Why the edges of the leaves in indoor plants dry: top 7 causes. What to do so that the leaves of indoor plants do not dry?

Why the edges of the leaves in indoor plants dry: top 7 causes. What to do so that the leaves of indoor plants do not dry?

Fans of indoor plants from time to time face the following problem: it would seem that yesterday everything was fine with flowers, and the very next day the dried edges of some leaves become visible. If this situation is familiar to you, then in this case this material is for you.

We will tell you for what reasons this can happen to plants and how to cure them.

Why dry the edges of the leaves in indoor plants: TOP-7 reasons

Why the edges of the leaves of indoor plants dry:

  1. Blinds of pests. First of all, make sure that in a flower or soil there are no pests who like to settle on young shoots or on the bottom of the leaflets. Parasites are so disguised, preferring to remain unnoticed. But if we really need it, then we will definitely see them, isn't it? And we will carry out a thorough audit of all sheets and shoots for this. If pests are detected, immediately go to the store for insecticide! By the way, plant roots can also be driven up by parasites, but you should not rush to extract them from the ground. It may well be that the plant is sick for a completely different reason, so you do not need to damage the root system in vain.
  2. Hard water. The water that you use to moisturize the soil in pots with plants can be excessively stiff. Water water must be defended before, and then watering plants with it, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable. The tap water contains excessive seizures of various kinds of heavy substances that can change the soil composition-and far from the best side for the plant.
  3. Incorrect top dressing. To feed indoor flowers with fertilizers strictly according to the schedule. If you do it too often or rarely, then in this case the upper parts of the leaves may begin to dry out in the plants.
  4. Insufficient humidity. If you notice that the upper part of the leaves in indoor plants began to dry, do not be lazy - take up the measurement of air humidity. The fact is that different species of plants need different humidity.
  5. Lack of space. Analyze whether the plant has enough space in the flowerpot. If the roots are already shown in the drainage opening of the flowerpot, then this means that it is time to transplant the flower into a more voluminous pot.
  6. Incorrect watering. Determine how wet the substrate is in the pot, and whether it dries strongly between irrigation. It is possible that you either fill the flower too much, or not moisturize the soil enough - in both cases, the plant may not like it. You can determine the moisture content of the soil “by eye”, starting from your own experience, or using a special indicator, which can be purchased in a flower store.
  7. Sunburn. If a pot with a flower stands on the south side, then in the summer the hot sun can scorch the tips of its leaves. In this case, you need to urgently rearrange it in a place where the sun's rays will not reach it.
Leaves can dry for such basic reasons
Leaves can dry for such basic reasons

If the tops of the leaves of indoor plants began to dry for one reason, then it will not be difficult to fix the situation. But if several reasons have led to this at once, then in this case, to save the indoor flower, complex measures will have to be taken.

What to do if the edge of the sheet has dries in indoor strings ni?

If the reasons why the plant’s edge begin to dry, you could not establish, then in this case you need to take such emergency measures:

  • Replace the surface soil layer. This measure will allow you to get rid of excess salts and all other deposits that have accumulated in the soil.
  • Clean the leaves of dusty plaque. Plants with delicate leaves can arrange a shower, and with dense leaves - wipe them with a damp soft cloth.
  • Change in the room where pots with flowers are located, air humidity. This can be achieved using a spray gun or a regular bowl into which water is poured - it must be installed near the flower.
Change air humidity
Change air humidity
  • Each type of plant has individual characteristics, and therefore care For each of them there should be individual. Seek the consultation with a specialist, or read on the Internet about the proper care of a specific plant - after all, you must be sure that you are doing everything right for your green pet.

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Video: What to do if the leaves dry in indoor plants?

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