Liepaisk's diet: essence, menu, reviews and results

Liepaisk's diet: essence, menu, reviews and results

How many people are unsuccessfully trying to lose weight? Great amount.

Hundreds of different diets come to the rescue in the fight against extra pounds, but only a few of them really work. Today we’ll talk about the Liepaian diet and its features.

Liepaisk's diet: essence

The founder of this diet was the doctor Lev Khazan, specializing in the problems of the endocrine system. He prescribed food for such a diet to all patients who had excess weight. The results simply surpassed all the expectations - the patients quickly and easily lost their hated kilograms, while not experiencing a terrible sense of hunger.

The Liepaian diet differs from most others, since some of its principles fundamentally vary with the principles of a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle:

  • There should only be a day 3 meals, and this diet does not allow any snacks between these techniques.
  • Overflow is not allowed. The losing weight should eat only portions that are prescribed by diet.
  • In summer and spring time, you need to drink daily 2 l of pure water, in the winter and autumn - 1.75 liters. Only pure water is considered, and juices, broths, fruit drinks, etc. It is attributed to additional fluid.
  • It is forbidden to drink any alcohol.
  • The calorie content of the products that you eat during the day cannot exceed 1200 kcal.
Sweet products prohibit
Sweet products prohibit
  • You always need to eat at the same time. There should be no breaks between meals longer than 5 hours.
  • Healthy sleep - An integral part of the diet. You need to sleep at least 8 hours., With this dream, there should be calm, strong and high -quality.
  • Physical activity During the diet you need to reduce. If you previously engaged in physical exercises on an ongoing basis, you should not remove them, since it will be an additional stress for your body. However, even in this case, it is worth abandoning hard training.
  • If you have not led an active lifestyle earlier, then you should not start doing this during a diet. The doctor recommends starting sports after losing weight, in which case the load on the cardiovascular system, joints, etc. will be much less.
  • Weighing Must be daily. So you will see the result and, therefore, every day you will receive a portion of motivation.
  • Since the weight during the Liepaian diet is lost very quickly, it is necessary to pay special attention to your health during this period. Every day you need to monitor pressure and pulse, weekly - for blood sugar.
  • Another integral part of this diet - skin care. The skin’s tightness also leaves with quickly leaving kilograms, and others can come to replace one problem - stretch marks, sagging skin, etc. Therefore, during the Liepaisk diet, it is recommended to go for massage (do self -massage), use creams, oils from stretch marks, do home Conducting procedures that are aimed at improving the condition of the skin (wrapping, etc.).

Liepaisk's diet: menu by day, 1 month, for 3 months

Good results with the help of the Liepaian diet of Dr. Khazan can only be achieved in case of unquestioning compliance with all tips and recommendations regarding the nutrition and regime of the day.

The menu for a week on this diet looks something like this:


  • 1st meal: a toast of 30 g of bread and a piece of hard cheese. You can spread the toast with butter. Tea, coffee without sugar, milk and other additives.
  • 2nd meals: meat in any form of 160 g (if cooked in sauce, refueling, etc., 135 g of meat, the rest of the sauce), vegetable storage 120 g, juice, fresh, fruitless fruit.
  • 3rd meal: Vinaigrette 120 g (for refueling any vegetable oil 20 ml), toast 30 g of bread from 1 tbsp. l. Fish canned food, 250 ml of juice, non -alcoholic beer, wine, tea, coffee, etc. - to choose from.


  • 1st meal: the same as Monday, but we replace the cheese with meat.
  • 2nd meals: the same as Monday, but replace the meat with fish.
  • 3rd meal: a salad of vegetables and meat 120 g. You can season the dish with low-fat sour cream, mayonnaise (20 g), a piece of bread 30 g, any liquid without sugar.


  • 1st meal: 250 ml of unsweetened tea, coffee, without sugar and additives, 2 large or 3 small chicken eggs.
  • 2nd meals: meat with sauce 160 g, vegetables 120 g, 250 ml of juice, fruit drink, freesh without sugar.
  • 3rd meal: Paul l kefir of any fat content, 25 g of honey.


  • In the morning: a sandwich with butter and hard cheese, unsweetened tea, coffee.
  • 2nd meals: seafood or hot fish 160 g, vegetable stew 120 g, sugar juice 250 ml.
  • 3rd meal: a salad of boiled vegetables 120 g, you can season 20 ml of any oil, 1 tbsp. l. Caviar, bread 30 g, any ugly liquid 250 ml.
Food is not too diverse, but quite effective
Food is not too diverse, but quite effective


  • In the morning: toast 30 g, with a small piece of meat, coffee, tea without sugar and additives
  • 2nd meals: 160 g of meat cooked in any way, vegetable salad of cabbage, cucumber, canned peas 120 g, juice 250 ml
  • 3rd meal: salad of boiled meat, potatoes, carrots, salted cucumber, seasoned with 20 g of mayonnaise, sour cream-120 g, bread 30 g, 250 ml of any liquid without sugar


  • 1st meal: toast with cheese 40 g, unsweetened tea or coffee
  • 2nd meals: 160 g of fish hot, 120 g of salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, Beijing cabbage, onions, 250 ml of fruit drink
  • Have dinner: 120 g of vinaigrette, seasoned 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, bread 30 g, 250 ml of tea/coffee with milk/soft beer/wine/fruit drink, etc.


  • A small fasting day, so food is given not by meals, but for the whole day.
  • 200 g of cottage cheese of any fat content, 250 ml of milk, 40 g of honey, 2 apples, 20 g of any nuts

As you could notice from the menu for one week, the menu is not varied. The basis is the simplest products: fish, meat, eggs, vegetables and dairy products.

  • The monthly option will not have significant differences from the diet for 1 week. The diet will have exactly the same dishes and foods.
  • The difference will be only that from the second month of the diet It is allowed to introduce foods and dishes rich in carbohydrates into your diet. With the onset of the third month of the diet, it is recommended to visit a doctor of a nutritionist who would adjust the further menu.

In the first month of diet, such products must be completely excluded:

  • Sweet, flour, even healthy bars, etc.
  • Fruits, dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts, with the exception of the day when they are registered in the diet.
  • Pasta.
  • Sugar, sugar -substitutes, etc.
  • Alcohol and soda.
  • It is also worth reducing salt intake.

Liepaisk's diet: reviews and results     

Almost everyone who ate in the Liepaian diet note that the weight goes quickly and easily. Thanks to this diet, you can lose many extra pounds in a short time (3 months) and acquire the figure of your dreams.

There are results
There are results

According to most of those who were “sitting” on this diet, in the first week you can say goodbye to 3-5 kg, depending on the initial weight.

  • Alexandra, 33 years: “She could not lose weight for a long time, weighed 86 kg. I found this diet, tried and was surprised by the result. In the first week it took 4 kg. ”
  • Irina, 47 years old: “I always suffered because of excess weight, no diets helped me. I found a Liepais diet on the Internet, but I didn’t really believe that I could lose weight with her. However, she lasted 3 months and lost to 83 kg from 95 kg. I will continue. "
  • Alexey, 30 years: “I decided to try the Liepaian diet, as I had problems with excess weight. At first it was difficult, portions are small, there are no snacks, but after a few weeks I got involved. Thanks to the diet, I dropped 8 kg in 2 months. ”

Liepaisk's diet: contraindications

Most of the reviews about this diet are positive, but it is worthwhile to understand that, like any other, Liepaisk diet, also has contraindications:

  • Chronic ailments, especially the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hard physical work. This diet is low -calorie, so a person who works hard will not all the time, and this can cause irreparable harm to health.
  • Increased or reduced pressure.
  • The Liepaian diet is also not suitable for those people who cannot do without snacks, cannot eat monotonously for a long time, play sports and do not want to give up it during the diet.

If you decide to lose weight with the help of a Liepaian diet, seek advice to a nutritionist. The specialist will adjust this diet for you, so you will lose the maximum of extra pounds and do not harm your health.

Articles about diets:

Video: About the Liepaian diet

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