Urination of urine in men after 50, 60 years: causes, treatment at home - which doctor to contact?

Urination of urine in men after 50, 60 years: causes, treatment at home - which doctor to contact?

The causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in men are 50, 60 years old.

Urination for men 50, 60 years old is not the norm. Many people are mistaken, and believe that this is quite natural, but this is not so. In this article we will talk about the causes and methods of treating urine incontinence in men. 

Causes of urinary incontinence in men after 50, 60 years old

There are many reasons that lead to the appearance of such a pathology. This can happen suddenly, or after a disease with some kind of ailment. 

Causes of urinary incontinence in men after 50, 60 years: 

  1. Surgical intervention to remove the prostate tumor. This often happens at the age of 50, when there is a decrease in hormone concentration, as well as an increase in this area. Men at the age of 50 years are really shown the removal of prostate adenoma, which may damage the urethra and the urethral sphincter itself, that is, the ring that regulates the release of urine. Accordingly, after an unsuccessful operation, involuntary urination may be observed. This to a large extent affects the quality of life of a person, since the inability to control the urge to the toilet causes severe mental disorders, a person begins to lead a recluse lifestyle. This interferes with normal work and social life. Therefore, the main task of a man is to learn how to live with pathology, and engage in its treatment, observing all the rules of personal hygiene. 
  2. Very often the cause of the disease is infectious diseasesthat may appear due to sex with unverified partners, or with regular ignoring inflammatory processes in the bladder, cystitis, as well as prostatitis. Therefore, regular ignoring diseases causes urine incontinence. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor in time and take all the tests. 
  3. Defeat of the central nervous system. Usually it happens after a stroke, or is associated with Parkinson's disease. And there may be congenital pathologies, as a result of which nervous impulses do not reach the brain that a person wants to the toilet. Thus, urination occurs arbitrarily. 
  4. Stones in the bladder. Very often, diseases of the kidneys, as well as the bladder, affect the condition and calls to the toilet. Thus, a person because of some ailments cannot control them. Spontaneous urination is observed. 
  5. The impossibility of the nervous system to control the urge to the toilet. The most interesting thing is that such an ailment can be acquired due to many years of suppression of the urge to the toilet. This often happens among doctors, also truck drivers who cannot go to the toilet at any time. As a result of this, they suffer for a long time, the central nervous system begins to suppress the urge in a small way, urination becomes completely uncontrolled. 
  6. Stressful situations. The most interesting thing is that such urine incontinence accounts for 50% of all types of ailments. This happens as a result of coughing, laughter or sneezing. Women are more likely to suffer from this ailment, but men are often found in men. Such urinary incontinence is called drip, because during laughter or sneezing, a small amount of urine stands out. These are usually a few drops or milliliters of liquid. Such incontinence does not bring significant discomfort. 
Problems with urination
Problems with urination

Urine incontinence in men after 60: Treatment with tablets

Many men do not want to contact a doctor about this, a man is simply ashamed that he cannot control his urge to the toilet. It is proved that only 30% of the stronger sex appears to the doctor. It is necessary to initially find out that this uncontrolled process refers to ailments, which in the early stages is quite capable of solving the doctor. Moreover, most often for these purposes, no operation is required, conservative therapy is carried out with tablets. Therefore, the main task of a man is to consult a doctor in time. 

Who to contact?Such diseases are engaged in a doctor urologist.It is worth noting that such pathologies can be treated in several ways. At the very first stage, if the disease is not launched, then the doctor may prescribe tablet drugs.

Urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence

Treatment of urinary incontinence in men after 60 years:

  1. Among them, a medicine is prescribed that improves the tone of the bladder, or relaxes it. Antidepressants are often prescribed, this is permissible if urinary incontinence is provoked by stress. Tablets: Vesikar, spasmix, Sibutin.
  2. They can also be appointed Preparations for prostate adenoma: erostamine, simple, omnik. This is permissible if urinary incontinence is provoked by the prostate adenoma in case of violation in its work. Very often, its increase leads to incontinence.
  3. Unfortunately, in all cases, drug treatment is effective. Preparations that regulate the functioning of the nervous system may be prescribed, this occurs if incontinence is provoked by disorders in the work, as well as the inability to transmit information to neurons to the brain of urination. 
Treatment with tablets
Treatment with tablets

Personal hygiene during urinary incontinence in elderly men

An important aspect is the observance of personal hygiene. It is necessary to visit the toilet at least once every 2 hours, even if you don’t really want to go to the toilet. It is necessary to force yourself to go in a small way. 

Personal hygiene during urinary incontinence in elderly men:

  • It is necessary to use personal hygiene products, such as urological gaskets, panties or diapers.
  • It all depends on the degree of urinary incontinence. In no case should you walk in wet underwear, because it contributes to rubbing, as well as the progression of the disease.
  • A large number of pathogenic microorganisms can develop in the urine, which will lead to repeated infection of the urethra, urethra. 

Treatment of urinary incontinence in elderly men with physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is quite effective. Treatment of urinary incontinence in elderly men with physiotherapy It can be carried out in a hospital or when visiting a clinic. Usually, electrophoresis, as well as magnetic therapy, is used as therapeutic manipulations. The treatment method is chosen by a doctor, depending on severity.

Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence

How to treat daily and night incontinence of urine in elderly men?

Unfortunately, sometimes conservative measures, as well as physiotherapy, do not bring results. In this case, surgery is often prescribed. It can be of several types, and depends on the degree of defeat. 

Types of surgical intervention in urinary incontinence in elderly men:

  • The simplest optiontreat daily and night incontinence of urine in elderly menthe introduction of collagen into the urethra is so that the area that was cut out during the operating of the prostate adenoma is filled. This is a kind of plastic surgery that helps to eliminate not only a defect inside the urethra, but also to establish urination. However, often collagen can be dissolved, so such operations are effective for about 1 year. Then you have to do such an operation again.
  • Among more radical techniques are an operation to install an artificial sphincter. This is a ring of muscles that regulates the work of the urethra. Thus, an artificial ring is implanted into the walls of the urethra. Sometimes even reinforcing threads are used, which are made in the form of a grid that is attached to the bosom. Thus, it is possible to unload the urethra, reduce the pressure on it, which occurs as a result of some pathologies of the excretory, as well as the reproductive system. 
Scheme of surgical intervention
Scheme of surgical intervention

Folk treatment of urinary incontinence in men

Those who do not trust doctors are often treated at home, using traditional medicine recipes. As medicines, grasses, infusions and decoctions are usually used.

Folk treatment of urinary incontinence in men:

  • For the treatment of urinary incontinence, a decoction of yarrow is very often used. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour 40 grams of grass with one liter of water and boil. After that, the product is left to infuse for 30 minutes. It is necessary to strain the decoction and take half a glass three times a day. 
  • To treat urine incontinence, a decoction of field horsetail is also used. It is necessary to pour 25 g of grass 500ml boiling water. It is best to brew grass in thermos. It is necessary to leave the product in the thermos for 4 hours. After that, the decoction is filtered, and they take one glass three times a day. It is best to do this after eating. 
Folk methods of treatment
Folk methods of treatment

How to treat urine incontinence in men: recommendations

The most interesting thing is that many doctors advise their patients to monitor body weight, since excessive weight can increase pressure on the urethra and bladder.


  • However, research was conducted by Canadian scientists, and it turned out that excess weight in no way affects the fullness, functionality of the bladder. It is also advised to adhere to a certain diet. Doctors do not recommend reducing the amount of fluid that you consume during the day. Since, when its amount is reduced, the concentration of salts increases.
  • Accordingly, urine It will be more concentrated, and the walls of the bladder, as well as the urethra will be annoyed. To prevent this from happening, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. But try to adhere to a diet, and not eat a large amount of fatty, as well as spicy foods. Because spices can also provoke irritation of the bladder, which will entail involuntary urination. 
  • To treat urine incontinence in men, necessaryimprove muscle condition, and increase the tone of the bladder, patients are often prescribed by Kegel exercises. This is alternate tension, and relaxation of the muscles of the bosom. Thanks to such exercises, it is possible to improve the patient's condition, and normalize the urge to the toilet. However, this requires a lot of time, as well as patience.
At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

Many patients are not ready to wait for a very long time, and for a long time to do exercises, take medications. That is why the number of surgical interventions increases every year. 

Video: urinary incontinence in men after 50 years

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