Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: how to collect in adults, children, during pregnancy, norm, table, decoding

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: how to collect in adults, children, during pregnancy, norm, table, decoding

At various stages of the study, patients receive a direction from the doctor to analyze urine according to Zimnitsky. An indication for this type of analysis is most often the purulent infection of the kidneys, reduced kidney performance, and interruptions in blood pressure indicators.

An effective technique allows you to identify the quality of the kidneys and other possible pathologies. Diagnosis is aimed at identifying comparative urine density in systematic reusable fees taken in different daily time. For genuine results, the patient in a strictly designated day and night time performs the tasks set by the attending physician.

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky - what does it show?

The inflammatory processes are monitored in the reproductive system, the abnormal operation of the mother’s kidney and intrauterine development of the fetus, the weakening of control functions during emptying, impaired myocardial functions, acute infections and other pathologies.


Urine analysis by Zimnitsky is the norm:

  • assembled Urina in 24 hours - 1.5-2 l;
  • the day collection of urine is 2/3 of the total volume, night collection - 1/3 of the daily volume;
  • the quantitative indicator of urine is at least 60-80 % of the absorbed fluid;
  • urina density in different training camps above 1020 g/l, In the rest less 1020 g/l.

Urine density according to Zimnitsky, the specific gravity of urine in Zimnitsky

  • Partial fees of urine are studied for density. Daytime diuresis should prevail over the night And have a higher degree of density.
  • Urine density indicates saturation with organic substances. High density is determined by the high content of uric acid, salt, urea. In the absence of pathologies in the urine, there are no protein and glucose.
  • If the density indicators in all daily portions are underestimated, then this is a clear sign renal or heart failure.

The overestimated urine density according to Zimnitsky is often accompanied by the presence of glucose, proteins, destructive cells, which indicates a lack of insulin hormone, glomerulonephritis, the pathogenic effect of toxins during the period of bearing a child, etc.

  • The property of the kidneys to concentrate urine is identified according to the indicators of the specific gravity. The diagram of the diagnosis indicating the amount of nitrogenous slag, creatinine, urea, etc. liquid waste of the exchange process.
  • The specific gravity is determined by the urometer by the proportional ratio of urine weight to the weight of the water. The normal indicator lies in the range of 1012-1035 g/l.

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky: how to collect?

  • The accumulation of Urina according to Zimnitsky begins with the preliminary preparation of containers. You will need 8 sterile containers marked by time periods with an interval in 3 hours-9-12 hours, 12-15 hours ... 03-06, 6-9 hours.
  • Urine gathers at strictly allotted time with ordinary drinking mode. For more accurate results, patients are recommended to use an alarm.
  • If difficult to empty, an empty container is given. Stimulation of urination by diuretics is not allowed. An artificial increase in urine reduces its density.
  • For 24 hours of collecting urine in Zimnitsky Sharp and salty dishes, carrots and beets must be excluded from the diet. The collection of material is accompanied by timely hygiene of the genitals.
About the sample

Technique of collecting urine analysis according to Zimnitsky

Let us consider in stages how to take urine analysis according to Zimnitsky:

  1. Awakening at 6 in the morning, emptying in the toilet.
  2. Urina accumulation from 9 to 12 hours for the first portion.
  3. Urina's accumulation-12-15-for the second portion.
  4. Urina's accumulation-15-18-for the third portion.

According to a similar principle, every three hours we empty in jars, including all intermediate urination. The final step is to collect urine on the first point the next day.

  • Containers with urine are stored In a cool place.
  • When the biomaterial is surrendered, the patient indicates the names and the amount of fluid drunk during the day.
  • Delivery of urine to the laboratory is carried out immediately after passing the last portion of urine.

Urine analysis by Zimnitsky in children

Pathologies in the children's body often progress faster than in adults. Therefore, in the presence of any alarm signals, early diagnostics must be carried out.

Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky identifies the quality of kidney functionality in children. Urine indicators in childhood are slightly different from adults:

  • the boundary indicators of the specific gravity are in the interval 1005-1015 g/l;
  • the spread of the density of urine is more 0,007;
  • the amount of urine is 0,6-0,8 % from a liquid drunk during the day.

In the recommendations for passing the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky, the question may arise of how to collect the baby's age to the child. The first thing to take into account is that you can not take urine squeezed out of a diaper or overflowed from a pot.

In children
In children
  • Parents need to stock up pharmaceutical urinary receivers.
  • Feeding mode during urine collection no more than every 3-4 hours.
  • In healthy children, portions of urine have different volume and density. If the collected urine exceeds the volume of the prepared container, you can use 2 containers for one time period.
  • Recommended volume of jars at least 250 ml.

Urine analysis by Zimnitsky: how to collect pregnant women?

  • During pregnancy, an additional load lies with the woman's urination organs. It becomes frequent phenomena Swelling of soft tissues and violation of the outflow of urine.
  • It is assigned to pregnant women to determine the ability of the kidneys to work in normal mode with increased load.
  • Deciphering urine analysis according to Zimnitsky It will help to identify hidden edema and the need to accept diuretics.
To identify edema
To identify edema
  • Generally accepted indicators during decryption are necessarily combined with the data of a pregnant patient. If the work of the urinary system occurs with constant interruptions, then the normal intrauterine development of the fetus is disturbed.
  • If you suspect renal diseases in pregnant women are most often present concomitant symptoms In the form of constant headaches, enhanced thirst, chronic fatigue, etc.
  • Deciphering the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky leads to an exact result if the pregnant patient exactly indicates his daily drinking regime and diet. Indicators for pregnant women are identical with values \u200b\u200bfor adult patients.

Urine analysis by Zimnitsky: norm, table

Volume per day 1.5-2 l
Urina density 1,014-1,026
The ratio of the output and drunk fluid 60-80%
Daily analysis indicator 60-80%
Indicator for night tests 20-30 %

Urine analysis by Zimnitsky: Decryption

  • When exceeding the amount of urine secreted per day, more than 2000 ml, a diagnosis of polyuria is made. With this disease, the kidneys have serious deviations and a chronic process occurs in the body.
  • A small volume of urine secreted indicates oliguria that occurs with improper functioning of the heart and kidneys.
  • In acute infections, diabetes, hypothyroidism The creatinine indicator increases. In severe physical work, the course of malignant processes, the urea indicator increases.
  • Urine analysis by Zimnitsky It has different values \u200b\u200bin each portion. The volume of urine during normal work should be scattered in portions from 50 to 300 ml.
  • A high concentration of toxins in the urine characterizes a full -fledged nitrogen function of the kidneys.
  • For children and elderly people Undetered urine. are considered the norm. Exceeding the specific gravity indicates about a lack of fluid in the body.
  • Too small differences in the density between different gatherings of urine according to Zimnitsky indicate the presence nonachary diabetes.
  • If the night and daily diuresis are equal, the patient is noted impaired concentrated kidney function And an additional examination for deviations in the operation of the myocardium is carried out.

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