Reviewed funny, comic songs for the birthday and anniversary of a man, dad, husband, guy, friend, brother: words, texts

Reviewed funny, comic songs for the birthday and anniversary of a man, dad, husband, guy, friend, brother: words, texts

The article offers you the choice of the most popular and funny songs of the birthday alterations that you can decorate your holiday and please the birthday.

Song of Redding Crocodile Genes for Birthday

The most popular song for the birthday on his birthday is the song of the animated hero of the crocodile Gena and her alteration “in your own way” with different rhymes, words, wishes.

On the motive of "Crocodile Songs": Option No. 1

Capabit No. 1:

Why we have fun, we don’t bow for words,
Why are there a lot of guests?
Do not guess in vain, it became clear to everyone,
That is a big anniversary today.


Let them play even on spoons,
And our choir will sing a song together,
It would be nice to anniversaries
Were every year.

Capabit No. 2:

Sincerely, with love we wish you health
And in your work - glorious victories
Well, do not be shy, and try in response
Without sadness to live up to a hundred years.


Our anniversary is bastard and gets the soul,
Next to him, the team sings the whole,
Congratulations on the anniversary, we wish happiness,
Well, everything else will come.

Crocodile song Genes # 1
Crocodile song Genes # 1

On the motive of "Crocodile Songs": Option No. 2

Truck No. 1

We did not come in vain, it is clear to everyone,
And sat down at this table -
The anniversary to congratulate and leave as a keepsake
This song is that we will sample!


Let the years do not age you
In life, you are in sight.
Regret, birthday
Only once a year!

  Truck No. 2

Jubilee, our friend, go into our circle
And pour us stronger than us!
After all, not often here we are going together
For your solemn anniversary!


We congratulate you and, of course, wish you
Stay the same as it is:
Modest, kind and sweet, patient, beautiful ...
We cannot count all your advantages.

Crocodile Song Genes: Option No. 2
Crocodile Song Genes: Option No. 2

On the motive of "Crocodile Songs": Option No. 3

Truck No. 1

Congratulate on the anniversary
We can cordially.
We guarantee a sincere laughter!
Only you do not be sad
Sing with us, let in
In your soul, courage and success!


To joy and luck
Were not lost on the go
Celebrate the day of jam
At least a hundred times a year!

  Truck No. 2

Do not joke with love
Take care of health,
And do not beat the bucks in the morning!
Injoy enthusiasm
And do not build fences.
Let the doctors be surprised!


You measure the pood salt -
Check the strength of friendship.
Let the salty seem to be a breeze.
And then ask
Drink water in Sita.
The anniversary is permitted by a whim!

Crocodiles of crocodile genes
Crocodiles of crocodile genes

The motive of the song of the crocodile Genes "Blue car"

Capabit No. 1:

Slowly minutes they float into the distance
You don't wait for a meeting with them.
And although we are a little sorry for the past
The best, of course, ahead.


Tablecloth, tablecloth
Further life is creeping
And rests right on the anniversary.
Everyone, everyone in the best believes
Our life rolls on and faster.

Capabit No. 2:

So your anniversary has come not in vain,
Close the calendar, you're soon
We hurry to new adventures, friends,
Hey girlfriend, pour us vodka!


The anniversary table is already swinging,
Good evening is gaining move
Ah, why does the anniversary end
Let him stretch for a whole year!

Video: "Happy birthday congratulations from the crocodile genes"

Children's songs for birthday remakes from cartoons

You can diversify the holiday with a child with the help of funny and festive songs.

By the motive of the song "Chung-Chang"

Capabit No. 1:

You love your birthday from childhood.
Birthday - flowers are given.
Birthday - we drive Karavay.
Birthday - sing along with us.


We have fun like children.
Everyone knows the holiday -
Only once a year there is a birthday.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright -
With impatience, we are always waiting for the day of birth.

  Capabit No. 2:

Birthday - songs, dances, laughter.
Birthday - to drink to everyone is not a sin.
Birthday - Friends celebrate.
Birthday - you can’t live without it.


We will celebrate the birthday.
Birthday - once missing.
Birthday - fairy tales and dreams.
Birthday, how beautiful you are!

Birthday children's songs
Birthday children's songs

The motive of the song Cheburashki from the cartoon "Crocodile Gena"

Capabit No. 1:

You were once small
Lay in a stroller sluggish
And cried if mom,
e pokes in milk ...
Now you are an adult
Confident and tall,
And you go far from the family.


Us Everyone is easy for everyone
The mother of everyone was downloading
And each on birthday
We carried chocolate.
Now you are friends with a mug
You meet a girlfriend
You can easily answer any question.

Capabit No. 2:

The man became beautiful,
Funny and happy.
For your birthday
Call friends soon!
Marina, Bori, Genes
We are extraordinary
We wish you good and love!

What to sing a child for a birthday?
What to sing a child for a birthday?

Song remarking for birthday and anniversary "Vernissage"

This song can be included in the script of any anniversary, both for a woman and for a man.

Based on the song by L. Vyikul "Vernissage"

Capabit No. 1:

We are with the anniversary at this hour
Swentest congratulations to you
As in life with the new spring!

So your anniversary is beautiful
In the circle of relatives, among friends ...
Stir, sing with me!

I'm coming to you with a glass full,
I am waiting for your tender ones
Dance, sing with me! ..

We catch ourselves every time
That we love you very much!
... But you do not drink with me! ..


Ah, anniversary! Oh, anniversary!
A little older and whiter! ..
Here Your native family circle,
Faithful friend and friend!
Ah, anniversary! Ah, anniversary!
Get brighter, more funny, more fun! ..
The twist is dancing. Jazz play ...
And in toast congratulations to you !!!

Capabit No. 2:

Loss pain, about the past sadness
Let them forget today!
Breathe freshness with freshness ...

Our hopes are clear light,
Live many long years! ..
I beg you, drink with me! ..

Ah, Jubilee, you are our youth,
Love arranged a vernissage
Dancing drinks! But Not with me ...

Alas, your anniversary will pass
Another wait is not a day, not a year:
You will also dance with me!

Remodeling song for birthday
Alteration of the song for the birthday "Vernissage"

Song remarking for the birthday "Smile"

Based on the song of the raccoon "Smile"

Capabit No. 1:

Smile, girlfriend, more fun!
Happy birthday to congratulate you is happy.
For your relatives and for friends
Your perky laughter as the best reward!


We are not an old woman yet.
Attractive sides.
People are stunned by a look.
We are girls at least!
All problems are nonsense!
And which a year goes on is not your business!
We are girls at least!
All problems are nonsense!
And which a year goes on is not your business!

Capabit No. 2:

Smile, girlfriend, more fun!
Let the days of separation do not upset you.
Every day it becomes brighter
Solar sounds awaken every morning!


Smile, girlfriend, more fun!
Without a smile, even the songs are not sung.
Years are flying faster.
Memorial dates remain with us.

Alterations of the song Smile for Birthday
Alterations of the song "Smile" for the birthday

Song remarking for the birthday "Island of bad luck"

Based on the song "Island of bad luck" from the movie "Diamond Hand"


Here at the birthday, whatever you say
People are all beautiful, kind inside,
People are all beautiful, kind inside,
Here on, birthday, just look.

Everyone came to tell you kind words
From the excitement of a lung all around the head,
From wine a little around the head,
If only all kind words were not forgotten.

You decide well different things
Apparently, on Sunday, my mother gave birth,
Apparently, on Sunday, my mother gave birth,
You decide well important things.

Everything is captured, the garden is growing,
At work, at home - fame and honor,
At work, at home - fame and honor,
Everything is caught for you, the garden is growing.

On birthday, we want to tell you everything,
That you can meet the guests affectionately,
You know how to meet all guests well,
And now we want to scream all together!

Song remarking for the holiday
Song remarking for the holiday

Song remarking for a birthday based on "I stand on a half -wall"

Based on the song "I stand on a half -wall"


Friends and loved ones are sitting
The wine flows sparkling,
And behind the long way was left.
Greetings sound.
Where are you cherished years?
What has been passed, he can’t return it.

As a sign of our attention
Accept wishes
To delight everyone for many years.
Let the years like a blizzard
Everything is the gray hair,
And the youth warms the light!

You are inconspicuous happiness
Successful success,
We wish big luck many times.
Your health is great,
Hopes and happiness personal,
May youth leave you!

Let them forget the adversity,
And all desires will come true.
And let it never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live as you want
And be cheerful always!

The most funny songs for the holiday: Alterations
The most funny songs for the holiday: Alterations

Song remarking for the birthday "Nature has no bad weather"

Based on the song “Nature has no bad weather” (from the film “Service Roman”)

There is no bad weather,
There is no bad age either.
The more solid years the years,
All the more beautiful you are not more beautiful!

Let the wrinkles go to the net,
You can’t read without newspapers without newspapers,
But more and more fairy tales and stories
You can tell grandchildren at night!

Again shoots something in the lower back
And the knees are breaking in the morning,
More often, insomnia knocks on the door,
Anyway, you will not give up to doctors!

Beautiful songs for birthday
Beautiful songs for birthday

Song remarking for the birthday "Under the roof of your house"

Based on the song "under the roof of your house":

We are all in a hurry to eat and drink,
There is nothing shameful here,
But how nice it is to do it
In honor of your birthday,
In honor of your birthday.

Any grief
All disappears to one,
And here the gifts are only cool
In honor of your birthday,
In honor of your birthday.

And if suddenly you are smoked,
Then sadness does not mean anything
You look at the check from the banquet
In honor of your birthday,
In honor of your birthday.

The world is full of joy and happiness
But you are all for us with a sweetheart.
And how beautiful it is to get together
In honor of your birthday,
In honor of your birthday.

Songs for the holiday for birthday
Songs for the holiday for birthday

Song remarking for the birthday "Five minutes"

Based on the song "5 minutes" (from the movie "Carnival Night")

Capabit No. 1:

I will sing a song to you in five minutes -
The table is covered, the wine is poured, the guests are waiting.
We celebrate the anniversary
And we congratulate your girlfriend,
For her, flowers around bloom!


Anniversary, anniversary!
He came to visit us again
And gather all friends
Again, girlfriend is ready.
Anniversary, I will say
This is not a joke at all.
The year rains quickly,
Like just one minute.
Anniversary, anniversary -
This is not a joke at all
Years rush like a minute!

Capacity No. 2:

60-someone said, well, what kind of nonsense!
Look, she has no wrinkles,
Her eyes sparkles with fire,
It is amazing with optimism
Still a lot of victories await!


Anniversary, anniversary!
Nobody will be sad here.
Anniversary, anniversary -
The jubilee will not forget.
We will dance and sing
Wishes will all say
And we’ll give advice,
And we will tell you how to live.
Anniversary, anniversary!
We set up advice
And how we will tell you to live on!

Truck No. 3:

The anniversaries have to be cheerful,
They must also be accompanied by merrily!
Your result is excellent
You look pretty
All 6.0 and this cannot be taken away.


Anniversary, anniversary!
He serves in life as a milestone.
Anniversary, anniversary!
The measure of happiness and success!
You are beautiful yourself
They respect at work
Relatives love you
And they do not leave one.
Anniversary, anniversary!
They respect at work
And everyone glorifies you!

The most funny songs of the birthday
The most funny songs of the birthday

Song remarking for birthday "Hope"

Based on the song "Hope":

Capabit No. 1:

A familiar star shines us,
Gently called her Natasha (any name affectionately)
Shines and never fades,
Our joy and support is our.

Your family gathered again
To congratulate you on the anniversary,
We can't sing a song without a song,
We do not know how to live without songs.

Chorus # 1:

Natasha, we love you
And we congratulate everything from the heart!
Health and faith in oneself,
And we wish you great happiness!

Let there be many bright days
And smiles on your favorite faces.
Make a desire soon
And believe me, it will come true!

Chorus # 2:

Natasha, we wish you
Apartment, car and cottage,
And the sea of \u200b\u200bgood luck in fate,
And more money in addition!

Let the zucchini grow in the country,
Apples and jars in jars.
Only weeds do not dare to grow,
So that yours not spoil the mood!

Capacity No. 2:

Let your star shine for you
Let life be long and happy,
The house will always be a full bowl
Tasty and funny and beautiful!


Natasha, we love you
And we congratulate everything from the heart!
We wish you love and warmth,
And we wish you great happiness!

Cool modern songs for birthday

On the motive of the Iowa song "Smile"

Capabit No. 1:

Today I sing this song for you,
We celebrate all your date!
Wow, wow!
And my wishes are you like a bird,
Health, happiness, big, the brightest love!
Wow, u-e-e!


And just smile, smile,
In congratulations, you take a swim
And just smile, smile,
Wish you what you want and don't be shy,
You enjoy this holiday

Capabit No. 2:

This date cannot be missed for sure,
The day of the anniversary cannot be forgotten!
Wow, wow!
And all together we are here and we are honest,
To congratulate and read these lines on the song!
U-e, u-e !!


And just smile, smile,
In congratulations, you take a swim
And just smile, smile,
Wish you what you want and don't be shy,
You enjoy this holiday

Modern alteration songs
Modern alteration songs

Based on the song "Labutena" (group "Leningrad")

Capabit No. 1:

Do not frown today,
You are not so much
Your road is bright
Sin to be in vain!
And we can see from the threshold
That you are the creation of God,
And you are on the anniversary
We have the most important thing!


In a steep outflow
And in high heels!

Capacity No. 2:

At this party
We are in the old fashioned way,
And we will, like pictures,
Walking tuds-sides ...
And you surprise everyone
You shoot your eyes
And you leave in your heart
Forever their tracks.


In a steep outflow
And in high heels.

Truck No. 3:

They came to you by Pati
We are now very helpful
We wish you grace
We are on your anniversary.
More - good in a square,
Six zeros for salary,
And without spending words, without spending
We drink for you - pour!

Modern birthday songs
Modern birthday songs

Based on the song of Yegor Creed "The Most"

Capabit No. 1:

The table, full with champagne glass, is laid,
Who gave this reason?!
Who celebrates his day
Your birthday, your anniversary?!
We are now from the bottom of my heart
We sincerely congratulate us
And there are wishes,
We want to read them in the song now:
Let everything be as you want,
Your dreams of your performance,
Let there be more joy,
Today is your birthday!


Oh God, what a figure drives everyone crazy!
This date she is the most.
Oh God - we walk the anniversary until the morning,
In honor of the anniversary, we scream - idle "cheers"!

Capacity No. 2:

And each toast will say its own
Soul and gold,
And not one congratulation
In life, everything will find its performance,
Otherwise it will definitely not be,
After all, the anniversary date,
Let the sun wake up in the morning,
It will be necessary to remember everything!

Incendiary and funny songs for his birthday
Incendiary and funny songs for his birthday

Based on the song of G. Leps "I am happy like no one"

Capabit No. 1:

Whoever believes, we do not believe
Fate presented you to us.
We did not dare to dream about this,
That we are alone with you.

There is happiness, reconnaissance reported.
We give it completely to you!
And also health and half the world
And love for your whole family


Today is your birthday! Let's drink more than one with you!
Years rush behind your back, not to keep up with you!
You live to a hundred years, and let your head around!
Fortunately, open the door to the house, take it with you!

Capabit No. 2:

Our boss is the best on the planet,
This is a fact, and don't say.
With a capital letter, he is a man in his prime,
Among women, as the king sits.

We are with you and joy and grief
With us a chef, believe me will not be lost!
We will provide all people with health
And we will advance the country ahead


You are happy like no one, you are happy for all 100!
Devoted are friends and work and family.
Not in a dream, but in reality, scroll your life,
All you want, do everything, we will do everything, so know!

Video: “Song remake“ Labuten ”

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