What to take after a course of antibiotics: a list of drugs

What to take after a course of antibiotics: a list of drugs

List of drugs after antibiotics.

Antibiotics are used to treat a large number of infections caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. When using drugs, not only harmful microorganisms are destroyed, but also useful ones. In this article we will tell you what to drink after a course of antibiotics. 

What drugs are taken after a course of antibiotics?

After prolonged administration of antibiotics, in the treatment of serious infections, an imbalance occurs in the body. Antibiotics act in relation to lactobacilli that are in the intestines, and play the role of a watchman, protecting the body. Scientists have proven that the balance of microorganisms helps to cope with dangerous ailments, reducing the penetration of viruses into the body. Therefore, a healthy intestine is the basis of good immunity, and confronts with dangerous diseases. After taking antibiotics, the number of beneficial microorganisms decreases. Therefore, problems associated with dysbiosis may begin. After the course of antibiotics, the protective function of the body usually weakens, it must be restored. 

What drugs are taken after a course of antibiotics:

  • Hepatoprotectors. They help restore the liver, normalize the amount of bilirubin. The liver is an organ that filters everything that passes through the human body. Taking antibiotics negatively affects the liver, increasing the load. Therefore, it is necessary to help the body recover. 
  • Antifungal drugs. After taking antibiotics, candidiasis of the oral cavity, skin or genitals is observed. Candida mushrooms live in a small number of Candida mushrooms, but with good immunity, they are within normal limits. After taking antibiotics, their concentration increases significantly. Nand the surface of the mouth is formed by a white film, ulcers. A similar situation is observed in the genital area. With candidiasis in women and men, a white film appears on the surface of the genitals, curdled discharge that provoke itching, unpleasant fermented milk smell. 
  • Probiotics. These drugs help restore intestinal microflora. The main task is to normalize the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria. 

Do I need to take probiotics after antibiotics?

Some experts have their own point of view regarding the use of probiotics after antibiotic treatment. Experienced doctors believe that the weeks of taking antibiotics, which are usually prescribed for otitis, sinusitis, is not enough to inflict serious damage to the body. Therefore, within a few weeks after taking antibacterial drugs, the body is completely restored without additional help and administration of drugs. 

Is it necessary to take probiotics after antibiotics, indications for use:

  • Reception of two or three types of antibiotics at once. The pathology should be serious, with the prescription of an impact dose of antibiotics. 
  • If the intake of one antibiotic was ineffective, the doctor prescribed another drug after time. 
  • Self -medication. If a person decided to independently treat the ailment selected by antibiotics, then there is a high risk of ineffective therapy. 
  • Weakening of the body as a result of immunodeficiency or oncology, after the transfer of prolonged and dangerous diseases. 

In other cases, after a week of taking antibiotics, it is not necessary to restore the body, it quickly normalizes the work of all organs and systems. 


How to take antibiotics correctly without harm?

It is necessary to adhere to certain rules while taking antibiotics in order to reduce their effect on a useful microflora. 

How to take antibiotics correctly without harm:

  • It is necessary to take antibiotics in a strict sequence, which is indicated in the instructions. This refers to the reception after eating. In no case should you take the drug on an empty stomach. So, its action intensifies. 
  • Exclude the consumption of fatty and fried dishes that load the liver. Due to taking antibacterial drugs, the liver may not cope. Additional work is imposed on it due to the necessary filtration. You can help her and refrain from using heavy products. 
  • Completely eliminate the intake of alcohol, because it can significantly affect the condition of the liver and kidneys. Use a large amount of water so as not to change the filtering ability of the kidneys, reducing the number of antibiotics in the urine and liquid as a whole. 
  • Compliance with the rules ensures the rapid restoration of the body. Include a large amount of dairy products, lactobacilli, protein, and healthy fats in the diet. This refers to omega-3, omega-6 acids contained in sea products and red fish. They quickly restore the body, and strengthen cellular immunity, which prevents side effects after taking antibiotics.
  • Enter a large amount of kefir, fermented, with lactobacteria content in the menu. They can be purchased at a regular store, marked "bifido", Or cook independently from milk and leaf. 
  • Use a large amount of fiber. During the treatment with antibiotics, it should not be raw. It is best to bake or cook vegetables and fruits. 
  • Exclude sugar consumption, because it is glucose that is a power source for Candida mushrooms. In conditions of a large amount of sugar, mushrooms develop very quickly, so thrush in the oral cavity appears, or in the genital area. 

How to take fluconazole after a course of antibiotics?

Fluconazole is an antifungal drug that is used to treat candidiasis. In women, thrush manifests itself in the form of white cottage cheese discharge, with an unpleasant odor. The treatment regimen after taking antibiotics is the same as with candidiasis. It is recommended to combine antibiotics and fluconazole.

How to take fluconazole after a course of antibiotics:

  • It is best to use the drug for 5 or 2 days after the start of the course of antibiotics. You can not use drugs at the same time, it is best to divide their methods. After taking antibacterial drugs, fluconazole can be drunk no earlier than an hour later.
  • This reduces the load on the mucous membrane of the stomach, and will not provoke the release of a large amount of gastric juice, heartburn.
  • On the first day, 400 mg of the drug are consumed, and on the second - 200 mg. After a course of antibiotics, fluconazole is prescribed in a dosage of 250 mg. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After that, a break is taken. 
After illness
After illness

What to take a woman after antibiotics?

Lactoacillas - the basis of normal microflora of the genitals in women. They maintain the level of vaginal acidity at the mark of 3.8-4.5. The sour environment prevents the penetration of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, killing them in the root. However, after taking antibiotics, the acidity decreases, and approaches normal, which negatively affects the health of a woman. Dysbiosis leads to thrush, and often provokeskolpit, cervicitis.

These are diseases associated with the spread and growth of pathogenic microflora. It is not necessarily the bacteria that came to the body from the outside. In normal condition, the flora contains a certain amount of mushroomscandida, intestinal sticks, which are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and is present in everyone. But with a healthy microflora, these pathogens do not grow, and are in small limits, without causing any harm. After taking antibiotics, due to the weakening of the body and the suppression of lactoacilli, serious problems and malfunctions are observed.

What to take a woman after antibiotics:

  • To normalize microflora after antibiotics, local drugs, that is, candles are prescribed in the vaginal zone.
  • Suitable  Vagilak, orGinocomfortGynofloor. These substances contain lactobacilli, and allow you to restore normal acidity as quickly as possible. 

What to take for the stomach after antibiotics?

After taking antibiotics, the stomach ailments are exacerbated or there are. Pain in the abdominal cavity, and digestive disorder can be observed. Often accompanied by bloating, stool violation and gas formation. There is weakness, drowsiness and chronic fatigue, vomiting and nausea in the morning.To restore the stomach, you need to receiveprebiotics. Below are the most popular of them.

What to take for the stomach after antibiotics:

  1. Yogulakt  - this isliophilizate living bacteria. There are a large number of such drugs in pharmacies, and ordinary supermarkets. It is with their help that you can cook yogurt. It is produced in capsules and taken 3 times a day before eating. For complete recovery, it is recommended to take the drug for 2 months. 
  2. Biodvestin. These are droplets, or syrup, which are recommended to take 12 ml per day. The drug is used 30 minutes before meals. It is diluted with cold water or milk. It is recommended to take 3-4 weeks. 
  3. Lactofiltrum. Contains lactulose and lignin. Two tablets are prescribed, three times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. 
  4. Rioflora. itlyophilized Bifidobacteria, which are prescribed 2 capsules, twice a day. It is best to use on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach, or 1 hour before eating. 
  5. Normobakt - These are living bifidobacteria, which are produced in the form of Sasha. It is recommended to drink two Sasha per day, before eating. The course of treatment is 10 days. 

Remember that all useful lactobacilli feed on special substances calledprebiotics. They are found in sour -milk products. Together with the use of lactobacilli, it is necessary to include a large amount of dairy products that will be an excellent nutrition for them. Without dairy drugs, lactobacilli develop worse, it will take much more time to restore. 


How many days to take Linex after a course of antibiotics?

Linex - this is The drug that belongs to probiotics. Recommended for taking antibiotics, or after a course of treatment. 

How many days to take Linex after a course of antibiotics:

  • Doctors agree if after taking antibiotics there are no manifestations of dysbiosis, abdominal pain, then there is no need to take probiotics. However, if after the course of treatment of infectious diseases, abdominal pain, stool disorder, general malaise is manifested, it is recommended to takeLinex.
  • It can be used during the treatment with antibiotics, but with a break of 2 hours. After taking antibiotics, the drugLinex It is advisable to drink no earlier than after 2 hours. TreatmentLinex Recommended for two weeks. You must drink 2 capsules, 3 times a day. 

What to take after a course of antibiotics to adults?

In order to minimize the negative effects of antibacterial drugs on the body, it is necessary to observe all the rules for taking them. It is worth using only the drugs prescribed by the doctor. According to many experts, the most harmful are the drugs of a wide spectrum of action. It is advisable to pass the sowing at the beginning of the disease to determine the sensitivity to the antibiotic. This will significantly improve health, make treatment effective. 

It is necessary to use antibiotics only in the dosage that is prescribed by a doctor. Reducing the dose, reducing the duration of administration, can cause resistance to a large number of antibacterial drugs and the occurrence of superinfection. The next time, with similar diseases, the drug will be ineffective, you will have to look for a medicine with a stronger effect, which is significant harm the body.

What to take after a course of antibiotics to adults:

  • Hepaben, Karsil, Daril, Essential
  • Fluconazole, ketoconazole, fotsis, nystatin, pimafucin
  • Lactiala, Linex, Lactovit
  • Polyvitamin preparations: multi -fiber, alphabet, audit, hexab

In the following articles you can find out about taking such drugs:

In the course of taking antibiotics, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, introduce viscous cereals, boiled or baked fruits, vegetables, a lot of herbs and nuts into the diet. Also, when swelling of the abdomen, flatulence, fermented milk products are recommended: kefir or ryzhenka. You can use drinking yogurts, but try to choose products without a large amount of sugar and fruit fillers. 

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Comments K. article

  1. After antibiotics, in addition to probiotics, I also took the complex of the neurospan Forte, it helps to restore the body after prolonged diseases, helps to restore damaged nerve fibers, which during the disease can be torn in any part of the human body.

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