How to measure pH of urine, saliva, blood, vagina, any liquid at home using lacmus indicator paper? Where is litmus paper for sale and PH measurement device?

How to measure pH of urine, saliva, blood, vagina, any liquid at home using lacmus indicator paper? Where is litmus paper for sale and PH measurement device?

Sometimes in the presence of diseases of a different nature, the patient needs to know the pH environment in his body. In order not to go to the hospital and do not constantly make tests of this nature, you can buy litmus paper and do tests at home. Further in more detail about what is lakmus paper, how to use it?

If a person needs to determine in general the acidity of his body or acid-base balance of a certain environment, then this can be done at home, most importantly, to know how. Now it is not a problem to buy litmus indicator paper on online sites. Thanks to this element, you can easily find out about which environment is present in all systems of the patient's body. And the process will not take much time.

Lakmus paper is made of natural substances that respond to acidity, like an indicator. More precisely, the analyzer is able to change the color to different shades, due to this, you can easily establish which environment has acidic, alkaline, neutral in different body systems. Next, we consider this topic in more detail.

Lakmus paper - how to measure urine pH at home?

Indicator litmus paper can be bought in the form of strips or in the form of a strip in a coil. It does not matter in what form you will use laboratory material, the principle of its action is the same in any case. The limits of measurements of PH of the balance using a test strip vary from one to fourteen measuring units. The test material is packaged so that it is not subject to environmental factors: in tubes, boxes or plastic boxes, as in the photo below.

Using the indicator, you can find out what balance of acids and alkalis in the urine. You will need such knowledge in order to change your diet in the right direction, to establish the work of internal organs and improve the general state of health, it is possible to lose weight.

Rolled litmus paper
Rolled litmus paper

IMPORTANT: Urina’s acid-base balance depends on which food prevails in the patient's diet. It is interesting that when the meat and other food with a high protein content, the acidity of the liquid product of release by the kidneys increases.

What lifestyle does a person prefer too can be installed using a litmus indicator.

  1. So, for example, if a person experiences great physical activity, then the acidity will increase.
  2. Another environment will be acidic when the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, namely: increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  3. In turn, a reduced level of acid does not affect the alkaline or acid balance of urine.

With various pathologies, the acidity of urine changes, therefore, to establish some diagnoses, doctors conduct complex studies, including studying the acid-base environment of urine.

PH level scale in urine
PH level scale in urine

At home test strips use rules Pretty simple:

  1. In the vessel, it is necessary to assemble a morning liquid biological product secreted by the kidneys.
  2. Take the test paper, lower it in Urin for 2-3 seconds (you do not need to soak for a long time).
  3. Lakmus paper will change its color. It remains to compare this shade with the scale of the colors that are on the tube, package or box. See the image above.

Thus, you will find out how much pH is in numbers, and according to such indicators, you can already draw conclusions about the presence of a particular pathology or about which products it is more useful to use to your body.

The norm is believed if pH in the morning is from 6 to 6.3, and in the evening from 6.4 to 7.1. It is excellent if the indicator varies within 6.3-6.5. The presence of various diseases can be talked about below than 4.9 (sharp acidic acid) and above 7.6 (sharp alkaline reaction). Experienced medical workers will be able, according to these indicators, to learn about the presence of stones (in a acidified environment, as a rule, urate stones are formed, and phosphate, oxalate in a neutral or acidic environment) are formed in alkaline).

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to test the urine medium one hour before meals and two hours after the meal. If possible, it is advisable to do tests at least two to three times a week.

Lakmus paper - how to measure pH saliva?

The higher the rate of saliva production with glands, the higher the level of its pH. At normal functioning of the process of saliva pH it will be within 6,9-7,5, and at increased salivation This indicator grows to 7,9. Acidity balance parotid glands It is considered normal in the indicator 5,82, and in submandibular – 6,38. U kids This coefficient is higher, it is equal - 7,33.

Indicators it is recommended to measure at noon on an empty stomach. Preferably through an hour after a meal or 1.5-2 hours before lunch. It is enough to attach a test to the tongue and determine by the PH template.

How does pH saliva affect the oral cavity?
How does pH saliva affect the oral cavity?

IMPORTANT: In the evening, testing pH is not recommended, because by evening the salivation begins to decline. If you need to measure the result in the evening of the day, then you can simply use a slice of lemon for this. Even from the type of citrus fruit, you will increase saliva.

When acid enters the oral cavity, the ph-balance of the saliva itself decreases. And with such indicators, some deteriorations are observed in the properties of the protective layer of the teeth, caries can manifest, the number of mucous secretions may increase, periodontal disease and other gum inflammations appear. If the oral cavity is insufficient in the air, then harmful microorganisms begin their growth. For their propagation, the development of dry mouth is also favorable. And stressful situations can lead to such a phenomenon.

Another root cause of reducing the production of saliva becomes elderly. To get rid of harmful bacteria, try to monitor the oral cavity, rinse your mouth with water with soda and gradually consume soda between meals. For rinses, soda water is usually used with PH \u003d 7.9. And you can make a solution, selecting the necessary proportions, using litmus paper. Lakmus paper should become saturated green.

Lakmus paper - how to measure pH of blood?

PH Plasma of human arterial blood flow borders within: 7,38-7,42, average 7,45. In the blood, the level PN is the most stable indicator, supported acidicalkaline norms in relatively small limits.

For balance measurements You will need either litmus paper, a Scarifier, an alcohol napkin, or a device for measuring pH of blood. Next, they puncture a finger with the Scarifier, drip blood on the test strip litmus and find out the result on the scale.

PH of blood
PH of blood

Even with the slightest changes in PN in the blood plasma, severe pathology can follow. With increasing acidity, acidosis occurs, a when snicked - alkolosis. Achieving the indicator outside 7.7 or below 6.9 are fatal. Indicator of acidity of red blood cells within the boundaries 7,24–7,26.

Human blood is able to activate the properties of lymphocytes, which in turn destroy patients with cell cancer. These protective mechanisms can distinguish between healthy cells from patients and fight the second. This ability describes the function of the human body. The greatest activity of the cells of the lymphatic systemwho kill sore cells achieves in the indicator PN 7.34.

Around cancer cells, as a rule, an increased acidic medium is formed. It reduces the active properties of lymphocytes, which work better with a low-base pH. Based on this, proper nutrition can contribute to the body to fight sick cells, selecting products that will install the necessary PN-balance in the body.

When eating an increase in acidity, the fibrous shell of a healthy tissue with an alkaline PN dissolves, therefore, cancer cells are freed. Not the last role in the balanced level PN occupies the mood of a person. An excellent, joyful, positive mood has a positive dynamics for the human acid-base balance.

Lakmus paper - how to measure the vaginal pH?

The balanced level of the vaginal level varies from 3.8 to 4.4 pH, average 4,0–4,2 p.

You can determine the vaginal pH according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare litmus strips with a color diagram to establish a digital value of a PH-balance.
  2. Take one strip, attach to the inner wall of the vagina. Hold the seconds 4.
  3. When litmus paper is painted, you can find out the result by comparing it with a scale on the tube.
PH vagina - how to determine?
PH vagina - how to determine?

IMPORTANT: Having set the vaginal pH, the doctor can only suspect that the patient has one or another pathology, but this is not a final diagnosis, to establish the disease will have to conduct a number of additional studies.

According to the indicators of the pH-balance of the vagina, you can recognize what pathology in the patient can have:

  • less 4 - Cytolytic vaginosis
  • from 4 to 4.5 - Healthy microflora
  • from 4 to 4.5 - Thrush
  • from 5 to 6 - Trichomonade Kolpit
  • more than 4.5 - Bacterial vaginosis
  • more than 6 - Atrophic vaginitis
  • more than 6.5 - aerobic vaginitis

Lactobacteria are responsible for the necessary PH level in the vagina, as well as a decrease in the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Lakmus paper - how to measure the pH of gastric juice?

One of the simplest options for measuring PH of gastric juice is the use at home, again, litmus paper. The indicator is applied to the middle part of the tongue. But you need to do testing one and a half before meals, on an empty stomach. If the strip has become saturated pink, then the reaction is acidic, more precisely, the balance is shifted towards acidification. Bright blue color indicates that you have low acidity.

According to theoretical data, there may be such results:

  • Minimum indicators may correspond to the value of pH 0,89.
  • Maximum indicators of the pH-balance of gastric juice \u003d 8,34.
  • The normal value of the PH-Balance varies within: 1,6-2,1. This is the acidity in the zone of the epithelial surface facing the lumen of the organ itself (stomach).
  • PH balance in the depths of the epithelial surface is 7.1, a normal indicator for the antrum of the stomach 1,34-7,43.
The effect of alkaline water on the stomach and other body systems, how does the ph-balance change?
The effect of alkaline water on the stomach and other body systems, how does the ph-balance change?

The root cause of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is mainly a violation of acidity in this system. Due to such violations, pathologies such as ulcer, gastritis, GERB and others can develop. Reduced acidity is also an occasion for the development of all kinds of ailments, under this state, anacid gastroduodenitis, stomach cancer, etc. are most often manifested.

Lakmus paper - how to measure pH of any liquid?

Lakmus paper can easily cope with the definition of a ph-balance of any fluid: both ordinary water and saliva, urine, blood in the human body. The process of determining the balance takes place according to the same simple scheme:

  1. The test strip is taken and at one end is lowered into the liquid. Just do not plunge the strip too deep and for a long time.
  2. The color of litmus paper will change almost instantly. After that, you can determine the result by color, comparing it with the template on the package.

IMPORTANT: When pH of urine or saliva will show the result from 5.1 to 5.8, the patient has a predisposition to oncological pathologies. With PH indicators from 6.9 to 7.5 health problems should not be observed.

What products and how do the PH-balance affect?
What products and how do the PH-balance affect?

The following factors lead to increased acidification:
Now it is not uncommon when a person has problems with a pH-balance. This is due to non -compliance with the right diet, namely rational nutrition.  

  • Some products, such as meat dishes, fish, all sweet products, milk, flour buns, cookies, etc. They lead to a reduced pH balance.
  • Unsuccessful combinations of dishes, in particular the combination of carbohydrates, proteins also lead to acidification.
  • Natural oxidizers include: food, additives, preservatives, strong drinks, tea, coffee, chocolate, tobacco products.

So that the pH environment rises in the greater direction, you should consume More vegetables, fruits. Otherwise, iron, magnesium, calcium and other minerals will be washed from the body, which can lead to osteoporosis. If the patient has any chronic disease or other pathology, then alkalizing foods, as in the figure above, should be present in 90 percent of the patient's diet. It is especially useful to add food such as fruit, vegetable, fresh melons, dried apricots and tomatoes, cabbage, onions, garlic, dill, honey, teas, infused with herbs.

How do the products affect the pH-balance?
How do the products affect the pH-balance?

But sometimes there is a displacement of the PH-balance in a large (alkaline) side. Then the skin will be dry, there is a lack of water in the body. And most often this happens among vegetarians. Therefore, it does not hurt to eat meat and other alkalizing foods.

IMPORTANT: In diseases of a bacterial, viral nature, it is useful to abandon meat dishes, broths, it is better to adhere to a plant diet. And do not add sugar to fruits, because it acidifies blood flow.

Where is litmus paper for sale, PH measurement device?

You can buy litmus paper and devices for measuring the acidity of the body online. Prices for this material for test analysis vary within:

  • Lakmus paper: from 50 rubles. and higher.
  • PH measurement device - from 900 rubles and above.

If you need stripes or a pH meter is not urgent, then you can order a product for Aliexpress. There are cheaper prices for such products. Although the goods will go to the recipient for about three weeks.

Video: litmus paper - how to measure pH of any liquid?

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