the morning the day is to be completed and profit, you need to sell the goods early in the morning at the best price for the buyer. So you should go to the market early in the morning.

  • Textile. Pashmina - This is a very thin, soft, warm wool fabric that was brought from the Far East. It is produced from the fluff of the Kashmir goats that graze high in the mountains. People are called cashmere goats.
  • Many women in India continue to wear traditional sari Indian clothes. The production center for this clothing is concentrated in Barnasi. Silver and gold threads wove into the silk fabric. It is in great demand among fashion lawmakers, as well as among world manufacturers of elite furniture. Factories for the production of elite silk can be found anywhere in the country. The colors are so diverse that the eyes are scattered from the quantity. All raw materials are used all natural, stain the fabric exclusively by natural pigments. You can find not only pastel colors, but also saturated bright. Cotton fabrics have high quality. Rajustan cotton is bright and dense.
  • T -shirts in India They are particularly popular among tourists, as they have high quality, although their appearance will not be very pleased with you.

Mandrax cotton is painted with hot staining techniques. But for an indefinite period, there is a ban on the removal of raw materials for the production of cotton. Alternative to him -Cotton raw or cotton-flask mixture. There is no ban on the removal of products from this material yet.

  • Great -made products with traditional embroidery, decorated with beads, stones are very popular. If you want to feel like a woman from India, an Indian outfit will be an excellent purchase. It is better to purchase it not in a store where the outfit is made by machine method, but to order handmade. But then you will have a unique outfit, the price is certainly appropriate, because you have to pay for the exclusive.
  • An excellent reminder of India will be a male skullcap. Made of wool and cotton. The ornament in the rhombus strip will not meet anywhere in the world.
  • Furniture. If you are truly a connoisseur of elite furniture, then it is she who will be an excellent acquisition. The material and upholstery of Indian furniture is valued far beyond its chapels. Furniture is decorated with precious stones. Chairs, tables, cabinets are only handed over by hand. Such tables will become a decoration of any room and interior. The smell of materials simply fascinates.

The most budgetary markets in Delhi are considered, because there are more than enough competitors. Price policy and, accordingly, the quality will be closer to the central part of the city. The world -famous street with multiple shops is Chandi Chous. This street belongs to the oldest, there you can purchase handmade products, ancient things. Each street is responsible for its specific product. You can also find a lane of used things, this is a place for true admirers of this product.

  • Work from wood. If you do not have enough money to purchase furniture, then you can please yourself with small souvenirs from spicy trees: sandalwood, pink wood, Kashmir. Of these trees, elephants, figurines, small caskets for jewelry are produced and, of course, Indian chess known to the world.
  • Carpet coatings. India is famous for the huge number of fabrics that are used in carpet weaving: silk, lace, cotton, wool, bamboo, etc. Here you will not find thick "grandmother" carpets. Here thin carpets are sold and manufactured. But the work was carried out so painstaking and high -quality that they will last you for more than a dozen years. The pricing policy is very different, it can start from 10 euros and lasts to infinity. The best solution would be to buy a carpet in the area where it is produced. Crafts of carpeting is an art that has risen to enormous scale. Any museum in the world would like to have an Indian carpet in the collection.
  • Decorations. India is also famous for its jewelry, because this is the main attribute of every woman and not only. On the streets you can meet: elephants, horses, camels decorated with diadems, pendants. The cost of precious products is significantly different from prices in other countries. So please yourself with unique gifts. In India, as in any other city in the world, you can find bazaars exclusively with gold products.

Dariba Kalan - A jewelry village in Cadney Chouke. Here, silver products are in great demand. There you can find products for every taste and wallet, from the cheapest enamel and the most expensive - from precious stones. If you are a connoisseur of unique things, decorations can be made to order. Pearch works are especially popular.

The world center of pearl production is still considered - Haidrabada. Each part of India is famous for various decorations. For example, in the north they buy jewelry for the legs and arms, in Asama - Diadems made of soft gold, Negalenda - Work from shells, teeth and claws of animals. True shamans will help to purchase an amulet with nine different stones. Protection from space from colds is provided to you.

  • Also an unusual amulet will be beads made of sacred wood. There are legends that they have special strength. Nepal jewelers are particularly popular. Throwing in price a nonsense can only 10-20%, but no more. The main direction is silver. Quite often in the markets, you can find entire mountains of silver, which lies right on the floor.
  • Musical instruments. Citara and Tabla are considered traditional Indian instruments. For tourists, this is a favorite souvenir that should be brought in memory of the country. You can purchase tools that are used in the teaching of Buddhism in the areas of Ladakh, Manali, Sickoy. These include bells, drums. Tibetan monks are also engaged in needlework and make very warm socks from sheep wool, cloaks and other no less warm things.
Musical instrument
Musical instrument
  • Leather work. The choice is simply huge. From leather saddles to small keyeners. Here you already decide what you need and what you are ready to spend money. After all, eyes scatter from diversity.
  • Rum-Although India is not considered a country where a lot of alcohol is consumed, you can get this drink there. Many travelers go crazy with this drink and try to purchase it as gifts. Rum received special popularity in Goa. There it is consumed in large quantities and even sometimes for breakfast. Alcohol prices are very low, as it is not taxed.
  • Fragrances and cosmetics. Buying number one in India is perfume. All cosmetics and perfumes here are original, made of high -quality raw materials.
  • Coconut oil- It also enjoys particular popularity not only among travelers, but also among local residents, since coconut in Asia is growing everywhere. It is used not only in food, but also made furniture, dishes, souvenirs, interior items and much more. Coconut oil is fried in coconut oil, cosmetics are made (lotions, scrubs, creams). The highest quality oil is in blue plastic packages.
  • Broken sticks- Light in temples and at home. Wherever you walk in India, you will always be persecuted by the various aromas of these incense. There are many smells, choose the one that you like the most.

There are several varieties for a gift for a gift:

  1. Natural sticks. They are made of natural components and their smell is harmless. The price is corresponded.
  2. Chemical. In the process of their manufacture, chemistry and artificial dyes were used, so they are many times cheaper.
  • Medicines. It is believed that India is one of the first and largest countries of manufacturers of high -quality drugs at affordable prices. Even ancient tribes made miraculous remedies from the roots of plants and trees. Such ancient medicine is called Ayurveda.

Before buying any drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

Here is a list of some Ayurvedic drugs that you can bring as a gift from India:

  1. Chapacram - In appearance, it resembles jam, but refers to miraculous means that strengthen the immune system, this is a kind of vitamin bomb. It also removes toxins from the body, improves teeth and strengthens bone tissue.
  2. Kylash Jivan - Ointment from all ailments. It can be used for burns, it heals wounds, helps to get rid of the skin rash.
  3. Him- Cleans the skin. The additive that is added to cosmetics. It has disinfecting properties.
  4. Shatavari - The medicine is purely for women. A wonderful energy, produces an anti -aging effect.
  • Spices. In India, a wide selection of spices for every taste is presented. It is especially popular: turmeric, caraway seeds, the highest quality shafran, Asafetida. Truly the most expensive spice is a saffron, but adding it to your dishes, you will remember this taste forever. Special connoisseurs will appreciate the quality of spices.

To attract tourists, spices are poured into large bags, and they are open all year round. And since India is considered not the most clean country, anything can get there. The indigenous Indian will never buy spices from bags, because they completely lack the smell.

The seasonings made at home are especially valued, they are sold in small bags, and the variety of spices for such sellers is small. The price of course is much more expensive than in bags, but you will truly evaluate the food by seasoning it with these spices.

  • Hennathe best quality is sold in India, it costs real pennies. The Indians are especially popular with black henna, but there are also other shades.
  • If you have a talent for drawing, you can bring henna for drawing mehendi And please your loved ones. It is sold in tubes of different colors.
  • Cell phones. Low prices for these gadgets will please you. The price is significantly underestimated because the factories of famous companies are located in the areas of India, and labor, as you know, is very cheap here. Here you can fulfill your cherished dream and purchase Apple devices. This does not affect the quality.

All products in India are made of environmentally friendly materials, despite progress in technological processes and in production, which reached there. The processing of materials is carried out mainly in the traditional way. No wonder you can find paper, which is made not by machine, but manually. This also applies to carpet coatings.

Tourists need to clearly know what is possible and what can not be bought. Forbidden goods include: The ivory, the skins of snakes and wild animals, as well as the work made from them, plants, relics, which are more than 100 years old - they belong to the values \u200b\u200bof a cultural and historical nature. You may arrest you or demand a fine.

Video: What to bring from India?

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