Why, after flowering of potatoes, green balls appeared, is it necessary to break them off? Why are there no green balls after flowering potatoes?

Why, after flowering of potatoes, green balls appeared, is it necessary to break them off? Why are there no green balls after flowering potatoes?

Is it worth it to break the green balls on the potatoes.

Green balls on potatoes appear immediately after flowering. These are the fruits that contain seeds. Potatoes can be grown not only by planting tubers, but also with seeds. However, most often they are used not for their intended purpose, but to prepare various drugs. In the article we will tell you whether it is worth breaking off green balls from the tops. 

On the tops of potatoes are green balls, what is it?

The appearance of green balls is a natural process that is one of the stages of potato growth.

On the tops of potatoes are green balls, what is it:

  • At the initial stage, small shoots appear that bloom. After color, seeds appear in the form of green balls. This is one of the ways of breeding potatoes.
  • However, not all varieties have green balls, some varieties obtained by breeding do not bloom at all, accordingly, seeds do not appear on them.
  • Such potatoes are propagated exclusively with tubers. They were created so that all soil strength, fertilizers, organic and inorganic additives were spent not on flowers and seeds, but exclusively on the growth of tubers and an increase in the harvest. 

Why do green balls appear on the tops of potatoes?

Some gardeners believe that if it has already appeared berries, which means the plant spent all the necessary forces. Accordingly, there is no need to spend your time on removing “tomatoes”. Flowering of potatoes reduces productivity, it is necessary to remove the color itself, as soon as small inflorescences appear. However, some varieties prone to flowering can throw new inflorescences until the harvest period. It is easier to give a potatoes once, and then spend strength not on flowers, but on tubers. 


Potato berries, what to do with them?

These green berries contain a large amount of natural glycoside - a sololin, which is a strong poison. However, thanks to this, you can fight with its help with skin diseases. It is believed that tinctures based on potato balls are useful for psoriasis, eczema, papilloma and heel spurs.

Potato berries, what to do with them:

  • To prepare the healing composition, it is necessary to fill a 3-liter bottle with potato “tomatoes”, after washing them and dried. Next, the mixture is poured with medical alcohol.
  • The jar is covered with a lid and left in a dark place for 1 month. It is necessary to shake the composition daily so that all the beneficial substances that are in the berries go into the solution. It is such a solution that can be used to treat psoriasis, eczema and papillomas.
  • To cure the ailment, it is necessary to moisten the cotton pad with tincture and wipe the site in the morning and evening. 1 week is enough for treatment. During this time, papillomas or warts can easily be removed. If the mixture has not worked, after 7 days you can repeat the course.
  • To cure the heel spent, the product must be used in the form of an application. However, it is pre -mixed with boiled water in a ratio of one to one. A small sponge is folded from gauze, wetted in the solution, laid out in a sore spot. You need to leave the mixture on the leg for one night. Before treating psoriasis, you need to consult a doctor. The fact is that this ailment occurs for several reasons, in some cases, the use of sololin can be not only not favorable, but also dangerous. Use the product is solved for 5 years from the date of preparation. 
  • With the help of Solonin, you can fight pests. From these berries, poison is prepared from aphids, a spider mite and slugs. To do this, prepare the solution. For 2 liters of water, you will need 10 large berries. They are rubbed until mashed, laid out in a jar and poured with water. Leave the mixture for 5 hours. After that, it must be filtered through several layers of gauze, and pour into a spray. The resulting tool is sprayed with plants that are exposed to pests. 

How to collect potatoes from berries?

From the berries you can get high -quality seeds, for a good harvest of potatoes. For this purpose, it is necessary to collect sowing material at the end of July.

How to collect potatoes from berries:

  • After that, they are laid out on white paper, on the windowsill, in a sunny place. It is necessary to withstand them for two to three months. During this time, berries should brighten and smell pleasantly.
  • If you feel, then the berries should be soft. After the berries ripen on the windowsill, they must be cut in half, wiped through gauze. Thus, a peel, a small amount of seeds will remain on the surface of Marley. They must be held under running water in order to wash off all the remains of the peel and pulp. It is impossible to withstand the seeds in water for more than 5 minutes so that they do not swell. Since this will contribute to their spoilage. After that, prepared seeds must be put on paper sheets and dried. Seeds are transferred to a paper or linen bag, stored in a dark place in a closet. To plant seeds, it is necessary to start landings in the second decade of March.

How to grow potatoes from berries?

It is necessary to fill the pots with a loose and soft substrate, which for the most part consists of peat. You can also use purchased soil for seedlings. Be sure to make drainage holes in the container, filling with the soil. The soil thickness should be 3 cm. Seeds must be laid on a saucer, covered with a paper cloth impregnated with a solution of phytosporin.

How to grow potatoes from berries:

  • Under the napkin, you need to leave the seeds for 30 minutes. During this time, they should increase slightly in size. In prepared soil, small recesses are made. The distance between the rows should be 5 cm. Each seed is invested at a distance of 100 cm from each other. Since the seeds are small in size, it is best to use toothpick moistened with water for planting.
  • You do not need to sprinkle the soil obtained seeds. Because the sprouts of the sprouts are very weak, they will not have enough strength to break through loose soil. It is not necessary to water the landing either. Before the start of landing, the substrate is moistened. It is necessary to cover the pots with ordinary cling film, and remove condensate from its surface every day so that there is no mold. At the same time, it is recommended to leave the landings open for 5-10 minutes so that the tray is saturated with oxygen. The container with landings is kept in a warm place, but in no case in a draft. The resulting seedlings are planted in mid -May. 
  • It is not necessary to water the seedlings of potatoes, since it is considered very weak, prone to decay. In the case of soil drying out, for irrigation, you need to use exclusively a syringe, pouring a few drops of water under each sprout. If there is rotting on one of the sprouts, it is necessary to remove it, and two neighboring ones so that the infection does not spread. 25 days after the appearance of the first seedlings, diving and transplanting into separate containers is carried out. It is in the middle of May that the sprouts obtained are planted in the ground. However, they still require shelter. Between the rows, it is necessary to leave a distance of 80 cm, and between each bush 40 cm. Be sure to be laid out in each hole along a handful of humus, ash and eggshell. It also recommends onion husks. The resulting beds are watered, mulched. In the first year, large tubers will not grow, but the next year it will be possible to get a large harvest. Many of the gardeners claim that potatoes that are grown from seeds do not touch pests, it is not used by the Colorado beetle. 

Why are there no green balls after flowering potatoes?

It is worth noting that there is no unequivocal answer whether it is necessary to remove the resulting berries after flowering or not.

Why after flowering potatoes there are no green balls:

  • Many gardeners are worried when the appropriate green “tomatoes” do not appear on the tops.
  • You should not worry, because breeders work annually, receiving new varieties of potatoes.
  • Therefore, there can be a large number of berries on some bushes, there are practically no them on others.
  • The types of potatoes are now bred that do not bloom at all. 

Potatoes have faded, green balls appeared, what to do?

Regarding the need to remove the received berries, it all depends on the preferences of the gardener himself. Some believe that immediately after flowering and the appearance of small berries, they must be removed.

Potatoes have faded, green balls appeared, what to do:

  • Part of the nutrients from the soil draws the resulting berries. Thus, tubers do not receive nutrients. This reduces the crop.
  • Experienced gardeners note that the difference in the crop is so negligible that they prefer not to bother, and not to break the resulting fruits.
  • This is especially true for large plantations when potatoes are located on several hectares of the Earth.
  • Accordingly, no one will break off and remove such balls, as it is physically impossible. 

Do you need to break the green balls on the potatoes?

More than 140 years ago, Richard Schroeder discovered, if you break the potato bushes in a certain period, this significantly increases the crop.

Green balls on the potatoes need to break off:

  • This is not surprising, since a significant amount of nutrient components is spent on the growth of tops. Accordingly, these nutrients could be aimed at the growth and increase in the number of tubers.
  • That is why, two to three weeks after flowering, just after the appearance of green balls, it is necessary to break the tops at a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the soil. It is believed that in this way it will be possible to stop the growth of the tops, thereby increasing the crop.
  • However, it is necessary to ensure that a small bush with green leaves remains above the surface of the soil. The process of photosynthesis is necessary so that the juices continue to flow in the plant, and the tubers grow. If you remove the tops, the tubers will not be able to ripen. 

A lot of useful information can be found on our website:

  1. How to warm up mashed potatoes?
  2. Custard with potato starch;
  3. Potato dicks with meat;
  4. Zrazy potato, fish, buckwheat, rice;
  5. How to cook pancakes?

Video: Green berries on potatoes

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