Why urine has a reddish tint: for what diseases, non -hazardous, pathological causes, additional symptoms, treatment

Why urine has a reddish tint: for what diseases, non -hazardous, pathological causes, additional symptoms, treatment

If the urine has a reddish tint, then this should alert. Read about the reasons in the article.

Urina yellow or amber color is the norm. When using a large number of fluids, it lights up, with a lack of fluid, it acquires a rich yellow color. The appearance of a red shade of urine can indicate many diseases, which requires immediate diagnosis and compulsory treatment. One of the main reasons provoking redness is the intake of blood.

Read on our website an article on the topic: “What to do if the bladder is posed?”

The identified pathology may indicate that serious disorders occur in the body or the disease dangerous to health develops. Fortunately, such a symptom does not always pose a threat. The color of urine can vary due to eating certain foods or drugs. In such cases, symptoms are temporary. To return Urina, the usual color just needs to make changes to the diet, adjust the daily fluid intake and stop taking some medicines. More details why urine can be painted red in this article. Read further.

Reddish urine in women and men: non -hazardous causes

Reddish urine in women and men
Reddish urine in women and men

Having found such changes such as a reddish urine, you do not need to panic. The appearance of red urine is in women and men of any age and regardless of gender. You need to know that its shade is not always associated with the presence of blood cells in it. There may be several reasons for this. Will be non -hazardous:

  • Monthly cycle (for women)
  • Eating some products that paint the color of urine
  • Reception of antibiotics and laxatives
  • Excessive physical. loads

In these cases, it is not necessary to make an appointment with the doctor. It is enough to eliminate each of the provoking factors, and the shade of urine is normalized.

Reddish urine in women: menstruation

I hope that women have already unraveled the reason. This is a completely normal phenomenon with menstruation, if reddish urine, and it should not be scared. The reason is simple - when urinating, blood from the female genital organs (vagina) flows into the urine, changing its color.

Dyeing foods: reddish urine after beets

Some foods are characterized by urine staining. For example, if red beets were eaten in food. The reason will be that a stable pigment is in individual foods. Enzymes of the digestive system do not affect it, and it does not break down. The excretion of an unexplored pigment from the body is carried out by the kidneys, which as a result and stains Urin in bright red.

The list of coloring foods, in addition to beets, includes prunes and currants. But if the urine is red from these products, then carrot juice gives it a bright orange shade.

To find out whether the product is the culprit of the symptom of reddish urine, a regular test is carried out. Instead of the indicator, a pinch of baking soda is added to the urine, and then a teaspoon of vinegar. Stir and look at the reaction. If at first the red color disappeared, and then became the same, fears have no soil. The reason is the coloring pigment of the product.

If coloring products are excluded from the diet, and the color is preserved for a long time-urgently sign up for an appointment with a therapist. He will direct you to the necessary specialist.

Medicines: drugs painting urine in a reddish-brown color

Medicines: drugs painting urine in a reddish-brown color
Medicines: drugs painting urine in a reddish-brown color

Urine can take a rich shade-reddish-brown or saturated yellow, due to taking specific medicines. For example:

  • Antibiotics (metronidazole, rifampicin)
  • Transquilizers and sleeping pills
  • Consumption as part of the complex therapy of warfarin, heparin, cyclophosphamide
  • Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
  • Laxatives (senna sheet or phenolftalein)

Moreover, from drugs such as riboflavin and nitroxolin, urine becomes a bright yellow shade. From aminofenazone, Fenindon and large doses acetylsalicylic acid - A bright red shade, from furazidin, nitrofurantin, rifampicin - orange, and from metronidazole -Dark brown hue.

Physical activity - color, shade of urine reddish: causes

Sometimes a person subjects himself to exhausting physical exertion. This can be not only an occupation of any sport, but also intensive exercises for the purpose of quick weight loss. With enhanced training, and especially with regular weight lifting, the muscles of the lumbar region occurs. For example: active prolonged running can lead to friction of the mucous layer of an empty bladder, provoking the appearance of blood drops in the urine. Because of this, the shade of urine becomes reddish.

It is worth knowing: Hematuria (the appearance of blood cells in the urine) can also be observed in healthy individuals with excessive physical. load. Therefore, if its intensity is reduced, the condition will stabilize within 7 days and the color of the urine will change.

However, in most cases, pathology develops against the background of pathologies of the urinary system and indicates the development of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis or a disease of the kidney of an immune nature (glomerulonephritis). Therefore, if the load is excessive, it is necessary to reduce it or change the sport.

What diseases can be urine in red: pathological causes

Red urine
Red urine

If there is blood in the urine, then such a pathology on the medical term is called hematuria. In the presence of reddish, pink or brown shades of biological fluid - macrohematuria. But the presence of a red shade does not mean that urine contains a large number of blood. Erythrocytes participate in the procedure - blood cells that contain red pigment (hemoglobin).

It's important to know: Sometimes the presence of blood is an unmarried eye. The concentration of red blood cells can be very low and these cells can only be detected using laboratory tests. This phenomenon in medicine is called microhematuria.

The color shade of Urina is an excellent indicator of the level of metabolism in the body, and the slightest modification can indicate various pathologies. What diseases can there be a red urine? Here are pathological reasons:

  • If the bilirubin is increased, then the liquid acquires a dark yellow tint or brown.
  • Such symptoms indicate hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gallstone disease, malaria, total destruction of red blood cells after infections or complications caused by blood transfusion.
  • With glomerulonephritis, Urina will be muddy and painted in a brown-red tint.
  • Pyelonephritis can change the color to pink-yellow or dirty yellow shades.
  • With inflammation of the kidneys, renal heart attack or the presence of urine stones, it can become bright red.

It is worth noting that staining in a similar shade can occur even with blood in a small number.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Analysis of urine by Zimnitsky". You will learn how to collect in adults, children, during pregnancy, and you will also find information according to the norm in the table and decryption.

Cystitis - urine has become reddish: why?

This disease is caused by inflammation in the bladder. Very often occurs in women of childbearing age. Why did urine become reddish?

  • With the progression of the disease during emptying, blood flows, and urine acquires a red tint.

Cystitis is chronic and acute. Primary cystitis occurs as an independent inflammation of the organ, and in a secondary form - the pathology of the bladder is characteristic. With damage to the genitourinary system of various bacterial flora, infectious cystitis begins. If there are a toxic, chemical or allergic effect of components, a non -infectious form develops.

Symptoms in acute form:

  • Far -hearted urination
  • The feeling that the bladder is not completely devastated
  • Pain when going to the toilet to urinate
  • Unpleasant discomfort in the lower abdomen, which gives to the lumbar spine
  • A mixture of small particles, turbidity and a sharp change in the shade
  • Possible appearance of increased t ° C

In a chronic form, only one symptom is possible - rapid urge to urination.

The causes of the disease can be:

  • Hypothermia
  • Bacteria and infection entering the body
  • Venereological and gynecological diseases
  • Various injuries
  • Hormonal imbalance and congenital anatomical anomalies of urogenital tract

Additional factors of cystitis are a frequent change in sexual partners and bathing in dirty reservoirs.

Diseases of reproductive organs in women and men: why is the color of urine reddish?

Red urine with diseases of reproductive organs in women and men
Red urine with diseases of reproductive organs in women and men

The release of bloody drops during urination, and its reddish color can indicate various diseases of reproductive organs in women and men.

At the ladies These are diseases of the female genitourinary system (cervical erosion), malignant and benign tumors, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy or uterine bleeding.

In men - Due to the injuries of the scrotum or uric canal, tumors of the bladder of various origin, with prostatitis.

Read on our resource an article on the topic: "The best diuretics for edema". You will find a list of drugs with instructions, herbs, folk remedies, a doctor's recommendations.

Urolithiasis: in the morning, urine is dark reddened, reddish sediment

The urolithiasis is characterized by the presence of salt stones formed in the urinary organs. This process is caused by a general violation of metabolism in the body: in renal cups, in the ureter, bubble or urination. In the morning, urine can be dark reduced and have a reddish sediment.

It is worth knowing: Urolithiasis can progress due to an improper diet, a sedentary lifestyle and under the influence of destructive environmental influences.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Violation in the area of \u200b\u200burination
  • The presence of blood in urine
  • Inflammatory processes of urinary tract

In addition, a deterioration occurs in the general condition of the patient, nausea and vomiting may appear, the stream of urine is unexpectedly interrupted and at the same time the bladder is not completely emptied. The stones move along the ureter, the wound of the mucous membrane of the urinary trail, which causes a severe pain symptom and all this is accompanied by the appearance of blood in urine. It stains the released liquid in red.

Hemoglobinuria: urine with a reddish tint

Red urine can be one of the symptoms of hemoglobinuria. The disease occurs due to hemolytic anemia and intravascular decay of red blood cells.

Factors of occurrence: transfusion of donor incompatible blood, poisoning with chemical or biological poisons, drugs, infection with severe infections, extensive injuries of various origin.

Kidney inflammation: Why is a reddish urine?

Kidney inflammation, reddish urine
Kidney inflammation, reddish urine

Kidney diseases (inflammation) cause microscopic urinary bleeding, which is a common symptom of glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the kidney filter system. Why is urine reddish?

The disease thinns the vessels of the kidneys, which can lead to a decrease in the filtration function of the paired organ. As a result of such a pathology, red blood cells begin to freely penetrate the urine and stain it red.

Tumors are red urine: why?

Urine acquires a red tint when there is a significant increase in the size of neoplasms in the genitourinary system. Benign tumors: Most often, myoma, polyps or papillomas leads. Less commonly develop cells of malignant neoplasm.

In such diseases, it is among the first complaints of patients in 90% Blood in urine (hematuria) is noted. The presence of blood cells and stains urine in a red tint. Pathology is characterized by the presence of red blood cells in the urine. Microgematuria is diagnosed with a microscopic examination, and macrohematuria by rust or red urine can be determined visually.

IMPORTANT: This serious symptom requires urgent seeking a doctor, and delaying is very dangerous for health and life.

With bladder cancer, a malignant tumor from the epithelium of its walls develops. Among the diagnoses, cellular-transitional cancer is more common-approximately 9 out of 10 patients. In rare cases, histology shows flat cell cancer or adenocarcinum.

Among the rare malignant tumors is found:

  • Lymphoma
  • Carcinoma
  • Sarcoma

The precancerous states include a benign tumor of the epithelium of the walls of the bubble - papilloma. The age of patients is subject to disease from 40 forty years and above. Moreover, men are more likely than women.

There are still a severe invasive shape, with a tumor damage, except for the walls of the bubble and other organs. With non -invasive cancer, a benign neoplasm is diagnosed, in which the tumor is within the bladder. With the progression of the neoplasm, a mild disease can acquire a serious form - invasive cancer. At the place of localization of the tumor, cancer of the body of the organ, the bottom of the bubble and its neck is secreted.

Porfiry: Why is the urine red?

Porfiry is a rare disease caused by a violation of pigment metabolism. It is characterized by an increased content of porphyrin in the blood. The cause of the disease is the mutation of the gene, which is responsible for the synthesis and production of hemoglobin. Why is the urine red?

The term "Porphyros"-Greek origin characterizes bright red crystals-porphyrins. In the disease, they are excreted with urine and feces, which gives red. The main symptoms of the disease:

  • Anemia
  • High sensitivity to light
  • Localization of bubbles on the skin
  • Reducing weight

With this pathology, even tooth enamel can occur in red.

Hepatitis and other problems with the liver - what to do: a reddish urine

Hepatitis and other problems with the liver, urine reddish shade
Hepatitis and other problems with the liver, urine reddish shade

Hepatitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the liver. One of the main symptoms of pathology is the darkening of urine. Dark color is observed in case of violation in the functioning of the organ, and is characterized by the presence of hemoglobin and other blood components in urine (bilirubin). What to do with liver problems?

Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis or cancer in the early stages of development, can be asymptomatic. In order not to tighten the disease until late, you need to know about the four signs that cannot be ignored. One of them is named above-this is a reddish-brown hone of urine. The rest of the three include:

  • Yellowing of apples of the eyes
  • Severity in the right upper abdomen
  • Green or brown ring around the rainbow shell

Brown urine can indicate cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis. As a result of the inflammatory process, the liver tissue is destroyed and begin to color urine. The most dangerous causes of inflammation in the liver are viral hepatitis B and S.

To clarify the reason affecting the darkening of urine, you need to contact a hepatologist and undergo a medical examination:

  • Take blood biochemistry (10 indicators)
  • Lipid profile (6 indicators)
  • Determination of protein metabolism indicators
  • Analyzing blood for hepatitis B and C Markers

It is worth knowing: Symptoms of viral hepatitis are manifested only in the stages of exacerbation, so at the beginning of the disease may be absent. The darkening can be provoked by alcohol intoxication, the use of poisonous substances or individual drugs.

What does reddish urine mean in acute infections: what to do?

As a result of infection of the urinary tract - with urethritis, pyelonephritis, respiratory diseases (with influenza), or mononucleosis, such a symptomatic appears as a saturated shade of reddish urine. What to do with acute infections? What does this mean?

  • At first, bacteria affect the urinary tract, and then the infection can get through the ureters to the renal pelvis.

The following symptoms are characterized by an acute infection for damage to organs:

  • Soreness and burning of the urinary canal
  • Aching pain in the kidney area
  • The unpleasant smell of urine
  • Fever
  • Fast fatiguability

If the bacteria apply to the upper urinary tract, the patient's condition worsens and urgent medical care will be required.

Injuries of internal organs: causes of reddish urine in women and men

Injury to internal organs
Injury to internal organs

Injured kidneys, other organs of the urinary system or nearby vessels for the reasons for falling, bruises and other wounds, cause the appearance of blood cells in the urine. In this case, its entry in a pelvis is observed and, along with secondary urine, blood falls. Such injury to internal organs can be the cause of reddish urine in men and women.

Moreover, spontaneous cessation of bleeding from urinary tract is rare. Basically, the patient needs to use emergency methods: treatment with hemostatic drugs, drugs that strengthen blood vessels or plasma preparations.

It is worth knowing:Strong bleeding is a direct indication for emergency surgical intervention. Untimely elimination of bleeding can cause hemorrhagic shock in the patient, which will entail irreversible consequences.

Additional symptoms for injuries:

  • The presence of clean blood or bloody clots in urine
  • Delay during urination
  • The presence of bleeding outside the urination process
  • Winging back
  • Chills, increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat

If after the injury there was severe pain in the lumbar region, bleeding began and temperature rises rapidly, immediately call an ambulance.

What does it mean if urine has a dark reddown shade: poisoning with poisons or expired products

The cause of a dark red shade of biological fluid, many doctors call various diseases. But the reason may lie in poisoning with unimportant products with expired shelf life or poisons. Toxic substances are excreted by the kidneys through the urinary tract, painting urine in unusual color.

To facilitate the intoxication of the body, it is recommended to take absorbing drugs, and a plentiful drink. The removal of toxins along with biological fluid will relieve symptoms during poisoning, and improve the general condition of the patient.

Why can there be reddish urine during pregnancy: Causes

In the early stages of bearing a baby, such a phenomenon as reddish urine is often associated with physiology, namely hormonal changes. At a later date, this is due to mechanical. pressure on the organs of urination. Constant voltage may be accompanied by damage to small vessels and influence the shade of urine.

With a significant hematuria, a woman needs to go to a hospital to clarify the diagnosis. Why else can this happen? The causes of abundant bleeding in the future mother may have the presence:

  • Autoimmune dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Anemia
  • Venus. diseases
  • Cystitis

Therefore, to identify a certain pathological process or inflammation, a thorough examination is required.

Urine of a child, a newborn reddish color: Causes

Reddish urine
Reddish urine

For the first days of a child’s life, the presence of a pink or reddish shade of urine is considered the norm. The baby eats only the colostrum of the mother, and the product is almost not in the composition of the water. The fluid evaporates from the surface of his body, which leads to dehydration and this changes the color of the bowel move.

In the body in the newborn, excessive accumulation of uric acid salts occurs, which gives an atypical shade. The process continues 5 to 7 days And depends on the quality and amount of breast milk. If, after the expiration of the specified period, the color of urine does not return to normal and does not change to yellow, the baby needs to be shown to the doctor. At home, it is impossible to diagnose.

It is worth knowing:

  • If this is a slight dehydration, water will help to normalize in such a situation. It is recommended to give the baby purified water. After about three days, the state of urine normalizes.
  • If the change in the shade of urine is caused by the disease, treatment is prescribed depending on its type.

To normalize the organs of the genitourinary and excretory system are used:

  • Non -steroidal and anti -inflammatory drugs
  • Antiviral drugs
  • Antibacterial agents

Therapy is prescribed by the attending physician and carried out under his constant control. Newborn children must be treated in a hospital.

What the reddish urine is talking about: additional symptoms that should alert

Very often, diseases in which urine color changes are accompanied by other additional alarming symptoms. What is the reddish urine talking about? What should alert? You need to seriously engage in your health when such signs appear:

  • Sharp pain in the abdomen
  • Right's discomfort
  • Strong sweating
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • High temperature
  • Unusual smell of biological fluid

A saturated red or brown shade of biological fluid, about the disease of the urethra or bladder, may indicate a hemorrhage in the kidneys of the kidneys. Burning or difficult urination may mean the presence of urolithiasis or infection.

What to do if you notice staining urine in a red tint: treatment

You need to go through an ultrasound if you notice staining urine in a red tint
You need to go through an ultrasound if you notice staining urine in a red tint

If you have made sure that the redness of urine is not caused by certain foods or medication, consult a general practitioner or a urologist. After the results of the tests, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. So what to do if you notice the coloring of urine in a red tint? Here are in what cases the appeal to the medical institution should be immediate:

  • When the blood appears of a bright red shade or even clots
  • Weakness, dizziness or fainting
  • The appearance of pain in the groin, abdomen or back
  • Temperature 38 ° C and above
  • Bruising, bleeding gums and nose
  • Nausea and vomiting

To make an accurate diagnosis, additional research needs to be underway:

  • Take a general urine analysis to identify signs of inflammation
  • Analyzing urine by Nechiporenko
  • Conduct an ultrasound examination of the bladder
  • Pass cystoscopy after the disappearance of acute manifestations
  • Take the bacteriological sowing of urine to detect pathogenic flora
  • Perform a biopsy if necessary
  • For women, a gynecological examination is mandatory to identify concomitant diseases

Remember, constant care for health is the key to the future without dangerous diseases!

Video: 7 things that your urine can tell about health

Video: hematuria - blood in the urine

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