8 the most delicious recipes for jam: in classic variation, with lemon, cinnamon, orange, pumpkin, nuts, apples, in the form of jam. How to cook delicious iva jam: tips

8 the most delicious recipes for jam: in classic variation, with lemon, cinnamon, orange, pumpkin, nuts, apples, in the form of jam. How to cook delicious iva jam: tips

In this article, we will consider the best recipes for quince jam, creating various compositions.

Aiva is a fruit whose beneficial properties are difficult to overestimate. If you take care of your own figure, then you should eat quince, because it has only 40 kcal per 100 g of product. But this fruit is also useful for stomach disorders and heart problems.

It has a lot of iron, and this is an excellent prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Such a useful product can be preserved in the form of jam, creating a vitamin spin. And we are ready to share some delicious and simple recipes right now.

Aiva jam: classic recipe

Such a fruit as aive grows in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Moldova and in Central Asia. But his hospitable Azerbaijan is considered his homeland. You can buy it from us without problems in the market or in the supermarket. Classic fruit jam is very simple.

  • Write down the following ingredients:
    • 1 kg of ripe quince;
    • 1 kg of sugar;
    • 1 cup of water;
    • 0.5 tsp. citric acid, or adjust its amount to your own taste.
  • Ripe quince fruits must be washed in running water. Then peel, cut in half and remove the seeds. The prepared product is cut with slices, the thickness of which should be approximately 1.5 cm.
  • Prepare a pure container for cooking jam and transfer the cut fruits into a saucepan. Just keep in mind that aluminum or copper containers are undesirable to use. Indeed, in the process of cooking, harmful substances are distinguished, which spoil not only the taste, but also the benefits of the winter workpiece.
  • Pour all this with a glass of clean water, add citric acid and blanch for 10 minutes. Please note that literally on the tip of the knife should be slightly left with lemon acid. Next, you will need a colander or a noise. Take a quince out of the pan and let it dry. It is more convenient to do this in a colander. But keep in mind that the water cannot be drained!
  • While the fruits dry, weld the syrup. To do this, add a glass of sugar to the saucepan and boil over low heat. You return your fruits to the finished syrup and boil them for about 7 minutes. Then remove from the stove and, covering with a towel, give a rest for 10 hours.
  • After this time, you return the jam to the stove. Safe two stages according to the same scheme. Watch the jam after boiling for 5-7 minutes, then remove from the stove and do not touch 10 hours.
  • The last welding is with the addition of ingredients, in our case, with the remaining citric acid. Return the product on the stove for 12 minutes. Send the finished jam hot to clean jars, sterilized in advance, and roll them with lids. It remains only to turn them over and wrap something warm until completely cooled. Keep the dessert in a cool place, and you can eat the whole family.
Aiva jam is well absorbed by the body, improving the digestive tract
Aiva jam is well absorbed by the body, improving the digestive tract

Vitamin lemon flour: recipe

Add a little sourness to the classic recipe. Aiva goes well with lemon. Such jam will be tasty and not too sweet. And he will also receive a double supply of vitamin C.

  • You will need the following components:
    • ripe Aiva - 1 kg;
    • sugar - the same;
    • boiled water - 3 glasses;
    • small lemon - 1 pc.;
    • vanilla sugar or vanillin extract is to taste.
  • Prepare fruits first. Wash the quince under running water, save from the peel and seeds. Cut the product with slices, the approximate thickness of which should be 2 cm.
  • Together with the preparation of the quince itself, weld the syrup. To do this, just add sugar to the water, mix and put on a slow fire. When the syrup starts drilling, remove from the heat and carefully put the prepared fruits into it. Together, boil on low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Jam is prepared in several approaches. Be prepared that it will take a lot of time. After the quince boiled in the syrup, remove it from the stove and cover it with an ordinary or paper towel. The future jam needs to be left for a rest for 4-5 hours. Repeat the process three times, while constantly and carefully stirring the jam.
  • The last approach is prepared with the addition of sourness. Immediately after the start of the boil, add an uncleaned lemon, having previously just chopped it to small slices, and vanillin.
  • Give the mass to boil, stirring carefully, boil until the jam itself is ready. To do this, drop a little on a saucer. After cooling, pay attention to the density of jam. If it does not spread, then it is time to shoot.
  • The product packaging is carried out only in clean and sterilized banks. The final stage, of course, is sucked with lids. Before cooling, the jam is held in an inverted state under the plaid. And you need to store it in a dark and cool place. By the way, you can eat immediately as soon as the product has cooled down.
Lemon improves color and removes tart
Lemon improves color and removes tart

Cinnamon flour jam: recipe

Cinnamon has been known to us since ancient times. Its aroma cannot be confused with nothing. Previously, cinnamon was received as a gift to pharaohs, kings and other monarchs. Memories of her can be found in the works of the ancient writer Herodotus. Nowadays, cinnamon is an affordable product for every citizen. Mistresses know that it goes well with many products, including quince.

  • Aristocratic jam will need:
    • 1 kg of ripe quince;
    • 700 g of small sugar;
    • 2 cups of purified water;
    • 0.5 tsp. cinnamon;
    • 40 ml of lemon juice or lime.
  • To prepare jam, take the ripe fruits of the quince, but this time you do not need to clean. Wash the fruits well under the tap, you can slightly rub the dark dots with a brush. Cut the fruits and take out the core with the bones. Cut slices with a thickness of 2 cm.
  • To prevent the darkening of the fruit, we recommend slightly sprinkled with its lemon. In a pre -prepared clean container, carefully shift the cut fruits and fill with two glasses of water.
  • Send all this to the stove. Cook the product over low heat, stirring constantly. After boiling, boil another 15 minutes.
  • After the jam stands enough time, pour sugar, add cinnamon and lemon juice. Bring all products to a homogeneous consistency, boiling on the stove for another 25 minutes.
  • Send the finished product to pre -sterilized clean jars. And immediately roll tightly with lids. You need to store in a dry, cool place. Do not forget to withstand 2 days under the blanket in a dark place and in an inverted state.
Cinnamon will bring his unforgettable note
Cinnamon will bring his unforgettable note

Aiva and orange jam: recipe

We mix a quince with an orange and get a real overseas treat. The jam will turn out to be unusually tasty and will have a rich uniform color. The orange is rich in vitamin D, which in the summer we get while in the sun. Well, in winter we can eat with such jam.

  • Arm with the following components:
    • 1 kg of ripe quince;
    • 1 kg of sugar;
    • 2.5 cups of water;
    • 1 Large orange.
  • According to this recipe, you will need to use the fetus and peel of both fruits. But first you need to clean the quince. You just don’t throw its peel, but put it in a bowl, fill it with water and send it to the stove. Cook for 30 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, the fruits are cut with slices, the thickness of which is approximately 2 cm. The finished decoction of the peel should be strain and placed in the same syrup of fruit slices and sugar. Together, put it on the stove again and boil for 10 minutes.
  • The syrup should be filtered through gauze, having previously removed a quince from it with a slotted spoon. After this procedure, lower the fruit slices into the syrup and leave at rest for 12 hours.
  • The second stage will be with the addition of products. Syrup with fruits must be boiled, constantly stirring, especially before boiling. Then add a pre -chopped orange with the peel, and boil all about 4 minutes.
  • Focus on the color of the quince if the fruit becomes a bright amber color, then it's time to turn off the jam. Place the finished product in sterilized containers, immediately clog with lids and give it to cool in an inverted state under the shelter. Keep in a cool place, but do not forget to treat friends!
Ovum jam with orange will have a beautiful amber color
Ovum jam with orange will have a beautiful amber color

Aiva jam with pumpkin - a useful and unusual combination

Pumpkin is used by housewives often, in any form and in various combinations. One of the first products in the children's diet is pumpkin. And all because it is perfectly absorbed by the body and favorably affects the entire digestive system. The combination of quince and pumpkin is an ideal treat for the whole family.

  • Prepare the following components:
    • 1 kg of ripe quince;
    • 0.5 kg of ripe pumpkin;
    • 1.5 kg of small sugar;
    • 30 ml of lemon juice.
  • You clean raw foods from the peel and remove seeds and core. Cut with slices, preferably as thin as possible. Then you put everything in a pre -prepared dishes, spray the lemon juice and mix gently.
  • It is not necessary to boil yet, just fall asleep with sugar and let stand for 12 hours. It is better to cover the container with a clean kitchen towel.
  • During this time, foods should let the juice. Put the container on medium heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce the power of the fireplace and already over low heat, gently washing, cook for 30 minutes.
  • Carry out the sterilization of the cans in advance. Place the finished product with a hot and tightly twist. Jam can be eaten right away, the code will cool. And for winter storage, the jar should be turned over and wrapped until completely cooled. Store in a cool place.
Aiva and pumpkin is a double charge of vitamins
Aiva and pumpkin is a double charge of vitamins

Aiva jam with nuts "lick your fingers"

Wherever we add nuts, they cannot ruin the dish. The dessert of quince and nuts will turn out to be hearty and tasty. Nuts are very high -calorie, but also simultaneously reduce blood cholesterol. By the way, they also decrease the tart of jam well. Just eat it in moderation to get benefits for the body!

  • You will need:
    • 2 kg of ripe quince;
    • 1 kg of small sugar;
    • 1 l of pure water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. purified and crushed walnut grains.
  • To get started, you will wash a quince. Then you clean the fruit, get rid of the middle with all its seeds, but so far you are not thrown away. Cut slices, the thickness of which is approximately 1.5-2 cm.
  • Put the products in a pre -prepared clean pan or bowl. But not from aluminum material. Send it to the stove and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour a syrup of 1 kg of sugar and half a liter of water in parallel.
  • With a boiled quince, you need to drain all the water and replace it with already boiled syrup. 3 hours give it to brew without heat treatment.
  • Then return again to the stove, cook in two approaches 5 minutes. Between approaches, a break should be at least 6 hours.
  • Now it's time to clean or seeds from quince. By the way, they had to be wrapped in a paper bag for this time, which breathing and placed in the refrigerator. Pour them with half a liter of water and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Drain the seed decoction through a colander at the last stage of cooking the fruits of quince into a bowl of jam. This is what will give him an exquisite aroma. Pour chopped nuts and boil all together for 5 minutes.
  • Send a hot product to sterile containers and roll up. Do not forget to withstand the fetus in an inverted state until completely cooling. In winter, such jam will add strength and energy in the family circle!
Nuts can be used as a whole
Nuts can be used as a whole

Aiva and apples jam: recipe

In whatever form you use apples, they are an invariably healthy and tasty product. This fruit is rich in antioxidants that can reduce the risk of cancer. And jam from apples and quince is also a source of good mood.

  • You need:
    • 1 kg of ripe quince;
    • 0.5 kg of sweet apples;
    • 1 kg of sugar.
  • Wash the fruits well before cooking. Peel them from the peel and middle with all its insides. Cut slices, preferably not rough, but with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm.
  • Prepared apples and quince sent to a clean saucepan. Fall everything with sugar and carefully mix. Give me a night without heat treatment.
  • Fruits should let juice. Therefore, water and other additives do not need. Safe three approaches, after boiling 5 minutes. The break between approaches should be at least 5-6 hours.
  • Wash and sterilize the banks in advance. Send a jam in them still very hot. Twist tightly with lids and give cool in an inverted state. And you can try it immediately after cooling.
Apples and quince will create an excellent duet
Apples and quince will create an excellent duet

Aiva jam in a crushed state or quince jam

This dense puree product can be an excellent treat for children who may not like pieces of fruit in jam. To the lovers bake homemade sweets, buns or gingerbread cookies such a jam is perfect as a filling. Moreover, it is easier to prepare.

  • Write down the following products on your list:
    • 1 kg of ripe quince;
    • 500 g of small sugar;
    • 0.5 tsp. citric acid;
    • pure water - in fact.
  • Wash the ripe quince under running water. You clean fruits from the peel, seeds and other scraps. You can cut into your liking slices or cubes, or even triangles.
  • Put the products in a clean container prepared in advance and fill it with water. Water should cover the fruits completely. Moreover, its level should be a height of a finger from the fruit.
  • Put on the stove and cook for 50 minutes over low heat, regularly and constantly stirring. After the first cooking, you need to drain the liquid. But do not forget to leave 1.5 cups. You can use the rest at your discretion in compote or just pour it out.
  • Send a quince to a blender or combine, fill it with the remaining decoction, and grind everything well.
  • Pour the homogeneous substance with sugar and add citric acid. Send all together to the stove and cook for 30 minutes. Do not forget that the fire should be weak, and the jam should be stirred often. Otherwise, it can grasp the bottom and burn.
  • Hot, immediately from the stove, send jam to the banks. Previously, they should be washed and sterilized. By the way, this recipe allows, if desired, the addition of cinnamon. Roll and leave to cool.
This jam is perfect for homemade baking
This jam is perfect for homemade baking

How to cook tasty sparse from quince: Tips

Each housewife owns certain “magic kitchen secrets” that passed through years of experience, as well as trial and error methods. It is always useful to listen to the advice of experienced housewives, and we are ready to share with you to some of them.

  • You need to cook jam from quince for three days. The fact is that Aiva has its own characteristics. If the cooking process is short -lived, then it will be stiff. And if you digest jams at once, then the syrup will deteriorate. In this case, the jam will turn out to be dense, but can quickly sniff.
  • It is recommended to cook in stages for three days. The first welding is needed to obtain a homogeneous mass so that the foods are similar to jam. A break per day or at least 6 hours. The next two approach should have 15 minutes. Between the second and third cooks again a break of 6-12 hours. Then Aiva in the jam will turn out perfect, soft and will not digest.
  • You need to choose a quince with uniform yellow color, without any spots. By the way, it is better to take more ripe fruits for jam, because they are more fragrant.
  • Now let's talk about the color. Aiva turns out to be red, and to make the color more tender, it is better to cook it with lemon or its juice.
  • The proportions of this jam with sugar should be strictly 1: 1. But do not forget that to reduce tart, it does not hurt to add lemon or citric acid again. And also it loves cinnamon, vanillin, nuts and other oriental spices.

Try to cook such tasty and healthy jam. Treat your relatives and loved ones with dessert winter evenings, and do not forget to share your secrets of cooking.

Video: The best recipe for awa jam

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