Blood in the urine in men, women, during pregnancy, in children: causes, treatment - what to do?

Blood in the urine in men, women, during pregnancy, in children: causes, treatment - what to do?

The causes of the appearance and methods of treating blood in the urine in men, women, children and pregnant women.

Blood in the urine causes a lot of experiences, and not at all in vain. Indeed, most often this condition is associated with a large number of ailments. In this article we will talk about the causes of blood in the urine, and methods of treatment.  

Blood in the urine: causes

Most often, patients face the so -called false blood in the urine. This usually happens after eating blueberries, as well as beets. If you look at the urine, it has a reddish or pink shade, which causes a lot of anxiety. In this case, you should not worry, because the dyes that are part of the food are stained with urine. This is one of the most harmless reasons. Among the reasons there are more serious ones that indicate a disease and can occur in other cases not related to ailments.  

The causes of blood in the urine:  

  • Physical activity, as well as running. Very often they are called the disease of marathoners, because it is after the race for a long distance in the runners that blood can appear in the urine. There is nothing wrong with this, and does not indicate serious ailments. The appearance of blood is associated with professional activity.  
  • Cystitis or urinary tract infection. It is most often found in women, because they have a urethra in nature shorter and shorter. Therefore, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate more easily.  
  •   Urolithiasis disease. It is when stones are located in the bladder, they are damaged by the walls, the mucous membrane, which provokes the appearance of blood in the urine.  
  • Kidneys or violations in their work. Typically, blood in the urine appears just with violations in the work of renal nodules, as well as damage to small vessels.  
  • Hereditary ailments.
  • Tumors in the kidney or bladder. It is worth noting that this condition is often observed during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that in an interesting position, the pressure on the uterus increases, its dimensions grow and can put pressure on the bladder. Accordingly, some problems in his work may occur.  
Red blood cells in the urine
Red blood cells in the urine

Why does blood appear in the urine during pregnancy?

The causes of blood in the urine during pregnancy:  

  • Cystitis. Pregnant women are really more often than women are not in a position suffering from inflammations. This is precisely due to the excessive load on the kidneys, the bladder, as well as the pressure that is on the urethra and the bladder.  
  • Hold the special diet. A diet in which blueberries are present, as well as beets. The fact is that in pregnant women, due to the huge release of progesterone in the blood, constipation may be observed. Because of this, they recommend a diet that contains beets. This vegetable can paint urine in pink or red. However, in this case, it is not worth talking about red blood cells in the urine. The color of urine changes towards pink or red, so some suspicions may occur.  
  • Pyelonephritis. With inflammation of the kidneys, blood can be observed in the urine. This is due to the increased load on the body and the need to filter a huge amount of fluid. This condition is not normal, so it is necessary to contact the doctor and says that there is blood in the urine.  
Scheme of urine features
Scheme of urine features

Urine with blood in women: treatment

It is worth noting that among the reasons for women, all those described in the first paragraph, but there are some subtleties.


  • The fact is that a huge number of hormones, such as estrogens and progestins, are associated with the female body. If the balance is disturbed between the development of progesterone and estrogen, the growth of the inner shell of the uterus is observed - the endometrium.
  • Quite often, this condition occurs in young women who did not even give birth. Endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, can be observed in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and even in the bladder.
  • It is the growth of the endometrium inside the bladder that can provoke the appearance of blood in the urine. After all, these are peculiar benign formations that fill the walls of the bladder or urethra.  

Unfortunately, endometriosis is not treated with herbs. Most often it is a hysteroscopy and hormonal therapy. More about the treatment of endometriosis can be found here.

Indicators for urine analysis
Indicators for urine analysis

Blood in the urine in men: Reasons  

After 50 years, men also often face the presence of blood in the urine. This is due to the presence of prostatitis, as well as benign prostate hyperplasia. Along with this, there are other symptoms, such as painful urination, frequent urge to the toilet.

Therefore, men after 50 years should carefully monitor their health and pay attention to details, as well as trifles. After all, timely seeking a doctor allows you to completely cure diseases and forget about him. This significantly improves the quality and standard of living.  

Biomaterial for analysis
Biomaterial for analysis

Why does blood in the urine have a child?  

Children also often encounter blood in the urine. This is due to the characteristics of the child's body.  

The causes of blood in the urine in children:

  • In boys, this may be excessive curious in relation to their genitals. The fact is that preschool children are very curious, and love to study not only everything around, but also their body, in particular. Therefore, often in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears and mouth, nose you can find beads, a variety of small objects. The same thing can happen to the urethra. That is, a child can simply damage her.
  • Due to the improper hygiene of boys. Too gross pushing the foreskin, during washing, provokes microcracks. Microwths can also be observed, so small blood clots will be observed in the urine.  
  • In girls, the cause of blood in the urine is cystitis. Indeed, girls are 3 times more likely to suffer from cystitis than boys, due to the features of their structure. Babts are quite a short period of time to sit on the sand or concrete, as a result of which cystitis may appear, inflammation. Together with blood in the urine, the girl may be found in the lower abdomen, as well as acute pain during urination. Often, the condition is also supplemented by temperature.  
  • Kidney disease. Very often with pyelonephritis, the presence of stones or sand in the kidneys, blood is observed in the urine. In this case, most often the child has pain in the back, as well as high temperature. Unfortunately, these conditions require the intervention of the doctor and conduct additional diagnostics.  
Laboratory tests
Laboratory tests

Blood in the urine - what to do?

It is necessary to take urine for analysis and find out the reason. Usually prescribed an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. There is no symptomatic treatment. The main way to get rid of blood in the urine is to eliminate the cause of the appearance.

Methods of treatment:

  • With endometriosis - laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and hormonal drugs
  • With prostate adenoma - Medicines and surgery
  • With kidney stones and bladder - crushing, surgical intervention
  • With pyelonephritis and cystitis - antibiotics, herbal infusions, physiotherapy

Blood in the urine is an alarming symptom that should not be ignored.

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