KVN passes-for greeting, warm-ups, homework, freestyle, musical biathlon, final: the best selection

KVN passes-for greeting, warm-ups, homework, freestyle, musical biathlon, final: the best selection

A large selection of song transfers for KVN-for adults and children.

KVN-greeting songs for KVN

Song-drive for KVN-greeting on the motive of robbers from the m/f "Bremen musicians"

That the hungry is always
And we have a salary.
Yes, it happens not always!

Oh-yes-yes, oh-yes
People tell the truth
Oh-yes, oh-yes-yes,
Like this!

And from salaries to salaries,
They say that only we live
And we live a lot of fun
That's about it and sing!

Oh-yes-yes, oh-yes
And we live like this always
Oh-yes, oh-yes-yes,
Like this!

Only once a year happens
This holiday is only ours,
On the day of the employee is congratulated
On this day, all of us!

This is, yes
Congratulations, gentlemen!
This is, yes
Happy Employee Day to us, cheers!


Alteration of songs for KVN bandits from the m/f "Adventures of Captain Vrungel"

Laborano, physicalcetite de la university
And the student early Radto crawled out of Krorto
Crawl and hurry, so that again is not late
In Kazemato and the basement where the device is too much
In Kazemato and the basement where the device is too much

There is an associate professor Laborano a lot at the BITO current
Say that Studeto murmot is Beliberdito
Say that it’s not a briefing is not a reading room
It is offered to come as soon as possible at the industry oooo-e
It is offered to come to Seal as soon as possible

And the student awesomely Umalanto admitted
Trentanto because the feeling of span
Tears lito promised to make my brains
Mom dad recalled deanato mother oooo-e
Mom dad recalled densonato mother oooo-e

Here the associate professor remembers that there was once a student
Inexorably nothing, and sometimes a tail
.... I will not ........
And the student is hasty to start experiment

It is measured that the device is a junk
The result is computed with the result is adjusted
And the report signathe is smiling mutely
For the Chinzano hasty and forgiveness la finita
For the Chinzano hasty and forgiveness la finita


Song-drive for KVN "I will drive a bicycle for a long time"
In our hostel again, fuss:
We sit again in the crowd and drink beer.
And let them all do in the morning,
We will simply score on them.
And let them all do in the morning,
We will simply score on them.

Take the beer more bottles of six,
Guitar in hand - and on the parapet,
And let it be problems with us,
We will simply score on them.
And let it be problems with us,
We will simply score on them.

In the morning classes, but in the late hour,
When the fog thickens and sadness,
We will all go without raising our eyes
Stagging and Buyan, well, let.
We will all go without raising our eyes
Stagging and Buyan, well, let.

In our hostel again, fuss:
We sit again in the crowd and drink beer.
And let them all do in the morning,
We will simply score on them.
And let them all do in the morning,
We just sew on them


The remake of the song is “Your Blagority” from the movie “White Sun of the Desert”.

Your Blagorodiy, gentlemen students,
We will pass the old purchases to you now.
You don't find fault, be so kind:
Not lucky in poetry, lucky in love.

Your noble, Madame Science,
I didn’t give me a clan, that’s such a thing.
I don’t remember anything how much you can’t learn:
Not lucky with science, lucky in love

Your noble, lady task,
For whom you are light and to whom.
Spur in the exam will be found how not to twist ...
Not lucky in study, lucky in love.

Your nobleness, gentlemen finances,
Even if they are, they sing romances.
Not lucky with scholarships, wait and do not be sad:
Not lucky with rubles, lucky in love.

Your nobleness, gentlemen students,
We wish you happiness in difficult times.
Be sure, be wise:
Not lucky in your life, lucky in love

KVN-Songs-transfers for warm-up

KVN-Song-transfers for the warm-up "Fascinated by bewitched"

Fascinated by berth
Fascinated by logarithms,
Integrates from childhood are intimidated,
Too woman for mathematics,
And for a woman too smart.

Not funny, not sad,
Not a sex bomb and not Kovalevskaya.
And your men are not koshi and not Gausses,
And more and more guarantors are Rzhevsky.

So why are you crying, beauty,
What do you smoke autumn at night?
Whose fault is that the last session
Took both innocence and vision?

Remember the youth Olympiad?
Do you remember the mother so happy?
After all, I did not know that the older boys ...
They taught you to integrate.

Fascinated by logarithms,
With integrals from childhood, the Veneta,
Not a sex bomb and not Kovalevskaya
Just a poor, smart woman.


Song-drive for KVN-"Lonely accordion"
Everything fell asleep around until dawn,
The body is immersed in sleep
Only in the sleepy artery somewhere
The hormone wanders lonely.
Only in the sleepy artery somewhere
The hormone wanders lonely.

It descends through the bloodstream,
Then the receptor will begin to irritate
That you wander so lonely
And where do you need to send?
That you wander so lonely
And where do you need to send?

You answer the question concisely
Before you go to Vena Cava:
That you wander so specific,
Why don't you give a girl to sleep?
That you wander so specific,
Why don't you give a girl to sleep?

Everything fell asleep around until dawn,
The body is immersed in sleep
Only in the sleepy artery somewhere
The hormone wanders lonely.
Only in the sleepy artery somewhere
The hormone wanders lonely.


Song-drive for KVN-"Thin Rowal"

What are you standing, swinging
Drunk at the entrance?
His head
You cracked about the door.

The code from the intercom
You forgot drunk.
Apparently, before dawn
You will tumble the door.

Here the neighbor came in
You burst behind her
And one at the elevator
You stayed.

The door opened the door,
Again troubles:
Buy which button? -
You don't know for sure.

But you pressed your nose
That's right by chance.
I was at home
You are completely sad.

You torment the lock
You can't stick the key.
And the wife cannot sleep
That night too.

The doors opened,
And on all fours
You crawl on the rug
To sleep a little.

But I did not appreciate
A woman of effort.
And a frying pan
I beat you strongly.


Song-drive for KVN-"Blue car"

1 verse: The blue bottle lies, sways,
I can see a lot I drank a lot in the morning.
Let it go a little more
That the bottle of me is bottomless.

Chorus: I will invite friends, invite, invite,
And I pour my own cologne.
Everyone likes it, likes it,
A strong and small blue bottle.

2 verse: Sorry, the snacks are not promised,
Only one salty cucumber.
Only from friends everything is forgiven for me,
They say I'm still well done.

Chorus: Everyone wants to drink, I want, I want,
Tasty for men my cologne.
Everyone believes, believe, believe,
That not finished blue bottle


Song-drive for KVN-"The last traitor"

1 verse: I was on a shift yesterday
Patients came.
It seems to be like everyone else
Only here are only moments:

Chorus: I am flying and crying, I fly and cry,
I fly and cry, cry, and fly,
I can't otherwise, I am flying and crying,
I fly and cry, cry and treat, cry and fly.

2 verse: Kaldyrey for shift 8,
Addict 3-4.
2 Gazelle drivers
Drunk on the road sat down.

Chorus: I am flying and crying, I fly and cry,
I fly and cry, cry, and fly,
I can't otherwise, I am flying and crying,
I fly and cry, cry and treat, cry and fly.

3 verse: If you want to live - go to be treated,
The dispensary will help you.
In our friendly team,
On a holiday, they can drink too.

Chorus: I am flying and crying, I fly and cry,
I fly and cry, cry, and fly,
I can't otherwise, I am flying and crying,
I fly and cry, cry and treat, cry and fly.


Song-transmission for KVN on the motive of the song "Five minutes"

So that anyone in Ukraine is shod
We will give all the skis for five minutes
And in the Carpathians under the city
We will build a big springboard
So that everyone chooses a route.

Five minutes, five minutes.
They pushed away, cighed.
If you are not played -
Five minutes and you are in Istanbul!

Five minutes, five minutes,
Over Europe and China.
Slunks of envy flow
How cool we fly.
Five minutes, five minutes.
Proudly cut our skis
Like plywood over Paris.


Song-drive for KVN for the motive of the songs of the old cabman

Only the morning wakes over the country is more worse,
I will come to you like Lenin in the party.
We meet with you like Stirlitz with Polushner
And we kiss like Brezhnev with Pompidu.

I will caress you like a Castro beard,
Draw like a brilliant nambaldyan,
In my hands I will carry you around the city
Like freedom, the power of advice to all people.

I, like Trotsky before the assault at night white,
I will start my hands into your masses,
And then I, sorry, will do it with you
What Kravchuk did with Ukraine.

Well, my party!
Our connection is spontaneous,
As if with a rook.
How the whole world we wanted!
For us, we flew by
Proletarians of all countries.

KVN-homemade rear songs

Song-drive for KVN for the home building-"RIGHT the January blizzard"
Always be the first
The task is difficult to overcome it,
We need us, we need.
Testament success to the distance and we are in a hurry behind her.
Not easy, not easy
Defeat friends.

Our salute rattles everywhere.
All guests will be happy.
And Mayer gives us a miracle.
And our anthem sounds.
We win each other.
And congratulations, each other.
We give joy, to each other.
And now we are strong forever.

We shoulder with you, the work is difficult,
But the thought of complexity is false, false.
With any client, we find a compromise,
And now, our client, let us scream us.

Repeat of the chorus.

Mayer taught us, to be friends with victory
And our goal is always, to win, to win.
We, together with KFU, double our success.
And then and then, we will become the best.
Repeat of the chorus.

Our salute rattles everywhere.
All guests will be happy.
And Mayer gives us a miracle.
And our anthem sounds.
We win each other.
And congratulations, each other.
We give joy to each other.
And now we are strong, forever, forever.
And now we are strong, forever.


Song-drive for KVN for the home building-"Battery"

The snow fell on the parade ground,
Intensified a hundred times.
And if you took a scraper,
Then there is no way back.

We will fuck with a shovel
Until it will not be even.
And he will bring down the snow,
Oh, how painful it is!

Chorus: Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! How painful!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! How painful!

How the evening came
In the minutes of the construction,
I hugged the shovel
With my girlfriend laziness.

Let the snow still make it like,
Team: “Smir-in!
But we know before:
Broken snow - cool!

Chorus: Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! The snow is cool!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! The snow is cool!

In the dining room of the roll and juice,
All the same cups, spoons.
And the parade ground is a scraper:
All the same “chair” without a leg.

But even though he is gag, even no,
This does not bother us.
And snow falls from the roof
And he doesn’t melt the hell!

Chorus: Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! Will be exactly!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! How painful!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! Smir-enormous!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! The snow is cool!


Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! Will be exactly!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! How painful!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! Smir-enormous!
Oh-oh-and-and-and-e! The snow is cool!


Song-drive for KVN for the home building-"Everything is fine, beautiful marquise"

Hello, Moscow! Which news?
I am stuck here in the regions.
And half the country has already traveled
I have not been to the capital for a long time!

Everything is fine, comrade general,
We updated the fleet,
The whole team was changed dramatically,
And we replenish the zoo.

Only a trifle remains to finish -
And take animals, how little!
And the rest, our beautiful boss,
Everything is fine, everything is fine.

Hello, hello, with a fleet,
Why had to change it?
And what kind of nonsense about zoos,
What does the animals have to understand, do not understand!

With a car we always have such a drama -
The accountant beats them here and here,
And Bentley and Infiniti Tatyana
Perhaps they will lead to feelings.

And we do not play the zoo -
We call the projects so,
And they could take the wolf recently,
No wonder the money was spent in vain!

Hello, Hello, and besides the Wolf,
Who else could you take?
I don't see much too much
And enough time to lose in vain!

We are not losing time in vain in the service,
There is not even excess minutes -
We are actively responsible for the hundredth.
Who ate sweets in a day!

And the zoo, just give money -
Fill out quickly, so know,
As soon as you, our generous general,
Increase the budget for us!

Hello, Hello, Budget Where?
Our tariff was frozen,
For six months we waited a miracle,
About all the "Wishlist" forgetting!

Everything is fine, the director, in fact,
We save here and there,
That there was no money, they already managed to understand,
Now we report to you:

We had to cancel fitness,
And they stopped drinking coffee,
But they don’t let us starve -
Watermelons regularly send
The whole people have long come to terms -
There will be no bonuses for a year,
Fin. The controller is already like a shadow -
Twenty hours plows a day,
And only red carpet
This spin is accelerated by us,
But we know, our beloved boss,
Everything will be very good!


Song-drive for KVN for the home building-"Ah, what a woman"

Forecasters, apparently, God -
There are so many chairmen
Had a native committee

Fought with them glorious
Until recently
The ray of light did not appear.

So suddenly happened itself
After our long torment,
Why are we lucky, we don't know:

A woman appeared, such a woman
A woman appeared, such a woman

And she is nicer for us
All in the world and kinder,
But such a position can be seen

Every day solid nerves,
Probably the chairman
Someone should be wider.

It is difficult to pull the strap
And rest a little
We wish her today

After all, such a woman, such a woman,
Ah, what a woman, what a woman,

KVN-Freestyle Songs for KVN

Song-drive for KVN-Freestyle, "Chung-Chang"

Fun Day! Rejoice, friends!
You can’t be dull on this day.
All KVN impatiently wait -
Cute jokes, joyful minutes.
Merry KVN - holiday:
Everyone jokes without fear,
He is calling for all of us today!
Laugh adults and children -
It’s more fun to live in the world
When everyone around laughs with us.
We are waiting for KVN, and he comes
And it does not get tired of playing all day.
Everyone is ready for a mischievous joke -
This day for us becomes a game.
When you can have fun
Share a good song -
Do not find the best money in the year!
And make riddles,
And play hide and seek with friends,
And the funny write a line to a neighbor.

On this day, everyone is friendly with humor!
Games, laughter - for all they are important!
Live jokingly, of course, more fun -
Smile - the world will be kinder!
Merry KVN - holiday,
The holiday is a small prankster!
For that, we all love him!
He rushes like a comet,
Feast of Joy and Light
And with a smile, we will remember him.


Freestyle song-drive for KVN, "If a friend has gone down ..."

If you started drinking with a friend,
If you started drinking with a friend,
So, let's drink a lot,
We can’t live without vodka,
We can’t live without vodka,
I say to her by God!

That we are snow, what is the heat,
That we have a heavy rain,
When you and I have a binge.
That we are snow, what is the heat,
That we have a heavy rain,
When you and I have a binge.

Where it is sad alone,
Where it is sad alone,
With vodka more fun.
I will understand the truth with vodka,
I will understand the truth with vodka,
It will become warmer to me.

A whole box I am friends
A whole box I am friends
I will drink without fright.
If I will be with a friend,
If I will be with a friend,
And I can without a friend.

If you started drinking with a friend,
If you started drinking with a friend,
So, let's drink a lot,
We can’t live without vodka,
We can’t live without vodka,
I say to her by God!


Song-drive for KVN-Freestyle, "Do not think about seconds ..."

Do not think about seconds from Bodun,
The time has come, I realized myself, probably.
Mold in a glass of yesterday's wine,
You know yourself that this remedy is true.

Do not think about the great with a hangover,
Shake dawn fatigue from eyelashes.
Say thank you for intact
And something left on the plate.

Take a gray sandwich from a plate,
Kapa Kabba Find the remains -
It is not the time to argue about the orders,
When the people are daring.

There is no time to think about the overwhelming,
Codes soud -sided larynx,
And the voices of the semi -signed tan
Have not yet dissolved in the interior.

Everything is its term, and this period will come,
And the thought will wake up in the cranial box.
You will not miss this moment short -
Remove calmly gray sandwich.


The song-drive for KVN is Freestyle, "It's great that we all gathered here today."

We have matured for a year.
Let the year not so much,
Everyone sought in his soul
In the sky -high height.
And it's time, perhaps,
We take stock.
How great is that we are all here
Gathered today.
Let the difficulties in bulk
We will overcome everything.
But only without each other
We are unlikely to do.
And life is more beautiful with a friend
And much more fun.
How great is that we are all here
Gathered today.
Let someone not count
Our holiday is anniversary,
And we stubbornly believe:
Now another life.
Let's dream
In the circle of friends of the lyceum.
How great is that we are all here
Gathered today.


Song-drive for KVN-freestyle, "such an illusion"

Eyes run up
The soul is torn,
And everything is called -
The quirks of fate.
And yet the illusion,
That secret ties,
Lyceum ties
We are assigned.
And life continues,
And no matter how much you are?
We believe that we will break out
From the whole Kuterma.
Such an illusion
That secret ties,
Lyceum ties
We are assigned.
Everything is forgiven for friends
Not forever repenting them.
Our union will be borrowed again
Hearts and minds.
Such an illusion
That secret ties,
Lyceum ties
We are assigned.
Words of gratitude
We give you joy
What is your attention
Not deprived.
Such an illusion
That secret ties,
Lyceum ties
We are assigned.

KVN passes for KVN-Musical biathlon

Song-drive for KVN-Musical biathlon, "Your Blagority"
Your nobleness, mistress note,
For whom are you frigid, and to whom is a nymph,
Nine lines in the room, the text is my non -casist,
I am not lucky in sex, I will be a journalist.
Your nobleness, lady page,
Here the whole place is occupied, I can’t break through.
Nine doubles per year, our teacher, our sadist,
Not lucky in study, I will be a journalist.
Your Blagority, Madam Gazeta
I came here to write so give a cigarette.
The fee is two hundred, and I do not care
Let me pay little, I will be a journalist.
Your nobleness, Mr. reader,
Do not judge me strictly, I'm not a writer.
Do not scare the reprisal, comrade communist.
Let me cut me, I will be a journalist.


Song-drive for KVN-musical biathlon, "poplar fluff"

Black and white paint
On my fence
Wrote my Koresh
The word is mischievous
It has only three letters
But what
You yourself will understand everything
If not stupid
I won't call him
The word is certainly eternal
And loves to dream about him so much
Each in the world
And any man for him
Will immediately get into a fight
It is difficult to live in the world without him
It’s better to be a stray dog
And I am this word
I will decorate the red
To the fence
It stood out cool
Who has not yet understood
I will explain
Not inadvertently
I will get a mug
This word world and you yourself
Not at all presented
I want my thoughts vulgar
You left forever
What you thought
Too, of course, it is necessary
But it is without the world on Earth
Like women, lips without lipstick.


KVN-drive song-musical biathlon, end of the film "Alice"

Here we are going together again,
Where we will always find us to get drunk,
And we took the guitars with us to beat the hare.
After all, if someone attacks us,
Dimin's guitar will never let you down,
Well, for starters, we decided, hesitated to the dignity.
And what is this teetotaler and where he lives,
Yes, he has the same virus - he does not drink vodka, drinks beer,
And again, with a check, we will come to play to his computer.
Does not teach mathematics does not go to school - sleeps
He scored on English - he says on the hairdryer
And again we will take the hungry, and we would have a gap to the dignity.
With us, Lech is our common Kent,
He is a great guy, despite the fact that the cop,
Yes, and Shurik Tsuran in the cop.
Igor is proudly crawling with dreams,
He got drunk again and yells louder,
Yes, let him yell, and let's go to Nikita.
But he does not live in St. Petersburg - his name is not Pierre,
But when it gets drunk, it spoils the interior,
He will ennoble your carpet - then it will fall asleep in the same place.
How does a non -fort dress and speaks with rapp
But he listens with hunting Rock - En - Role and Breke Bit.
Yes, he is a great guy and therefore we are together everywhere.
With us a fly with us is Diman,
For some reason they lay together on the sofa,
And we will go to the kitchen and we will not interfere with them.
With us, Zhenya, Sergey and Denis,
When they get drunk, they always sing on BIS,
And then one of us said:
"We almost forgot, but let's go to Lily!"


KVN-drive song is a musical biathlon, "she would like to live on Manhattan"
Demi Moore lives far in Hollywood,
In the morning it makes lifting, then a pedicure ...
Together with her husband are the heroes of various brochures ...
And both stars of cinema, cars and money are full ...
And everything seems to be exactly, but ...
She would like to live under Kaluga
And to be Pakhomych with a faithful wife,
Walking with Big Bidon on berries
And loosen your garden with a rake!
She would like to live in Ivanovo
And Uncle Kolya to drag the drunk home,
Milk the cow of Zorka at seven in the morning,
Drink vodka from the throat right at the stall!
She would like to live in the Smolensk region
Like all normal Russian women ...
Stop the horse galloping
And immediately enter the hut burning!
She would like to live in Vyshny Volochka
And receive products on the card ...
She would like to live in Kozlodoevo,
Let not even it on the map at all!

KVN-final songs

Song-drive for KVN-final, on the motive "Pinocchio"

Who is a good fairy tale in the house?
Who is familiar to everyone since childhood?
And gathered here here,
So that Oktyabrsky hears all.
We will tell you now about her.
About this about his game

Our ka ve en
Our ka ve en

We are not artists, not jester.
But cheerful and simple.
And every day and every hour
Accompanying the humor of us
And at school we joke jokes
We must be funny

Our ka ve en
Our ka ve en

Well, now in parting an hour
We want us to appreciate us
After all, we joked as we could
They tried to conquer the jury
So that our jokes and in a dream
Gave you a cheerful laughter

Our ka ve en
Our ka ve en


Song-drive for KVN-finale, "Seryozha well done"

Pampam Pampam ...
We got into place. One two Three.

Kostya raised his hand up,
Zhenya - the right leg,
Arkasha, do not pick up in the nose!
Seryozha well done!

Pampam Pampam,
Seryozha well done!

Here comes the bonfire
Kostya is not worried:
Mom sits in the hall -
I did not give the money for plasticine.
Arkasha, got into place,
Kostya, that's enough!

Pampam Pampam,
Seryozha well done!

Here comes the wife
Zhenya will succeed:
The guys do not offend the wife,
Zhenya fell into place.
Zhenya did not stand up ... Zhenya!
Seryozha well done!

Pampam Pampam,
Seryozha well done!

Here comes the arcashechka,
Arkasha did not rehearse,
The glass broke in the group,
I thought I would not recognize ...
I found out everything:
Seryozha well done!

Pampam Pampam,
Seryozha well done!

Finally comes Serezhenka,
Seryozha succeeds.
The guys patted Serezhenka,
Seryozha well done!

Pampam Pampam,
Seryozha well done!

Now we make a "boat",
We float over there.
Guys in the wrong direction
Seryozha well done!

Pampam Pampam,
Seryozha is my son.


Song-drive for KVN-final, "beekeeper".

Chorus:You are roach, I am a fisherman.
There is bait, bite.
Spinning is strong, new,
Eh, I will not oversleep the catch.
Schuchka - you, I am a fisherman.
There is a spinner, there is a bite.
Noble is waiting for a catch
Yes, for a hook-love.

In any season of the year
I'm a fisherman avid.
Spit-wild, snow, I am sitting on the river.
Not without drying in silence neatly
Golden fish is used.

The chorus is the same.

TCS ... TCC ... TCC ... do not frighten off "Fish-Goud".
TCC ... TCC ... TCC ... Do not frighten off "Fish-Good".
TCC .. TCC ... TCC ... on "feelings marmonsku."
TCC .. TCC ... TCC ... on "feelings marmonsku."

Ench the eagle owl, the cuckoo ducks, -
"On the drum", I catch the king-fish.
Kvaksha on a bump, kanyuk flight,
They will not distract me from the float.
Catch the fish, at the bottom, in the waves.
What do I have a hot-bird scream in the clouds?!
After all, Miley me all "Tsyp"
You are the “queen of fish” ...

Chorus: You are roach, I am a fisherman.
There is a worm, bite.
Fasty spinning, new.
The catch is cool.
Schuchka - you, I am a fisherman.
Flake-toe is healthy.
Noble is waiting for a catch
Yes to a hook-love ...


Song-drive for KVN-final, gr. Hands up-"la-la-la."

I like to look for caches everywhere, treasures.
A bit for metal, metal my seeker.
The scrap is not a burden to me, the shovel is bayonet.
Find crap often, I do not lose heart.


I will certainly find Cla-La-La-La-Led-Led.
Cla-t-al-led-laying can be very valuable.
Cla-led-le-lane with a price of seven-digit
Nay-nai-nai-nai-nai is not an easy task.

Let them sometimes beching their legs,
I am not at all sickening to look for treasures.
I see Yakhontov chest in dreams
I believe, in reality, luck will win around.

Flying is about to me in writings, not otherwise
With emeralds, bam, I will dig a casket
Let the shovel feel the wrong way again,
I am patient, horror, nerves like ropes ...

KVN-Songs-transfers for students

KVN-a song-drive for students "Naked". Contractor: gr. "Degrees"

I like it when you wave your handles in manicure
I like it when you wave your handles in manicure
And blow on nails and porridge.
I like when rearranging the wall and chair,
You purr the motive from Presley.
I like it when you are barefoot on the floor at night
And you burst a boot with a hiccup.
I like it when you dive under a blanket at any time
With "Where are you, my captain Nemo?"

Chorus: And do not care that you are an extravagant,
Eat condensed milk after herring,
And in headphones in a foamy bath
Often you are wound to Nagano's songs,
What can you ask in the morning suddenly sleepily:
"What time is it in AsunSion now?"
You know how to inspire, be a muse.
In shorts, to armpits in the rates,
In sundress, in boots-bottoms
Or naked with proud posture.


KVN-Song-drive for students "Two pieces of sausage" gr. "Combination"

Old bones
Old bones,
Rheumatism and pension,
Tablette bottles,
The series is until the evening.
Let them talk about that
Grandmothers on a bench,
You, my friend, forget
About the sofa and slippers!
You, my friend, forget
About the sofa and slippers!

Do not thicken, friend, paints,
Saying: "I am aging" about myself,
Do not tell us fairy tales
All the same, we do not believe you!

At least at home is good
There is nothing to relax,
Not for that, my friend
You retire.
Like foreigners, you
Go to the tour playfully
And you will be like them
Live You P-Pa-Wu-Yo-Chi!
And you will be like them
Live You P-Pa-Wu-Yo-Chi!

Do not thicken, friend, paints,
Saying: "I am aging" about myself,
Do not tell us fairy tales
All the same, we do not believe you!

And we came here
Also not for a checkmark
And they brought you
The apples are young!
About old age stupidity
Never listens
Who are these apples
Eats every evening!
Who are these apples
Eats every evening!

Do not thicken, friend, paints,
Saying: "I am aging" about myself,
Do not tell us fairy tales
All the same, we do not believe you!


KVN-Song-drive for students "Love me in French"

Your hut house is on the backs
Dad Carlo and that, cooler than the Camur.
Let the ceiling at the hibara peel
So even funny for Mata Hari.
You saw the princesses only in the pictures,
My rude murlyman. Tired of men.
I burn from you, I am burning like a candle.
(It's good that there is no gas gas.)
I am so offensive to hear: "Frigid."
I love to untie with you insatiable!

Love me in French.
Tear off the skirt, collars, blouse passionately.
Oh, my hero, destroy and save beautifully.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel of whisper "Kis-kishi, wow!"
Love me in Kububan.
Fighting with you sex even in a Swing.
With you I'm not an Arctic, a hot cube,
As soon as I see you with the "ice ax."
Love me in English
In the hollow of the chest of the slug of the whiskey.
Love me as if you are the first
Oh Robin Hood, I am a taic Sherwood!
Love me in Kongolez.
Attack and grab it from behind the curtain.
Twist my pens, twist my legs,
And then I scratch, a wild cat.
Love me in Tunguska.
Pad a stone on me right from the chandelier.
In mansions in the feather beds, I was bored like drying.
I missed my love so much! ..


KVN-a song-drive for students. Original: "Lyubochka."

White cork, C2H5 in water.
Who does not know vodka? Everyone knows vodka!
Boys at the holiday will gather in a circle ...
Ah, how the vodka-ah is drunk!

Either sitting or standing.
Or either, love.
The head is spinning, the devils are everywhere.
Everyone looks at vodka, everyone rejoices.
But if you come to the house with this vodka,
There we are this vodka ...

Either lying, or sitting, but not standing!
Salted cucumbers, lard on the table.
Who does not want vodka? Everyone wants vodka.
It happens that the boys are very sober,
But how it turns out ...
Either a lot, or little. Either ... more!


KVN-Song-drive for students "Sasha + Masha"

The sun rises and comes in
The sun rises and comes in
Tears fall from the eyes
Full of sadness and sorrow
I will tell the story.
Years fly quickly,
And no one is waiting for me
And I'm quietly advancing -
Here I am - your pension!

But you don't be sad, saying goodbye over the years,
I am a doctor and only him,
I will add freedom, add comfort,
We will heal with you, in !!! Damn, e-mine!

I am so young
I have half a day
But, having come, I do not disappear,
Wait for me every month.
I'm getting more desirable
Weight gaining weight,
I will become indispensable
I am your pension!

And you don't be sad, saying goodbye over the years,
I am a doctor and only him,
I will add freedom, add comfort,
We will heal with you, in !!! Damn, e-mine!

So that you do not forget
That I came forever,
Here you have a paper
And an advance on all things.
Look how good I am
And, by the bills of rustle,
You will not be reflected
How I am your pension!

Yes, you don't be sad, saying goodbye over the years,
I am a doctor and only him,
I will add freedom, add comfort,
We will heal with you, in !!! Damn, e-mine!

KVN for KVN songs for children

Song-drive for KVN for children-“Your Blagority” from KF “White Sun of the Desert”

Your nobleness, Madam Luck,
Here they put "five", and to someone-otherwise.
You got a deuce, it’s better not to revise-
Not lucky in study, lucky in love.
Your nobleness, mistress clothes,
In the morning you were mother Nadezhda,
That you will spite all enemies clean ...
Do not worry, mom, you are not lucky.
Your noble, homework,
You are a test to me, mother-order.
If you cry for a long time, whimpine or whine,
Then the mother will have to solve everything herself.
Your nobleness, mother’s mother,
Do not forget to buy yourself a cake for tea.
Better tea with a cake, you will not find anywhere,
Not lucky in study - lucky in food!


Song-drive for KVN for children-my bunny ”(Philip Kirkorov)

My school is your desk.
My handle is your card.
My notebook is my pen.
My mistake - I am a squiggle.
My pointer is a lesson.
My change is a call.
You are a stalk - I'm your pestle
We are with you forever
My school!

I sleep badly at night because I love you.
Because I love you for a long time.
I sleep badly at night because I love you.
Because I love you for a long time.

You are geography - and I am a letter.
You are a biography - and I am a doll.
You are a pencil - I'm an elastic band
You are a portfolio - I am Sorinka.
You are my cross - I am your zero.
You are my boa constrictor - I am your rabbit!
You will run - and I am near.
You will steal - and I will sit down.
My school!

Ohh oh oh-oh, oh oh oh-oh,
Ohh oh oh-oh, oh oh oh-oh,

We will love you passionately
Let them say that it is dangerous
And for you we will turn the mountains.
We are the third “A”, not Kirkorov.
My school!



Song-drive for KVN for children-"Teach at school"

Put blotes on a notebook,
And draw on the desk,
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school,
Forget to learn poems,
And laugh at "Apchi!"
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school,

Pull braids and flowers,
Tell friends to "you",
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school,
Blind a stool with chewing gum,
Create a cheerful rumble.
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school,

Beat the football in the window,
Eat a roll under the table
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school,
10 years only walk
And tear off the exams
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.


Song-drive for KVN for children-"Everything is fine, beautiful marquise"

- Hello, Hello, hello, kids, I’m calling you from work now.
Well, how do you have divisions, how did the school day go with you?
- Hello, Hello, beloved mother, everything is fine with us so far.
And the school day was perfect for us, with the exceptional trifle.
- I taught poorly yesterday, today I received a “troika”.
And the rest, beloved mother, everything is fine, everything is fine.

- Hello, Hello, you are not ashamed, how can you get the "three"?
In your years, in the fourth grade, I taught poetry for "five"!
- Hello, Hello, beloved Mommy, I will not upset you.
2/3 I brought today according to the dictation, and 2 plus 3 will be five!
- Yes, we have not forgotten almost to say - we broke the window today,
And the rest, beloved mother, everything is fine, everything is fine.

- Hello, Hello, the window was broken again, tell me, where is this time?
In the dining room, in class or in the gym? Well, I guessed with three times?

- Hello, Hello, beloved mother, you will not guess anyway-
We played football at the police, got them the ball out the window!
- Well, nothing, we ran away, briefcases, however, lost.
And the rest, beloved mother, everything is fine, everything is fine.

- Hello, Hello, sit at home, do not go anywhere!
I will come from work at five o’clock, and we will talk then!

- Hello, Hello, beloved mother, we won’t go anywhere -
After all, here friends looked at us, we behave well!
- the carpet was accidentally lit, but immediately extinguished
- We scored three buckets of water and quickly flooded everything.
-All the water went somewhere, the neighbors came,
-They shouted something about repairs, but we did not open them.
- Yes, food ended in the house - we treated friends.
- And the rest, beloved mother, everything is fine, everything is fine.

KVN-Songs-transfers for teams

KVN is a passage song for the teams "hurts, it hurts me."
You love to dress stylishly, you
To look premium.
In a wardrobe with an abundance
Your brands are not sad ...
How do furs come to you, silk.
"The mosquito will not flow."
Eyebrow - an arc, a figure - not a "board",
Not a "board", not a "board" ...

Clearly, how clearly
Hugo Boss sits on you.
Fair, like a firewood
In Diesel your view is in Lacoste.
Miracle, you are a miracle
In Pakerson, in Luboutin, in Kiss Moon.
I do not find words in admiration.
Like Gerasim-"Mu-mu."

I look at you enthusiastically
Like a hobbit on a ring.
It’s hard not to fall in love with you.
Every day you are a good.
Your motto in life is a "charm".
You are in fashion, like a sailboat in the sea.
Well, I am in any clothes, like a boar
In thickets, in thickets, in thickets ...


KVN-Song-drive for the teams "Five minutes"

I’ll start a conversation about five seconds.
Are they precious or the real nonsense?
Five seconds- "Apchi" as if
But the story in them with a brut
A hundred meteor rushes for them.

Five seconds, five seconds.
A fossa is digging an excavator.
Five seconds, five seconds.
Someone shot, he grunted.
In five seconds, in five seconds
There is a lot of things.
Can a thief steal corundure,
A pipe leak in the basement.
Five seconds, five seconds.
For some, a moment is invaluable
To find, make a decision.

Who used to snatch for hours on the ottoman,
Five seconds trifle of course for those.
This is the time, get it
Or open a window in the device
Il Motive Pompovoy whistle.

Five seconds nonsense,
And the trinket is essentially.
But for them in the eye is a blow
You can apply someone.
You can remove the tooth
You can smack the nyashka on the cheek,
You can give a light
Sign on a piece of paper.
You can open the rum il jin,
Cram mandarin in the mouth,
What is cleaned with a cute nyashka.

In a casino in five seconds a bunch of "pieces"
You can win or stay without pants.
In basketball, the ball into the basket
You can drop aptly, throw it,
Triophantly "make" suddenly not weaknesses.

Five seconds are a chance
If you are sitting on a mine
If the jaw is "clan-klaz"
Following, and you jumped into the car.
There is no chance, there is no price.
At a moment the danger is huge.
The monster is not a "mother -in -law of pancakes."
With a terrible one you need to be on a stir.
Five seconds are a chance
If the fried smell
You are vague, Skor with fear.

You can get news in five seconds.
Hammer pour in a saucer pound in a saucer
Time at least from my tooths,
Five seconds are not a trifle in general
For any life hacks and quirks.

Five seconds turn
You can make sluggish in life.
Melt in sweet ice,
Giving a scarlet flower.
You can hug "crumbs"
Yes, in Lambada will be spinning.
Tell her three words
The most important and without fictions.
Five seconds turn
In life, you can make glorious,
"Rolling" in the drawdown smoothly ...


KVN-Song-drive for the commands "La Shate Mi Cantare"

Class, Tenerife wine ...
Nice with the "cache" in your pocket
Forget “about blue hoarfrost” ....

Fatigue often falls from the legs.
Earn in order to rest "pennies",
We fuss and shustim selflessly,
Not sparing their bodies.

To increase the prosperity in the house,
Like many, I also come across me
Through life, I am persistent, like a "nonsense",
Pykh is like a kettle, "Mida in Rasha."

Like everyone, I dream of warriors,
How I get from a blizzard to the summer,
As with a languid lady
I drink cocktails with umbrellas ...

Chorus: Rum
And sunbathing.
Nice with the "cache" in your pocket
Forget the skiers in the polar.

And to relax stupidly.
Nice, without a bazaar
Forget about snowshoes.

It is difficult to accumulate money on a cruise.
At work, they pay me so scarce,
Although it is grief on it, it is imprisoned for success,
As on the bike "Ghostly racer".

Let the winds blow in the face and whistle,
I will break through, after all, it’s familiar to difficulties.
On the shoulder I have any emergency pace.
And someday I will pull me under the canopy of the palm tree.

From frosts of chattering, days of gray
I will fly in the summer "Scrooj", I believe.
To the edge, where Gerls is frying,
Like a sheepskin coat in Igarka ...

The chorus is the same.


KVN-Song-transmission for the teams "Truckman"

Our world is futuristic,
It happens dazzling
And crazy, horror.
We bend all the pin in it
Bender Robot knows
In "tin" special,
Though a rogue.
Boodles can be curves and bolts.
The gyrus is not all straight ...

Chorus: Bend any thing
With claws, not sincere
Cable "Robot meshibusher."
He knows a lot about the corners
Like in guns- huntsmen.
He has an almaz eye
The fate is in zigzags all the time.

The metal is rattled and creak.
The reinforcement in the knot is tied with pah, trifle.
Interesting Bender all the type,
Conditioned and glory, cynic,
To the bill-maniac.
For small nasty children, he is an example,
Although the bending is not rotten ...

Chorus: Bend any thing
With claws, not sincere
Cable "Robot meshibusher."
He knows a lot about the corners
Like a boatswain in anchors
His eye is diamond
And the “ass is brilliant” sometimes ...

Songs for KVN - Modern alterations

Song for KVN - Modern Modern "Dolce Gabbana"

And I'm going so
In clothes from the bazaar,
I'm walking like that
With Hosni Mubarak.
I'm walking on land
I don't need sushi ...
I'm walking like that
In clothes from the bazaar ...

I am already forty nine,
It’s scary to look at the passport.
He said I am the worst on the planet.
Why didn’t I find the skeleton at night at night?
Give me a bottle of cola,
Give me a bike ...

He is in Chinese clothes
"Chinese bazaar."
Maybe it was necessary to go
To the Chinese bar ??
The Buryats will meet us there,
Not the Chinese, no ...
I will order a bottle of cola,
I will steal a bike ...

He came from Taimyr
To the Kazan station.
He did not eat shawarma
I traded ...
I ate it some
A centenary grandfather ...
Give me a bottle of cola,
Give me a bike ...

Does not call and does not write
Thousands years…
He sits in front of Telik all day ...
- Does he watch Margosh?
- Of course not.
"Santu-Barbaru" he watches,
And the bike was hijacked ...


Song for KVN - Modern alteration "Sweet Spring"
I walk down the street, like a plague eye,
So as not to suture someone-thread,
He pulled around.
I walked and suddenly saw a gray goat,
He stood and looked, thought, I would run away ...

I came and covered the heads of us
Glutting goat, and we are not up to sleep ...
And I'm crazy from her,
Glutting goat, grimy ...

I'm walking down the street
Like a plague plague
I ran away from the goat, pulled it around ..
Suddenly I look, the sheep runs to the street.
Stood and looked, there is no face ...

I came and covered the heads of us
Pluming sheep, and we are not up to sleep ...
And I'm crazy from her,
Sweet sheep, grimy ...


Song for KVN - Modern alteration "And you love me"

On the street is rain, on the street slush, but they don’t care.
They go together, they have one umbrella, come from the cinema.
Zhenya Vinogradov Masha Vinogradova asks a question
What for our dinner, how do you feed your husband, what will you cover on the table?

J: Potato salad? -
M: Aha.
J: Potato soup? -
M: Aha.
Together: Suffle from potatoes,
Potato pudding and half an ogur!

And what will mom say, and what will dad say,
When we walk together
On the campaign Pervomaisky, under the snow in the tent
Straight with you!

J: You won't get sick? -
M: Not in life!
J: Are you getting lost if? -
M: It happened!
Together: let's go with a bourlem, go through the slope,
And the whole forest is not enough!

Zenit is not a champion yet,
But he will undoubtedly become.
Zheka will be made, and Masha will support
Well, the whole stadium!

J: Come on, maybe to the theater? -
M: NO-E, football!
J: Let's go to the beds! -
M: NO-E, football!
Together: tell you by honor,
Even in Manchester, -
Zenit: You and I are!

Come on nothing yet
We will not promise, but:
We will try to make it in the future of March
Given Tah-la-Mi!

J: Do you love me? -
M: Aha.
J: Will you be with me? -
M: Aha.
Together with you day and night,
With you is a son with a daughter,
With you always!

Funny songs for KVN funny

Song-drive for KVN Funny "Antoshka"
Antoshka! Antoshka!
Let's go fix the track!
Antoshka! Antoshka!
Let's go fix the track!

Dili-dil, trawl
They condemned the work,
I will hardly refuse now
Dili-dil, trawl
They condemned the work,
I will hardly refuse now
Taram Pump! Taram Pump!

Antoshka! Antoshka!
Take the broom in the palm of your hand!
Antoshka! Antoshka!
Take the broom in the palm of your hand!

Trawl, feet-names,
So that you do not pester
I will work for a minute.
Trawl, feet-names,
So that you do not pester
I'll work for a minute
Taram Pump! Taram Pump!

Antoshka! Antoshka!
Dig a little!
Antoshka! Antoshka!
Do not get into a prison!

Oh. Oh ... like that, Maza
I'm a top manager in Lukoil,
Labor is contraindicated to me
Oh. Oh ... like that, Maza
I'm a top manager in Lukoil,
Labor is contraindicated to me.
Taram Pump! Taram Pump!


Song-drive for KVN funny good beetle, from the movie "Cinderella"
Stand up, Astrakhan, in a circle,
Quickly in a circle, well, in a circle.
Locust - edible beetle,
Very tasty beetle!
There is a protein in the locust,
Gelatin, Karotin,
And, useful "for men",
There is little use from Samsa,
Macaron, sausages.
Every citizen is crying,
Standing on the scales.
To become thin to us
Without diets and programs,
We need to eat locusts
10-20 kilograms!
Eat, eat locusts!
I do not want! I do not want!
Who is screaming with us?
I’ll beat right now!
Better you go, my friend,
On the meadow, on the meadow.
I have locusts
Put in a bag.
Stand up, Astrakhan, in a circle,
Quickly in a circle, well, in a circle.
Locust - edible beetle,
Very tasty beetle!


Song-drive for KVN Funny "Cup of Coffee"

The teacher writes the task on the board,
But we don't look at the board anymore
Not because such lazy people are all
And we just want to eat
Here is the long -awaited rings, finally, a call!
There is no secret for anyone:
As soon as another lesson ends,
We rush into the buffet.

A friendly gourmet
We enjoy food modest,
And in the school’s buffet you and I are gloriously sitting.
Cup coffee
Or hot seagull
He will cheer up - and then you can boldly learn everyone.

Here is Aunt Valya, working,
Like a top, twisting,
We are provided with food,
Everyone is friendly, and
We see her always cheerful and young.
It became more fun here in the difficult time,
There is no attention to here,
And to be honest,
Then for all for us
This is the favorite office.

You can sit here
Just look at each other
Well, if necessary, then time and chat.
And for many years we will remember our school buffet.
And I don’t want to say goodbye to him now.


Song-transmission for KVN funny "Dear Long."

We drove on the three with bells,
Yes, I had to adjust the horses.
The festive sleigh harnessed -
Play in KVN.
The song was spent in the distance playfully.
The wind excited and drunk.
Like flags fluttered mane.
Tabor with freedom has been related!

Chorus: (2 times)
Dear long and along the street,
Yes, with this song with a ringing and hoppy
We brought gifts to the leading smart girl.
The city woke up in the silence of the night!

Roads are called to the future distance.
Pits and bumps - it does not matter.
The anxiety will spur forward -
You will never stop loving the camp!
But keep in mind, we have fun for nothing -
You will sing and dance with us.
You can with a seven -stringed guitar
From the despondency of the soul to heal!

Chorus: (4 times)
Oh, presenter, yes with a joyful day!
You are smoking in the sky of cranes!
We wish you happiness, in all luck,
And it will be sad - call us to visit us!

KVN-Cool Songs Cool: Texts

KVN-Cool song-cool: Text "What do you need?"

We got together
Oh, all together, all together
KVN will be good for us.
You tell us ....
What they need, what they need
Frankly tell me, what do you want.
You tell us ....
What they need, what they need
Frankly tell me, what do you want.
On the party, I would sing everything,
And from dancing in knees trembling
And tell you what
Why do I need, what I need
And you pour me what I want.
And tell you what
Why do I need, what I need
And you pour me what I want.
Don't look at us
Oh, don't, don't
Your views throw us trembling
Tell me, men, what do you need, what do you need
Well, we will look at what you can
Tell me, men, what do you need, what do you need
Well, we will look at what you can
The anniversary we walked, oh walked, walked
Our anniversary is painfully good
Tell us ... what you need, what you need
And we will sing to you, what do you want.


KVN-Cool Song-Cool: Text "Three White Horses"

1 verse: Legs froze, my head froze,
And she was slightly drunk herself,
Eh, and there was fun today,
Eh, and there was fun today,
And I go home alone, one, one ....

Chorus: And takes me away, and takes me away,
After all, I drank from the bottom of my heart,
Three white wines, eh, three white wines:
Champagne, vodka and gin.

2 verse: I'm sitting on a bench, a man is pestering
And I'm not afraid of men,
He calls me to his car,
I am strong between his feet with his knee
I run away and laugh, laugh, laugh.

Chorus: And takes me away, and takes me away,
After all, I drank from the bottom of my heart,
Three white wines, eh, three white wines:
Champagne, vodka and gin.


KVN-Cool song Cool: Text "Last Fight"

We haven't rested from all worries for so long
And not until the holidays, you and me
To just survive, we plowed without days off
And here he is, here he is finally - Karanth battle!

A little more, a little more
And time to song, screams, odam
I want to raise a glass in Russia,
To congratulate you on KVN!
Yes, I want to congratulate you all,
My dear ones with KVN!

The fourth hour we have no life from beer cans,
Fourth hour stream pilaf, wine - river
We would live a new one for a year happily, beautifully,
We touched our hand to a million bucks

The last time the mouth of the salad and the fork will come down,
The last time we will spin the lady in the dance
And - to fall asleep, dreaming in a dream in a dream
Until a century, we still live a new one!


KVN-Cool Song-Cool: Text "White Roses"

They circle snowflakes above the ground in a large round round dance,
The flickering of lights will fill us with the flicker of stars.
From the distant country of wonderful dreams on the Star train
Hurrying to congratulate you and me gray -haired Santa Claus.

A fabulous night in the sky, colorful flowers lit up.
We wish you to come true all dreams.
Under the fight of chimes and the ringing of glasses, happiness will come to our house.
Open the door, meet the guest
Hello, crazy new year!

Let it take the night express to the world of magical fairy tales,
Away from all worldly affairs and various worries.
Let this night give us more fun,
And every house will fill with happiness with a crazy new year!


KVN-Cool Song-Cool: Text "Dolce Gabbana"
And I am lying on all near the sofa,
I'm lying like this, the heart is wounded ..
The walls are circling, I am in captivity of the dope
And I am lying like this - near the sofa.
La la la la-ua-ua-la la la
La la la la-ua-ua-la la la
La la la la-ua-ua-la la la
La la la la-ua-ua-la la la
I'm already 40, in the mirror - it's scary to watch
He said - I'm most disgusting on the planet
Why are you so angry? I did not find the answer ...
Give me half a glass and half a pack of cigarettes.

Where were we yesterday? You explain to me ....
He had cognac, I remember drank in a taxi.
What happened later, who will reveal the secret.
Give me half a glass and half a pack of cigarettes!

And I'm lying like this near the sofa
I'm lying like this - I look at it strange. ...
The walls are circling, I am in captivity of the dope
I'm lying and all of me ........ In the drum!

And I'm lying like this near the sofa
I'm lying like this, the heart is wound
The stars are circling, I'm in captivity of a dope
And I am lying like this - near the sofa.


Near the sofa, bath!
Here is an empty bottle of broken hopes ...
Maybe I'm more naive on the planet?
After all, cognac is always “yes”, so I don't want to “no”
Give me half a glass and half a pack of cigarettes!

He does not call and does not write for a thousand years.
And for an entire hour I will not reach the bathroom ....
"Will you be coffee?"
Of course not!
Better for whiskey 100 grams and half a pack of cigarettes!

And I'm lying like this near the sofa
I'm lying like this, the heart is wound
The walls are circling, I fly away again
I am lying like that ... Oh, how shit!

And I am lying on all near the sofa,
I'm lying like this - I look strange
The stars are circling, I'm in captivity of a dope
And I am lying all ... Where?
Near the sofa, on ... on ... on ....
Near the sofa …… on ... on ..

And I'm lying like this near the sofa
I am lying like this - to sleep early
The stars are circling, I fly away again
I am lying on all ............

And I'm lying like this near the sofa
I'm lying like this - I look strange
The stars are circling, I fly away again
I am lying like that, oh-oh, like Kaifovo!

And I'm lying like this near the sofa
I am lying like this - to sleep early
The stars are circling, I'm in captivity of a dope
And I lie like that
Where? Near the sofa!


KVN-Cool Song: Text "Taxi, Taxi, Vezi, Vezi ..."
I am dead today, drunk
I waited for a departure to Paris,
Erupted, damn it, volcano,
FIGs where you are now leaving.
Ice dissolved in Viskar,
Not voted in vain
We scored on the plane
And they caught a taxi with you.

Taxi-Taxi, Vezi-Vesi
In Amsterdam, to Marseille, take away the departure,
Taxi-Taxi, I am in a taxi
In Europe, I will pay for ...

Our vacation, oh, taxi driver, save,
There is no more taxi around
Take me in a taxi
I stand on my feet with difficulty.
All are filled with ships
Hell is going on at the station,
Take all my rubles
Bring to Europe, brother.

Taxi-Taxi, Vezi-Vesi
In Amsterdam, to Marseille, take away the departure,
Taxi-Taxi, I am in a taxi
In Europe, I will pay for ...
(2 times)

Video: Song-drive "Berry-Malinka"

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