Forses from lingonberries - how to cook: the best recipes. How to make a fruit drink from fresh and frozen, urinated lingonberries, from lingonberries and cranberries, for the winter?

Forses from lingonberries - how to cook: the best recipes. How to make a fruit drink from fresh and frozen, urinated lingonberries, from lingonberries and cranberries, for the winter?

The article will tell you about how easily you can, as well as quickly prepare a delicious and healthy fruit drink from lingonberry berries.

Forses from lingonberries: beneficial properties with colds, cystitis, for the body as a whole

Lingonberry fruit drinks is a healthy vitamin drink that a person of trace elements can give a person to improve well -being and health. In addition, the drink is not high-calorie (of course, the one that is prepared without sugar) and 100 grams of fruit drink has approximately 35-40 kcal.

Each chemical element contained in the fruit drink, one way or another It benefits the body:

  • Marganese -improves lipid metabolism in the body, helps hematopoietic organs (spleen) work better.
  • Glucose, fructose - It is necessary for the normal life of the body and maintaining the norm of the hormonal background.
  • With vitamin - Strengthens human immunity, improves its resistance to many pathogenic bacteria.
  • Tannins - improve the operation of the circulatory system and positively affect the digestive tract.
  • Organic acids -improve metabolism in the body
  • Zinc -he fights for youth and health of the body, improves its resistance to free radicals.
  • Sodium -supports the body's water-salt balance.
  • Phosphorus -supports the bone tissue of the body, strengthens it.
  • Chrome -it is necessary for soft fabrics.
  • Bor -it is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Interesting: the technology of making fruit drinks in ancient times was very simple. Barrels were filled with berries, then they were poured exclusively by spring water and crushed by a strong oppression. Such fruit drinks could be stored in the cellar until the next harvest.

How is lingonberry fruit drinks useful:

  • It removes excess fluid from the body, as it has a powerful diuretic effect. This is very useful in the presence of cystitis
  • It helps to reduce increased pressure (for this reason it should be carefully taken for hypotonic).
  • Regular use helps to improve appetite and digestive function.
  • Morse normalizes the intestines, eliminates discords and diarrhea.
  • Helps the liver easily remove bile
  • Through breast milk, lingonberry fruit drinks can fight intestinal colic in newborns.
  • Acts on the body as a powerful anti -inflammatory agent.
  • During the cold, it helps to lower the temperature
  • He acts as a rehabilitation agent after overheating or in the case of severe hypothermia.
  • Reduces sugar in blood
  • Restores the body after poisoning, even alcohol.
  • Acts as a preventive agent against the fungus
  • Improves blood hemoglobin levels
  • Normalizes the nervous system
  • Helps to cope with arthritis, removing inflammation
  • Improves well -being during gum inflammation
What is the useful and unique of Brusnice fruits

How to make a fruit fringe of fresh lingonberries: a recipe in a slow cooker

You can cook lingonberry fruit drinks in several ways. In any case, you will receive a useful drink that can be rolled or stored in the refrigerator for a long time. For cooking, you can use only lingonberries or assorted from several berries.

Preparation in a slow cooker (3 liters bowl):

  • Prepare 1 kg of berries Brusniks (pre -wash the lingonberries with running water and dry a little).
  • Berries should be wiped through a culinary sieve. Drain the juice into a separate bowl, and fill the cake 2 liters of water in a multicier bowl and turn on the mode "Soup" or "extinguishing" for 1.5 hours.
  • After this time, strain the liquid from the peaks (now it can be thrown away).
  • Add the required amount of sugar to hot water (here everyone should focus on their taste). Instead of sugar, you can add honeybut it should be added to a barely warm liquid (in hot water, honey loses its beneficial substances).
  • Mix boiled compote with fresh lingonberry juice and use for its intended purpose: for drinking or canning.
Recipe for simple and tasty lingonberry fruit drinks in a slow cooker

How to cook frozen lingonberries: recipe

If you live in places not rich in fresh lingonberries, but want to cook healthy and tasty fruit drinks, you can also use frozen lingonberries. A properly frozen berry does not lose its useful qualities and is quite suitable for many recipes: fruit drinks, jam, compotes, jams.

How to cook:

  • You will need it 1 kg of frozen berries. They should be thawed, leaving for a while at room temperature.
  • Soft berries are passed through a sieve or they are squeezed through gauze. Freshly squeezed juice merges a separate container.
  • Pulp and cake from frozen berries should pour a liter of purified water And put on fire, add sugar (only a few tablespoons), the cinnamon stick will not interfere.
  • Cook the fruit drink over low heat for an hour, one and a half.
  • After that, cool it, squeeze it through gauze.
  • Mix the boiled fruit drink with freshly squeezed lingonberry juice, fruit drinks.

IMPORTANT:If the fruit drink seems very concentrated or thick to you, it can be diluted with water in the preferred ratio.

Frozen berries lingonberries

How to cook frozen lingonberries: recipe

Broken lingonberry - Berries soaked in sugar syrup and citric acid. Such lingonberries can be stored for about a year (even a little longer). From such lingonberries, you can prepare delicious compotes, jams, sauces, desserts and even fruit drinks.

How to cook:

  • It will come in handy approximately 0.5 kg of lingonberries without syrup.
  • It is not necessary to rinse them, just pour a liter of water and put on a slow fire.
  • Cook the lingonberry for about an hour, after the time passes, add half the lemon to the mass.
  • Squeeze the resulting liquid through gauze, throw the cake.
  • Too concentrated or sweet drink can be diluted with clean water and drink.
Broken lingonberry

How to cook fruit and cranberry fruit drinks: recipe

Cranberry is a very useful berry, it can perfectly complement the lingonberries with its qualities and, together with it, be the main ingredient of the fruit drink. Such a drink will turn out to be sour, so do not forget to add a sufficient amount of sugar.

How to cook:

  • You will need it 0.5 kg washed lingonberries and 0.5 kg washed cranberries.
  • Pull the berries through a sieve, carefully drain the juice and cite to sprinkle into a separate dish.
  • Cake is covered with sugar ( 1 glass quite enough) and poured with water - 2 liters.
  • Put the mass on the fire and cook 1,5 hour On a moderate fire. You can add a pair of lemon slices and a cinnamon stick to the saucepan.
  • After cooking, the drink must be cooled, and then strain through gauze, now the cake is ready to throw out.
  • The resulting broth is mixed with freshly squeezed juice, ready for use.
Cranberry and lingonberry

How to cook fruit fringe for the winter: recipe

Morse can be prepared for the winter, rolling into sterile banks and preserving. Such a drink will have a lot of useful qualities and will come in handy in the cool season for the treatment of colds and acute respiratory infections.

How to cook:

  • Berries should be wiped into juice and squeeze, you will need 1.5 kg. (You can also use a juicer instead of a sieve).
  • The juice is cleaned in the refrigerator, and the squeeze is covered with sugar (the amount of sugar depends on your preferences, but optimal - 1 kg).
  • A handful of mint leaves (you can limit yourself and several leaves), put it on the stingy, squeeze it there juice of one large lemon.
  • The squeeze is poured with two full liters of water and the mass is placed on the fire where should boil 1.5 hours, squeeze through a sieve and bring to a boil again.
  • Pour fresh lingonberry juice into the hot mass and mix.
  • Roll the drink into sterile jars
Brusnice fruit fruits for the winter

Forses from lingonberries: recipe without cooking

Brusnic fruitless fruit drink more resembles lingonberry juice mixed with lingonberry water. Nevertheless, this is a very useful drink that does not lose its beneficial and nutritional properties during temperature treatment.

How to cook:

  • Brusnik should be washed and dried - Exactly 1 kg. Get the berries through a sieve, take the juice into the refrigerator.
  • The remaining berry mashed potatoes pour a liter of water at room temperatureAdd several tbsp. liquid natural honey and dissolve it thoroughly, pour the juice of the half of the lemon.
  • Insisting lingonberry water should be an hourAfter that, strain through gauze.
  • Mix clean water with lingonberry juiceAdd sugar if desired.

Video: "Brusnice Morse"

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