Children's nursery rhymes, jokes and pestlers for the smallest, for children of the youngest, middle and older group of kindergarten: texts, words, poems, songs. How nursery rhymes will help to cope with children's disobedience: a psychologist consultation, tips, recommendations

Children's nursery rhymes, jokes and pestlers for the smallest, for children of the youngest, middle and older group of kindergarten: texts, words, poems, songs. How nursery rhymes will help to cope with children's disobedience: a psychologist consultation, tips, recommendations

Wagges and counters for newborn children, schoolchildren and preschool children.

Many mothers believe that a newborn needs only constant care and feeding. In fact, this is not so. It is necessary to establish emotional contact with the baby in the early stages. It is for this that children's songs, nursery rhymes and pestlers are used.

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for babies, infants, the smallest: texts, words, rhymes, songs

Wagges and jokes for the smallest allow you to make mom and child closer. At the same time, they help to develop the child’s speech, his fine motor skills and understand the emotions of adults. All this positively affects the development of the baby both mental and physical. Over time, your baby will sing these songs with you.

Below are interesting nursery rhymes and pesthes for the smallest children. Speak the hickle after waking up and combine with tactile contact. That is, stroke the baby and tickle it.

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for babies, infants, the smallest: texts, words, rhymes, songs
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for babies, infants, the smallest: texts, words, rhymes, songs
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for babies, infants, the smallest: texts, words, rhymes, songs
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for babies, infants, the smallest: texts, words, rhymes, songs
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for babies, infants, the smallest: texts, words, rhymes, songs
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for babies, infants, the smallest: texts, words, rhymes, songs

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of kindergarten lullabies before bedtime

Children in kindergarten are already quite independent. They own basic skills and can go to the pot and eat food on their own. At this age, songs help to develop the baby’s memory and improve his speech. If your child does not speak yet, constantly communicate with him and try to describe objects. At this age, focus on speech development. You can even use speech therapy tongue twisters. This will avoid some speech problems in the future.

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of kindergarten lullabies before bedtime
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of kindergarten lullabies before bedtime

Video: Lullabies for children

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for games

All training of babies should be built in a playful way. This excludes boring cramming and instills diligence to the baby. Such nursery rhymes and jokes can be combined with some dance movements. This develops the child’s memory and improves socialization in society. Below are developing and game nursery rhymes.

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for games
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for games
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for games
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for games

Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten Counters

Counters allow you to quickly teach the child to count. The most popular is a count of our childhood "I count to five." But besides her, there is still a lot. They combine the game and score. The child will very quickly learn all the numbers, after that it will be possible to show him and learn to count on his fingers or cubes.

Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten Counters
Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten Counters

Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for washing

Children of this age need to instill a love of cleanliness. That is why we recommend pronouncing washbasins during morning hygiene procedures. Kids can so learn the name of the parts of the body and face. Children in the kindergarten need to complicate the task. Often speech therapy tongue twisters are redone under the nursery rhymes and counters. In this way, you can adjust speech defects.

Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for washing
Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for washing

Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten before meals

Preschool babies may not eat very well. In no case should they be forced. Try to interest the child. I will help you with a nursery rhyme and jokes in this.

Be sure to tell the children about fruits and vegetables. This will help children combine products into certain groups. The child will learn to generalize and classify a variety of objects. Be sure to describe the vegetables and characterize them.

Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten before meals
Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten before meals
Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten before meals
Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of kindergarten before meals

Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of the kindergarten about pot

This kind of nursery rhymes are suitable for children of a nursery group. Indeed, in most younger groups in the gardens are already toilet. The nursery rhymes about the pot will help you accustom the kids to celebrate the need and not to be written into the pants. Do not force children, they can start afraid of a pot.

Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of the kindergarten about pot
Wagges, jokes and pestlers for children of the kindergarten about pot

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for dressing

This kind of cartoon is designed for babies for three years. They will help to distinguish between the right and left parts of the body, as well as parts of the body. At the same time, the baby, carried away by the cartoon, will become independent much faster. It should be understood that a 4 -year -old child must dress and fasten lightning and buttons.

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for dressing
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children of a kindergarten for dressing

Wagus, jokes and pestlers for children during a walk

At the age of 4 years, it is worth paying more attention to counters and games that allows you to learn the alphabet. All games should make children concentrated. After all, it is 4 years that the age should concentrate on further education.

To raise their mood, it is worth combining the words with movements. Charging, combined with poems, is suitable.

Wagus, jokes and pestlers for children during a walk
Wagus, jokes and pestlers for children during a walk

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children Russian folk

This kind of nursery rhymes and pestlees are known to everyone since childhood. These are most often pieces of various works. Below are the most popular.

Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children Russian folk
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children Russian folk
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children Russian folk
Wagges, jokes and pesthes for children Russian folk

Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children old

Ancient nursery rhymes and jokes at the moment on modern mothers may seem strange. But not so long ago, such nursery rhymes were used by our grandmothers.

Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children old
Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children old
Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children old
Wagus, jokes and pesthes for children old

Wagus, jokes and pestlers for children with movements

When the child is a newborn, then all the nursery rhymes and Pestshuki are told by mom and everything is done for the child, but when the baby is 3 years old, you can introduce poems with movements. This will allow the child to do several things at the same time. And teach some autonomy. That is, the child will be able to dress and think and talk. Such nursery rhymes with movements strengthen the child’s nervous system and allow him to master interesting skills.

Video: Matters with movements

Wagus, jokes and pestlers for children of primary school age

Such nursery rhymes are necessary in order to let the child rest and distract him from classes. Every 10 minutes of lesson or classes, it is recommended to arrange short breaks that will allow you to relax and be distracted by children.

Video: pesthes for schoolchildren

How nursery rhymes will help to cope with children's disobedience: a psychologist consultation, tips, recommendations

It is quite difficult to cope with children 3-4 years old. It is at this age that the main task of parents and educators in kindergarten to teach a child that there is time for games and classes. Often, children at this age do not want to obey and check the framework of the permitted.


  • If your child got up from the wrong foot, and does not want to go to the garden, raise his mood with the namesakes. In bed, tell the nursery rhymes after sleep, about the birds that get up early.
  • If he does not want to wash, take the baby to the tap and tell the nursery rhyme. The child will hear, and will fulfill all the tasks on his own.
  • If the child is crying and acting up, do not scream, but tell him the nursery rhyme. This will help to amuse the baby.
  • Try to spend more time with your child and tell him interesting nursery rhymes. Be sure to connect them with movements.

Video: How to react to children's nagging?

As you can see, the nursery rhymes and pestlers will not only cheer the baby, but also teach him to count, dress, wash and walk on the pot.

Video: Wits and Counters

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