Wedding songs-a selection with words based on popular songs

Wedding songs-a selection with words based on popular songs

Looking for songs for a wedding? In our article you will find many interesting and funny texts that will help you make a celebration celebration.

Contemporary wedding songs-a selection with words based on popular songs

Songs AND Wedding Modern Wedding - A selection with words based on popular songs
Contemporary wedding songs-a selection with words based on popular songs

Contemporary wedding songs-a selection with words based on popular songs:

Song is a wedding for a wedding Quest Pistolz, "I'm tired":

Looked a fire,
Poured flour
I came from work.
You decided to me
Prepare a cupcake,
But tell me: “Nash?
What do you need?
It is impossible to wait more ...

Chorus: I'm tired!
I want to eat
And to quickly,
And you are steaming a cupcake!
I'm tired, I'm going to the bottom
Dream of food,
As if in a movie.

The dough came up
Bake it soon
I can not wait any more!
The entrance has
The old cafe, I sing there again.
Is it possible to? It is impossible to wait more ...

Chorus: I'm tired!
I want to eat
And to quickly,
And you are steaming a cupcake!
I'm tired, I'm going to the bottom
Dream of food,
As if in a movie.

Song-shift for the wedding-Pugacheva-Galkin "Wake up or not"

Be a holiday today,
To be today joy
And mood
Wedding today to be.
It is better for us to be together
Live better fun
And congratulations
Speak in time.

To be or not to be?
Just not to forget
All I want to say
You have to wish you:
Live in complete harmony,
Together in life swim,
The new family is forever - to be!

(Appeal to the bride)
Be with him Polaskovia
Shoot at it with your eyes
The husband will forever
Only love you.
It is so simple -
You love and kindness
Forget it forever
The husband is also a man!

Marriage or not marriage?
I don’t understand in any way.
Good matter
Why did they call it?
I am a friend to you, not an enemy
This is an indisputable fact,
Let it be without marriage
Your marriage!

To be or not to be?
Just not to forget
All I want to say
You have to wish you ....

Can I sit here?
Is it to me or not?
Il sit on a diet

Song-shift for a wedding-Aria "Lost Paradise"

From edge to edge
The tables are cool,
They put food
Unprecedented beauty.
But I won't get it
My plate misses
I nurse you
And in response you will tell me:

All that is on the tables pour.
Pourunder the singing of me.
Long away,
Where the edge ends with bread
You try the salad!

At this holiday
These give cutlets,
You will lick your fingers and remember forever.
No additives,
I look at them.
Goodbye, and see you,
Unbelinated food!

All that is on the tables pour.
Pourunder the singing of me.
Long away,
Where the edge ends with bread
You try the salad!

I will put your palms, fill them with sweets,
Fill the glasses, yes, pour more!
We ask a neighbor
Stop your conversation:
"Love and good luck to our couple wish!"

All that is on the tables pour.
Pourunder the singing of me.
Long away,
Where the edge ends with bread
Young Congratulations, Congratulations!

Songs-shifts for a wedding-texts for a fun holiday

Reviews for the wedding - texts for a fun holiday
Songs-shifts for a wedding-texts for a fun holiday

Redistising songs for a wedding - texts for a fun holiday:

Song-shift for a wedding for the motive to \\ f "Carnival Night"

If we have gathered here today
If this song is together we sing
So we congratulate this bright song
We are the bride and groom today, you are already together

Chorus: How beautiful the bride is
How beautiful and sweet
In your life, as if in a fairy tale,
There will be happiness, good and peace

If suddenly a quarrel penetrates a little to you
Or suddenly a sad time in the house will come
Then look into each other's eyes just
Your feelings will definitely say everything for you at once

Chorus:How beautiful the bride is
How beautiful and sweet
In your life, as if in a fairy tale,
There will be happiness, good and peace

If your grandchildren suddenly ask you
Tell us about happiness, who is it?
You will give the answer to many questions.
Your life and love with your gold.

Chorus: (2 times) how the bride is beautiful
How beautiful and sweet
In your life, as if in a fairy tale,
There will be happiness, good and peace


Chorus: How beautiful the bride is
How beautiful and sweet
In your life, as if in a fairy tale,
There will be happiness, fret and peace.

Song-drive for weddings-A. Pugacheva "Love similar to sleep ..."

Finally you decided to marry.
To be honest, it’s time for a long time.
How much the wedding could wait,
After all, the union is stronger than the marriage of the shower.
There will be your children miraculously from miracles,
If the mother is such and such a father,
Then talent and beauty, tenderness, kindness,
We know, they will always be in children,
Yes, for sure.

We wish you not to extinguish feelings!
Let loyalty be forever living!
Let lies and envy, and trouble
You will never touch you!
Love similar to sleep
Your home will make happy
But contrary to the laws of sleep
Let it end

Two souls in a single tenderness merged
We are going to be happy with happiness
Life is destined to live together
And you are happier than you all in the world.
Look to your friends in the eye
The happy is already a tears glittering in them
The heart freezes only looking at you
In this brightest most important hour
The most important hour

Chorus: (2 times)
We wish you not to extinguish feelings!
Let loyalty be forever living!
Let lies and envy, and trouble
You will never touch you!
Love similar to sleep
Your home will make happy
But contrary to the laws of sleep
Let it end.

Song-drive for the wedding "The order for the young" on the motive "Katyusha".

The wedding was walking in earnest,
Guests congratulate the young.
You kiss your bride on the lips,
Our dear fellow.

Let the wine in the glasses be strong,
Well, your life is like a sweet honey.
Young we will shout together “Bitter!”
And then the people will dance all.

Happiness to you, health and good luck,
Pears to grow with a crowd,
And love each other, not otherwise
Like to the golden wedding itself!

Song-transmission onwedding on the motive "Black eyes".

The wedding is noisy, the wedding is drunk,
Crowded and funny!
And for the young wine we hops,
Legs go to the dance, the head is cracking!

And our groom is drunk without wine,
For him now, she is only alone,
Both beloved and desired,
Incomparable, long -awaited!

So kiss her, kiss hot,
After all, no one has seen Miles yet.
Happiness will never leave you
In a good way, friends, in a good hour!

Songs-transfers for newlyweds for a wedding

Songs of redistribution to the newlyweds for a wedding
Songs-transfers for newlyweds for a wedding

Songs-transfers to the newlyweds for the wedding:

Song-shift for a wedding for the motive "Slalands Full Kefali"

What you have to continue in life,
We want to sing for you,
So that at least a little you imagine
What have you done now.

I was afraid of the darkness (name of the bride),
I walked with a lantern,
Now you are your spouse (the name of the groom)
One will not release one day.

You are going to visit friends,
Talk about this,
But (the name of the bride) spoke out against,
On the floor, hitting the heel.

He sits now and laughs,
And how he will laugh,
When will the family get it?
Then he will forget about the dream then.

In the morning you run for food,
You wash the diapers during the day.
Why are you earthly charms
Have you changed it to a sort of bedroom?

But you guys don't be scared.
All this is a joke, but now
After all, we are very happy for you.

Song-transmission for a wedding for the melody "A city that is not"

So, he came a solemn moment!
And in the hearts of two, magical light is on fire.
Day after day to each other in life, go,
Not meeting sorrow and troubles in the way.
The brightest day, in the wedding hour
We really want to congratulate you.
I wish you to love and protect each other,
Save the feelings of crazy frantic tornadoes.

Be happy always
Even when it becomes difficult for you.
Never part
And after a year it is possible to love.
You were born to each other
Be always gentle and in love.
Let your marriage be stronger than a granite cliff,
Never to know fog and haze.

We wish you different benefits.
Live so, without sad thoughts.
You took a serious step
And this step is longer than life.

Song-drive for the wedding of the crocodile Genes "fromm/f "Cheburashka"

There will be joy and happiness
There will be troubles, hardships,
And the years will fly in a series
We will always remember
The bridegroom beadless
And the bride is so young.

Chorus: If a quarrel is due to a couple
Under -made cutlets,
Quit think about cutlets,
Eat vinaigrette.

That love is not fun
You, of course, know
May your love be easy
About diapers and nipples
Doesn't interfere with thinking:
So it was supposed to be centuries.

Chorus:Both girls and boys,
Like flowers in the big garden,
It's a pity that their birth
Only once a year.

Let them come to you today
Sincere people
And the keys to the apartment will be handed!
And your bosses
The salary will be raised at once
And without need they will not grumble.

Chorus: We end our song,
So run quickly to the registry office,
And we are all together today
We will drink for you!

Songs-shows for a wedding from the parents of the bride and groom

Disarrings for the wedding from the parents of the bride and groom
Songs-shows for a wedding from the parents of the bride and groom

Songs-shows for a wedding from the parents of the bride and groom:

  Song-drive from the groom's parents to the motive of the song "Cool you got on TV."

Only (the name of the bride) appeared,
Parents immediately
As if the mountain fell from the shoulders -
We are very happy for you.

Our friendly family
Appreciates his son like a treasure
In general, Tili-Tili dough-
Everyone is glad for this wedding!

(Name of the groom) - Super photographer,
The guitar is also ace
Do not yawn and autograph
Hurry to take now.
The interns are good in everything,
Their fame and honor await
And sports immensely -
This (the name of the bride) is offset.

And always in the reserve of her husband
To encourage the record
There will be a delicious dinner -
Very tasty still life.
Dima will be a traumatologist,
Well, Nastya is a pharmacist,
And the astrologer does not need here -
Our couple will be successful!

Help each other
In the family ship to swim,
Well, we are to the delight of grandchildren
Work on it -
A beautiful criter is waiting for
Good luck, our children.

Congratulatory remade song - a gift to the newlyweds from parents for a weddingon the motive of the song "White Lilac waves us like a bird"

(The name of the bride and groom) is the bride and groom,
You once studied at school together,
Only each other did not notice
And having matured, we met by chance.

Chorus: Eyes met
And the spark ran up
Having straightened the sails
Love rushed with you,
But you then checked the feelings of nine years,
And here is a happy day - we are walking at the wedding.

Together in orbit, it is easy to work for you
And you are always ready on the road-road:
To the Finns on skiing, in Sverchkovo to the country,
And to the beaches of Bulgarian and just fish.

We wish you a house on the Canaries,
New voyages of colorful most,
And open the auto -film for you cool,
To make a large profit.

The ski complex is
Among the alpine slopes,
Prestigious, dear,
For lords and barons,
The kids are a full house, we are calm for the grandchildren -
On the Yenisei you already filled your hand.

Song-drive for a wedding of the daughter for the motive "rode on the three with bells"

Ah, how quickly the days are rushing after days,
But the soul sings with joy -
How beautiful a daughter is in a white dress,
A miracle as a bride is good!

Chorus: So be happy
Live joyfully
And everything will be O’Kay's daughter!

A difficult path of a lawyer is waiting for you,
Well, if you wave in England,
Beauty, with your mind and English,
Daughter, you will shut up all for the belt!

Chorus: So be happy
Live joyfully
And everything will be O’Kay's daughter!

And let the husband with an excellent captain
Your boat will swim
I wish you love oceans
And open your business profitable.

Chorus: So be happy
Live joyfully
And everything will be O’Kay's daughter!

Wedding congratulations-a funny song cheerful

Wedding congratulations - Song remarking cheerful
Wedding congratulations - Song remarking cheerful

Congratulations for the wedding-Song-transmission cheerful:

Original: "Songs of the crocodile Genes"m/f "Cheburashka»

We did not come in vain
This is clear to everyone
And sat down at this table:
(Name of the bride) s (name of the groom) congratulate
And leave for memory
This song is that we will sample!

Chorus: There is a holiday in this house today,
And the bride with the groom,
Congratulations to all relatives
All friends are around!

We wish you happiness
We wish you health
And good luck big, big!
To always be in your house
It was the sun, and the storm
They would bypass you!

Chorus:Let (the name of the bride) be a fairy,
The fairy is kind, not evil,
Hu, a (the name of the groom), as a wizard,
Let him keep peace.

We sang a song to you,
They couldn’t say everything,
In the end, our order is like this:
Walk together together,
And help in everything,
In order to survive "gold" before the wedding.

Chorus: To make happiness blossom,
Like apple trees in color,
And misfortune passed
You are any year.

Original: “Crocodile Songs Genes” M/F “Cheburashka”

Together guests all together
The bride and groom
We are instructed,
Sprinking and congratulate
We will handle the glorious wedding,
We wish them happiness together.

Chorus: How beautiful, young,
Like apple trees in color,
Stay the same
Every day a year.

Give in to each other
Waltz dance in a circle
And call friends for the holiday.
Gently, love hard
And live beautifully,
Becoming friendly from year to year.

Chorus: The strength of the feeling wins,
And danger and trouble,
Only once love happens
Like spring in the year.

Together, happiness is kicked
The song is sung together,
And it’s not difficult to be a mistress.
If my husband is consent,
There is no disagreement
And hardships are easy to win.

Chorus:For family order,
For consent in everyday life.
Speak not furtively
And for cleanliness.

Like one heart beats,
Light and music are pouring
(The name of the bride) Sings delicate songs.
The wife will be pleased -
He made her a holy oath,
After the shift, it will not go to friends.

Chorus: To go to Sochi,
We lived together and in Lada,
So that the kids are born
Only once a year.

We sang a song to you,
They couldn’t say everything,
In the end, our order is like this:
Walk together together,
And help in everything,
In order to survive "gold" before the wedding.

Chorus: To make happiness blossom,
Like apple trees in color,
And misfortune passed
You are any year.

Original: "fortuneteller" from the movie "Ah, vaudeville!"

Fashion is changing daily,
But, as long as the white light is worth
Weddings will cope with the people,
After all, without a wedding and life, there is no one!
They put you in your passport forever,
You are now a young family!
We congratulate you all cordially.
Everyone is glad: both relatives and friends!

Chorus: What can I say, what can I say
You, Anna and Vasily? (pair names)
We want storks in the family
Children were applied to you
So that there is happiness and love,
Patience and luck
Apartment, there is a renovation in it,
Car, money, cottage!

The bride, the groom must be fed more often,
So that he would wear you in his arms,
So that he boasts to friends,
What such a beauty got!
Well, Vasya, we wish you:
A lot of strength, patience, moreover,
Who in the Queen's family we know
Well, and you will be a king in her!

Chorus: Well, what to say, well, what to say?
Let God guard you,
Your can of your young
Helps all the time!
Let respect and love
Grinding, and not only!
And the guests and I will shout to you:
- Vasily, Anna, bitterly! (3 times)

Cool songs for a wedding: a selection with words

Cool songs for a wedding: a selection with words

Cool songs for a wedding cool: a selection with the words:

On the day of the wedding for the motive of the song "And in the restaurant"

We will throw the case aside,
And let's all go through
We would plunge, I was not
I am funny and removable.
Oh, what kind of festing we have
We gathered at the wedding all together.

We shout sincerely: "bitterly", more than once
The bride and beauty bride.

Chorus: And on this holiday, family birth
We have a walk, we have fun.
We together congratulations to the young
So that in life everything was okay with them.
On the day of the wedding is bright,
On the day of the wedding tender
We wish you love boundless
We wish you warmth and kindness
Let the dreams will certainly come true.

You invited us all to the table.
So that we sit well,
To congratulate you on the holiday
And they would sang a resident song.
We will sing you with pleasure
From the bottom of my heart we dance at the wedding,
Let's drink the cup and pour it again,
Happiness to you, dear you are ours!

Chorus: And on this holiday, family birth,
We have a walk, we have fun.
We together congratulations to the young
So that in life everything was okay with them.
On the day of the wedding is bright,
On the day of the wedding tender
We wish you love boundless
We wish you warmth and kindness
Let the dreams will certainly come true.

Songs-shifts for a wedding for the motive "Sizaya Dove."

Grandma:What kind of people are this
Tell me, grandfather?
The mail gathered here,
Blue pigeon?
Grandfather:Yes, for a wedding, grandmother,
On a party, Lyubka,
On a drinking room, you are mine
Black darling.
GrandmaWhat is a wedding,
Explain to me, grandfather.
And who are these?
Tea, not counterintelligence?
Grandfather: Yes, you, grandmother,
Calm down, Lyubka,
It's young
Black darling.
Grandma: Well they are sitting here
Tell me, grandfather,
Kissing many times
Hugging tightly?
Grandfather: They have a holiday, grandmother,
After all, he knows about it ...
Each onlook.
Grandfather: Take a look, grandmother.
What beauties!
Grandma. Ah, what dresses!
Grandfather. And under them butt!
Grandma:Yes, you, Grandfather, leave me.
You, you are old fools,
Anyway to mine
Eh, rotten stump.
GrandfatherYes, don't worry
You relax, Lyubka,
Let's congratulate them
Black darling!
Together:We congratulate you
We wish you happiness
Joy, health
And live for a long time!

Songs-trunks for a wedding from friends: Words

Songs of remakes for a wedding from friends: Words
Songs-trunks for a wedding from friends: Words















Songs-trunks for a wedding from friends: Words

Comic song-transfers for the wedding of friends nand the motive of the song "For those in the sea"

We remember how it all began -
I tied Makarovka us,
And long friendship, as it turned out,
Only stronger now.

Our beloved girlfriend
We are happy to marry -
And with joy Yulka, handing Sasha
Today we want to say:

ChorusWe wish you
We are the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness
Good and faithful friends,

In their native Tuapse, everyone knows
That Sasha is a cool sailor,
And wait for him true from each flight
In essence, Yulia is a trifle.

Let the family become strong,
And the new house will appear -
Large and comfortable and will be laughter
The kids frolic in it.

Chorus: We wish you
We are the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness
Good and faithful friends.

Newlyweds for the motive of the song "Solovushka sang in the grove"

Solovushka sang in the grove,
There in the distance,
A song about happiness and about love,
Failed with the spells
Young two hearts -
And now on the fingers
Two rings shine!

Sparks in the look
Our young
On this day is special,
Important for two.
Let the spring rage
The nightingale sings,
And love conjures
Network weaves you!

Let it shine over you
Bright Star,
In the world andagreement
Let the years swim
So that always in life
You were lucky in everything
And on the roof of the house aist
Half a nest!

Louder Sing, Solovushka,
See them fidelity,
Let the song not fall silent
Happiness and love!
Take care, children,
Trill Nightingale,
Friendly and happy
Let the family be!

Alteration of a song for a wedding from the bride: Text

Alteration of a song for a wedding from the bride: Text
Alteration of a song for a wedding from the bride: Text

Alteration of a song for a wedding from the bride - Text:

Song-drive for the bride “My battle” for the motive of the song “The Last Fight”.

I have been so long ago, I have not known love for so long -
The fasting life filled completely my leisure
But recently I met a man,
Come, smaller the longing, my dear friend.

Chorus: A little more, a little more
The last step is the most difficult,
I want to get married for a long time
Well, where are you my careless?

Which year I have no life from these gossip,
That poison life stronger than fuss,
But only I am in the confrontation of many years
I did not forget for a moment of my dreams.

Chorus: Oh, how many nerves and torment were,
But finally, there were troubles behind,
The time has come to fulfill desires
And very soon our wedding is ahead.

Song-drive for the wedding "About love for her husband"

On the melody of the song "Song of Love."
For the groom at the intersection
I will never rush:
After all, after the wedding, we are so simple
To love each other, and just to live.

Let him try to deceive
Let him take a chance to be friends with what else! -
Count my "friends" will get tired! ..
But he will not be able to live without me.

Or maybe I didn't have to
Hurry up with a wedding ... I b - walk more?
Well, no: I fell in love with him
Happy, deep and hot.

Life gave a hand, heart
And the soul. Will be able to cherish them.
I really have to get away from my husband:
How can I live in the world without him?!

Songs-transfers from the groom at the wedding: Text

Songs-transfers from the groom at the wedding: Text
Songs-transfers from the groom at the wedding: Text

Songs-transfers from the groom at the wedding-Text:

Song-drive for a wedding from the groom-"Queen of Beauty"

Trees in gold are dressed,
The wind is driven by the leaves from the roofs.
In the stream of sunlight
You are standing in the veil at the registry office.
Shines gloss on the posters,
You look at them with enthusiasm
You saw at the poster
The queen of beauty.

And I am admired by you alone
And you yourself do not know
That you will overshadow any beauty
The queen of beauty.
And I am moving towards you
And I bring you flowers
As the only one in the world
The queen of beauty.

Chorus: It is connected with you
I forever
You are life and happiness
My love!

I saw a lot of beauties a lot
Both in magazines and in the cinema,
But not one of them became
My wife doesn’t care.
And even I myself did not notice
How you entered my dreams.
And I ended up in a white dress
And in a delicate cloud of veil.

Song-shift for a wedding from the groom-"Yellow leaves"

Do not live in this world,
Do not live in this world
Without loss, without loss.
I was idle in the summer,
I was idle in the summer,
And now, and now ...

Chorus: The leaves are yellow above the city circle,
With a quiet rustle, we are under our feet.
And I can’t hide from the wedding, do not hide ...
Mom is dear, why should I get married!

The sheet sticks to the window
Sheet sticks to the window
Gold, gold,
Why did you captivate me
Why did you captivate me
Beauty, beauty?

Alterations of songs at a sister's sister's wedding

Alterations of songs at a sister's sister's wedding

Alterations of songs at a sister's sister's wedding:

Songs, sister's wedding to the music of Ricky and believe "Kozasei"

Once you met your love unexpectedly,
And the sky answered you with the tenderness of the earth,
And love took you, native sun,
After hitherto people ...

But we wish you the happiness of the boundless
Family joy and life inevitable,
After all, love took you into another nest,
For the main thing in your life! ..

Chorus: We will walk here until the morning.
If you are happy in life, sister!
May yours have the whole world,
Yes, keeps you BO-O-OG!

Let yours burn and warm the hearth,
Let your family be so in the family!
May heaven always be shelter,
And keep love ....

And there will be time to fly - love will remain,
And children will help to cope with the troubles.
The daughter will grow up and fall in love with someone too,
He will go to live in another family ...

Song Song for a wedding sister from sisters to the motive "Spring goes, spring road"

1 verse: We are younger than you,
Just dream of our love,
But we dream to get married too
You open the door in happiness.

Your fiancé is all shining today,
Your beauty is amazed
He blushes and melts with happiness,
He is in love with our Nastya in love!

Let cynics repeat, as always,
That the wedding is all Kuter.
That tender love is nonsense
Yes, yes, nonsense!
But, but still ....

Chorus: The streams murmur,
Blind rays
And melting ice and heart melting,
And also each of us
The bride also dreams of becoming!

All guests are drunk here a little
They shout to you "Bitter!" Or "Well done!"
In our fate, we are all creators,
The family is coming! The family is the way!

2 verse: Everything around is magical and wonderful,
Only cynics around grumble.
They don't know about love about love,
And they are afraid of the words “marriage”.

We wish you to give birth to a tribe,
He will carry a bead by the tail.
And you also finish your studies,
To become someone important in life.

Let cynics repeat, as always,
That children and family are nonsense,
That marriage is, alas, forever,
Yes, yes, nonsense!
But, but still ....

Chorus: the same

Alteration of songs for a wedding to brother: Text

Alteration of songs for a wedding to brother: Text
Alteration of songs for a wedding to brother: Text

Alteration of songs for the wedding to brother - Text:

Song-drive for the wedding of Brother A. Pugacheva "This World"

Capabit 1: For the fact that in life there are once weddings a day,
For the happiness of the young, we will raise the glass,
And “bitterly” to shout one hundred times not laziness -
For the bright love that everyone was looking for!
Chorus: This day is so long -awaited,
Look to your beloved!
Your union is happy, welcome,
You are a family! Praise to heaven!

Trudely 2: Our brother chose the way and will not turn back,
The bride, we know, will be the best wife.
And on this important day, we wish you, brother:
Continue the glorious family more than once, dear!

Verse 3: You, (the name of the bride), always support your brother, be,
Your tenderness will return your tenderness,
Do not forget about the gentle words for your husband,
This will only be stronger than the family!

The converted song to the brother for the wedding for the motive “I am happy like no one” (Leps)

Camping 1: Who will believe, I myself do not believe
That my brother will marry today,
That at the end of the exciting week
For him to tears, I will be glad!
Divided in this life for two
The joy of days and hardships of trouble,
They divided their thoughts for two,
And now such a turn!

Chorus: You are happy like no one
You are happy for all 100,
Take care of the bride, brother,
I'm so happy about your wedding!
I will support you, I don't lie,
If you need to help!
Be happy together
Let's make the rest!

Trudely 2: I am fascinated by your love
I glorify this celebration
I am bewitched with the beauty of the bride,
Brother’s wedding is like magic.
Your fate is a marvelous plexus
Do not destroy everyday life.
You have found each other - here is luck
Keep your feelings forever!

Song-chant for a wedding girlfriend: Text

Song-chant for a wedding girlfriend: Text
Song-chant for a wedding girlfriend: Text

Song-drive for a wedding girlfriend-Text:

Original remake of a song from a girlfriend for a wedding for the motive of the song "Mom Lyuba"

So in everything we look like sisters,
Our childhood was a pestrea ribbon
And at the Institute of History, we can’t count cool
And at this wedding, I want to say:

Violetta, come on, come on, come on
Smile, love, create, dream,
And catch your tail by the tail!
Violetta, come on, come on, come on

Sweet business, let your continue to flour up,
And your husband will give you a cool car,
And you can often drive me from Samara,
I will wait for you, girlfriend!

Violetta, come on, come on, come on
Do not lag behind your sister for kids,
She already has three - come on, dare!
Violetta, come on, come on, come on

Song-congratulations for a wedding girlfriend for the motive of the song "Bride", Mumiy Troll

Ba-Batz, here is your wedding!
How beautiful the bride is
Ivan will heal happily with her,
If patient
He will learn to cook Masha.
Will walk with a stroller
With friends now to hang out ...

How lucky you are
Oh, with our bride!
The snowboard rolls,
And for the turn
You can rush away
With a song.

There are also three -
Ah and athlete and handsome,
A chic will build a house for you,
Glossy everywhere
With special equipment, he will bring

How lucky you are
Wonderful husband!
To become happier
It is necessary to set up
Glorious kids

How beautiful we are
The bride with the bride

Songs-trunks for a wedding from relatives: Text

Songs-trunks for a wedding from relatives: Text
Songs-trunks for a wedding from relatives: Text

Songs-shifts for a wedding from relatives-Text:

Advice and love for the motive of the song "Play musician"

Year after year, day after day
There will be happiness in the house
Where will you wake your family
Husband, you, she is a wife.
Who is tired and who is jealous
Who is barely alive from work
Learn to understand
Help and yield.

Chorus. May you live happily ever after! Relatives wish,
Everyone who is here at an elegant table.
May you live happily ever after! Let you, young,
Will never leave your home!

Look at everything here:
How young is young!
That the bride, that the bridegroom
Everyone admires them.
We will pour us on the bar,
"Bitterly!" Everyone will start screaming,
So that together their years
They were always sweet!

Chorus. May you live happily ever after! Relatives wish,
Everyone who is here at an elegant table.
May you live happily ever after! Let you, young,
Will never leave your home!

Congratulations for the wedding for the melody of the song "Clouds" from M-F. “Tryamam, hello!»

Here was a new family,
You will soon become mom and dad.
And all your friends witnesses,
Your union has become a new stage for you.
And for you we are all toasts.
We love you very much, respect.
Please take care of your union.
Because - when you are together, it is a plus.
You will rush into the sky -high distance,
Two souls, like stars in the sky shine.
Let me go a little sorry for you
For me, everything is exactly you are always children.
And for you we are all toasts.
We love you very much, respect.
Please take care of your union.
Because - that when you are together, this is a plus.

Song-drive Happy Wedding Day for the Melody "City Flowers"

At an hour when the ringing of rings sounded in silence,
One glorious family has become larger.
We wish you happy and sunny days
Pift more kids.
Do not skimp on affection and praise
A good word is pleasant to the heart.
On a difficult day a kiss,
We wish you immense love.
At this festive hour
We congratulate you!
And we wish the family a young family:
You have been living for a hundred years
Without sorrows and troubles,

Life joint will be a paradise!
Joy let it enter your family forever,
You become a support for each other.
Let love from separation and misfortunes save,
Live together without strife and disputes.
Let the eyes shine with adoration that hour
When you look at each other.
We shout: "Bitter!" A large number of times
Come on, your husband kiss your spouse as soon as possible.

Funny songs for wedding: Text

Funny songs for the wedding: Text
Funny songs for wedding: Text

Funny songs for wedding-Text:

Song-shift for a wedding from a friend of the bride and groom- "If there was no winter", mp winter in Prostokvashino

If you didn't get married,
Yes, I would live with my mother
I have never seen
The long -awaited weddings,
I wouldn't stand now
In the wedding dress
And the bride was not b
You are now, of course.
And the bride was not b
You are now, of course.

If you hadn't married,
At our girlfriend -
Your dreams have not come true,
Make life a little more beautiful!
He would cook borsch on his own
I would fry cutlets
And I would not have to dance
We are at this wedding!
And I would not have to dance
We are at this wedding!

I wish you love
Infinitely sweet,
Let the lights burn in the hearts,
I will be frying!
Let every moment bring
Tender hugs,
And let there be peace in the family
And continuous happiness!
And let there be peace in the family
And continuous happiness!

Let it always come true
Everything that was dreamed of ...
And kids five children
If only in joy ...

Song-shift for a wedding for a motive "hooked" Arthur Pirozhkova

Good evening, we are at the wedding
Here are all guests with a parade.
Everyone will be fine today!
Our fiancé did not let us
(The name of the bride) I soon led to the registry office
And then they go to the dance floor.

Well, how great it is to love each other so much
And not embarrassed to talk about it to everyone.
And no one dreamed of kissing
And speak at a meeting: I love you!

And everything was spinning around as in a repita,
Do not hold the bride and groom.
Leading in a voice: guests, what are you sitting?

The sister came to marry
And with (the name of the groom) she
I found happiness instantly
(The name of the bride), you are now a wife!

Above the hand, louder sounds
We have no boredom today
We will have fun, dance.
We wish you love
Happiness, peace, kindness
And of course, get the kids!

Song-shift for a wedding-"Bouquet of white roses"
1 verse: We celebrate your wedding
From the bottom of my heart, congratulations to you
Everything for you, rejoice now.
We need so little in life
Just be close together
You are always, you are now a family.

Chorus: Bride and groom!
Love sparkles like a salute!
And you are now a family
Two halves for centuries.
We will wish you
Smiles, peace and good
Good luck, happiness and great love!

2 verse: We are happy for you today,
And the glasses are filled with guests
They will drink everything for you!
And for you everythingcongratulations
Happiness, joy, luck
Everything from us is “bitter” to you now!

Chorus: Bride and groom!
Love sparkles like a salute!
And you are now a family
Two halves for centuries.
We will wish you
Smiles, peace and goodness,
Good luck, happiness and great love!

Song-drive for a wedding for the motive of the song "For your brown eyes"

On the day, solemn, joyful, song, sound loud!
Let the bridegroom be confessed to love!
Let your glorious family not worry about sadness!
Today we are solemnly raising a glass!

Chorus: Your eyes are clear,
The prospects are beautiful,
For the wedding I will be deleted!
For their love, their strongest
For the family the kindest
And for happiness huge
Raise the glass!

Wedding day is a special day, he brought us together.
We want this day to be remembered, this hall.
Here are friends and parents, here are your relatives.
We, the family is new to you, wish you love!

Chorus: Love and affectionate love,
Love of fabulous, joyful,
Love is true and sincere,
Reckless, frantic!
Love strong, desperate,
Hot and endless!
We are to the bride and indestinate
We wish you love!

Song-luna for a wedding for the melody “In secret to the whole world” from the movie “In secret to the whole world”.

I won’t restrain it:
I, I get married soon!
The same, the Zhenikh bought a ring
And a lot of makeup on the face.
He, he, he walks only with me!
I, I do not believe me!
But, but, but he will tell it himself
First to the ancestors, after - to you!
Ho-ho-ho, zhu-zh,
Ho-ho-ho, zhu-oh-oh ...
I can't keep my secret -
I’m getting married soon!
In the way, see the surroundings:
Me, I, I'm better than all brides!
With him, with him, with him for a thousand years
We take a ticket to the country of love!
I can't hold it:
Sko-Coro I get married!
Ku-ku-ku-bucus the groom
And asks: "Go out on the porch!"

Funny songs for wedding: Text

Funny songs of alterations for wedding: Text
Funny songs for wedding: Text










Funny songs for a wedding-Text:

    Mother -in -law Anthem on the motive of the children's song "What is snow, what is heat to me"

I went out with my mother -in -law
I went out with my mother -in -law
More fun, road.
I am a little without mother-in-law
I am a little without mother-in-law
There are a lot of mother -in -law!

Chorus: What is the snow, what is the heat to me,
That I have a shed rain,
When my mother -in -law is with me
That I snow, what is the heat,
That I have a shed rain,
When my mother -in -law is with me!

Easy to heart from a mother -in -law cheerful
She never gives me bored
And they love the mother -in -law of the village and villages
And they love the mother -in -law of big cities.

We are a mother -in -law to build and live,
She, like a friend and calls and leads,
And the one who walks with the mother -in -law in life,
He will never disappear anywhere.

Songs-chants for a wedding to the newlyweds for the motive of the song "Summer", Gr Chile

Bright wedding this evening
We will remember forever
Fun the happiness is young
We will certainly wish
They luck and luck
And especially great love

Hop, La Li la Lai-la
Hop, La Li La
Hop, La Li la Lai-la

Mom and dad tried
And the beauty was created
And the bride is better not to find
Admire the beauty
With charm, kindness
Promise your wife to become good.

Song-luna for a weddingon the motive of the old pirate song

30 people gathered at the table!
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!
What kind of health of the newlyweds are we drinking?
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!

Happy groom, because beloved with him!
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!
All that is needed today for happiness two:
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!

It can be more beautiful than the bride:
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!
The newlyweds dream only about one thing.
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!

We wish you happiness in full!
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!
So that from love were drunk as if from wine!
Yo-hoo-ho, and a bottle of Roma!

Song-drive for a wedding for the motive of the song "Ivanushki" "Topropolitan Pooh"

Girls: We are at your wedding,
Boys: We are at your wedding,
Girls: we drink and dance together,
Boys: we drink and dance together,
Girls: Until the morning today
Boys: until the morning today
Girls: We will definitely not fall asleep!
Boys: We will definitely not fall asleep!

Girls: you were guys,
Boys: There were you guys,
Girls: once, once,
Boys: once, once,
Girls: Everyone around is envious
Boys: Everyone around Envy

Together: You are now together!

Chorus: Do not forget the old friends
And call us more often
We will nurse your kids,
We will amuse you, of course!

Be the most friendly family
So that in life there is everything on "five"!
And at your wedding golden
We will also walk together!

Song-shift for a wedding-VerkaSerduchka

Capabit 1: If the groom did not come to the wedding -
Maybe he forgot to buy flowers in the morning.
So, he just went behind the bouquet.
Is it worth spreading it for this?

Chorus 1: And it will be fine, everything will be fine
He went behind a bouquet for the bride, honestly.
Okay, everything will be fine
Therefore, I did not reach the place.
I got to the place.

Trudely 2: If they tell you, the bride is already old,
We will say right - the young man is quite,
Maybe the glasses lost their own in the morning.
She was twenty -five years old only in the spring.

Chorus 2: And it will be fine, everything will be fine
About twenty -five years old in the spring of a beauty.
Okay, everything will be fine -
She does not drink either beer or vodka.
Until Saturday for sure.

Pesevka: Life is such a kaleidoscope, just click on the "stop"
The guy fell in love with the girl, invited Zalloobu to the registry office.
Here is the bride, here is the groom, we put a verse about them.
Many, many children, a lot of happiness without undertaking!

Chorus 3: Okay, everything will be fine
They created the family - it means:
Okay, everything will be fine
And henceforth, let them no longer mow!

Song-drive to the motive "Somewhere in the world ..."

Somewhere in the world
Where love reigns
You met once
And the blood began to play
Gets are floating by
Sleeping under the ice of the sea
You are ten years together
Friendly family!

The family lives with love
The family lives with love

Both are always trying
Get up early in the morning
To half
Serve coffee in bed.
To one morning
Throwing away their affairs
Someone told someone-
The main words

The family lives with love
The family lives with love

Following the Spring Livne
The dawn will come before
And for two happy
Ten glorious years
Lngery will sparkle
There will be streams to ring
I would like to fall in love again
Together songs to sing

The earth spins faster
The earth spins faster

Somewhere in the world
Where love reigns
You met once
And the blood began to play
Gets are floating by
Sleeping under the ice of the sea
You are ten years together
Friendly family!

Redding songs about the wedding - Union indestructible girls and guy

Original: Anthem of the Russian Federation

Union indestructible girls and guy
A large seal rallied forever.
Long live your decision shock
Life in marriage is legitimate today.

Glory to your free decision!
You are a wonderful stronghold for Russia:
Lovelot - folk power, -
You are already leading you to the childbearing!

Through years, the bright sun shone for you,
The bride and groom found the ideal!
You put on each other today you are rings
And you can’t find you among the blankets!

In the victory of immortal conditioned reflexes
We see the greatness of the coming Russia:
Preter the people of workers, known,
And, each of you, taste your happiness!

"As a bachelor age, a short -lived" is a song of a conscientious groom ands/f "Star of captivating happiness"

Like a bachelor age, it is notable
And therefore he is so sweet.
Mendelssohn march, bed bedrooms,
Glasses of wine chime.
Wooden cross Il Chugunny
Appointed to me in the coming darkness.
I promised Virgo young
Love eternal on earth.
I promised Virgo young
Love eternal on earth.

Champagne flows with a river,
And the gaze will fog slightly.
Wife-bride under the hand,
And this, like, for centuries.
And no matter how sweet the subwine world is -
Lies anxiety on the chela -
I promised Virgo young
Love eternal on earth.
I promised Virgo young
Love eternal on earth.

Video: Song -transfer for a wedding -“I wish” E. Vaengi: a gift from guests

Video: Congratulations of the newlyweds, remaking the song "Fortune telling"

Video: Aloskov - I love you, remake "I love you" a song for a wedding from the bride!

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