What lullabies to sing children at 1, 2, 3, 4 years old? The best lullabies before going to bed for young children

What lullabies to sing children at 1, 2, 3, 4 years old? The best lullabies before going to bed for young children
The importance of lullabies. A selection for different children's ages.
The most native people for crumbs are parents, and he learns their voices from a million.
The sound of my mother’s word in the song before bedtime:
  • relaxes the baby
  • instills a sense of security and trust in the world
  • gently programs him for good, love and creation
Think about how wise and subtly feel our ancestors. They were extremely carefully and respectful of the voiced word, and mothers - to the lullaby for their children. Let's talk more about this in the article.

The value of lullabies for children

Lullabies for children are so important that they can be safely compared with amulets, conspiracies for happiness, life -affirming song.

Monotonous singing by a mother's affectionate loving voice, which is accompanied by soft swing in the cradle is beneficial for crumbs. So they can even be healed from birth injuries, fears.

Lullabies help the child:
  • to gently enter this world
  • establish and strengthen the spiritual connection with your family
  • form the integrity and balance of the psyche
Our ancestors created many nursery rhymes, jokes and lullabies. It is interesting that they were transmitted inside each family from my mother from childhood. When the girl grew up and began to play dolls, her mother and taught them to be disadvantaged and pod. Then, in the future, the girl used these skills already in her family.
  • The tradition of writing lullaby for their children themselves has come to us. By investing, the memories of the image of her baby, including imagination and association, the young mother gently programs the space and fate of the child for prosperity, happiness, love and peaceful life with the world around him
  • From the moment of birth to the age of five, children absolutely trust everything that is happening around them, and people around them. At this time, their mind is still asleep, which means that it simply cannot distinguish the good from the bad by adults by adults
  • On the other hand, kids are completely open to studying the world, developing personal experience of interacting with it
  • Young parents are easy for a pleasant melody and their voice to tell the baby about peace, animals, morality, friendship

So each age has its own lullabies, with specific goals and objectives. Consider them in more detail.

The best lullabies for children under a year

Still living inside the mother, the baby through the timbre and the emotional color of her voice know the world, which will be born soon. Therefore, try to sing simple lullabies to your baby during pregnancy.

Up to 4-5 months, children sleep more than wakefully. Therefore, lullabies can be as simple as possible. Let only 3-4 notes are repeated in them and up to 10 words are used, but along with singing and lullary, the child hears the knock of your heart. He receives heart nutrition and energy support.

From six months, include simple plots in lullabies. Sive about the beasts and birds that live with love in this world, where love is in abundance. For example, this:
«Ah leuli-lully-glulus, cranes flew in,
Lyuli-Luli-Lulenki flew the bun,
They sat down on the bed, began to coo ghouls
Guli began to coo, began to sing a song.
A month to visit us, a miracle carries us a month.
The good light of the big star descends to us in the gardens.
Ai Luli-lullah-loli, descends to us in the gardens.
There flowers are quietly sleeping, the bees also do not buzz,
Birds sleep in their nest, the cat purrs in a dream.
The cat purrs, sings, good sleep he calls us
Ai Luli-lully-loli, good sleep he calls us.
Dad with mom, keeping the house, protect their child,
Sleep, my baby fall asleep Bai-Bu-Bu-Bay! ”
Of course, we all know a song about a gray wolf, which can bite by the barrel. This melody is simple, and replace the words with those that pour from your heart.
Our ancestors were a lot of afraid and composed of reproduction songs for children. A song about the top is a bright confirmation of this. Pay your attention to such lullabies that below.

Video: Bai-by-Bai!

Video: Bai-Bu-Bayushki

Video: Classic melodies, especially I. Mozart

The best lullabies for children 1 year old


  • The grown -up crumb, which crossed its first year from birth, is interesting to know the world around
  • Feel free to add fairy -tale characters to lullabies, stories about the life of animals, their relationships between themselves and with nature
  • Closer to two years of age, it is appropriate to sing lullabies, where a person is present, his interaction with the forces of nature
For example, boys will be interested in listening to songs about boats, winds and drilling sea, trials and successful completion. You may like this lullaby this text:
«Buy-Bu, my dear, my son is dear,
I’ll sit with you about the boat.
A boat sailed along the waves, and to the distant shores,
The breeze blew and played with a boat.
A wave suddenly ran, oh, she is a prankster!
The sea began to worry and knock it down from the way.
I won’t let myself, I will float to those shores!
In the sky, Albatros soared, suggested his help:
“I will show you the way so as not to turn off the road!
You keep your way along the sun, carefully carry a wave,
Here is a shore, I am glad here, my friend! ”
Sleep, pour your son, gain mind and strength! ”

Girls sing lullabies where the main character takes care of the house, family, animals, decorating the world, about flowers, nature and harmony in everything in the world.

Universal lullabies for this age can be called:

Video: Song of the bear from the cartoon "Umka"

Video: "Sleep, my joy, fall asleep"

Video: "Sleep, my little baby"

Video: White Ships

Video: Lullaby A. Maikova

The best lullabies for children 2 years old

Kids at the age of two are trying to remember everything they hear and pronounce it out loud. This is how their speech apparatus and associative thinking develops.

Lullabies for such children should already be with a bright plot, but all are also melodic and filled with love. It is important for kids to fall asleep with a sense of protection, peace, relaxation.

For example, learn the words of such lullabies, and you can come up with your melody:

Video: In the field there is a tree

Video: Lullaby Tatyana Snezhina

Video: sleep comes to the threshold

Video: "Momns Lullabies" of the Vera of the nobleman

The best lullabies for children 3 years old

Often, at the age of three years, parents read fairy tales at night, and forget about the lullabies, thinking that their child has already grown up the period of songs before bedtime.

But the child’s mind is still asleep, which means the baby lives completely due to the emotions of mom and dad. When his day was very dynamic, he needs to throw out an excess of excitement on loved ones. And in response to receive acceptance, understanding, support, protection and calm.

Knowing about the therapeutic effect of methodological songs, a cradle song will cope with seven tasks.

Video: Nock-curtains

Video: Colored Dreams from the movie "Mary Poppins"

  • songs about the war, for example, on May 9
  • classics of Russian rock
  • russian folk songs

The best lullabies for children are 4 years old

Having become older, your baby may not need to regularly listen to the lullabies before bedtime. It is enough for him to occasionally listen to his beloved from infancy or a new melody in order to relax and gently plunge into the world of dreams.

Therefore, do not forget the songs that sang to him from the first days of life, and expand the repertoire.

For example, add the following:

Video: Lullaby Polina Gagarina

Video: Irina Dubtsova "Sleep, my sun"

Video: “Sleep, my sparrow” Anna German

Best Russian Folk Lullaby Songs

Folk folklore is rich in cartridges and lullabies. Our ancestors tried to convey information about the structure of the world, the correct relations of all creatures in it. It was believed that the horror stories in the songs will protect the kids from trials and fears in real life.

Therefore, a song about a gray top, which will not bite the barrel, has reached our time. On the other hand, the word and the constructions of melodies in folk lullabies are simple and understandable for perception even the smallest listeners.

Video: about gray top

  • About ghouls, cats, cranes, cows
  • About the Sharm
The baby is new every day, it develops, grows, grows up. A sweet and important time of infancy flies and you will never turn it back. Use these moments reasonably, be in contact with your children! Sing them lullabies with pleasure!

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