When can you feed the child after taking antibiotics?

When can you feed the child after taking antibiotics?

If antibiotics are prescribed a nursing woman, she can abandon their use, afraid to harm her child. This leads to huge health problems.

If you do not treat the disease, it can go to a more severe and even incurable stage. If you want to know when you can start feeding a child after using antibiotics, read this article. It will show a lot of useful information.

What antibiotics can be breastfeeding?

You can not prescribe treatment yourself if you have health problems. This carries a great danger. However, if you feed the baby with breast milk, you should take care not only about yourself, but also to the baby. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, sign up for an appointment with a doctor who will prescribe medications safe for health.

Experienced experts prescribe medications that do not penetrate too much into breast milk, are quickly excreted from the body, and do not affect the baby toxic.

There are situations when you can’t cure the ailment without antibiotics
There are situations when you can’t cure the ailment without antibiotics

During breastfeeding, it is allowed to use such antibiotics:

  • Penicillin group medicines. These include ampicillin, amoxicillin, Augmentin, Ospamox and the like. If a nursing woman needs antibiotic treatment, she can be prescribed drugs of this group. It is important that they have a therapeutic effect, and block the effects of viruses that are in the patient's body. Such drugs can penetrate into breast milk, but, in small concentrations. The only nuance that must be remembered is the high probability of allergic reactions. At the same time, not only the patient suffers, but also her child. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the body and skin, during the use of drugs with a penicillin group. If redness or rash appears, you should refuse to take them. Similar drugs can cause liquid stool.
  • Cephalosporins. This group contains the following drugs - Cofuroxim, Cefrdin, Ceftriaxone and similar to them. They are introduced into breast milk in small quantities. They are not toxic, therefore, do not affect the development and growth rate of the child. The only nuance is that after the use of such drugs, a child may have problems with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Macrolides. This group includes Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin. Similar drugs can be greatly accumulated in the body and breast milk. However, they do not affect the development of the baby, and do not provoke allergic reactions.

Antibiotics in breastfeeding: reception rules

If you do not want to postpone treatment, and are going to use antibiotics when breastfeeding, adhere to several rules. They will minimize the damage from the medicine.

Main recommendations:

  • Do not prescribe the medicine yourself. Consult a doctor and give all the necessary tests. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the optimal drug himself, and the dosage suitable for you;
  • Do not reduce the dose. If you reduce the amount of the drug used, it is negative to affect the duration and effectiveness of treatment;
  • Use antibiotics when feeding, or immediately at the end of this procedure. If the antibiotic should be taken once a day, it is better to do this in the evening before the child goes to bed. If you need to drink drugs 2 times a day, then the first time drink the drug before a morning walk (so that the baby sleeps in the fresh air), and the second - before nightmare;
  • Drink medicines only with clean water, which is preliminary better to boil. For these purposes, juices, dairy products, tea or coffee should not be used for these purposes. They will “neutralize” the effect of antibacterial drugs, which negatively affect the effectiveness of treatment. Also, you should not combine antibiotics with absorptions, herbal moods and medicines that thin the blood;
  • Correct the diet. Given that antibiotics negatively affect the health of the liver, intestines and stomach, you should abandon fried, salty, spicy and smoked food. It is also necessary to minimize the amount of canned products, because they contain a large amount of salt and vinegar. If you like acidic vegetables and fruits, use them no more than 2 times a week. This is due to the fact that acid reduces the effectiveness of drugs;
  • Take drugs that restore microflora of the intestine. If the doctor has not prescribed them, ask him about it;
  • Study how much antibiotics from breast milk and cells are removed. Some substances are excreted from the body after 1.5-2 days. Others may take a week.

Taking antibiotics during breastfeeding: Forbidden drugs

Often, antibiotics that can be taken during lactation do not bring the proper result. In such cases, doctors prescribe more complex drugs in which breastfeeding should be stopped. No need to panic. As soon as the course of treatment is over, you can resume feeding the child.

It is not recommended to take such antibiotics during breastfeeding:

  • Aminoglycosides. This group includes Amikacin, Kanomitsin and Streptomycin. They are quite poorly “introduced” into milk. However, even the minimum concentration can cause problems with hearing and genitourinary system of the child;
  • Tetracyclines. These include “doxycycline” and “tetracycline”. Given that they actively accumulate in breast milk, they can slow down the development of the baby. They do not allow calcium to be absorbed, because of which problems with bones and teeth appear;
  • Fluoroquinolones. The most famous drug of this group is Ciprofloxocin. They accumulate in large quantities in breast milk, and lead to the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the baby;
  • "Lincomitsin" Quickly and in large quantities accumulates in breast milk. Leads to difficulties in the work of the intestines;
  • "Clindamicin". This drug provokes pseudomembranous colitis in children;
  • Sulfanilamides. If a woman during lactation is consumed by this drug, nuclear jaundice may develop in the baby.
Do not endanger the child with feeding when taking prohibited antibiotics, because some of the components will go to him with breast milk
Do not endanger the child with feeding when taking prohibited antibiotics, because some of the components will go to him with breast milk

How to resume GV after a break?

  • If you had to abandon breastfeeding due to antibiotics, you will need to study the drug to determine the optimal time to resume feeding. It all depends on how strongly the drug accumulates in the body, and how quickly it is excreted.
  • You can find all the necessary information in the instructions for use, or clarify with your doctor. Breastfeeding should not be resumed until all substances are removed from the body. This can provoke difficulties in the development of the child.

The average duration of treatment of diseases with antibiotics is 7-10 days.

  • These terms are relevant if you adhere to all the dosages prescribed by the doctor.

After what time you can resume feeding:

  • If a woman was prescribed drugs that are incompatible with lactation, then you need to stock up on and stop feeding. Go through the entire course of treatment, and make sure that the disease has receded. After counting another 3-5 days, and you can resume the GV.
  • If other recommendations are spelled out in the instructions for the drug, adhere to them. When you decide to resume breastfeeding, look at the baby's reaction. If everything is fine, and there are no side effects, you can continue feeding.
  • If the child has a rash, stop feeding, and wait another 3 days. It is best to consult a doctor so as not to harm the baby.

Breastfeeding after antibiotics

If the doctor was prescribed an antibiotic incompatible with GV, you will need to suspend feeding. However, after the end of treatment, you can feed the baby again. In order not to break the production of breast milk, you need to regularly express it.

Such recommendations are suitable for this:

  • Adhere to the same frequency with which you fed the child;
  • Carry out at night. Just in the dark, the hormone prolactin is produced, which preserves the optimal production of breast milk;
  • Use the dairy. The best option is the models that work from the electric network. So combustion will be more convenient and fast.

You should always have a supply of breast milk in the freezer. So, in the case of unexpected treatment with antibiotics, you will know that the child will not be hungry and will receive a sufficient amount of breast milk. If there are no such reserves, a transition to children's mixtures will be required.

  • Consult a doctor first to choose a mixture based on the age of the baby. It is a lot important to choose the correct size of the bottle so that it resembles the size of the mother breast.
  • The nipple should be with a small hole, like a nipple. So the child will not refuse to eat. For feeding, use a bottle with a nipple with a small hole, as close as possible in size to the nipple.
  • The greater the age of your baby, the easier he will survive the treatment of the mother. It is most dangerous to get sick and take antibiotics when the child is only 6 months old. Such children do not yet have a large number of protective forces, and it is much more difficult to accustom them to mixtures.

When is it necessary to treat antibiotics during breastfeeding?

Most often, women need to drink antibiotics during breastfeeding if they found various bacterial infections. Each drug affects only one specific type of bacteria. Therefore, the appointment should be carried out by a doctor, after examining the patient.

Some diseases cannot be defeated without antibiotics
Some diseases cannot be defeated without antibiotics

There are several reasons why women with GV are prescribed antibiotics:

  • postpartum inflammation;
  • genital system infections;
  • cesarean section or other operation;
  • respiratory system diseases (pneumonia, pleurisy);
  • diseases of the ears, throat or nose (otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
  • intestinal infections caused by bacteria;
  • severe form of lactostasis. In particular, if cracks have formed on the nipples through which the infection penetrates inside the body.

Damage to antibiotics when breastfeeding

Antibiotics are drugs that negatively affect the immune system of an adult. Given that the body of a newborn child has not yet been completely formed, one can only imagine what harm to him is causing antibiotics.

Often a rash antibiotic intake during breastfeeding causes such symptoms in the baby:

  • violation of intestinal microflora. This can provoke immunity problems, cause diarrhea and disrupt the process of absorption of nutrients;
  • sepsis;
  • rash and inflammation on the skin.

As you can see, antibiotics are dangerous for young children. Given that the adult organism is still able to fight a negative effect, the newborn child is not able to withstand him. Therefore, the nursing mother should stop breastfeeding if the doctor prescribed her antibacterial drugs incompatible with lactation. The resumption of GV depends on the terms for the removal of toxic substances from the body.

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