Why it is harmful to eat chips: benefits and harm, the effect of chips on the body. How is there any chips if you love them? How to cook delicious at home?

Why it is harmful to eat chips: benefits and harm, the effect of chips on the body. How is there any chips if you love them? How to cook delicious at home?

We eat chips and enjoy not only taste, but also health benefits. This is possible if you choose a useful product or cook at home.

Potato chips remain a popular product accompanying adults and children at home, on a walk, at football matches and even on holidays when they are part of many dishes. People know about their harm, but sometimes they do not know the composition.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to use lavash?". You will find delicious recipes for lavash dishes - snacks, rolls, chips, apple strudel and others.

Often consumer fears are created by myths. Fortunately, who wants to replace potatoes in a beautiful wrapper with healthy food. How to do it? What will happen if there are store chips every day? How to choose less harmful chips? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Tasty food - potato chips: composition, how are they doing?

Tasty food - potato chips
Tasty food - potato chips

Oddly enough, but the potatoes are only half of this delicious food. How do chips make and what composition? Read more:

  • In most cases, it is used not a natural base, but a semi -finished product.
  • Farmers are grown special potatoes.
  • Potatoes are thoroughly cleaned - before and after automatic cutting.
  • The resulting mass is fried in fruit. Manufacturers use special frying mixtures. Vegetable oil increases the amount of acids.
  • The rest is for additives.
  • Before packing, workers add spices and flavors. Their dosage depends on the type. They “replace” meat, cheese, seafood and other tastes.
  • Natural additives are red pepper, spicy herbs and dried garlic.

It is worth knowing: The 100-gram pack contains half of the daily amount of salt.

Wheat or rice flour is used to save, which is reflected in the total cost of products. The second variety replaces potato starch. Thanks to her, the contents of the pack are becoming airy and crispy. Particular attention is paid to flavors, flavors and preservatives.

IMPORTANT: Large temperatures lead to the formation of acrylamide - a chemical compound, carcinogen. Therefore, chips are considered a harmful food.

Contrary to a common myth, there are almost no trans fats in chips. The main thing is that there is a slight snack in reasonable quantities.

The benefits and harms of potato chips: the effect of food on every taste on the body

The only benefit of chips is a unique taste and crunch. Their frequent consumption can play a cruel joke. Potato starch itself can lead to fat deposits. This also applies to homemade fried potatoes. What else is the harm to potato chips? This is the effect on the body that such food has on every taste:

  • First of all, it is worth remembering about acrylamide - carcinogene, which everyone faces when cooking even homemade food. The substance is formed when cooking over high heat.

During the roasting of this product, it produces many harmful substances:

  • Acrylamide It does not affect the eyes, liver, kidneys and central-nerve system. It creates a golden brown crust and aroma.
  • Glycidide leads to the development of cancer and tumors.
  • Acrolein Annoying internal organs. To avoid consequences, manufacturers are required to regularly change the oil.

Conservants carry out significant harm:

  • Benzoic acid Increases shelf life. It causes allergic reactions, poisoning and provokes asthma attacks.
  • Orthophosphoric acid Annoying eyes and skin. It also leads to a weakening of bones and teeth crumbs.
  • In the destruction of the enamel of the teeth, starch is to blame, which became acid. Hygienic measures must be taken to get rid of food remnants.

Roskachestvo also warns of the presence of a large number of taste amplifiers in chips. WHO and FAO care about the health of citizens and have developed a daily dose. A person can consume 5 mg of benzoic acid per 1 kg of body weight - not more. Of course, in one pack of this amplifier there is less than 5 mg. But you can eat other foods in which the content of preservatives is large, and this will already be excess of the daily norm and can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What will happen if there are potato chips every day: why is it impossible, why is there often harmful and many?

Potato chips every day is better not to eat
Potato chips every day is better not to eat

A person eats a crispy snack to get rid of negative emotions, or gets used to them for other reasons. Factors are quick cooking and a desire to have fun with loved ones. Why can't you eat chips every day, why is it harmful to eat often and many? This is what will happen if there are potato chips every day:

  • As mentioned earlier, a lot of salt lies in the chips. Frequent use promises an increase in sodium (hypernatremia).
  • One pack of crispy snacks contain 550 kcal. A large number of trans fats lead to cardiovascular diseases and disrupts the immune system.
  • Any fast food leads to a significant increase in weight, diabetes, stomach ulcer and gastritis. This equally negatively affects male and female health.
  • They worsen the brain and reduce mental activity.

People make big sacrifices, but such food does not give the necessary nutrients. Cleaning and frying tubers picks up all nutrients. And without vitamins and trace elements, a person experiences headaches and feels shortness of shortness at low loads. At the same time, a decrease in appetite comes.

How to choose less harmful chips and are there such: what chips can be eaten?

The question is whether it is possible and what kind of chips are worried about many. How to choose less harmful chips and are there such? This is what experts say about what chips can be eaten. Details this topic was revealed by a dietitian Anna Belousova.

  • She recommends consuming 70 grams of chipsin a day.
  • It is advisable to do this for a few calls.
  • It is better to combine a deliberately harmful product with fresh vegetables.
  • Also, a member of the National Association of Dietetologists recommends paying attention to taste supplements. Better choose products with salt.

Remember that potato chips safe for health should not be prepared in fruit. So, you can avoid excessive oil consumption. Secondly, the product should not contain sodium glutamate. This chemical substance causes appetite and makes you consume more food than necessary.

Another solution is to find a replacement for them. Fortunately, potatoes are not the only basis for crispy slices. Banana and apple varieties remain popular in our time. Often, fruit lovers create citrus compositions: lemon-apelsin-lam. It is enough to cut fruits into thin rings and dried in an oven.

Remember: During thermal treatment, the fruits lose part of the nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to eat fruits in different variations - cheese, baked form, as well as in the form of compotes and confiture.

The banana variety of chips is prepared in fruit, but most of the beneficial substances are preserved. However, the calorie content of such production snacks is 519 kcal. Unlike home, they are fried in a large amount of oil. At home, the calorie content of the product depends on the processing method. We recommend baking the plates without oil. Cooking in the microwave will accelerate this process.

Although in a processed form, serotonin produces a sweet fruit, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal and brain activity. Dried fruit slices quickly correct the forces after a long illness and improve vision.

Is it possible to eat chips for pregnant women, children?

Children are prohibited for children
Children are prohibited for children

Undoubtedly, food with an abundance of chemistry and the absence of any nutrients has a number of contraindications. Some of them are associated with diseases that the product itself causes: the disease of the digestive tract, renal failure, obesity and allergies. Is it possible to eat chips for pregnant women, children?

  • Such a light snack causes special harm to pregnant women. Women like salted food in a position.
  • But it can be harmful due to preservatives and other substances in the composition.
  • There is a risk for the unborn child, so there is such a doctor’s potatoes are prohibited in the early stages.
  • A carcinogenic supplement affects the cellular structure of DNA and thereby harms the fetus. Subsequently, children suffer from heart diseases.

A woman can ask her husband to cook her a home analogue. Slices must be treated in the oven or in the microwave. Remember that it will be more useful, and any fried food is harmful to the body of a pregnant woman and for the future baby.

It is worth remembering: The connection of the mother with the child continues with breastfeeding. This also applies to the resulting substances through breast milk. Therefore, what the mother eats will receive the baby along with her nutrition.

Sometimes parents want to treat their child with delicious crispy chips. They are definitely contraindicated in children up to 4 years. Do not allow them to use them to children with gastrointestinal diseases or liver. With frequent consumption, the child is able to lose taste due to the glutamate of sodium (it changes the taste, and then ordinary food already seems tasteless).

Due to the negative impact of the product, nutritionists advise to refrain from its use children under 12 years old. Of course, it was said above that you can eat chips with vegetables. They neutralize the detrimental effect on the body, since the fiber absorbs harmful substances and removes, but it is better not to risk it.

Is it possible to eat overdue chips?

Food can deteriorate and become unsuitable for consumption. But some products are still normal in taste and other qualities. Is it possible to eat overdue chips?

  • Usually they are suitable for food within a month after the expiration of the expiration date.
  • In the open package, the shelf life of the product is reduced up to 3 days. To close hermetic packaging and save the product longer, use some kind of clamp-a special or ordinary clothespin.

It is easy to identify the signs of a spoiled product. First of all, the contents of the pack are losing a crunch. Another thing is if there is an unpleasant odor or mold, a runaway smell of oil or an unsightly appearance. All this not only does not cause appetite, but also dangerous to health. In this case, it is better not to use chips so that poisoning does not work out or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract do not develop.

How to do chips, if you love them - how to cook delicious at home: how much can you eat without harm to health?

Chips prepared in oil houses
Chips prepared in oil houses

Probably, many are familiar to many when you know that the product is harmful, but I want to eat it. There are methods of use and preparation, thanks to which nutrition of chips will not lead to poor consequences. So, how is there any chips if you love them? How much can you eat without harm to health?

  • To avoid the development of gastritis or uncontrolled eating the product, it is worth consuming chips after a tight meal.
  • It is recommended to pour a little from a pack into a bowl. Awareness of a limited amount helps to appreciate every piece and there are them when it is really necessary.
  • Drink enough water or tea half an hour after a salt meal.
  • Limit the consumption of this product up to 1 time in 2 weeks. So you will reduce the negative effect on the body.
Chips prepared at home in the oven
Chips prepared at home in the oven

It is time to give an example of a recipe for home potato chips. How to cook delicious at home? Most often they are prepared in the oven. For 3 portions you need:

  • 600 g of potatoes
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil

Cook like this:

  1. To get started, wash the tuber, clean and cut into circles. You can chop on a special shinkle, then the circles will turn out perfectly even and thin, like store chips. The thickness should be 2 mm. Then wash and soak the tubers in a bowl of water so that excess starch comes out. This will be required 5-7 min.
  2. Before cooking, dry the tubers with a paper towel, cut into slices.
  3. Put them on a paper towel and dry them within 10 days.
  4. Heat the oven up to 180 ° C. Transfer slices to a dry bowl. Add salt, paprika and sunflower oil. The proportions of seasonings are determined to taste. Make slices with spices.
  5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and put the slices of potatoes on it.
  6. Set the time 12-20 min. On the timer and wait until the potato is baked until golden crust. The required baking time depends on the thickness of the slices.
  7. Wait until the prepared homemade dish cools down. At the last stage, it receives a characteristic crunch and a unique taste. But at the same time it will not be as harmful as a store fried product.

As you can see, chips are not useful food, regardless of the age of the person who will use them. They are harmful, both adults and children. The above recommendations will help to avoid complications and health problems after use. Prepare yourself and correctly, using healthy options for such a favorite food, and then it will be possible to avoid negative effects. Good luck!

Video: How do chips make? The whole truth about the dangers of chips! The composition of the chips

Video: What will happen if there are chips every day?

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