The structure and functions of the urinary system of a person: a scheme with a description

The structure and functions of the urinary system of a person: a scheme with a description

The article describes the work and structure of the urinary system of a person. You will see clearly how the organs work in the photo and find out their structure, interesting facts about the work of the kidneys, bladder.

The organs of the excretory system are paired organs (kidneys, lungs, glands producing saliva), gastrointestinal tract, epidermis. But the most important of them is most likely the urinary system. A large role in this system is played by the kidneys, it is they who remove about 76% of the poisonous components from all body systems.

In order for all unnecessary to come out of all our body systems there is a whole system. In particular, the human urinary system is responsible for the release of excess fluid, toxic components, residual exchange products, excess salts. We can also say that the excretory system filters the bloodstream. Next, consider how the human urinary system works.

The human urinary system: kidneys

The most important organ of the urinary system of the human system is kids. It is these components of the body that can save a person from some residual substances. And the metabolic products contain the components of urea, creatinine, ammonia compounds, etc. not at all useful for the human body.  The process of obtaining and withdrawing urine is called diurese, also medical specialists call the volume of urine, which leaves the patient for the required period of time.

The structure of the kidney function
The structure of the kidney function - the urinary system of a person

The kidneys are similar to the beans, weight organ in an adult patient 155 grams. The pair body has two edges: lower, upper and two planes: back, front. On the sides of the kidney on the one hand, concave, on the other, convex. Where the kidneys are concave gate. The gates of the kidneys themselves give access to small renal sinuses. And there is inside nerve endings, the vascular system of blood flow, the source of the ureter, fat material.

The kidneys have a connective-tone shell and fat. There are inside them cortical, cerebral membranes. Structural unit of organs - nephron. It includes the renal capsule, and in the middle of it there is a convincing canal and capillary ball. Capsules are placed in the cortical shell, and there are convincing channels in the brain that are visually similar to the pyramids. In the middle of the pyramids, a cortical substance of the organ, tubules - tubes passes, they flow into the pipe of the renal pelvis. The first link in the first link originates from the capsule.

In the brain shell of the organs, the canal creates a loop and passes up into the cortical membrane. Only after that he goes into another tubule of the second link. And after its passage, the collective tube of nephron begins. Collective tubes create the output ducts. They open on the tops of imaginary pyramids, in the cerebral material of the paired organ. All this visually can be tracked in the image above.

The kidneys are involved in a variety of processes that take place in other body systems. They are clean blood flow From the unnecessary substances obtained as a result of the activity of metabolism, this was already mentioned above. The paired organs are capable derive foreign componentsWhat come to other organs with food and dosage forms for the treatment of various pathologies. Regulate the content in the blood flow necessary for the life of the components ( Na, K, H2O etc.). Thanks to the kidneys the acid-base is normalized The condition in the body is provided with homeostasis. And with the help of other kidney organs, some hormones are produced to maintain normal blood pressure.

Nature took care of our body, a person has two kidneys, they are located behind in the zone of the lower back. If you look at the vertebrae, then they are at the level of the twelfth breast and 1-2 lumbar vertebra. Over time, their location can change, as a rule, in elderly patients they are lowered, and the right kidney is more often dropped below the left.

Human urinary system: diagram, functions

The human urinary system includes paired organs, bladder, ureters, urethra. Below, the image is presented in a detailed form, components of the urinary system. Kidneys - play the most significant role in the presented scheme.

urinary system
urinary system

The paired organs are fixed using blood flow vessels, shells, in particular fat, fascia. Some adverse factors usually lead to lowering organs, and this threatens the development of various diseases that violate the work of the kidneys. Such factors can be: rapid weight loss, excessive elasticity of fascia of the paired organ.

Kidney connection with blood vessels
Kidney connection with blood vessels

The kidney blood flow system is used for urination process. Blood flow vessels are attached to capsule Bowman-Schumlyansky. The main channel of the vessel breaks into the capillaries, they create a ball of thin vessels of the organ body, see the image above. Further from the vascular bag, blood continues to move in drawing channel. In turn, in both bringing and enduring vessels, arterial blood flow occurs.

The diameter of the ending channel has a smaller value than the bringing. Due to the difference in the size of these vessels, high pressure is formed in the glomerulus, this is necessary for the urinary system. The enduring channels are branched a second time into small capillaries, they wrap themselves with the channels of the nephron himself. After the blood flow passes through the capillaries, the blood will turn into a venous.

The kidneys have a unique structure, they include two forms of capillaries at once. Therefore, the necessary conditions are created to secrete water, waste products from blood flow.

Urinary channels. Urina is formed in paired organs, then passes through the ureters to the bubble. Further to the urethra and leaves the body. Ureter In adults, people are similar to a pipe, the length of which is 33 centimeters. This channel originates from the gate of the kidneys. It passes through the back wall of the peritoneum, through a small pelvis, a wall of the urinary bubble.

See the photo below.

The ureter of a person
The ureter of a person

In the bladder Urine is collected, this vessel is located in the pelvis, immediately behind the bubble is located - in men the intestines, in women the uterus. When the vessel is filled, it looks like a pear. When it is very crowded, its top adjoins the abdominal plane in front. The main parts of the bladder: upper, main, bottom.

The bubble shell has several layers:

  1. Mucous, submucosal layer
  2. Muscular
  3. Connective layer

On three sides, the organ surrounds the abdominal part.

The structure of the bladder structure:


Mucous layer of bladder It has folds, a smooth bladder only in the bottom. On both sides of the bladder there are two ureterthey go to urethra. When the bubble is completely filled, its folds are smoothed. Usually, two or three times per minute, urine is released from the ureters into the bubble itself. The muscle tissue of the bubbleit contains an internal, external longitudinal, medium circular layer. These layers form the opening of the urinary channel in the zone sphincter.

Human urinary system: urine output process

In the process of formation of liquid waste of the human body, three phases are used:

  1. Filtering process - Thanks to this phase, the formation of primary urine occurs, the filtering of blood bodies occurs in the glomerulus of the nephron itself. Due to the different pressure, which is created in the capillaries, about 170 liters of primary urine can be released in a person in a person. That is, in a day blood is driven about thirty times, or even more. The composition of the primary urine is similar to blood plasma. There is only only protein compounds of blood in such urine. They are discarded by a natural filter in the kidneys.
  2. Reabsorption reaction- In this phase, the canal of the nephron is involved. The reverse casting of the necessary urine components from the primary urine to the bloodstream occurs. That is why only 1.6-1.8 secondary urine comes from primary urine to the exit. In the excreted fluid there are no longer those useful components that remain after filtration. But in the secondary urine due to reabsorption, the number of harmful components is growing, which must leave the body without fail. With this reaction, the kidneys consume ten percent of all oxygen, which enters all systems of the human body. If some components in the blood flow in excess or lack, then the kidneys regulate their balance. They either come out with secondary urine, or remain, are thrown into the bloodstream back.
  3. Secretion- This is an exit to Urin of all harmful components, due to the renal filter. They can be considered: anti -bacterial drugs, chemical compounds, harmful dyes, etc.
How is urine formed?
How is urine formed?

The volume of the released urine is regulated With the help of exposure hormone Adg. It is produced by the pituitary gland thanks to the information he received about the beginning of the thickening of the blood flow plasma. The principle of operation of the ADG is based on changes in the permeability of the shell of the tubule, the nephron tube.

The composition of the secondary urine

In appearance, urine has a light yellowish color, it contains H2O, 2 percent of urea, 0.05 percent of urinary acid, creatinine, etc. About 34 grams of urea, 26 grams of non -organic form compounds, also in different quantities, there are also hormones of thyroid gland, adrenal glands, vitamins of group B - thiamine, C, lipase, amylase are released per day. If everything is in order with a person’s health, then sugar in urine is not present, but if the blood glucose increases in the blood, then the process of glucose - the release of urine with sugar is observed.

The color of urine can be modified from light to saturated yellow, orange and even brown tint. Such a shade is manifested in the presence of pigments. They, in turn, appear in the presence of exceeding doses of bilirubin in the intestinal canal. If pathological conditions are manifested, then proteins, blood, acids of bile, acetone, etc. come out with urine. Urine happens acidic Due to eating excessive amounts meat products, alkaline urine People who love vegetables.

The process of urine formation
The process of urine formation

The human bladder is emptied thanks to the reflex process. When filling the bladder, the human urinary system acts like this - increased pressure is created, the nerve endings signal into the central part of urination, which is in the spinal cord. Again, the nerve endings act on the walls of the bubble, due to this, the organ is reduced, an increase in the sphincter. And the highest management centers of the urinary system are located in the frontal zone of the brain, this allows you to regulate the urination process.

With the help of hormones, urine is regulated. The process of obtaining and withdrawing urine is carried out not only by mechanical actions. Vasopression plays a large role in this, it is produced in the hypothalamus, after penetrating the blood cells. Thanks to him, reabsorption H2O from primary urine is enhanced. The volume of the secondary urine is regulated in the smaller way, the concentration of salt in the urine increases.

As you can see, the process of removing fluid from the human body is quite complex, not only the work of organs, but also nerve impulses, chemical reactions, brain activity, physical processes are involved for this.

Video: Human Urivatory Systems

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