Prizes meat, potato, fish, buckwheat, rice, carrot: recipes with photos. Tasty filling for a tale

Prizes meat, potato, fish, buckwheat, rice, carrot: recipes with photos. Tasty filling for a tale

How to make zrazy from various minced meat and fillings? Will we talk about this in the proposed article?

Either the Lithuanian, or Belarusian, or someone else's national dish, regardless of origin, is the dish roots from the 14th century. Due to its variety of cooking options, it still has a success in professional cooks and domestic cooks.

Meat zrazy with eggs in butter or sunflower oil: recipe in the oven

prepare zrazes

Ground meat:

  • Two kilograms of pulp pork and half a kilogram of layers are cut into pieces
  • We pass through a meat grinder along with two onion heads
  • Add 2 raw eggs, salt and pepper to taste
  • Mix well


  • Two boiled eggs rub on a coarse grater
  • Add about two tablespoons of butter
  • We suck
  • Mix well
  • Weapon minced meat in the form of a tortilla is distributed in the palm of your hand
  • Put a little filling in the center
  • We sculpt a dense cutlet
  • We lay out on a baking sheet smashed with sunflower oil
  • We put in the oven for 30 minutes for baking. Temperature up to 200 degrees
  • After half an hour we take out
  • We put on each zone on a teaspoon of finished mustard. This portion will need only 5-6 tablespoons
  • We send to the oven for 15 minutes
  • About 5 minutes until cooked, we put it on each cutlet according to the plastic of the cheese. The total volume of which is about 200 grams
  • Serve with potato puree

Video: How to cook meat zrazy?

How to cook potato zrazes with chicken in the oven and in a pan in butter?

prepare zrazes
  • Five boiled potato tubers are well kneaded to a puree state
  • Add one egg and a pinch of salt
  • Beat the minced meat well
  • Finely chop the fillet of one small chicken breast
  • 10-15 olives without bones are divided into small pieces
  • 100 grams of cheese are fine
  • Combine cheese, olives and chicken
  • Salt the filling
  • We fill with a tablespoon of mayonnaise
  • From the resulting potato minced meat, we make small cakes
  • Put the filling
  • We flood the zrazes well
  • Fry to golden crust in sunflower oil, not bringing it to complete readiness
  • On a smoked baking sheet, we lay out semi -finished cutlets
  • We bring to readiness for 30 minutes in the oven, at a temperature of 180 degrees
  • Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise

Such zrazy is very juicy and aromatic, have a very original taste. Since, raw chicken mince gives additional juice, which, when baking, is impregnated with each cutlet.

Recipe for meat with egg and other filling in butter

prepare zrazes
The most common filling for meat tow is a chicken egg. It is either chopped finely adding other products, or put it entirely.
A very interesting version of this dish with quail eggs.
The composition of the products is common, and the result is non -standard. In addition, the dish is prepared much faster, since the zrazes are not large.

For full readiness, 20 minutes of baking is enough. The taste gets more tender. And a variety of nutrients contained in quail eggs, make this option very useful.
So, three portions of the finished product will need:

  • 600 grams of mixed minced meat (2/3 beef, 1/3 pork)
  • 1 head of fresh onion
  • Core of a piece of white bread
  • 1 fresh chicken egg
  • 15-20 boiled quail eggs
  • Spices and salt to taste
  • Add finely chopped onions and crumbs from bread to the scrolled meat minced meat (you can scroll everything together through a meat grinder)
  • Mix with chicken egg, salt and pepper
  • Grind everything well
  • We make two cakes from minced meat
  • We put a boiled quail egg between them
  • We pinch the halves with each other in the shape of a cutlet
  • We spread on a baking sheet lubricated with butter
  • We cook for 20-25 minutes in an oven, heated up to 200 degrees
  • If desired, you can fry in a pan

prepare zrazes
Taking minced meat, you can diversify this dish, adding additional filling to the egg:

  • Frying onions
  • Chopped green onions
  • Fried mushrooms
  • Grated cheese
  • Fresh or fried cabbage
  • Boiled rice
  • And many more, many other options

Video: meat zrazes with various fillings

Fish chopped zrazes in sunflower oil, recipe

prepare zrazes
For filling:

  • Fry the finely chopped onion head
  • Mix with two chopped steep eggs, a chopped clove of garlic, a pinch of salt
    Ground meat:
  • 500 grams of fish fillet, 50 grams of bacon and 2 pieces of white bread are scrolled in a meat grinder
  • Add 1 raw egg
  • Salt, pepper
  • Mix intensively
  • We form mince cakes
  • Put the filling in the center
  • We pinch the edges well
  • We collapse zrazes in a whipped cheese egg
  • Panic in cracked cubes
  • Fry in vegetable oil
  • Serve, potato mashed potatoes and green peas

Zrazy with eggs and mushrooms in sunflower oil, recipe

prepare zrazes
  • Smooth onion head and fry the head
  • One tubing of raw potato grater
  • In 500 grams of minced meat, we put fried onions, grated potatoes, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, one egg, a tablespoon of milk, salt, pepper
  • Knead the minced meat
  • Cut 100 grams of fresh mushrooms and fry
  • Chop one boiled egg
  • Combine mushrooms and egg, filling a tablespoon with a spoon of sour cream
  • Three 50 grams of solid cheese
  • Combine with 50 grams of cut walnut and tablespoon of flour
  • Pour this mixture evenly on the board
  • We make cakes from minced meat and put on a walnut paneling
  • Put the filling
  • We put the cutlet
  • We roll in panic from all sides
  • Fry in sunflower oil until cooked

How to cook potato zrazes with cabbage, minced meat in sunflower oil recipe

prepare zrazes
A good dietary dish and food during the post will serve potato zrazes with cabbage. This is a classic filling, but it adds good juiciness and a decent taste to the dish.

  • We turn six boiled potatoes into mashed potatoes
  • Add a tablespoon of starch, a little salt
  • Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained
  • Fry two heads of finely chopped onions in sunflower oil, until transparent
  • Add 200 grams of crushed fresh cabbage
  • Salt to taste
  • Stew to readiness
    We form zrazes from potato minced meat, filling with chilled filling
  • We collapse if desired in breading crackers
  • Fry on the sunflower lover of lovers to eat more sedimentary potato zrazes with minced meat:
  • Fry 350 grams of any meat in sunflower oil until the half of readiness
  • Add one finely chopped onion head, half a grated carrots, black pepper and salt to taste
  • Hold on the stove until they are ready
  • Cool
  • Cooking potatoes of 12 boiled tubers
  • Add one raw egg and 3 tablespoons of flour
  • Beat well
  • A thick dense mass should turn out
  • From which we form portioned balls
  • From them we make cakes of small thickness
  • Put the filling in the middle
  • We sculpt zrazes
  • We collapse in crackers
  • We cook with double -sided frying in sunflower oil

Video: Potato with minced meat

Video: Potato zrazy with cabbage

A prescription of potatoes with chicken in butter

prepare zrazes

Changing not only the filling, but also the recipe for potato dough, you can get it very piquant unusual cutlets:

  • Boil five potatoes in the "uniform", a little sucking
  • Clean
  • Cool
  • We rub
  • Add to it 150 grams of grated cheese and silent chopped dill
  • If the dough is liquid, add a little starch
  • Carefully knead the mass
  • Fry the half kilograms of chicken fillet chopped in vegetable oil
  • Add salt, pepper and favorite spices
  • Cool
  • We sculpt zrazes, fragmenting the portable potato mass on the palm of your hand
  • Add chicken filling
  • We form balls or cutlets
  • First we roll in a whipped egg (1-2 pieces), then in flour
  • Fry on both sides in butter
  • Serve with fresh vegetables, sprinkling with herbs

Carrots in butter, recipe

prepare zrazes
Very tasty and healthy dietary dishes about - carrot zrazes with cottage cheese. It has a positive effect on the pancreas. Ideal for those who adhere to a healthy and proper nutrition. Very useful for children.

  • Four pieces of fresh carrots rub
  • Stew with the addition of a tablespoon of milk and butter
  • Five minutes before readiness, thin stream, pour 1.5 tablespoons of semolina, constantly stirring
  • Cool
  • Add one raw egg
  • Mix well
  • We form cakes
  • On each cake, we put a little filling prepared from 4 tablespoons of wiped cottage cheese and a teaspoon of sugar
  • We make cutlets, thoroughly hiding the stuffing inward
  • We collapse zrazy in flour
  • We spread on a baking sheet lubricated with butter
  • We impregnate each cutlet with sour cream (1/2 tablespoon)
  • We bake for about 20 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees
  • Serve, pouring abundantly with sour cream
  • If you want to diversify the filling, you can add raisins, dried apricots, prunes, cinnamon or chopped dill to cottage cheese

Rice zrazes in vegetable oil, recipe

prepare zrazes
  • Boil 250 grams of rice
  • Rinse
  • Leave a little dry on a paper towel
  • Meanwhile, fry two heads of finely chopped onions and 400 grams of any minced meat
  • Let the filling cool
  • We make rice minced meat, adding one raw egg and 3 tablespoons of flour to rice
  • We knead well
  • We form a cutlet from rice, put the filling inside
  • Pinch the cutlet well
  • We collapse in flour and breading crackers
  • Fry in vegetable oil

How to cook buckwheat on sunflower oil, a recipe with a photo


  • A glass of buckwheat cereal
  • A small piece of chicken fillet.
  • One onion head
  • One raw and two boiled eggs
  • A few green onion feathers
  • A tablespoon of cream
  • Salt and pepper to taste
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prepare zrazes

Step -by -step recipe:

  • Featers of green onions and boiled eggs are finely chopped. Sit down a little.
  • Rinse buckwheat and boil

Loaded (19)Cut onion fry in vegetable oil. Loaded (20)Loaded (21)

  • Buckwheat, chicken fillets and passed onions are twisted. Combine with a raw egg, cream. Steam and slightly pepper

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  • With wet hands, sculpt cutlets. Putting the meat in the palm of your palm, on the pancake onward eggs eggs. We pinch so that the filling is all inside

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  • Fry semi -finished products on both sides in vegetable oil

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Delicious zrazes with prunes in butter

prepare zrazes
  • Finely shred two onion heads
  • Fry in butter
  • We combine with 60 grams of washed and chopped prunes without bones, two dentures of chopped garlic, 50 grams of grated cheese, a tablespoon of cream
  • Sit down a little
  • Mix well
  • We make minced meat in any convenient way of 300 grams of beef and 400 grams of pork
  • We break a fresh egg into it
  • We send salt, pepper to taste and 2 tablespoons of cream
  • Beat very carefully
  • The minced meat is distributed to portioned balls
  • We knead them on flat pancakes with a thickness of not more than 1 cm
  • The middle is filled with the contents of prunes
  • Fold in half
  • We pin the edges
  • We cover in flour
  • We bring to readily frying in good, fat butter on both sides

Ruse recipe in a slow cooker with sunflower oil

prepare zrazes

Any of the above recipes, if desired, can be prepared in a slow cooker.
For this :

  • Turn on the program "Frying", or "Baking"
  • Pour a little vegetable oil into the bowl
  • We lay out the prepared semi -finished product
  • Fry 10 minutes from one side and the other
  • You can add half a glass of cream and put out an additional 10 minutes without closing the lids

Filling for the tow

prepare zrazes
Experiment with a filling for a tow can endlessly.
For meat eyes, except for the egg filling discussed above, you can offer:

  • Fried trampolines and mushrooms on the dice stripped into cubes
  • Boiled rice with chicken liver
  • Fried onions and carrots with boiled grains
  • Grated cheese mixed with cow oil and chopped parsley or other favorite herbs
    The same fillings are suitable for potato, rice and buckwheat.

Carrots from carrots can be filled:

  • A variety of walnut varieties with any dried fruits
  • Grated apple with flavored cinnamon, vanilla
  • Fried onions with salty and fresh mushrooms
  • Liver, overgone with onions
  • With tires boiled eggs with a over -legged onion onion ...

Zrazy - a dish, in the preparation of which the limit of fantasies does not exist.
A slight change in the recipe for filling or minced meat and the dish acquires a completely different taste.

Video: delicious zrazes

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