Planning pregnancy after taking antibiotics. How does the intake of antibiotics affect the early stages of pregnancy?

Planning pregnancy after taking antibiotics. How does the intake of antibiotics affect the early stages of pregnancy?

Antibiotics have entered our daily life for a long time and firmly, often we take them at the slightest malaise, when it would be possible to do with hot tea or just a good rest. But there are, of course, cases when you can’t do without antibiotics - other drugs can simply not cope with bacteria and microorganisms that have become causes of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of almost all organs or systems of the body, from upper respiratory tract infections to inflammation of the genitourinary system. But at the same time there is one nuance - blood spreads the active substance almost throughout the body. It is in connection with this, recalling that the name “antibiotic” itself indicates the “destruction of life”, one should think about whether the use of antibiotic drugs that coincided with pregnancy affects the development of the embryo. Let's understand this issue.

How does the intake of antibiotics affect the early stages of pregnancy?

  • If it enters the blood, the antibiotic is able to negatively affect the germ cells, both male and female. Male sperm in the presence of an antibacterial drug in the body contains more sperm with pathological deviationsTherefore, if the fertilization of the egg occurred in such a sperm, the risk of deviation in the development of the fetus increases.
  • If the intake of antibiotics lasted long enough, the woman may disrupt the acid-base balance, which often leads to dysbiosis, and, as a result of the death of useful microflora, to candidiasis (thrush).
  • Also, the long -term use of antibacterial drugs weakens the immune system, which can lead to new diseases or exacerbations of chronic ailments. The negative effect of such drugs on the liver and its inferior work due to difficulty accumulation of glycogen is also noted.
It is important to use with caution during pregnancy
It is important to use with caution during pregnancy
  • It is unnecessary to remind that any antibiotics should be taken solely as prescribed by a doctor, with strict observance of the dosage and without interrupting the course of treatment that may last from 3 to 10 days. Correct reception antibioticspromotes not only complete cure, but also competent pregnancy planning in the future.

What antibiotics affect pregnancy?

  • How can it be affected antibiotic for pregnancy, largely depends on which group it belongs to. For example, the least dangerous for the formation of the embryo, it is considered penicillin group (ampicillin, augmentin, amoxicillin, etc.).
  • Relatively safe antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides, such as azithromycin, erythromycin, etc.
  • Antibiotics of the group cephalosporinov (Azarexon, intratseff, triaxon, etc.) more toxic, their impact is especially harmful in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, given their effectiveness, such antibacterial drugs are acceptable, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy.
  • Doctors recognize antibiotics of other groups unsafe in case of pregnancy.

How can antibiotics affect the fetus during pregnancy?

  • Penetrating through the placenta, the antibiotic also spreads in the blood of the embryo. And even if the drug has a quick period of half -life and excretion, a certain part of it is still transmitted to the fetus. And given the fact that all organs of the baby are just beginning to be laid and develop, quite significant harm in this process can even cause a small amount of the antibiotic placental barrier.
  • The toxic effect performed by the antivirus drug can lead to various pathologies for the child - both intrauterine and congenital.
  • The pregnant woman herself is also subject to risks due to such an action of toxins, such as placental insufficiency, which can lead to temporary infertility or miscarriage. For example, it is noted that when taking doxycycline antibiotics (the most famous of them is tetracycline) in the first trimester of pregnancy in the embryo were observed violations associated with the formation of the bone system and teeth, in particular, recorded cases of underdevelopment of the limbs.
  • Cases of aplasia are also noted, i.e. lack of limbs or certain bodies, education "Hare lips", fistula.

How much time should pass after taking antibiotics when planning pregnancy for conception?

  • Average half -life Antibiotic from the body is up to 36 hours. It turns out that already a day after the course of treatment is over, its concentration is significantly reduced. And after about 5 days there is practically no traces of the drug.
  • But the body at the same time takes time to restore. Antibacterial drugs suppress ovulation, reduce the production of sexual gonads. The consequences of taking antibiotics can be malfunctions in the menstrual cycle (occasionally - amenorrhea), dysbiosis, thrush, cystitis or urethritis.
  • Based on this, most doctors recommend planning conception no earlier than during the next ovulation, i.e. through one menstrual cycle.
  • Some experts advise “insure” and postpone the onset of pregnancy for 3 months or even up to six months. At the same time, future parents do not need any additional training.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking antibiotics?

  • Of course, pregnancy can occur during antibiotics. Preservation of pregnancy is also possible if a woman wants this, but the entire first trimester she should be under the close supervision of her gynecologist.
  • It will take an ultrasound in both the first and in the second trimester, the purpose of which will be to assess the state of the embryo in order to make sure lack of congenital developmental abnormalities.
  • It happens that in the first trimester of pregnancy that occurred during the use of antibiotics, there is a threat of miscarriage. Usually, doctors recommend an abortion to a woman in this case, since natural rejection of the fetus occurs.
Pregnancy can be problematic
Pregnancy can be problematic

How to cleanse the body after taking antibiotics when planning pregnancy?

  • The cleansing of the body after the course of treatment with antibacterial drugs was completed, is to restore the immune functions of the body and its natural microflora. To do this, saturate the diet in the first place sour -milk products. Kefir, yogurt, yogurt should be on the table of a woman daily.
  • It is also good if women, parsley, plums, cocoa are in the daily menu - these products are rich in the content of natural antioxidants.
  • You can use folk remedies such as a glass of boiled water with honey and apple cider vinegar dedicated in it (you need a teaspoon of the first and second ingredients), drunk on an empty stomach. Or, for example, prepare a herbal infusion of sage, St. John's wort and tansy: pour two teaspoons of such a mixture with a glass of boiling water and insist for two hours, drink in between meals.
  • The doctor can prescribe a course of treatment with drugs such as Lactobacterin, Hilak, Bifiko, Bifidumbacterinthat eliminate the consequences of taking antibiotics and are optimal when planning pregnancy. But it should be noted that taking these drugs should last at least a month.
  • Effective antioxidants include food additives.

What nutritional supplements will help cleanse the woman’s body after taking antibiotics when planning pregnancy?

  1. Zoi Research, 180 plant capsules to support the excretion of toxins. The drug based on the seeds of milk thistle, turmeric and root of the boot was tested in clinical conditions and patented. Improves the absorption process, stimulates the natural process of detoxification, protecting the liver. It has a hypoallergenic formula, is taken as prescribed by a doctor (usually 2 capsules per day during meals). Cost - about 1700 rubles.
  2. Zoi Research, Support for the excretion of toxins, 60 vegetarian capsules. A similar drug based on detoxification and purification. Cost - about 700 rubles.
  3. Natural Factors, Liv-Gall Cleanse, 90 capsules. Food additive based on herbs to maintain the work of the liver and gall bladder. Without GMOs, tested in laboratory conditions. The composition includes extracts of spotted seeds of spotted, turrets and dandelion, powder from artichoke leaves. Recommended admission - as prescribed by a doctor (on average - on the capsule up to 3 times a day). Cost - about 650 rubles.
  4. Thorne Research, Mediclear, 866. Food additive without gluten, designed to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, support for the liver and toxine toxins. The basis is rice and pea protein, which complements the full complex of multivitamins and minerals and nutrients. Recommended technique: 2 measuring tablespoons for a glass of water (you can mix with juice, nut or rice milk). The cost of the drug is about 6,200 rubles.
  5. Amazing Grass, Green Superfood, 240 g. An additive designed to reduce acidity and eliminate toxins. The effects of ginger, turmeric, peppermint, parsley, fennel seeds, aloe, lemon zest, garlic, dandelion root help to achieve the effect. Take a measured spoon diluted in a glass of water (juice or smoothie is also suitable). The cost of the drug is about 2200 rubles.
Useful additive
Useful additive
  1. Swisse, Ultiboost, Add for cleaning the liver, 180 tablets. As the name implies, the drug is intended to maintain liver health, facilitates the condition with periodic disorders of the stomach and bloating. It is a food additive containing a milk thistle, turmeric and artichoke. The recommended portion size is 2 tablets. Cost - within 2200 rubles.
  2. Thorne Research, Fractionated powder pectin, 150 g. It is a food supplement for breeding toxins from the liver based on modified citrus pectin made of pulp and citrus zest. Without gluten. The recommended dose is 1 measured spoon mixed with water or juice, 1-3 times a day, depending on the recommendations of the doctor. The cost of the drug is within 5200 rubles.
  3. Nb Pure, Parand, 90 vegetarian capsules. Designed for effective cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, removing toxins and microflora balance. On natural plant components, is designed for a 15-day reception course. A food supplement that does not contain gluten and GMO should be taken according to a certain scheme: the first two days - 2 capsules on an empty stomach twice a day, then three days - two capsules three times a day. After a five -day break - 10 days for 2 capsules three times a day. Estimated cost - 1750 rubles.
  4. Thorne Research, D-Glyukarat calcium, 90 capsules. It is a food supplement that does not contain gluten intended to maintain female health, normalize the liver and toxine. Also positively affects the level of cholesterol and supports a healthy metabolism of hormones. Recommended reception - one capsule per day or as a prescription of a doctor. The cost of the drug is about 3600 rubles.
  5. Jarrow Formulas, DIM + CDG, improved detoxification formula, 30 vegetarian capsules. Food supplement to maintain the balance of estrogen and normal cell replication. Clinical trials passed. Contains Calcium D-glucate. Recommended reception (in the absence of other doctor's prescriptions) - 1 capsule per day during meals. Cost - within 5600 rubles.
Useful drug
Useful drug

Pregnancy planning after taking antibiotics by husband

  • Since the cycle of spermatogenesis, as a rule, is 74 days, doctors recommend with a man to withstand a two-three-month pause after taking antibiotics when planning pregnancy. Studies demonstrate that taking antibacterial drugs often leads to decrease in male fertility, up to temporary infertility.
  • The effect of antibiotics on sperm is expressed in increased fragmentation of DNA, in other words, in damage to the genetic material, as well as in violation of the process of sperm production. The secret of sperm is also changing, becoming viscous and sour, which makes it difficult for fertilization. In addition, the structure of sperm can be impaired, and they themselves become less mobile.

The schematically negative effect of antibiotics on the reproductive function of a man is as follows:

  • amoxicillin group can provoke a decrease in sperm activity;
  • doxycycline can destroy DNA molecules;
  • antibiotics of the streptomycin group worsen the quality of sperm;
  • josamycin affects a decrease in the number of spermatozoa;
  • The long period of excretion from the body of bicillin (more than a month) does not allow high -quality fertilization of the egg.

During the period of pregnancy planning after taking antibiotics, a man needs to eat fully, using a sufficient amount of plant and animal proteins to restore the immune system. It is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity, temporarily abandon visits to a sauna or bath, do not take too hot bath. And, of course, to help the body, restoring fertility with antioxidants.

What nutritional supplements will help restore the body of a man after taking antibiotics when planning pregnancy?

  1. Life ExtensionMega Likopin, 90 capsules. Food supplement to maintain the health of prostate and blood vessels, without GMOs. In addition, it positively affects the health of blood vessels and heart, pressure level, healthy cell growth. Recommended technique - one capsule per day during meals. Cost-within 2 thousand rubles.
  2. Life Enhanceement, Propel, 240 capsules. Food supplement with natural derivatives of carnithine amino acids to maintain normal sexual function in men. Supports the natural endurance of the body, improves the functioning of testosterone, without changing the level of hormones. Recommended technique: 8 capsules per day. Cost - within 5780 rubles.
  3. Natural Factors, Likopin, 60 capsules. A food supplement containing natural lycopines from tomatoes and pumpkin seed oil. It is proved that lycopines helps to improve and maintain the health of the prostate gland. Recommended technique - 1-2 capsules per day during meals. The average cost is 900 rubles.
  4. Emerald Laboratories, Multivitamins with coenzymes for men, 30 plant capsules. Food supplement with confirmed clinical efficiency, with the content of methylated folate, zinc and lycopine. The formula is designed to maintain the function and health of the prostate gland, has an antioxidant effect. Recommended technique - one capsule per day during meals. Cost - within 1200 rubles.
  5. Nature Made, Daily Maximin Pack, multivitamins and minerals, 6 additives in a package, 30 packages. Food supplement without dyes, preservatives and flavorings. Contains vitamins B-100, C, E, A and D, as well as calcium. It has an antioxidant effect, supports the immune system. Recommended technique - 1 package per day during meals. Cost - within 1300 rubles.
Multivitamin additive
Multivitamin additive
  1. Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, Raw One, Multivitamin additive for men 75 vegetarian capsules. Food supplement from unprocessed whole foods, with living probiotics and enzymes, includes 24 organic fruits and vegetables. Without gluten. It has an antioxidant effect, supports the health of the prostate gland, heart, and normalizes the digestion process. Recommended reception - 1 capsule per day. The average cost is 2250 rubles.
  2. Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, multivitamins from whole products for men, 240 vegetarian capsules. A food supplement, which includes raw whole products, living probiotics and enzymes. The spectrum of action is similar to the previous drug. Recommended technique: 2 capsules twice a day. The average cost is 4,500 rubles.
  3. Emerald Laboratories, Coferment multivitamin complex for men, 60 vegetarian capsules. The food additive formula has been developed by doctors, clinical effectiveness is confirmed. Based on raw whole food products. Recommended dose - 1 capsule per day. The average cost is 2260 rubles.
  4. Fairhaven Health, MotilityBoost for men, 60 capsules. The formula for this food additive, consisting of key antioxidants and amino acids, is specially designed to improve sperm mobility. Recommended technique - 2 capsules per day during food intake. The average cost is 1650 rubles.
  5. Fairhaven Health, FH Pro for men, 180 capsules. Food supplement to improve the fertility of the clinical class. It prevents sperm oxidation, improving its quality, supports male fertility and general reproductive health. It is recommended as support for the fertilization process, the reception is best to start 3-6 months before pregnancy is planned. Recommended dosage: if there are no other recommendations of the doctor - 6 capsules per day or in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The average cost is 7250 rubles.

What needs to be done when planning pregnancy after taking antibiotics?

For the correct planning of pregnancy after taking antibiotics, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Her the required time after the end of the treatment with antibiotics: an average of 2-3 months. The minimum period is one menstrual cycle.
  2. Do strengthening immunity, walk a lot, eat right.
  3. The menu must have fermented milk products, nuts, as well as probiotics and prebiotics.
  4. Vitamins and minerals First of all, you should get from seasonal vegetables and fruits. Reception of vitamin complexes should be agreed with the doctor.
  5. The drinks of the future mother should also be as saturated with useful substances: herbal and berry teas, infusions. It is better to coordinate therapeutic decoctions with your doctor.
  6. Drive the blood for analysis after the course of treatment with antibacterial drugs is completed. This will help the doctor correctly determine the period through which conception is possible.
  7. A man needs to be handed over spermogramTo determine the number of white blood cells in sperm.

What drugs can be taken during pregnancy planning and during pregnancy?

  1. Culturelle, A probiotic for good health during pregnancy, 30 chewing tablets. The probiotic supplement contributes to the healthy development of the fetus, supports the digestive and immune system of the future mother. It has a soft effect, safe for the baby. It has a fruit taste. Recommended reception - one tablet per day. The average cost is 2450 rubles.
  2. Fairhaven Health, PEAPOD, a complex of vitamins of calcium-mugnium, 60 capsules. This food supplement is an excellent source of calcium and magnesium both for the planned conception and during pregnancy, as well as lactation. The composition also includes vitamin D and nutrients. Recommended reception - 2 capsules per day. The average cost is 1100 rubles.
  3. Traditional Medicinals, Organic tea for pregnant women, 16 tea bags. In this certified grass additive that does not contain caffeine, there are raspberries that contribute to a healthy pregnancy. Recommended reception - up to 3 cups per day (1 bag per glass of boiling water, brew 15 minutes). Pour 1 tea bag with 8 ounces of boiling water. The average cost is 350 rubles.
  4. Fairhaven Health, PEAPOD, multivitamin additive for pregnant women, 60 tablets. The composition includes vitamins and minerals necessary for the female body for conception and pregnancy. Recommended reception, if there is no other doctor’s prescription - 1 capsule per day. The average cost is 1230 rubles.
  5. Belle+Bella, PROBIOLOGY, a perinatal agent with probiotic flora, 25 billion COU, 30 capsules. It is a probiotic food supplement containing cranberry extract. It favorably affects the work of the urinary system, the restoration of the balance of the vaginal microflora, supports the immune and digestive systems. Does not contain GMOs. Recommended technique - 1 capsule per day during meals. The average cost is 1620 rubles.
Prenatal agent
Prenatal agent
  1. Lovebug Probiotics, Prenatal probiotic, 20 billion, 30 capsules. A food supplement that helps with heartburn, constipation and diarrhea. In addition, it helps to normalize digestion, has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Recommended technique - 1 capsule per day. The average cost is 1980 rubles.
  2. Nordic Naturals, Prenatal dha, prenatal dgk, without additives, 180 capsules. The US Association recognized this food supplement with an enormous source of omega-3, which contributes to a healthy pregnancy and the development of the fetus, strengthening immunity. Recommended technique - 2 capsules per day during food, if there are no other recommendations of the doctor. The average cost is 3250 rubles.
  3. Catalo Naturals, Vegetarian formula with calcium, calcium from prenatal algae, 60 vegetarian tablets. The content of calcium in this food supplement favorably affects bone health, and vitamin C helps to strengthen immunity. It can be taken both during pregnancy planning and during it. Recommended reception for pregnancy planning - 2 tablets per day after eating, during pregnancy and lactation - 3 tablets. The average cost is 2520 rubles.
  4. Natural Factors, Folic acid, 90 tablets. A food supplement that supports the reproductive and nervous system when planning pregnancy and its early terms. The presence of folic acid contributes to the production of DNA and red blood cells. Without GMO. Recommended reception - 1 tablet per day, if there is no other doctor's prescription. The average cost is 290 rubles.
Supporting additive
Supporting additive
  1. Nordic Naturals, DGK for pregnant women, 60 soft tablets. This food supplement contains 500 mg omega-3, which favorably affects the development of the brain and nervous system of the child. Recommended technique - 2 tablets per day during meals (or as prescribed by a doctor). The average cost is 2270 rubles.

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