Types of manure and its benefit for different plants. How to apply manure for feeding country crops in spring and autumn: Description

Types of manure and its benefit for different plants. How to apply manure for feeding country crops in spring and autumn: Description

In this article you will learn about what types of manure are, how to use manure for feeding country crops. And thanks to fertile soil, you will grow an excellent crop, if you do everything right.

In order for your plants to grow large, healthy, it is necessary to use manure. Cultural plants require special care. Without organic fertilizers, it is impossible to achieve soil fertility. A good harvest happens only when the land in the site contains the necessary number of trace elements. And this is achieved by adding fertilizers. We will figure out what types of fertilizers are, and how to use manure for different plants.

Types of manure and its benefit for different plants

Plants grow slowly if you do not use manure. The normal crop cannot be achieved by this method. Cultural plants should always be fed. One of the most common natural fertilizers is manure.

Types of fertilizers
Types of fertilizers

The manure is saturated with useful components. It has calcium, magnesium and other components. Thanks to CA, Mg decreases the concentration of acidity in the ground. Phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen - the necessary components for the soil, without such elements there will be no normal growth of crops. The elements that are part of manure form humus. Thanks to manure, carbon dioxide is formed in the ground. It is she who promotes heat transfer, photosynthesis.

There are many different types of manure:

  1. Korovy manure - Universal, suitable for any soil. The decomposition period of this fertilizer is quite long. Apply it in the spring, autumn. At first, it can warm up the soil to 50 degrees, after seven to ten days the temperature drops to 29 degrees. If humus cow is black, then this is the norm.
  2. Horse dung. It is considered one of the best. It can be used both for greenhouses and open ground. If you use it for warm beds, you should know that at first the temperature will increase to sixty degrees in the greenhouse, in a month it will become 30.
  3. If you use it sheep, goats of manure, Then you do not have to add them often, they hold the temperature for a long time. Therefore, it is especially effective on the "cold" soil. The beds are much less frequent with such manure.
  4. Pork manure Experts recommend using horseback, so it is much more effective. Fertilizer is used for greenhouses. The best effect will be only in sunny weather. For hot beds, it is then perfect.
  5. Rabbit manure It is found in small quantities. It is quite effective. It can be compared even with horseback. Can be used for fertilizer of any crops.
  6. Chicken use often. It is used in a divorced form. And plant cultures are watered only under the root system. Fertilizer is rich in useful trace elements. After its use, the soil does not lose fertile properties for a long time.

IMPORTANT:It is believed that horse, rabbit, sheep is one of the best types of fertilizers. After they go: cow, pork. They have a lot of liquid. And bird litter is inferior to these fertilizers, because it is effectively used only fresh.

If you store manure or droppings for a long time, then its concentration is lost, it becomes less minerals in it. It is fresh fertilizers that are the most concentrated, but this is not always useful for plants. Therefore, experienced gardeners and gardeners use humus as fertilizers. It is undesirable to store manure for a long time until the fall, it is optimal to make fertilizers in the spring.

How to apply manure for feeding country crops in spring?

Applying manure in spring or autumn is a question that concerns many people engaged in agriculture. I must say that various crops are differently and fed with fertilizers. If in the fall, introduce manure for feeding plants, then you can saturate the soil with mineral components for the future harvest.

In the spring, plant crops themselves are saturated with fertilizers. And the fertility of the soil will not increase from this. But the plants will grow strong. In the spring, plants should be fed with manure, or rather overheating. This is useful for cultures, they will be saturated with all the necessary mineral components. But fresh manure is not recommended to be added to the ground at this time. There are too many acids and various aggressive components that can simply destroy plant crops.

According to the rules of humus, it is introduced everywhere and evenly throughout the ground. And manure is added either at the very beginning of spring, when there is still no grass coating, or in the fall. Trees they are fertilized, digging the earth around them, and pouring out in quantity there from 1 to 3 buckets. Berry shrubs Feel one bucket of manure.

Spring is a great time for the year to fertilize such cultures as:

  • Cabbage, onions, potatoes;
  • Beets, carrots, tomatoes, garlic.

Humus in the ground is introduced when planting vegetable crops.

How to use manure in the fall to feed country crops?

In the cold season, organic fertilizers are poorly decomposed. Due to which active microorganisms economically consume their resource. And gradually produces humus. This component increases soil fertility. That is why it is in the fall that they are advised to use manure when they dug the soil. In the spring, liquid compositions can be used to improve plant growth. Manure diluted with water.

Correct use of organic fertilizers
Correct use of organic fertilizers

So, in the fall, manure is brought directly into the ground when digging the site. Fertilizers in this way give their beneficial substances to plants and shrubs gradually. They feed them for a long period. This period lasts about 5-8 months. The soil has a good composition and becomes much more fertile. Experienced farmers consider the autumn top dressing of soil more useful than feeding the soil in the spring.

Even in autumn, the earth should be enriched with manure for plants such as:

  • Cherry, gooseberries, plum, apple tree, cherries, aiva, apricot, mulberry, raspberries.
  • Potatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, pepper, beets, garlic.

Dig ground with manure in the fall, when the first cold occurs, and the entire crop is removed.

Manure, like fertilizer for cucumbers, how to apply?

Plant flora needs care and feeding. Therefore, you need to use manure. After all, its composition contains such necessary substances for plants as phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium and others. The percentage of components in different organic fertilizers is not the same. Fresh manure has a small concentration of nitrogen in its composition, and over time, the fertilizer reacts with external factors and this component becomes larger.

To feed cucumbers should be used humus. Especially for greenhouse, to warm the soil. And if you use fresh manure, then cucumbers can simply die due to ammonia fumes. Cucumbers by nature thermophilic plants. Using manure, you can make them warm beds. And manure in this case serves as fuel in cold weather.

Manure for cucumbers
Manure for cucumbers

For warm beds, they make the following:

  • Fresh manure is mixed with dry straw (one to one).
  • Then, after a few days, you will see how the mass begins to fall. So it's time to make beds.
  • Where you want to plant cucumbers, make trenches, pour a mass with manure there.
  • Pour water. Further the beds should be covered with a film.

After two or three days, remove polyethylene, and sprinkle with earth.

Cucumbers should be added with fertilizers about four times a season:

  1. For the first time they are added by a solution of manure diluted with water in the proportion 200 ml. On a bucket of water. They also add here 5 ml. potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate. Plants are made after watering cucumbers. Under each bush on a half-liter jar of a solution.
  2. For the second time, feed the cucumbers when they begin to bear fruit. Now in 10 liters of water, dissolve 500 g of manure And pour cucumbers after watering. For each bush, 1 liter of 1 liter of fertilizers.
  3. After two weeks, repeat the top dressing of cucumbers with a solution of 0.5 liters of cow manure and 10 liters of water. Water vegetables 1 liter under each bush.
  4. Pour vegetables after half a month for the 4th time. Make a solution 0.5 l + 10 l of water.

Korovy manure for tomatoes, how to apply?

If the tomatoes are “overfeed” with fertilizers, then there will be violent growth of greens and the fruits will be small. Therefore, manure should be used as much as twenty days after landing. To make a solution, 1 liter of manure in 3 liters of water is diluted. And you need to cook fertilizers so much to water all tomatoes. Insist them for about three days. Under each bush, add one liter of solution. And after feeding, do not water tomatoes for three days. Do the next top dressing no earlier than after half a month.

Tomatoes, how to fertilize?
Tomatoes, how to fertilize?

IMPORTANT : Fertilize tomatoes yet It is possible to be a special composition. It is done in the following way: bred half a liter of cow manure in a bucket of water and nitrofoski 25 ml are added there. For each bush of tomatoes, pour half a liter of solution.

The second time, put up tomatoes during the flowering period of the second hand, and the third - when the third brush blooms.

Manure - use for vegetables

To grow a good harvest of vegetables, they should not only be watered, but also fertilized. For fertilizer, it is better to use manure. And the manure happens both hot and cold. So fertilizer based on the waste of sheep, horses, during the decomposition, release a lot of heat. And the manure of cow, pork is called cold, since a small heat transfer occurs when it is rotted. This should be taken into account when choosing feeding for vegetables.

According to the rules, vegetables must be fertilized as follows:

  1. Cabbage It is just enough to feed twice during growth. At first, it is poured 18 days after landing. And after a month after this top dressing. For the solution, cow pile is prepared, diluting 1 to 6. Under each bush of cabbage, add 0.5 liters and the same amount of water for watering.
  2. To feed potato It follows with caution. Potato does not tolerate organics. Therefore, it is fertilized once by the composition of the cow manure for 10 liters of water half a liter of manure.
  3. Pour zucchini Recommended before flowering. Fertilizer is prepared from cow manure. In 10 liters of water, 1 liter and 8 g of nitrophosphate are dissolved. Under each bush it is necessary to introduce one liter of solution. When the plants bloom, they add more fertilizers. Now it is better to add zucchini with a solution of chicken litter, at the rate of: 1 liter of litter dilute 3 parts of water, add 25 ml. complex fertilizer, finished composition dilute 10 liters of water. Then pour the zucchini.
  4. Beetsthey feed often, she will not harm her manure. Do the first top dressing when four leaves appear. To do this, prepare a mixture from the manure of mullein (750 ml.) And water (10 l). And the second time add a less concentrated solution under the root. To prepare the solution, you will need 250 ml. cow manure and 10 liters of water.
  5. Carrot Rarely fed with manure. But to enhance the growth of shoots, you can use solutions from chicken litter (1 to 15) or manure (1 to 5). Pour the grooves between the rows with fertilizer.

Manure - top dressing of flower plants

Roses and other flowers love fertile soils. It is then that they gain strength and bloom, fragrance, as in botanical gardens. To feed the soil, it is better to use manure, to be more precisely humus. It is added to the ground during autumn digging the site. Or in the preparation of places for planting plant bushes.

Cow or horse fertilizer is scattered evenly around the ground around the flowers. This is a good method of eliminating weeds and enriching the soil with nutrients. After planting roses, to the growth of the first buds, the color of the flowers with liquid fertilizers is made. Most often, a composition prepared in this way is used for this: one part of manure and three waters, after another liter of cooked composition is diluted with ten liters of water. Spray the solution until you moisten the green mass. Thanks to this, flowering will increase.

How to feed roses?
How to feed roses?

IMPORTANT: They do not advise using pork, sheep manure and feces of pets for flowers.

Diluted manure can be added:

  • Dahlias, peonies, lilacs
  • Clematis, roses, curly shrubs
  • Bulbal perennial plants, tulips, daffodils.

For soil fertility, fertilizer is applied in advance before planting plants. If you want to plant one-year-old plants, then you must use humus. Cow, horse manure is not only able to improve soil quality and provide a high harvest, but also protect plants from diseases, pests. Of all fertilizers, manure - occupies a leading position among farmers. After all, this is a natural organic fertilizer.

How to use manure for trees and shrubs?

It is not recommended to use manure that has not been riveted for trees and shrubs. The best option for this type of plant is humus. Fertilize in the spring, autumn. Only not in the form of manure, but in the form of a solution. The furrow is watered with a liquid consistency, which is specially done around the perimeter.

For the fertilizer of fruit trees (apple trees, cherries, plums, apricot, pears) and conifers (pine, thuja, spruce, juniper) is suitable for humus, which was maintained before use for two years. For feeding the trees themselves, shrubs, a liquid solution with manure is used, one part of the fertilizer and five parts of water are diluted. Then leave for seven days under the lid. Then this mixture is diluted in a bucket of water (1 to 10) and plants are fed with it.

How to use manure for fertilizer strawberries?

Strawberries are fertilized with humus. And to obtain a good humus, you need to use manure. The concentration of humus is no more, 25%than fresh manure. If you keep manure for a long time, then it is not necessary to go through all stages of decay to turn it into humus precisely for strawberries. Humus is used for soil before planting strawberries or mulched the soil around this fertilizer. You can feed strawberries with a solution of manure with water when strawberries throw flowers.

How to fertilize strawberries?
How to fertilize strawberries?

You can prepare liquid fertilizer in the following way: half a liter of manure is added to 10 liters of water, mixed and poured along a liter under each bush of the plant.

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Video: Application of manure for feeding data from crops

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